Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2641: Wanshou Ruohengsha

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The golden light of the spirit Buddha was wrapped directly by this vortex of soul, like a huge black hole, engulfing thousands of lights.

The moment any power is manifested, it is earned into it by this soul vortex.

Kung fu in fingertips, like time breaking, the entire space suddenly stagnate, even time stops.

"what is this?"

Wang Fuzi and Lingfozi retreated sharply, and they were playing fiercely. Suddenly they felt a strong spiritual force fluctuation, and the entire time and space seemed to be directly stopped at this moment.

Afterwards, I only saw a blue fruit in the void space.

"Cause and effect of time, dream time and space."

Between the words, the Dao Guo floated up, the whole space was twisted suddenly, countless golden lights flowed up, and recovered from the soul vortex.

"It's time and space magic, Wang Fuzi, come back."

At this moment, the Undead Sovereign suddenly burst into shouts.

While speaking, the five fingers of the Undead Lord opened up toward the void, and a strong energy burst from his fingers. Like Thunder, he formed a strong attraction and ruined Wang Fuzi. Received it.

"Time and space supernatural powers? Even the holy lord may not actually be able to quote time and space, reverse time and space, is there still such a way of law in the world?"

Wang Fuzi's face was dignified, as if he was facing an enemy.

The Undead Sovereign breathed deeply and said in a very deep tone: "Of course there is, in the longevity world, you can reverse time and space. The only person who can do this kind of thing, there is only one person, that is to get Longevity cultivator. "

Speaking of this time, the eyes of the undead Lord looked towards him not far away, and a figure appeared slowly in the valley.

The pupil of Lingfo Zi shrank, and almost immediately, he thought about it.

Although some masters can use time's ability to refine time-type magic weapons, at most they can only make time slow down. If you want to stagnate time and space, it is almost impossible to do, not to mention twisting time and space, turning time .

This kind of existence can only be achieved by those in the longevity world who have the vitality of longevity.

"I didn't expect the donor to be the heir to Changsheng Qi, did the Changsheng Tiannv finally appear?"

Spirit Buddha was a little surprised.

He had guessed many possibilities before, and he also guessed that Xiao Nai might be a figure of the ranks of Shengzhen and Half-step Lord, which combined can contend with some of the Lords.

But Wan Wan did not expect that Xiao Nai actually got the spirit of longevity.

The only person who can get the real energy of longevity is the one who is favored by the longevity goddess and committed to him.

"Since the ancient clan was destroyed, the longevity goddess disappeared. Before we entered the world of debris, we have not heard of the appearance of the longevity goddess."

Confucius frowned.

Any cultivator in the longevity world, they all have a common purpose, that is, to be favored by longevity goddess.

Who can get the favor of the longevity goddess, who can get the real energy of longevity, really get longevity.

With longevity, there is the ability to jump out of the framework of the Changshengjie Avenue.

They have been searching for so long, but they haven't found the eternal daughter.

But nowadays, Xiao Naihe's body actually shows longevity, which inevitably makes them feel incredible.

Especially Wang Fuzi and Immortal Lord, looking at Xiao Naihe, did not hide their greedy greed.

Spirit Buddha's eyes, but a careful look.

It was pity for the moon, with a complex look in his eyes and a mixture of emotions.

It was like a person who was still on his own, suddenly said that this person's ability is far superior to himself, and he immediately overcame himself. Even Yue Ping felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Fortunately, Dao Xin's Dao Xin is strong enough and doesn't have much thought.

In this case, the more powerful Xiao Naihe's strength is, the greater their chance of survival.

"Fantasy time and space, reverse."

Xiao Naihe's figure appeared in the air, he said slowly, a crystal seed flew out of his eyebrows, and the light suddenly burst into bloom.

These rays form a stream of light, like a river in nine days, connected from the two ends of heaven and earth.

The light shook like time chaos, the space collapsed, and suddenly the world lost all colors, as if there was no trace of breath.

Time is chaotic, space collapses, and vacuum breaks.

This is the power of fantasy time and space.

Confucius Wang withdrew and retreated, and with the undead Lord, he flew to the distance, and the space of tens of thousands of miles shrank to a piece.

"Horror spirit."

The undead sacred saint bursts out, and his whole body leaps with a powerful force, like a streamer breaking apart.

I saw a knife in the hands of the Undead Sage revitalized and slashed into the void space, breaking the force of time and space directly.


A long beep is like a twisting collision between two space-times, producing different light waves in space-time.

