Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2443: Against the sky points (on)

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"No, no, I want to apprentice, I want to apprentice."

After speaking, the old man really knelt down towards Xiao Nai.

He said that he knelt down, which made Xiao Naihe's face look very beautiful.

He did not expect Qiye Patriarch to be so simple.

Xiao Naihe's instructions are all about the essence of the "Vajra is not bad fairy array". Although Qiye Patriarch read the fairy formula once, but such a complicated and difficult formula is difficult for even Qiye Patriarch. .

Instead, under the guidance of Xiao Naihe, he suddenly realized.

Not only that, in understanding the battlefield, the unique style of this young man's insights even admired Qiye Patriarch himself.

Even if it was just a whim, Qiye Patriarch really admired Xiao Naihe very much.

Qiye Patriarch was very strange. Once he had such an idea, he said that he would kneel without any trace of ink.

"I said this old gentleman, do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Although Xiao Naihe is accustomed to too many winds and rains, but this kind of old man knelt down in front of himself and asked for a teacher, Xiao Naihe encountered it for the first time,

The strength of this old man is definitely not under his peak.

But with such a existence, it is necessary to worship oneself as a teacher, of course not to learn Taoism, but because of problems in the battlefield.

"Of course, you have a unique style of formation and insight. Even my ancestors haven't learned anything in my life. It is obvious to you when you get older, and you know more about this fairy array than me, of course, you have to worship you , You have to learn this fairy array. "

Qiye Patriarch was not a stupid person. On the contrary, he was very smart.

Although he got Vajra's recipe for not damaging the fairy array from Xiao Naihe, but with his talent, it is natural to see that this fairy array is not just casually able to penetrate.

Many of them are mysterious. Qiye Patriarch couldn't see through it, even if he was given more time, it would be difficult to see through.

In this case, Qiye Patriarch was very itchy and unbearable, and it was just the idea of ​​apprenticeship.

The reason why Qiye Patriarch worshipped the teacher was because of the "Vajra is not bad fairy array", and second because Xiao Naihe's views on the battlefield were very unique, which made Qiye Patriarch very admired.

Of course, Qiye Patriarch did not feel that his formation skills were inferior to that of Xiao Naihe, but only felt that Xiao Naihe ’s ideas and other things about the formation were worth learning by himself.

"Don't toss about it, I have nothing for you to learn. You are already figures of the **** level, and looking at the longevity world, it is estimated that there are few comparables."

Xiao Nai couldn't help crying or laughing.

"You can see my attainments?"

This seven-night ancestor was really surprised.

Positional accomplishment and cultivation are completely different things. Many cultivation practitioners can see their cultivation behavior. As long as the strength of the opponent reaches a certain strength, through various clues and visions, the vision is good enough, seeing through cultivation is no problem.

But the skill of formation is different. This is like a person who is alchemy or a refiner. If you don't really show your hand, you can hardly see the other person's attainments.

And Xiao Nai actually broke his attainments in a single bite, how could this not let Qiye Patriarch feel an incredible kind.

Xiao Naihe looked as usual. He called to break the opponent's attainments. Actually, it was nothing. Under his heavenly star map, there was nothing in the world that could hide him.

Even heaven and earth can't hide him, and ask what else he can't see through.

"Master, you should only be half-step passive?"

Seven Nights Patriarch looked up and down Xiao Naihe, not to mention his attainments, Xiao Naihe seemed to be only a half-step passive level.

When this kind of cultivation is strength, the array of Taoist masters generally corresponds to Zhenzun. If they are talented, they should be at the level of Zhenxian.

But there are too few people at this level.

Not to mention Zhenshen, Qiye Patriarch didn't think of Xiao Nai as a Shenshen level figure.

The reason why he said he wants to apprentice is because of the two reasons above.

"Yes, I really have reached a half-step passive."

"Sure enough, I think your spirit machine has reached a satisfactory level, and you can step into the passive state directly in one step. The unity of the origins is really rare at your age. "

At this point, Seven Nights Patriarch did not lie, because he had seen so many geniuses, and really few of them were able to step into a passive position at such a young age.

"The old gentleman is already in the late period of passiveness. I can't figure out how good I am. I need the old gentleman to apprentice."

For Xiao Nai to break through his cultivation behavior, Qiye Patriarch had no surprises.

Since the opponent can even see his attainments in his formation, let alone the problem of cultivation.

