Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2687: Mysterious false sound

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There was a loud noise, and the water above the river was suddenly splashed like a water dragon. It suddenly rushed into the sky, and there was a momentum that would sweep all the world, covering and destroying all existence.

"Great magical power, this woman really is not simple."

Tian Chenzi's pupil shrank slightly.

As the so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, he does not feel this way when dealing with the other party.

But now standing next to it, watching this woman do it, it is more clear and intuitive, and she has a better understanding of this woman's control.

Simply by this woman, you can get a very good ranking on the longevity list.

"Before this woman came to me and said that she wanted to compete with me, I thought that the other party was just a small and skilled cultivator. I wanted to make her retreat. I knew that the other party's strength was so good that I was defeated. The disciples of Qilian Mountain are indeed very small. "

Tianchenzi's thoughts were linked together, and he looked at Xiao Naihe at the same time, wanting to see how Xiao Naihe should deal with this woman's means.

At this moment, Xiao Nai held out his hand, as if his five fingers were grabbing from another time and space, ignoring the boundaries in space and smashing the vacuum.

‘Twelve Heavenly Laws. ’

Between the words, Xiao Nai and his five fingers showed a thunder of light, and the lightning passed through, like a Jinglong, circling continuously, making a low sound.

All over the river, there was lightning and thunder, and the sound of "zizizizi" sounded like firecrackers.

It's crackling.

Every acupuncture point on Xiao Naiho's body exploded with a powerful force. With a palm back, he instantly stirred up a strong wind, swept up, and instantly wrapped the entire space, it seemed Everything must be smashed away.

In fact, this one is totally unpreparable, and it makes people feel like they are in the chaos of the void in the sky.

"This man named Xiao Naihe is also a simple character. This method alone can show his strength. When will there be such a powerful young man in Suzaku College? I remember Chutian College seems to have Chu Tian in it I have also seen Chu Tian, ​​but Chu Tian seems to be a bit different. "

Tianchenzi's thoughts flashed in his heart, and he thought of a lot of things at once.

In a moment of thought, Xiao Naiho also started again on the other side, striding towards the front, cracked with five fingers, the lightning thunder formed a mysterious treasure mountain, and suddenly appeared from the sky out of thin air, with a violent momentum. Smash the water dragon in front to suppress it.

"True fruit."

The woman's body shook, and pieces of aura suddenly appeared above her head. These auras merged into one, turned into a purple brilliance, and finally condensed into a fruit.

It's as if Xiao Nai used the Taoist fruit condensed by the causal tree, but instead of the causal power of Taoist effect, he came with an endless breath.

"Is the fruit transformed into true qi with longevity?"

Xiao Nai He was a little surprised in her heart. It seems that this woman is not a longevity goddess, but just got a little longevity of the longevity goddess, and she can control it so perfectly, far beyond Xiao Naihe's imagination.

The golden pill that the fruit is condensed is somewhat similar to the pill in the body of the monk during the golden pill period.

This golden pill floats on top of the woman's head, the vitality of life condenses, the purple light blooms out, and the woman's body is wrapped tightly and the mana is constantly released, which is no less than Xiao Nai's divine power.

"In that case, don't I know you can handle this trick?"

Between the words, Xiao Nai He chuckled with a five-finger volley, and the breath became sharp, as if it was an extremely sharp space sword, and immediately split.

"Promise cut the sky knife."

This is when Xiao Nai was comprehending the Infinite Dao, the supernatural power of fusion of space Dao can forcibly distort, split, or even confuse different time and space.

This kind of supernatural power is no longer a semi-holy level of Taoism, but a real holy level supernatural power.


The sharp breath cracked the sound, just like the sound of inhalation.

Xiao Nai's five fingers turned into palms, and the volley opened, and a burst of sharp air separated the Jindan fruit above the woman's head.


Not only the Jindan fruit, but also the other's armor and treasure were directly cut off by Xiao Naihe.

"How is it possible? Even if I can't break the treasure, he was cracked by him."

Tianchenzi was taken aback, and felt more and more unfathomable Xiao Naihe.

The woman's thought of running, after the Jindan fruit above her head was cut off, she wanted to recover, but she never recovered.

