Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2444: Anti-Sky Points (medium)

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I don't know who called it, everyone's eyes looked straight ahead.

Sure enough, Xiao Naihe at this time did not know to come out from that place, and beside him, there was an old man who looked very bad.

I have to say that although Qiye Patriarch was the patriarch of their Daoyuan, they were so sloppy and sloppy in appearance. They looked alive like the old men in the world.

Moreover, Qiye Patriarch has no breath of cultivators, and these people simply do not see the strength of Qiye Patriarch. Many people still have some doubts about how an ordinary old man will appear in this mission hall.

But their eyes are not here, but on Xiao Naihe.

Many people think things are not too big, and want to see Xiao Naihe's jokes.

"It's finally out."

He breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw Xiao Naihe's natural expression, and the distressed look of Qiye Patriarch, he suddenly had a ridiculous thought in his heart.

He seemed to have guessed something, a thought that made him unbelievable.

Not only him, but even the Black Dragon seemed to think of something. He and Tatian both thought of going together.

"The two of you will be fine here. Things are done. Whatever you should do, follow the rules."

Qiye Patriarch saw the Black Dragon and the Sky, and said naturally.

When the students outside heard what Qiye Patriarch said, although they didn't know who Qiye Patriarch was, it was estimated that this old man might not be simple, otherwise he would dare to talk to Heilong and Datian.

"Follow the rules? Is it that Xiao Nai has violated the rules of the college?"

"It must be, you see, everyone has to do business."

"Hey, this kid is finished now."

These people laughed secretly one by one, all kinds of mocking, disdainful tone secretly sounded.

However, Tatian and Black Dragon don't think so.

They knew the Qiye ancestor too. When the ancestor said something like that, it would have another meaning.


Tatian and Leilong knew the true meaning of Qiye Patriarch.

It is precisely because of knowing the true meaning of Qiye Patriarch that Tatian and Heilong will feel a whirlwind. At this time, the shock in their hearts is hard to describe with words.

That big formation ... was actually true. Among their Suzaku academy, it seems that they haven't got such a big formation.

Not to mention their Suzaku Academy, even in the entire human alliance, it seems that such a formation can be counted with one hand.

And Suzaku Academy actually got the real "Vajra not bad fairy array".

For the Black Dragon who has a certain understanding of the position, he is too aware of the impact of this formation on the Suzaku Academy, and even the entire Human League.

This kind of anti-sky formation is not to mention the Suzaku Academy. If it is obtained by several other colleges, it will definitely attract the attention of the Alliance Headquarters. The status will definitely be greatly improved, and more and more resources will be obtained. stand by.

That is why Tatian and Heilong are so shocked.

At the same time, they somewhat admire Xiao Naihe. It is estimated that this little guy may not know that once the formation is handed over to other colleges in other ways, there may be greater resources to support it.

However, people dare to directly hand them over to the Suzaku Academy, which also has to make Tatian and Heilong admire Xiao Naihe.

"How many points will it take to satisfy him."

"This ... there seems to be no standard. The point system in our mission hall does not seem to target this level of mission."

Heilong and Datian secretly secretly said.

Although the task of "Providing the Ancient Lost Formation Method" received by Xiao Naihe was indeed very, very difficult to complete.

But at the beginning, the academy aimed at this task, at most it was the kind of formation method at the level of the gods.

The formation provided by Xiao Naihe, if it is true, far exceeds the value of the mission.

It was one of the three most powerful defensive formations that was claimed to be the most powerful.

At this level of reward, how many points should be given, the two people, Black Dragon and Skywalker, simply don't know, or even know how to make the decision.

But after all, they are the executors of the mission hall, and even if it is difficult, they must continue.

"Do you want to give him 300,000 points?" He asked tentatively.

"Just kidding, 300,000 points? Did you send the beggar? The real" Vajra is not bad fairy array "given by others. If you get this point, how many people will be cold if they are known by interested people. Mission Hall is a disaster. "

The Black Dragon immediately opposed.

If it used to be 300,000 points in the past, it can be said to be a huge number.

But now compared with the value of Xiao Naihe after completing the task, 300,000 points are indeed no different from sending beggars.

"This ... then I think about it again."

At this time, I feel a little embarrassed.

Just when Heilong and Zaotian didn't know how many points to give, Xiao Nai was also bored.

Suddenly, I only heard a quick cry from the lobby: "Seven night old man, you really are here."

Xiao Naihe looked down at the sound. At this time, he saw another old man emerge from the void, and seemed to be a barrier ignoring space.

"This is ... Ancestor Akihito!"

Others don't know the origin of this old man, but Heilong and Tatian will never know.

When they saw this old man appearing big, they could not help feeling some scalp tingling.

"Old Man Mingren, how did you find me?"

"Hey, I'm not without eyeliner. I used to go to your cave house to find you and couldn't find it. But Xian'er said she saw you come to the mission hall, and I rushed over."

"You come to me for a fart."

Qiye Patriarch had no good qualities towards Mingren Patriarch.

"Hey, of course, there is something to come to you. There is something that needs your help. Only you in the entire Suzaku Academy can help."

"I have something to do. I just got a terrific thing. I have no time. I want to ask this little friend."

Qiye Patriarch waved his hand.

"Don't, I really have something. No matter, today, no matter what, you have to help me."

After talking about it, the ancestor of Qiye ancestors could not be tolerated, and the ancestor of Mingren suddenly flew out a small square box in his arms, torn the void, and put Qiye ancestor into it.

"Space sky disk! You old man."

Seven nights old ancestor suddenly screamed: "Little friends, come with me."

After talking, Qiye Patriarch grabbed Xiao Naihe's hand and disappeared in front of the plate in an instant. The three seemed to turn into an aurora and disappeared instantly.

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