Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2655: Mantra French

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Beyond Wang Yi, such a big air, even Xiao Nai did not think so.

Although he also has that kind of potential, it is definitely not so obvious.

For Wang Yi, Xiao Naihe still maintained a very high respect.

Wang Yi ’s magical powers, Taoism, experience, etc., no matter which kind, in the masters of the nine heavenly palaces, it should not be said that the masters of the ten heavenly palaces belong to the forefront level.

Even Xiao Naihe is slightly worse than Wang Yi.

Of course, Xiao Naihe still has great potential and room for growth. As long as he reaches a certain level, he is confident that he can stand in Wang Yi's future, and even surpass Wang Yi's position.

However, it seems that this crown jade man directly said this statement, which is completely meaning of a stripe, and it does not hide his desire to surpass Wang Yi.

"Beyond Yi Sheng?"

Bei Qiong's face is strange, but it is not that she refuses to believe, but that she feels that it is almost impossible to surpass the existence of Wang Yi.

Who is Wang Yi?

Almost no one in the longevity world does not know that the first person on the longevity list was above the longevity world.

Since Wang Yi left the world of eternal life, there has never been a character who can keep pace with Wang Yi.

The ancestor of the line, the first person in the longevity list ...

These honors alone are enough to make it impossible for anyone to match.

"Yes, beyond Wang Yi. There are no more than three people in Long Qingcang's eyes in my life. Wang Yi is one of them, the first person in the longevity list. It ’s the first person. But I want to surpass him and override him, this is the biggest challenge, is n’t it? "

There was a faint smile on the face of this Guanyu man named Long Qingcang, but the depth of his pupils did not conceal his strong desire.

That kind of fighting desire deeply infected Beiqiong.

Bei Qiong can clearly perceive the coercion released by this man as if he was going to step on the sky.

Subsequently, Long Qing's head turned: "Wang Yi, he is no longer a person of this era, but an outdated character. Time has changed

Can the big brother believe in the changing times? Can I surpass Wang Yi? "

Between the words, Long Qingcang's momentum fell slowly, just like catching the sky, making Beiqiong feel extremely terrible coercion.

Even around Xiao Nai, there was a sign of airflow distortion.

This is the change brought about by the aura. I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. Long Qing Cang does not conceal his powerful and domineering aura.

"I believe not in outsiders, but in myself. You think you can surpass, and any opinions of outsiders are not important. Unless you don't have that confidence in your subconscious, you won't ask me in the face."

Xiao Nai looked indifferent and talked eloquently. Without moving, the pressure of the aura around Long Qingcang disappeared in an instant.

Long Qing Cang's pupils shrank slightly and became deeper and deeper.

Just a simple sentence, immediately let Long Qing Cang feel a slight pressure.

That kind of pressure does not come from his own Dao Xin, but from Xiao Naihe's words.

A true master word, a sentence can become the most powerful fog.

Among the Buddhas, there are magical powers of tongues and lotus blossoms. Some masters of Buddhism do not practice supernatural powers, do not practice Taoist spells, but cultivate the spirit of Mingyan.

Use words as weapons and use your mouth to become the most powerful weapon between heaven and earth.

Legend has it that there are masters of Buddhism and Taoism, and the tongue blooms with lotus flowers, which directly speaks of the dead half-holy strongman in words, and even forcibly crosses the holy master.

One of the most famous examples is the ancient Buddha.

In ancient times, the Buddha was originally a sacred deity of the ancient demons. It was because of the cultivation of the magical powers of the Buddha and Taoism.

Xiao Naihe hasn't reached this word by word, and he can cross the Lord, but his language is also a very good weapon.

What he said just now is with an offensive ability.

Although Long Qing Cang's momentum is strong, Xiao Nai He pointed directly at his heart and couldn't prevent it. Even Long Qing Cang couldn't stop him.

"My Dao Xin is rock-solid, even Wang Yi's reincarnation can't stop my determination, beyond him, beyond him, no one can stop me."

Long Qingcang's smile slowly converged, and said slowly.

Xiao Naihe didn't have any expression. In fact, he didn't have any grudges with this Long Qingcang, but Xiao Naihe had received the favor of Wang Yi.

But between Long Qingcang's words, it seemed that he did not have that kind of respect for Wang Yi, vaguely vaguely proud, and also used his aura to oppress them.

Hearing these words, Xiao Nai hid the mantra of Buddhism and Taoism in his own words and quietly launched an offensive.

If they are other practitioners, I am afraid that they can't feel the aggression in Xiao Naihe's words at all.