"It's useless, that qi is split by me. You don't get that qi at first. If it is several times more, maybe you are really hard to lose today. It's a pity. . "

Xiao Naihe shook his head and stretched out his hand to form a giant palm, as if covering the sky with one hand, grabbing the woman.

At this moment, the whole space suddenly exudes a purple mist.

These mists seem to be emanating from another time and space, and they are coming slowly in a very distant space.

After a while, this purple mist envelops this space and becomes incomparably void, as if everything is to be virtualized.

"What is this? How do I feel that my body seems to be out of control?"

Lingxiang was taken aback, she forced her thoughts and found that her body seemed a bit sluggish.

Not just her, but also the Shangguan Jiajia around her.

"Sister Bing Ning, what's going on?"

"I do n’t know, but I vaguely feel that someone has broken in here. It ’s actually a skill that can be used in fingertips, without any warning. This person is a strong man I have never met, far exceeding us. Anyone here. "

An unprecedented dignity appeared on Wu Bingning's face.

She didn't know who the man was hiding in the purple mist, but she had a thought that had no resistance at all.

"Brother, come in quickly."

Tianchenzi quickly turned into magical power and flew into the ship.

At this moment, the main ship instantly floated with golden lights, turning into a magic circle.

Six hundred consecutive formations flashed continuously from inside and out of the ship.

This ship was blessed by the guru before, and Wu Bingning also borrowed the formation method described in the ancient battlefield stone carvings obtained in the academy to protect the ship.

"The son is still outside."

Lingxiang's tone was anxious.

"Xiao Gongzi's ability to endure far and wide we can imagine, at this time we have no way to intervene."

Now Wu Bingning finally understands that he has been constantly overestimating Xiao Naihe, but still underestimating Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe's ability is deeper than he had expected.

It is naturally not easy for a person who can make Qilian Mountain suffer a loss.

That woman's strength is not under Wu Bingning.

"Heaven and earth are circulating, the circle is wide open, press."

Xiao Naihe's voice came slowly, the golden light flashed on his body, and an aperture rose from the back of his head, as if he were an ancient Buddha, and turned into a state of dharma.

Then, from Xiao Naihe's palm, an enchantment formed, separating the mist around him.

"Roadmaster? Is this man actually a leader?"

Tianchenzi was slightly surprised.

The mist around Xiao Naihe did not fade away, but continued to diffuse, to blur this area.

At this moment, the breath of the woman in Qilian Mountain gradually disappeared.

"This kind of trick may have a miraculous effect against ordinary people, but it seems a little too reluctant to deal with me."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and sighed gently, suddenly blowing away the mist around him.

There is a steady flow of true qi in his body, blowing through his own breath.

The breath in this void was like a thunder that turned into nothingness, incomparably deep burst, tearing open the purple mist.

The powerful Qi of his eyebrows directly falsified the truth, and turned into a mysterious magic circle. With his fingers together, a little space separated, the sharp sword energy was shot out, and it went directly towards a hole in a certain position.

Soon the sword turned into a big net, and the net turned to a certain position.

After the mist at that location had dissipated, the figure of Qilian Mountain appeared.

"There is no such thing, may my heart."

At this time, I don't know from where I heard a very soft voice.

This sound is like the softest sound between heaven and earth, which can touch the deepness of anyone's heart.

Even the voices of Wu Bingning and Shangguan Jiajia have no such charm.

This kind of sound is totally unlike what this world should have.

"Training the gods back to the void, the road will be one."

Xiao Naihe looked like a rock, indestructible.

The two palms united together, the magic circle lined up, and all the rivers were immediately divided into a long surge, as if splitting, forming a rift.

The sound from the void, the incomparable unpretentiousness, even with a mysterious and unpredictable power, immense vastness, although it is very soft, but it also looks extremely tough.

The two forces collided with each other, and the river was evaporated by a third, and the steam rose up. The whole space was suddenly like a huge oven, with a very hot atmosphere.

"The magic circle was slowly evaporated."

Tianchenzi's face changed, pointing to the enchantment above the ship, and actually began to appear fog.

Now Wu Bingning's face can't be more ugly. She is far from expecting this to happen, and she is caught by surprise.

"Who is it? Is there such a terrible strong among the human race? I'm afraid that even the guru doesn't have such ability, Xiao Nai can't stop it."

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