Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2519: Mysterious man

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After Xiao Naihe finished speaking, the power spread all around the crystal coffin also dispersed at this moment, converging into the crystal coffin

The pressure that originally floated in the air disappeared without a trace at this time.

Even if it was picking stars, after the disappearance of this coercion, the whole person seemed to be struggling under a heavy mountain and could not speak with ease.

"What the **** is this, this terrifying coercion is three points stronger than the will of the blood monument."

Shocked in the star picking eyes.

She did not expect that there is such a terrible and mysterious existence in their peacock holy place.

The suppression of the law in the Peacock Holy Land will suppress the cultivation of all cultivators to the passive state.

Even those of the blood race are no exception.

But picking stars can feel that the existence of the crystal coffin is so powerful that even the laws of the Peacock Holy Land cannot be suppressed.

No wonder Xiao Naihe said to himself before, the things in the crystal coffin are not easy to mess with.

But now Xiao Nai stopped the crystal coffin, not knowing what to do?

Suddenly picking stars suddenly regretted that he was too curious and asked about things that should not be asked.

"I stopped you. There was a deal to find you. If it was before, I probably won't find you. But now I have this capital too."

The underlying meaning of Xiao Naihe is actually very simple. Before that, Xiao Naihe did not step into the passive peak. He was unwilling to deal with the existence in the crystal coffin.

Because of the existence in the crystal coffin, Xiao Naihe knew that he was not the opponent at all.

It is different now. Xiao Nai stepped into the passive peak, and has become one of the characters in the longevity world, standing at the peak level of the plane.

He does have the capital to deal with each other.

"But you just lie in the crystal coffin, it seems a little unkind, although I have heard that if you want to come out, unless you encounter something very important to yourself, or someone who values ​​you, you will only get out come out."

Xiao Naihe continued.

He glanced at the crystal coffin, and found that the crystal coffin was still floating in the void, and the crows underneath were not disorganized, as if a picture was frozen in the air.

"Don't come out yet? If I said this deal about another avatar of you, don't know what you think?"


At this time, the sky was suddenly filled with endless lightning, just like Thunder Dragon Python, constantly swimming in the clouds.

Throughout the barren forests of the Seventh Realm, there were even howling noises, and countless beasts, monsters, etc. were frightened by this coercion.

The sound is like an ancient torrent, constantly washing the entire seventh realm.

"Is this the Seventh Realm?"

Picking the stars couldn't help but fought a chill, and at this time she realized that the horror of the seventh realm.

In this, there are so many terrible monster beasts of warcraft, these calls converge, and even a passive cultivator can be shocked.

If it were not for picking the stars, there was the blessing of the Holy Spirit, otherwise, under such a huge beast power, it would have been shaken out.

"Want to scare me? If it was before, maybe I would really get out and run, but it's not before now."

Under this huge coercion, Xiao Nai not only did not have any worries, but also smiled.

Star picking stood beside him, as if feeling Xiao Naihe's body was like a huge high mountain, stopped in front of her, and bounced back all the negative effects.

It seems that between heaven and earth, nothing can scare Xiao Naihe, and nothing can hurt Xiao Naihe.

Standing beside him, everything seemed so safe.

That's because Xiao Naihe's internal source of the road automatically blessed Xiao Naihe.

His current source of "Ji Dao" is far more powerful than the previous Promise, and the power of the blessed source is beyond description.

Even under such a huge beast power in the seventh realm, like the ancient torrent, he ignored it.

"If you are really scary, let's call this cancellation today. Although I know you are very powerful, even in the entire longevity world, it is estimated that there are not many opponents in your life. In the era, you are definitely one of the tops, but unfortunately you cannot scare me. "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly. He waved his hand, and a ray of light floated in the middle of his eyebrows. Like a fire, he slowly floated to his side, forming a shield that protected him and the star picker.

He said slowly: "The choice is yours. If you don't want to, I will go now. If I want to go, even if I leave this place, you will definitely have nothing to do with me."

