Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2688: Illusion

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"I'm afraid that Xiao Naihe has no chance of winning. The person who hasn't come forward should be a powerful expert in the Qilian Mountains, otherwise he will not save people.

Wu Bingning exhaled, his tone was very deep and dignified.

"People in Qilian Mountain? How is it possible? Is Qilian Mountain not successful here, otherwise how could it be possible to save people?"

Lingxiang was taken aback.

"No, Qilian Mountain should not be here, it should be in a very remote location. But this master shot, the strength is far beyond your imagination, this kind of character, is likely to be near the limit, or even reached the limit . "

"Near the limit? Does Sister Bing Ning mean Half Saint?"

"Even if it's a half-holy, it's a half-holy that is extremely close to the holy venerable. Even ... it's beyond the half-holy ..."

Speaking of which, Wu Bingning did not continue to speak.

But a few people on the field could imagine the strength of that person in Wu Bingning's words.

Beyond the half holy, there is only one possibility.

"Holy Lord!"

Tianchenzi's pupil shrank.

The existence of the sacred rank is what he has pursued throughout his life.

Among the entire human race, the master of the level of the holy is also only the one in the league.

It is precisely because the man in the human race alliance, sitting in the human race, was able to block the ambitions of the annexation of the tribes for so many years.

Without the existence of that person, the human race would have been torn apart and no longer existed.

It is conceivable that the master of the sacred rank is so important among the human race, no one can exist otherwise.

"Is there such a master in Qilian Mountain? Is the legend true? Legend has it that there are several saints in Qilian Mountain. At least one saint exists. If it is true, then the man has no chance of winning."

Tianchenzi shook his head, his tone dignified.

"It's still too early to say such words. Who knows if it's a sacred person? The strongest sage class can't be met. Many people can't see it once in their lifetime. How can there be a rescue from the air. If it is In this way, once the disciples who came down from Qilian Mountain were threatened, wouldn't it be that many people would meet the holy deity of Qilian Mountain, there must have been news. "

Shangguan Jiajia shook his head.

"Jia Jia ’s words also make sense. It ’s not easy for the master to appear. At this level, for the monastic world, there is no longer any restriction. Their actions will affect the movement of the entire longevity world. It's impossible to come out easily. "

On this side, when several people were talking, Lingxiang suddenly found that the mist in the field was more thoroughly diffused at the moment, and immediately surrounded Xiao Naihe and the woman.

"I can't see anyone anymore, shall we continue driving in the past."

"No, we don't yet know who it is. Once approached without permission, we are afraid of being very dangerous."

Tianchenzi stopped talking.

Just now these mists filled up, and Tianchenzi felt that there was no way to see it in the field. The coercion of nothingness had been pressed on his own heart, so that Tianchenzi felt a kind of soul for the first time. The horror of death threats.

Xiao Nai felt nothing.

He stood in the thick fog and waved his hand, the real air in his body pushed the fog away.

"A person from Qilian Mountain? Does it say ..."

Xiao Nai raised his brow slightly and looked at another woman.

I saw that the woman who had worked with him before had already stepped back, and Xiao Naihe did not stop.

"The people of Qilian Mountain are already smashing the vacuum, directly disorganizing the void, and trying to save people, why haven't they appeared yet?"

Xiao Naihe said slowly, he seemed content and contented, as if nothing could affect his appearance.

The mist was still filled, the air was still very quiet, and there was no sound at all.

"Hey, since that's the case, I will treat you as absent. You female Qilian Mountain disciples will take it away."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nai moved.

The speed is far beyond the previous limit.

A virtual shadow floated behind him, and when he reached out, he formed a boxy cage shape, which was shrouded towards the convenience.

"Why should you be aggressive? If you are fancy with the longevity of Xiaohong, then you will take it away, and I will never stop it."

At this time, the original mysterious voice came again.

This time, the voice seemed to be somewhat soft on the surface, but Xiao Naihe could hear it, the tough taste in the other party's tone.

Xiao Naihe knew that the master of this voice had given in.

From the woman named Xiao Hong, the white breath slowly disengaged and floated towards Xiao Nai.

"Is it true to be long-lived? This long-lived true qi is useless to me. You should take it away."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and pushed away, and a white mist emerged from his body, pushing him away.

"Eternal life qi? You also have long life qi?"

This time, the mysterious voice was surprised.

Xiao Naihe understands why this person is so surprised, because he vaguely guessed the identity of the other party, knowing the reason why the other party was so surprised.

"Did you fail?"

The tone was full of alertness, completely lacking the softness of the past.

"I'm not him. My name is Xiao Naihe. I have no idea of ​​embarrassing you Qilian Mountain. It's just that you, a disciple of Qilian Mountain, don't agree to take me with me, even if you want to shoot me, I can only punish me a little. "

"Respect driving strength is high, it is Xiaohong who doesn't know your depth, only to start. You don't care about it, but if you want to come to Qilian Mountain, I'm afraid that some strong people will be difficult. I haven't been visited by outsiders for so many years in Qilian Mountain."

"That's because, after all, your identity as a long-lived goddess, once people find out, don't say that you are in trouble in Qilian Mountain, I'm afraid that the monastic world in the longevity world will once again be a big shock. Maybe there are ancient people, The tragedy of the Elven Dynasty appears. "

At this time, Xiao Nai suddenly broke a shocking news.

He guessed that the master of this voice was the long-lived goddess he had been looking for.

Xiao Naihe knew this thing, not discovered out of thin air, but the clues that Xingzu had investigated when he was investigating many secrets in this longevity world.

Why did the long-lived Heavenly Maiden not appear for so many years, that is, she hid in Qilian Mountain and became the first person in Qilian Mountain. This is also what Xiao Nai thought of when she saw this little red.

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