Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2654: Mysterious Naughty Son (Part 2)

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"This is the breath of calculation. It's so powerful. I didn't expect to be able to use the power of heaven to perform calculations on me, and it seems to have succeeded in making you see something."

Not only Xiao Naihe, but also this crown jade man, there was a trace of surprise on his face, slightly surprised, and then a trace of unfathomable expression appeared.

Slowly, a smile appeared on the face of the Guanyu man. This smile was like the smile of an innocent child. Anyone who looked at it would only think that the Guanyu man looked very innocent.

But as long as Xiao Nai saw the man's deep pupils, he knew that the man was unfathomable, and one of the most unfathomable people he had ever seen.

"This person's feeling ..."

Xiao Nai He moved his heart. When he saw this man, he had a feeling as if facing two people, one was white and the other was Huang Lin.

Bai inorganic is unfathomable, clever and intelligent.

Huang Lin's mysterious and unpredictable.

These two people are Xiao Naihe's most intangible people.

So far, Xiao Nai can't quite understand why these two people appear in the first plane.

The first plane is obviously not the big plane of the longevity world.

The capacity of the first plane is not even as good as one-tenth of the longevity world.

However, Huang Lin and Bai inorganic did give Xiao Nai a feeling that he should not be born in the first plane.

Today, he once again had such a feeling, which was felt from this Guanyu man.

"Are you sixteen years old? In the world of longevity, although age is the last thing you can judge a person's accomplishment. But there is such a young age that you can walk to this level."

Xiao Naihe already had three points of confidence in the cultivation of this crown jade man.

And this man is really 16 years old. A 16-year-old man has such a cultivation practice, which is completely unpredictable to Xiao Naihe.

Even if Xiao Naiho himself, he could not do so at the age of sixteen.

"Hey, I didn't expect my years and annual rings to be seen through. You are the second person who can see through my years and annual rings. Although it's worse than that person, it's probably not much worse.

The Guanyu man laughed, and his smile was like the same flower, which could make any woman feel ashamed.

That feeling, even Beiqiong vaguely felt that his mind seemed to be uncontrollable.

"Stabilize your mind."

At this moment, Xiao Naihe waved his hand, and his **** pressed lightly on Beiqiong's wrist.

Suddenly, Beiqiong only felt a cool air flow through his body, as if he had entered every hole in his body, making him a very sober feeling.

"What's the matter? Why do I always feel that my mind is out of control."

Bei Qiong didn't dare to look at Guan Yu's man again. She was afraid to look at the other side again. She would not be able to hold her mind again.

"It was a gas field of his own, a gas field inherent to him."


Xiao Nai nodded his head and said slowly: "I said before, our human race, there is basically no one who was born as a master of monasticism. But there are some extremely exceptional people. Once born, they really have a unique ability, this This is how people exist. "

Speaking of which, the Guanyu man smiled softly and clapped his hands: "I have almost seen many masters in the longevity world. There are very few people who can let me see in my eyes. But you are very It ’s funny, I have n’t seen you before, and I do n’t even have any news about you in my mind. I wonder if you ’re a longevity person. ”

Seeing Guan Yu's man really smile that day, Xiao Nai moved slightly in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

This young man's perception is really terrible, and he has already guessed some background of Xiao Naihe.

Although Xiao Naihe could hear, this man was only making fun of himself, not seriously.

But the other party is really guessing, Xiao Naihe is indeed not a person in the longevity world.

"You said this, but you didn't say why you should overhear our conversation."

Xiao Nai said lightly.

"Don't, I was here from the beginning. I was here when you came. It was not that I deliberately eavesdropped on you, but that it came into my ear when you talked."

The Guanyu man seemed to be really innocent.

Xiao Naihe actually knew that this man did not lie.

When he and Beiqiong came here, Xiao Naihe really didn't find the man's existence. He didn't know anyone was there until he felt a faint wave of breath in the middle.

But at the time he didn't play the grass and startle the snake. It was definitely not easy for someone who could make him feel nothing at first.

Although Xiao Naihe was a little careless, he still could not deny the ability of Guanyu men.

"I really admire you, especially the sentence" Only if you stand higher than the will of the eternal life, you have the right to speak ", I especially like to hear it."

The Guanyu man smiled slightly, "Since ancient times, few people have thought of surpassing the will of the eternal life, and want to stand higher than the will of the eternal life. Almost no one has done it ... oh, no, it seems Someone succeeded, do you know who it is? "

"who is it?"

Bei Qiong couldn't help but asked, but after she spoke, she hurriedly closed her mouth.

"Then you should ask your mate, he should know." Guan Yu man smiled.

Dao Lu?

Upon hearing these two words, Beiqiong's face suddenly became red and smeared with ears, and she seemed a little bit ashamed.

Then Bei Qiong secretly glanced at Xiao Naihe, only to see that Xiao Naihe's expression was extremely calm, and Bei Qiong was slightly disappointed.

"Do you mean Wang Yi?"

"The ancestor of the battlefield, Yi Sheng Wang Yi, is him. He is real and the only person in the longevity world that surpasses the will of the longevity world. As far as I know, there are very few people who jump out of the longevity Realm, but those people do not really surpass this will, at most it is to go hand in hand. Only Wang Yi, the highest standing, the highest longevity world! "

The tone of the Guanyu man couldn't help but chat a little bit of admiration, it was entirely from his own heart.

Speaking of Wang Yi, there is no one in the longevity world who is not convinced.

"However, Wang Yi is Wang Yi. There is only one Wang Yi in the world of longevity. We can't make the second Wang Yi, but ... can surpass Wang Yi." Guan Yu's man suddenly changed his voice.

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