It's like a cultivator who is shallow and has strength, even if he hears Xiao Naihe's words, he is afraid that there will be no reaction, and he will just laugh away.

But Long Qing Cang is different.

As the so-called cultivation practice is higher, the spiritual wisdom is also higher.

The meaning represented between a word and a sentence, cultivated as a high-powered person, they can understand more meanings.

It is precisely because of high intelligence that Xiao Naihe's mantra has an unexpected effect.

Therefore, some practitioners are high-strength practitioners, which does not mean that every aspect is perfect.

"Wang Yi is no longer a second word, but even if it is really reborn, with your current strength, it is indeed not as good as him!"

Xiao Naihe ’s last word directly used mantra French, which doubled its strength.

Long Qing's thoughts were sharp, and he felt them instantly.

"The past is now the same, the real variable lies in the future. Believe it or not, if Wang Yi really appears, I have the capital to defeat him."

Although Long Qingcang has a keen mind, Xiao Naihe's experience is too old-fashioned.

Xiao Nai used the heavenly star map to calculate the age of Long Qingcang, which is really 16 years old.

A 16-year-old boy, no matter how scary his talent is, how smart his mind is, and how clever his mind is, some experience does not seem so old-fashioned. This is only manifested through years of precipitation.

Obviously in this respect, Long Qingcang is not as good as Xiao Nai.

"You can beat Wang Yi now? It's a bit interesting, is it true, only you know it."

Xiao Naihe no longer spoke.

He just couldn't see Shuang Long Qing Cang asking for aura to suppress them, but he used mantra French to attack the man's heart.

Although Xiao Naihe knew that his mantra in French could not break the other party ’s Dao heart, it was indeed able to take a certain blow on the other side ’s Dao heart, and could report the arrogance of the aura of suppression that had just happened.

Bei Qiong has become alert. Although she does not exist at the level of Xiao Naihe, but she is also very sensitive and has a certain understanding of Xiao Naihe.

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words and seeing the atmosphere on the field now, Bei Qiong felt that the two men seemed to be fighting each other invisibly, and they seemed very dangerous.

The two men who had never seen each other actually saw a gunpowder smell for the first time, which made Beiqiong feel strange.

"It seems that you don't believe it. You don't believe that I have the capital to defeat Wang Yi. What's more, I just let you know that my victory over Wang Yi's capital is not just empty talk."

Between the man's words, the foot stepped violently, and the whole mountain seemed to vibrate suddenly, and the airflow in all directions was twisted continuously, as if absorbed into the feet of Long Qingcang.


Long Qing Cang's feet were constantly twisted, absorbing the surrounding airflow, and the whole earth was split into countless cracks, like a cobweb, densely packed.

And between this world and the world, there is also an extremely terrifying atmosphere at the moment, as if in a terrifying world.

"What magical power is this?"

Bei Qiong took a step back. At this moment, she has a feeling of mysteriously forbidding power in the face of the money road of heaven and earth.

This powerful atmosphere seems to overwhelm this world.

The entire mountain range was even crushed under dozens of feet at this moment, and the mountain was cut off.

"Brother Xiao ..."

Xiao Nai looked at this Dragon Qing Cang indifferently, Long Qing Cang also looked indifferent, but he was surrounded by a momentum that could override the heavens.

"The gods and gods of the heavens are not my opponents. Even if Wang Yi reincarnates, I have the ability to defeat and defeat him."


Suddenly, behind Long Qingcang, a very mysterious and shocking roar came out, as if torn the void, into a vortex of soul.

"What sound is this?"

Bei Qiong deeply felt a kind of instinctive fear in his body and took two steps backwards. Then a golden light on Xiao Naihe enveloped Bei Qiong's body and instantly dispelled all this instinctive fear.

Not just Beiqiong.

At this time, in the inner world of Xiao Naihe, among the moonlight warships, a mysterious person who was retreating and practicing was the incarnation of Zulong.

Suddenly, the figure of Zulong's incarnation seemed to feel something. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly showed scales and shivered.

"This is from the outside world ... Isn't Xiao Nai encountered any horrible existence? It actually made me feel instinctively suppressed."

There was a deep sense of fear in Zulong's voice.

This horrible instinct is suppressed only by Zulong alone.

And Xiao Naihe didn't know that the aura on Long Qing Cang already made Zulong feel wrong.

However, Xiao Naihe waved his hand and said forcefully, word by word: "Past, present, and future, causal changes, no one can escape, even if you are the same, even if you are from that race, there is no way to make up This shortcoming. "

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows showed a ray of light, which was a rudimentary shadow of the causal tree.

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