Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2642: Reverse the situation

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Xiao Naihe grabbed the flowers in his hands. When the countless petals floated, a large net was formed directly, which entrapped the entire sky.

It's as if everything in everything has become a part of the other shore flower.

"Ancient Buddha Avenue? Are you descendants of the ancient Buddha family?"

Wang Fuzi's face changed, he practiced the Astronomical Avenue, and he was very clear about all kinds of knowledge.

In ancient times, the kingdom of Buddha and Demon, the ancient Buddha and the ancient demon are definitely in the longevity world, and can be regarded as the top five races.

In the peak period, the two great kingdoms of Buddha and Demon showed a trend of integration at the end.

At that time, the two ancient tribes of Buddha and Demon faced the end of the era, and the two great kingdoms put down their prejudices and joined forces with each other. Then, in a short period of time, the two great nations formed an integrated force.

At that time, the integrated forces of the kingdom of Buddha and Demons were definitely the top three forces in the history of the entire longevity world.

Even the three tribes such as the ancient Ming tribe, the ancient tribe, and the ancient holy tribe can't compare with each other. Only in the mythical sacred beast race can they stabilize their heads.

But at the same time, it can also be seen that the two great kingdoms of Buddha and Demons have united, and have the power to surpass all races and human races.

The ancient Buddhist avenue has also become a avenue that all cultivators in the later generations are looking for.

Now this kind of avenue appears in Xiao Naihe's body, whether it is Wang Fuzi or Spiritual Buddha, they feel a bit against the sky.

"I am the only one who is immortal, the world is the same, and it is destroyed!"

Undead Sage's face changed greatly, and the power burst out suddenly, and the whole sky and earth was as if it was shattered at this moment.

When he punched out with this punch, he twisted the airflow in the space of 100,000 miles to form a vacuum.

Boom Boom Boom Boom.

The strong bang was like a thunder burst.

The power of the Undead Sage appeared to an extreme state. His punch seemed to really penetrate the time and space into the hole, filled with an invincible and overbearing Daoyun.

However, the flowers on the other shore that bloomed in Xiao Naihe's hands bound this fist.

With fingertips, these two forces seem to be neutralized and disappear.

"This undead sage is really powerful. It is worthy of being a veteran sage. I want to beat him. It is still difficult."

Although Xiao Naiho relied on his absolute strong avenue advantage, he did not enter the Holy Lord for long after all.

The undead sage is a strong sage for seven thousand years, and it is even better in terms of strength.

For a time, Xiao Naihe did not completely get the other side.

"Wang Fuzi, don't be afraid. Although the Taoism of this son is wonderful, it must have entered the Holy Soon soon. His Holy Daoist light is obviously in the early stages. I hold him and the Spirit Buddha, you find a chance to catch the woman come."

"it is good."

In an instant, Wang Fuzi and the undead sacred Lord immediately completed an exchange on the mind.

Xiao Nai has a keen mind, although he can't hear the words in their hearts, but just seeing their expressions and eyes, they guess something.

"Lingfozi, drag them up in a row."

"Nine Buddhas volley."

The spirit Buddha is also very fast, with his palms together, and the golden light is connected to one piece in a flash, and the kung fu of the finger forms nine different spatial boundaries.

These nine different space borders instantly separated the few of them.

"Oops, break through."

Immortal Sage's face changed. If the formation completely blocked their way, it would be impossible to seize the woman.

Although up to now, both the Undead Sovereign and King Confucius have recognized their individual ability, which is higher than that of Xiao Naihe and Spirit Buddha.

But it is also the Holy Lord. Even if you can defeat the opponent, but want to capture the opponent, it is definitely very difficult, even more difficult than killing the opponent.

But it is different to deal with Yue Ping.

Moon pity is only a half-sacred, and their existence at this level requires a half-sacred, no matter how they handle it, no one can resist.

"Come here."

Immortal Venerable, in a breathing time, fisted again, and thousands of punches came directly out of the air.

"Undead town kills."


The whole valley shattered in an instant, like a molecule splitting, and disappeared instantly.

It was a complete and complete crushing of things into nothingness, as if reversing time and space.

"The blood power of the undead."

The spirit Buddha's face changed drastically, and the golden light that burst into the sky suddenly gathered up, forming a great Buddha.

This great Buddha suppressed the enchantment of the Ninefold Prohibition System, and he literally stopped thousands of punches.

Bang! Bang!

At this moment, this great Buddha was directly hit by the collision of thousands of fists of the undead, and it shattered at once.

Every hole of Lian Ling Buddha has the same feeling of being opened, and the whole human body and soul must be torn apart.

"It's worthy of the undead sacred deity. It's really a bit hard to bear this punch."

Ling Fozi's face became pale.

"Since that is the case, let me see you. Over the past thousands of years, the results of my research have originated from Qi, and turned everything into nothingness."

At this moment, a ray of light emerged from the eyebrows of the undead.

Not only the Immortal Lord, but also Wang Fuzi's eyebrows, a ray of light also appeared.

In this light, it seems to contain the most mysterious and wonderful power in this world.

Yue Pingxin can only feel the two forces standing in the distance, there is a force that can change everything, transcend and override all avenues.

"The origin of Qi, did the two of them really realize some magical effects of the origin of Qi?"

The Spirit Buddha was taken aback. Most of the origin of Qi in this fragmented world was taken away by the Undead Sovereign and King Confucius. He himself only got a very rare part.

But in such a rare part, he didn't study the reason. He just felt that the origin is really mysterious and difficult to study.

If the immortal holy prince and Wang Fuzi worked out a reason, they would be in danger today.

Even if Xiao Naihe owns the Ancient Buddha Avenue and has the vitality of longevity, he can't suppress these two people.

It's just that Xiao Naihe smiled on his face at this time: "Finally, I have to wait, if you don't have the origin of Qi, I really have no way, since you come to send me Qi, then I don't You're welcome."

Between the words, it wasn't when Xiao Naiho's head was above, suddenly a dark stone emerged, as if it had evolved from the space between heaven and earth.

Chaos Sky Stone!

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