Under the distortion of this time-space collision between Wang Fuzi and the Immortal Lord, the entire human body seems to have degenerated to thousands of years ago.

"No, as long as you are in the world of longevity, you can't escape the suppression of the real energy of longevity."

Immortal Lord's face changed suddenly, forcibly cutting off his own Taoism, otherwise it would be directly sealed by this force of time and space.

"Unfortunately, I only got a part of the eternal life Qi from Mingzi. If there is enough eternal life Qi, even if these two people cannot be killed, it is enough to directly blow any of them away from the body."

Xiao Nai He Wu said without regret.

For a time, the undead sage and Wang Fuzi, who were the dominant ones, were directly suppressed.

At this moment, the whole situation is truly distorted.

"I heard that you not only absorbed the true qi of the origin, but also got the compass of heaven?"

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

"Why? You want it too?"

Immortal Lord Squint narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that I actually looked away. You not only have the spirit of longevity, but you still think of the Lord."

"What? Lord?"

Yue Lian took a deep breath, but couldn't help but looked at Xiao Nai He, his eyes were horrified.

Not only her, but even the spiritual Buddha was slightly taken aback.

He failed to see how Xiao Nai was a holy deity, and thought Xiao Nai **** was only a half-step holy deity of the rank of holy.

In the eyes of the Immortal Lord, if he said that a person is a Lord, then that person must be a Lord.

"How is it? Isn't it?"

"Since you are also a saint, that's okay, we don't need your physical body, but the woman beside you is definitely not a saint, her physical body, I want it."

If these words are put in the ordinary time, most people will definitely think about it after hearing it, but the Undead Lord does not have so many strange thoughts. He really wants to seize this physical body. After detonating his true body, he will take pity The flesh of the heart escapes from here.

Although there is a difference in soul between men and women, there are some differences in fitness on the body.

But with a master like the Undead Lord, even if he is a man and takes away the flesh of a woman, it is not a strange thing.

In the practice world, men take away the flesh of women, or women take away the flesh of men, and even human cultivators, avoiding the appearance of some monsters and monsters.

"Have you finished? After that, I have to take all the origins from you, and I will ask for the compass that day." Xiao Nai said lightly.

The Undead Sovereign frowned, and said coldly: "Daoist, did you not see the situation clearly? Even if you are the Sovereign, even if you and the Spiritual Buddha son join hands, it is not our opponent. Me alone in this fragmented world In the study of the origin of Qi for thousands of years, I still researched something. I want to take you down, although it will pay some price, but it is not impossible. "

"Mr. Yue, please step back first. In this battle, you are not suitable to be involved."

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Yue Lian sighed softly, her eyes glowed with light, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Then she retreated towards the distance.

"It seems that the negotiation was a failure. If so, then I blame my heart for being cruel! I became the Seven Thousand Years of the Lord, the tenth in the longevity list, and there are at most nine people in the longevity world that can make me look right It ’s a pity that the two of you are not. Today I ’ll let you know, I ’m not dead.

"The world is extinct, undead and unbroken, desperate, terrible killer!"

On the undead sage, suddenly there was a **** breath, just like the same road of smoke through the whole world, it is necessary to penetrate this space.

The countless blood in the direction of Xiao Naihe attacked in the past, as if the entire space was destroyed.

"This is the door-to-door learning of the Immortal Lord, the Four Gods of Refining and Killing Technique, be careful."

Spirit Buddha said quickly.

"Is the magical power of the undead? Then take me a trick to learn the ancient Buddhism. Longevity is like Hengsha, and flowers on the other side of the sea."

Between the words, a beautiful flower appeared above Xiao Naihe's head.

The moment this flower bloomed, the whole world seemed to be filled with a rich brilliance.

It is as if the entire fragmented world has become a paradise.

"This is ... the road of the ancient Buddha!"

The spirit Buddha shocked him fiercely.

‘Longevity Ruohengsha’, this is the legendary magical power of the ancient Buddhism recorded by their high Tibetan Buddhism.

Although they practiced Buddhism in their Buddhist temples, they still have a big difference from the ancient Buddhist road.

"For so many years, the poor monk thought that the ancient Buddha Avenue had disappeared, but did not expect it to be still there."

This time, the spiritual Buddha really couldn't see through Xiao Naihe. The layers of mist on Xiao Naihe's body gave the spiritual Buddha a kind of feeling like they were facing their true 'Buddha'.

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