Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2700: protection

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Gong Yueling was originally resting in the room, but the sound from outside disturbed himself.

In addition, Gong Yueling also came out to see if someone outside mentioned himself.

This look is to find Xiao Naihe who hasn't seen him for a long time.

"Xiao Naihe ... how are you here."

"Don't go, your friend is now in a state of no self and no thought, at a very critical time, don't disturb him."

Chen Wuji, who was behind Gong Yueling, couldn't help but interrupt Gong Yueling's movements.

Chen Wuji also knew Xiao Naihe. Even before Xiao Naihe joined the Daoyuan Academy, Chen Wuji had investigated Xiao Naihe's background.

When Xiao Naihe joined the Confucian Academy, he participated in a series of assessments, which attracted the attention of Chen Wuji.

Xiao Naihe at the time guessed that Xiao Naihe was probably a very rare wizard on the battlefield, so he went to consult a senior in the battlehouse.

Later, the predecessor told himself that Xiao Nai is not very likely to be a genius of lineup, not to say that it is impossible, but a variety of performances, not like the legendary lineage genius.

After that, Chen Wuji also felt very disappointed, but rarely contacted Xiao Nai.

Later, Chen Wuji did not hear much about Xiao Naihe.

The last time I heard Xiao Naihe's news was that he defeated Wu Jiabao's genius Wu Yang, but Wu Yang was not a master in Chen Wuji's eyes, and Chen Wuji did not care too much.

But Chen Wuji did not expect that Xiao Nai's relationship with Shangguan Jiajia seemed very good.

In Suzaku College, these mentors and senior figures all know the identity of Shangguan Jiajia.

Shangguan Jiajia is not only a disciple of Jiansheng in Jiandao Academy, but also a daughter of Shangguan Qian, a teacher of Qinglong Academy.

Among the two human races, the top master and Shangguan Jiajia have a great relationship. Shangguan Jiajia's position in Suzaku Academy is also very sensitive!

This is the kind of person who actually follows Xiao Naihe. The relationship seems to be very good. This makes Chen Wuji feel strange.

"Huh? How did he get into a state of no-self and no-mind, or there is no symbol of life, what is the situation?"

"Does his spirit also go silent? Can't figure it out, can't figure it out!"

At this time, several masters in Suzaku College saw Xiao Naihe in this state, and also found some strange places.

Generally speaking, any cultivator enters a state of selflessness and no thought, and it is impossible to lose his own symbol of life. This is like death in the past.

The symbols of life in Xiao Naihe are gone, but they inexplicably feel that Xiao Naihe is still alive, as if there is an invisible "qi" circulating in the void.

It's really puzzled.

"It's really strange, Wu Tongtian, what do you think is going on?"

"It's not clear, it is estimated that I have realized something extremely powerful. I have seen the record in the bookstore. Very few cultivators have entered a state of no self and no thought under the coincidence of chance. Anything that transcends one ’s own strength will fall into this kind of comprehension, and will most likely lose its life symbol. "

"It turned out to be so, but I wanted to see what this child has learned, and this will happen."

Several masters of Suzaku Academy are close, wanting to observe Xiao Naihe's change of attitude.

Suddenly, Lingxiang stretched out his hand and pierced with a sharp air, as if the sword had been cut open, and stopped in front of several of them.

"Please don't come near the son."

Lingxiang's tone was cold.

She is only loyal to Xiao Naihe, and her relationship with Shangguan Jiajia is also due to Xiao Naihe, so she pays more attention.

As for other people, even Gongyue Ling, Lingxiang has little interest.

At this time, no matter who it is, she can not let the other party approach Xiao Naihe.

"Huh? This is the original idea, and it is already very succinct. This girl, like me, has already reached the middle of the passive period?"

The blocked teacher suddenly changed his face slightly and couldn't help being surprised.

He hadn't found this young woman at the beginning. He was actually a passive mid-term strongman who was comparable to himself.

"Medium Passive? Is there such a young master in our Suzaku Academy?"

Wu Tongtian was also slightly taken aback, not to mention others.

Gong Yueling was even more shocked. Gong Xiaoling knew the origin of Xiao Naihe better than most people in the field.

When Xiao Naiho fell into disrespect at that time, he entered into the Confucian Academy by himself.

In this short two years, she actually got acquainted with Shangguan Jiajia, and was accompanied by another woman in the middle of a passive period.

"Lingxiang is not from our Suzaku College, she is Brother Xiao ..."

"I'm a son's maid, no one should be close to the son, otherwise don't blame me for being merciless!"

Lingxiang interrupted Shangguan Jiajia's words, and at this time revealed his identity to deter others.


Several people in Wu Tongtian looked at each other, and the horror in their eyes did not hide.

A student of the magnificent Suzaku College, he was followed by a passive mid-term maid.

Even some high-level officials have no such treatment.

Only the top children of some big families have such treatment.

"Is the passive mid-term? What is the origin of this Xiao Nai? It can actually let a woman in the passive mid-term follow, and it is still in a subordinate relationship. Could it be that I am blind?

In the past, Chen Wuji thought that Xiao Naihe was not a so-called genius in the battlefield, but he gave up his attention to Xiao Naihe.

But now he has a hunch that he seems to be looking away.

"It's a student of my Suzaku College. I didn't expect that there are such capable people in my Suzaku College. It's amazing to conquer the maid of the passive mid-term."

Wu Tongtian laughed.

After all, Xiao Naihe is from the Suzaku Academy, no matter how powerful Xiao Nai is.

As long as there is a passive mid-term guard around him, this woman is considered a half of their Suzaku Academy.

"Dabby is about to start, don't stand still, Gong Yueling, please follow me to sign up. Rest assured, your friend is very safe. Now, in this case, I'm afraid no one can move him."

Chen Wuji exhaled and said slowly.

Gong Yueling nodded, she also knew that in this place, especially with the protection of Lingxiang, Xiao Nai didn't need to worry about her safety.

Although she has many words to ask Xiao Naihe, she also knows that it is not the right time, and the five-hospital college has almost started.

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