After talking, Xiao Nai's eyes moved, and there was a burst of tearing sound in his front hair. It turned out that a space crack was torn in the void, connecting to the outside of the Seventh Realm.

The pressure around the crystal coffin also became thinner at this moment, and the terror in the entire seventh realm, like the tide, also faded away.

But a trace of coercion remaining in the air can feel the horror just now.

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly: "That's right, if you want to trade with me, then come out from the inside, so it can be regarded as a respect before the transaction."

If anyone knows the existence in this crystal coffin and knows the origin of the existence inside, it will surely be frightened to death by these words of Xiao Naihe.

There was no one in it, and no one even dared to ask him to respect himself.


At this moment, there was a burst of sound on the crystal coffin. The lid of the coffin was faintly pryed up, and there was a sound of clicking and colliding up and down.

Star picking saw that when the crystal coffin opened a gap, a thick cold white gas permeated through the gap, as if it were frost cold.

Suddenly, all over the void.

Xiao Naihe stood on the spot, when the crystal coffin slowly opened, the cold air enveloped the space of thousands of miles, and the entire seventh realm seemed to be stuck in silence at this moment.

The thick blood was also dispelled by a chill.


Picking the star's face was a bit pale, somehow, she was afraid when she saw the crystal coffin open.

It was an instinctive fear. She did not know what the existence was, but she knew that existence was absolutely remarkable. Once entering their peacock sacred place, she was afraid of being able to turn the sky.


The crystal coffin was fully opened, and then the crow floating underneath slowly backed away, waiting respectfully.

This crystal coffin seemed to be lifted in the air by an invisible force.

"Has it come out? That's right. If you don't come out, I thought you were losing your temper."

Xiao Nai smiled.

Star picking found that a man came out of the crystal coffin, a man with a pale face and no blood.

The man was wearing a gold crown and a yellow dress, with a purple gold belt around his waist.

The man is very young, as if he was only 17 or 18 years old, too young.

Moreover, his appearance is even more beautiful, like a woman.

No, not even a woman may have his charm.

When Xiao Naihe saw this man, he suddenly thought of the long sky that he had seen before.

It was a man and a woman, and obviously became a man, but she has the beauty of a role that no woman has.

When the star picker saw this man, the fear in her heart was even stronger. She was very scared and hid behind Xiao Naihe.

As the virgin of Peacock Holy Land, she told herself not to be afraid.

But the instinctive reaction prevented her from making the usual calm behavior.

"How do you know me?"

The man finally spoke, and his voice seemed to come from a very old age. The flow of the voice was like light and shadow in the same time.

After picking the stars, I felt like I was in the river of time.

But at the next moment, she recovered sharply and quickly guarded her heart, daring not to listen to each other again.

"Of course I have my own way. It's not interesting to inquire about it. I not only know you, but also know what you don't know, and also know what you really want to know. Do you want to listen?"

"What is it?"

"I said, your other avatar."

The man was silent and did not speak.

His existence is absolutely terrifying in the longevity world.

But the man knows that Xiao Naihe is really not simple, that feeling is like facing another self.

Before that, Xiao Naihe and the girl beside him entered the seventh world and met themselves sleeping in the crystal coffin. The man knew it.

However, Xiao Nai at that time was very small in his eyes, so small that he didn't want to pay attention.

But how long did he come, Xiao Nai actually made himself feel tricky.

Either it was Xiao Naihe who had hidden his cultivation behavior before, or this Xiao Naihe had got something terrible.

"What conditions do you want?"

The man finally spoke.

"I want something."


"Fantasy time and space."


The man shook his head and immediately rejected Xiao Naihe's condition.

Picking the stars didn't dare to listen to their conversations carefully, but when I heard 'Dream Time and Space', there was still some confusion. What is this dream time and space?

"You can put forward other conditions, and I will give it to you, it will be given to you."

"I know you must still have a lot of good things, but you also know that with my strength, unless it is fantasy space-time, other things are useless. The choice is in your hands, think about it yourself."

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