Qiye Patriarch waved his hand and said, "The master's understanding on 'Vajra is not bad fairy array' is farther away than me, and some insights on the array are worth learning from me, I naturally have to go to the teacher. Master ’s cheap, learn your stuff for nothing. "

Xiao Nai shook his head helplessly. This seven-night ancestor was not only strong, but also very strange-minded.

"Don't call me my little master, don't make me think I am like a little monk."

"Then my name is ..."

"My name is Xiao Naihe."

"Old man, I will call you Master Xiao Xiao!"

"Stop." Xiao Naihe shook his head and could only say: "I handed over the formula of King Kong's immortal array, just because I want to trade, and you and I don't owe anything. Besides, I have nothing Teach you. Everyone's views on the battlefield are different. If you can learn, I don't care. But don't tell me about the problem of apprenticeship. "

Xiao Naihe is very helpless. If it is someone else, it is estimated that it is not the old man who apprentices to the teacher, but someone else has to apprentice to the old man.

"This one……"

Qiye Patriarch froze for a moment, and finally sighed lightly.

However, he also knows that this Xiao Nai is definitely not as good as his own attainments in the formation of the line, and that he has to be a teacher only because of the problems of the fairy array and some opinions of the other party.

He didn't think of any more powerful formation to learn from Xiao Naihe, because he really didn't really believe in such ability.

Since Xiao Nai said so, Qiye Patriarch could only do so.

"Then I will call you Xiao Xiaoyou. Xiao Xiaoyou is also a student of our Daoyuan Academy? Don't you know that Xiao Xiaoyou has passed the test of the Daoist Master?"

The seven-night ancestors were also curious about Xiao Naihe's attainments.

There are very few things that can make this ancestor interested. If Heilong and Tiantian are here and see the attitude of Qiye Patriarch, it would be shocking to say.

Their Qiye ancestors were actually interested in things other than the formation.

"Not tested."

"Not tested? How is this possible? Anyone from the Confucius Institute will go through a Array Test after the start of school."

"I really haven't tested it. The time I joined the array school was only more than two months. I only tested the array rock once."

This seven-night ancestor couldn't help but stunned. The test of Line Rock was too much. Although the Rock of Line was testing the potential of a Line Master, the test of the Line Master was the attainment of the Line Master.

Hearing here, Qiye Patriarch did not ask again.

In fact, the ancestor did not pay much attention to the things in the front court, because he knew that he was not born to be a teacher.

However, there are some very good seedlings in the Daoyuan, he still pays a little attention, for example, the girl of the Jiugong family, and Lin Feng and the like.

But Xiao Naihe's name hadn't really been heard of.

"But ... this diamond is not bad for the fairy array ..."

"I have given you Xianjin's formula. This is considered a transaction. Isn't the old gentleman satisfied yet?"

"How could it be? This fairy array is one of the three defensive arrays created by Yi Sheng at that time. One of the three most powerful defensive arrays that was claimed to be the most powerful at that time was even able to resist the attacks of the passive peak power."

For the ancient ranks, Qiye Patriarch is very clear.

This ‘Vajra is not bad fairy array’ he had long wanted to learn, but he knew that if he wanted to find such a formation, he simply needed a chance to oppose the sky.

Let him get it today, can he not be excited?

It's just that he still has a little bit in his heart.

"Would you like me to explain the subtle places inside step by step?"

"This ... this is a saint-level formation, I am just a god, and I don't know how much time it takes to get involved, but I want to get through quickly. Isn't it necessary to worship Xiaoyou as a teacher?

"Even if I explain it to you, you may not understand it. If you want to learn a certain formation, it is better not to let people explain it step by step, but to learn and understand by yourself. This is the learning formation. The fastest way to do it. "

"I know too, but I'm too acute."

Qiye Pao sighed softly.

"Now that you got the recipe for this formation, I think you should be able to get the points you deserve?"

"Of course, for those who have made great contributions to the college, we at Suzaku College can't miss his benefits."

Although Qiye Patriarch also wanted to ask how Xiao Naihe got such an anti-sky formation, he estimated that Xiao Naihe should have gotten the chance by chance. How could people come out after so many years.

But for this kind of confidential matter, Qiye Patriarch also knew to ask, and Xiao Naihe certainly would not answer.

Outside, there are already a bunch of people who want to wait for the end of things. Many people think that Xiao Naihe was pulled in to teach.

However, unlike the psychology of these students who want to watch a good show, Tatian and Heilong have a certain degree of confidence in their hearts and guess something.

"Appeared, Xiao Nai appeared."

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