Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2442: Apprenticeship (Part 2)

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The man at the window is Xiao Naihe.

As long as Qiye Patriarch came in, Xiao Naihe felt it.

He didn't want to feel it was impossible. People didn't cover up his breath at all, a breath released by a strong late passive man.

If Xiao Nai still can't feel it, his practice for so many years can be considered in vain.

"Are you Xiao Nai?"

Qiye Patriarch no longer ignored the Sky and Black Dragon, but yelled at Xiao Naihe.

"Yes, I am."

"Well, you can't be better, come with me."

Between the words, Qiye Patriarch waved his hand, and a fine mantle enveloped Xiao Naihe.

After this fine flash, Xiao Naihe's figure disappeared, leaving only a trace of residual temperature in place.

"Xiao Naihe is finished."

Those who saw this scene outside already understood in their hearts that Xiao Nai should be finished.

But they did not leave, but looked at a stone tablet outside the mission hall.

That stone tablet is a record of the number of points for each person, and it was specially left by Suzaku College to inspire each student's competitive thinking and attitude.

"In the sky, will the ancestor tear that kid off?"

Heilong felt sorrowful when he thought of the naked eyes of Xiao Naihe who saw Xiao Naihe.

"Where do I know, but I feel that Qiye Patriarch seems to have other meanings we can't think of."

He shook his head in the sky and said with uncertainty.

At this time, Xiao Naihe was caught by Qiye Patriarch in a small secret room below the mission hall.

Qiye Patriarch knew this place long ago, but not everyone can come in.

Heilong and Qiye had long guessed where the ancestor would take Xiao Nai, but did not dare to bother.

"Then the" Vajra is not bad fairy array "is the one you took out?"


Xiao Nai nodded, his expression indifferent.

He knew that if this seven-night ancestor wanted to do anything bad to himself, Xiao Naihe couldn't resist at all, so he simply calmed down.

"Really? Then quickly come up with the remaining tricks!"

Qiye Pao said quickly.

Xiao Naihe knew that this seven-night ancestor must have discovered the mystery of this recipe.

But Xiao Nai did not worry, but smiled slightly: "I said this old senior, although you are very powerful, but the air mouth will want all my formulas, are you a bit worried?"

Although Xiao Naihe knew that if this seven-night ancestor really wanted his own things, it was estimated that it would not be easy for Xiao Naihe to keep it.

Fortunately, this seven-night ancestor was a shame-stricken person, but when he heard Xiao Naihe's words, he couldn't help but show a hint of awkward smile on his face,

"This ... I'm just anxious."

"Since the seniors know the preciousness of this formation, they should know that I have contributed this formation and have their own purpose."

"Aren't you going to use it to redeem points? Isn't it alright?"

"Seniors think too much, but I can't even get any points now. Since I think it may not work, I still ended the deal."

When I heard Xiao Naihe ’s words, Qiye Patriarch suddenly became anxious and hurriedly shouted: "The two guys, Tatian and Heilong, are simply nonsense. To teach them, you must not break this deal. "

Although Qiye Patriarch very much wanted to get this formation, but he did not want to think about how Xiao Xiao's formation was.

Although his reputation didn't mean anything to Qiye Patriarch, he believed that his deputy dean of the real school was impossible to rob him.

"I originally thought this task could not be completed." Xiao Nai He smiled lightly.

"Who says it can't be done, I will let Tatian add them to you later. Three hundred thousand is not enough, then three million directly. If you are not satisfied, you can add it."

"Is this too much?" The smile on Xiao Naihe's face was even more lush.

"Not much, in the eyes of the ancestors, this point is simply not enough for your formation. As long as you can tell the secret of the formation, there will be more points."

Xiao Naihe looked at Qiye Patriarch. Although he did not know the identity of the old man, he could see that the old man could believe it.

The strength of this old man is definitely not simple, but he never thought of other thoughts about himself, and Xiao Naihe can naturally see it.

"Alright, I want to believe you."

Subsequently, Xiao Nai He passed all the formulas of King Kong's not bad fairy array to Qiye Patriarch.

Qiye Patriarch looked dignified, almost as if he was afraid of missing a word.

Hearing the formulas that Xiao Nai He passed on to himself, all of a sudden, Qiye Patriarch suddenly opened his eyes, and a burst of light appeared in his eyes.

"It is indeed one of the three defensive formations created by Yi Sheng, and one of the three most powerful defensive formations that year."

Seven nights ancestors have been soaked in the formation for so many years, and naturally they can be heard separately.

At this time, Qiye Patriarch seemed to be enjoying the beauty nest, with a very happy look on his face.

How sloppy that expression is.

"Mysterious, mysterious."

Seven Nights Patriarch sighed softly, but soon there was a change in his expression, frowning and said, "But this King Kong is not bad, with five lines as the main character, why is there one more variable among the five major directions of the branch? ? "

Speaking of which, Qiye Pao couldn't help but get a little curious.

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly: "Vajra is not bad, the five characters are the main body, and the body is like iron and immovable like a mountain in the southeast and northwest. With the vitality of heaven and earth as the mainstay, keeping your heart close, you can naturally display success.

This "Vajra is not bad fairy array" for Xiao Naihe, he is very proficient. Xiao Naihe just casually solved the doubts of Qiye Patriarch.

"How to solve the qi and blood?"

"This is simple, with being a river, qi and blood as a river, rivers mixed in, body qi and blood mixed together, and naturally made."

"There is such a beauty."

Next, Qiye Patriarch asked all the places he wouldn't know, and Xiao Naihe also solved all doubts inside.

Qiye Patriarch looked at Xiao Naihe, and his expression became extremely shocked. Finally, he heard Qiye Patriarch shouting, "No, no, I want to pray, I want to pray."

Having said that, the old man really knelt down directly and kowtowed towards Xiao Nai.

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