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Xiao Naiho said that instead of urging the other party, he stood in the void and looked at the other party quietly.

The man gave Xiao Nai a deep look, as if he was thinking about something.

"You don't have to think about controlling me, what means to deal with me, from your memory to set out what you want to know. You are strong, but now you are not complete, if you really do it, you It does not necessarily account for the benefits. "

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and stepped on his feet gently while speaking.

In an instant, the entire void seemed to be flooded with divine power. The steel torrent of horror divine power that erupted from Xiao Naihe's body seemed to be incomparably tenacious. Everything is broken.

At this time, the whole person couldn't help shaking.

Even if she was protected by Xiao Naihe, she could still feel that Xiao Naihe's horror divine power was even more terrifying than the beast power of all the monster beasts howling in the entire seventh realm just now.

No one can believe that such a small body like Xiao Naihe can explode with such terrible power.

"I ’m not afraid to tell you the truth, the strength of me you saw before today is completely different from that of my current strength. I have just made a breakthrough soon, but even if it is a breakthrough soon, it is enough to deal with your current state. Now. "

Under the horrible steel torrent, Xiao Naihe seemed to occupy an absolutely active position.

"Okay, but how do I believe you, is it true or false?"

Seeing that the other party had finally softened, Xiao Na couldn't help but smile, and said: "It's true or false, you will know after hearing it. Want to trade with me, regardless of true or false."

The other party hesitated and nodded: "Yes, I can give you Dream Spacetime, but I can only give you half, and the rest is generally useful for myself."

"Of course, I can't take all of you."

Xiao Naihe knew very well that it was impossible for the other party to take Xiao Naihe all away. This thing was too precious, and it was much more expensive than the treasures that Xiao Naihe got in the ancient ruins.

Even if it is only a little, the benefits that can be brought about are difficult to estimate.

Xiao Naihe didn't think that the other party was willing to trade with half.

"Yes, hold it."

After that, a blue light suddenly appeared in the man's crystal coffin. This blue light penetrated the entire sky as if it were going to penetrate the world, ignoring all the power of laws.

Then, in this blue light, two strange characters emerged, and the characters intersect with each other, and suddenly they are forcibly separated by men.

Soon the two characters separated into one, and one of them floated in front of Xiao Naihe.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Naihe grabbed the character and instantly integrated it into his brow.

Picking the stars to see what Xiao Nai did not happen, I could not help wondering what this is.

But she didn't ask, just watched quietly.

"The things have been given to you, can you speak now?"

The man didn't seem to be afraid of Xiao Naihe's lying, and gave things to Xiao Naihe in advance.

Xiao Nai said with a smile: "It's actually very simple, you should know the other two of you, one of them is in the place, and the other one you don't know, right."

The man didn't speak and nodded slightly.

"Now you and the other one are looking for, who can get the third you, who is the deity. The third you, sealed by Wang Yi, you should also know this matter."


"Then I can tell you that this third you is sealed in that place."

After talking, Xiao Nai pointed to the top and stretched out five fingers.

At first glance, the man's face moved as if he had thought of something.

"is that true?"

"I won't lie to you, but he has been sealed for a long time, and after too many times, his power should have consumed a lot. Now you should have a lot of confidence in your shot."

"But I can't unlock the seal. Can you unlock it?"


"You took half of the dream space and time, you need to pay the same price to help me unlock the seal."

"Yes, but you'd better prepare yourself. Although the one in the seal is far less than the peak period, it is not so simple to deal with. I will not shoot without complete preparation. Even if the seal is released, I won't do it. "

The man nodded. "When I find it, I'll come to inform you."

"Do you know how to find me?"

"There is no one in this world who I cannot find."

Between the words, the man's figure flashed like a golden light incarnate into the crystal coffin.

"Click click."

Subsequently, the crystal coffin was re-covered.

The crow underneath again carried the crystal coffin and flew towards the distance.

After a while, it disappeared into the sky.

Xiao Naihe exhaled gently.

It ’s really not easy to talk to this man. If it ’s not that he has the capital to fight against him, otherwise the other party would have already started.

This man must also feel that he is not so easy to deal with, otherwise the other party will not be able to take out the dream space and time in general.

But the other party paid a great price, and what Xiao Nai will do in the future is naturally not simple.

"Boy, the man just now, shouldn't ... may he be that person ..."

At this time, Gu Shengzi, who had never spoken, finally sounded in Xiao Naihe's knowledge of the sea.

"I thought you wanted to pretend not to see it, but it's no wonder, seeing him, no wonder you think so."

"Is it really that person?"

"Are you trying to say that the man just now was the master of the ancient Ming clan who sealed you?"

"Is it really Gu Mingzi?"

Gu Shengzi's voice shook slightly. Gu Mingzi's name was too familiar to him. That person was the most powerful and talented guy in the history of the Gu Ming clan.

At that time, the ancient world clan was exterminated, and he was sealed, and he all existed.

"I'm sorry, this person should not be the old man who sealed you. To be precise, he should be another man."

"What do you mean?"

"Mingzi has three avatars. The three of them have existed since a long time ago. Sealing your ancient mingzi, and the one just now, are different avatars."

"So you said that the one sealed by Wang Yi is the third avatar?"


Gu Shengzi froze for a moment, he did not expect that the person who sealed himself back then had such a background.

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