Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2701: Causal life

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The fifth hospital was held as scheduled. The people who were originally here in Xiao Naihe soon retreated like running water.

Before leaving, Gong Yueling also ordered a maid beside him to take good care of Xiao Naihe.

But she also knows that Shangguan Jiajia and Lingxiang, as long as the two of them are beside Xiao Naihe, and in the camp of the Suzaku Academy, there is basically no danger.

In order to compare the five colleges, Suzaku College has also worked hard.

This time is related to their 30-year resource allocation, especially the five major colleges, recruiting students, training masters, etc. The resources required each year are not a small amount.

Among the human races, the resources are not unlimited, and the human race alliance cannot make every college equal.

Therefore, competition is needed, and whoever can win the top spot in the five colleges can get more resources.

This time Chu Chuan College even sent Chu Tian, ​​one of the five great geniuses, the meaning is naturally self-evident.

Just as the five hospitals started to burst into flames, Xiao Naihe entered a state of no self and no thought, and entered the starry sky world.

The shadow of Baosha Tianshu flashed in his body, and the causal tree became the main vein of his starry sky.

As for Baosha Tianshu, he suppressed his own sky and became the main vein.

In every heavenly palace of Chaos Tianshi, except Xiao Naihe, the other nine masters are all transformed into the main vein of the heavenly palace with their own flesh.

It was Xiao Naihe, who turned into the main vein of the Tiangong Temple with the number of Baosha days.

After all, Baosha Tianshu is the seed of the tree of the origin of the secret world, and it can no longer be measured by value.

It can be said that it is comparable to a treasure such as Chaotian Tianshi.

As for the cause-effect tree to become the main vein of Xiao Naihe's inner world, it was decided by Xiao Naihe after deep reflection.

Although Baosha Tianshu is good, after all, it is a bit different from his own starry sky world.

For Xiao Naihe, the ability of the causal tree is far more useful than Baosha Tianshu at this stage.

The causal tree is too precious, even the body of the ordinary saint is far less than the causal tree.

This causal tree is the product of the fusion of the era of Buddha and Demon, all the powerful people of the two great countries, and the essence of one era, which can almost contend with the will of the eternal life.

"I didn't expect that I accidentally glanced at the causal tree and carefully read some of the scriptures above, and I could actually understand the true meaning of life."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

He sat under the causal tree, and the entire starry sky world became extremely peaceful.

The moonlight battleship floats in the starry sky world.

This moonlight warship is also a world, comparable to the world of a human continent.

But compared to the starry sky world, the moonlight warship is a flat boat.

However, Xiao Naihe sat under the causal tree, and his own knowledge merged into the causal tree.

He can feel that every leaf and rhizome of the causal tree is connected to every part of the starry sky.

As long as Xiao Nai thought, Causal Tree can even spread every part of his body to every corner of the starry sky.

"The fusion power of the causal tree is so strong. I just melted the causal tree in the starry sky world, and it has not been completely refined. I did not expect that it would automatically fit into my starry sky world, and even become a" spirit ".

Xiao Na couldn't help but sigh.

The causal tree was among the Buddhas and Demons, although it was a space world suppressed under Jiuyuan.

But let alone Jiuyuan, even if the entire Buddha and the Devil are in opposition, it is too small to suppress the cause and effect trees.

Only Xiao Naihe's starry sky world can make the causal tree exert all its abilities.

The current cause-effect tree has become the guardian of the starry sky world. When Xiao Nai was not there, he silently controlled and managed the starry sky world.

Now even if Xiao Nai let the causal tree leave, I'm afraid it won't return to the world of Buddha and Demons.

The Buddha and the Demon Chaoye were received by Xiao Naihe in their starry sky world, and they were also allocated a part of the location to store the Buddha and Demon Chaoye.

In Xiao Naihe's inner world, it can be compared to a small Taiyu, not to mention a Buddha and a demon, even 10,000 can be stored.

And the causal tree is suppressed in the starry sky world, but this kind of central management charm makes Xiao Naihe have a feeling. The causal tree seems to make the starry sky world begin to degenerate into existence similar to the plane of eternal life.

"The causal tree was created by the masters of the kingdom of Buddha and Demon in order to counter the will of the eternal life world. They took the effort and wisdom of an era to create the causal tree. Although the causal tree is indeed true, it is a pity that it is in the eternal life world Among them, you can't fight that will. "

Xiao Naihe is also very clear that if the cause and effect tree really grows up, it can also be as inferior to the will of the eternal life.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. The causal tree is like a diamond blinded by light. If there is no suitable environment to let it shine, the causal tree is not very useful.

The starry sky world has created such an environment, and once the right conditions are available, the ability of the causal tree begins to show.

Xiao Naihe knows that the causal tree also has its own consciousness. Once the causal tree is allowed to grow to a certain level, it can evolve the starry sky world into a truly small Taiyu in the future.

And the causal tree will also become comparable, even beyond the existence of the will of the longevity world.

"Cause and effect tree, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Naihe also looked forward to how the causal tree would contend with the will of the eternal life.

To contend with the will of the longevity world, it is necessary to create a plane-like existence, and to create a plane, one must create and endow all kinds of life.

And creating all kinds of life out of thin air can't be done even by the Holy Power.

Xiao Nai He parted his own consciousness and entered the depths of the causal tree.

The causal tree is already planted with Xiao Naihe's mark, so naturally he will not refuse Xiao Naihe's entry.

Soon, Xiao Nai entered the causal tree.

Huge causal karma emanated from within, causing Xiao Naihe to step back slightly.

"Let's take a look. How do you create a existence similar to the longevity world in the causal tree? What do you do?"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

In the depths of the causal tree, there is a shadow formed by karma, and each shadow will merge into the central position.

Above the hub, a picture emerged.

There are causal trees that create a blueprint of a plane, a world, and countless lives.

And Xiao Naihe this time, for these things.

In the picture, through the causal karma exuded by the causal tree, a plane world is slowly formed, the world, rivers, mountains and rivers

The prototype of a plane world in the region is formed directly.

After countless years, in this plane world, some simple life has begun to derive, trees, insects, fish and shrimp, etc., all kinds of small life formed.

Under the control of causal karma, the life system has gradually improved.

What surprised Xiao Nai is that humans and various creatures were also derived from tens of thousands of years. After the evolution of many times, these lives have their own independent will and began to form groups and races.

In tens of thousands of years, they have their own cultivation system, and various buildings, folk supplies, etc. have gradually appeared.

After a long time, life has its own ‘evil’. After all, there is ‘good’ and ‘evil’. This is a kind of cause and effect that cannot be rejected.

With the emergence of ‘evil’, there are struggles, blood, etc.

After countless years of evolution, a plane similar to the whole body is also presented in this picture.

"Is this the result of the evolution of the causal tree? I finally know why the masters of the kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil will integrate the essence of an era and create a causal tree to counter the will of the eternal life. The power of causality is not actually a Buddha. Created by the masters of Moguo, they just took the lead and won the opportunity to do better than causality. "

Xiao Nai slowly opened his eyes, and his heart suddenly became brighter and brighter: "The Three Realms are only mindful, all philosophical and conscious, and the good and evil rewards are like the shadows, the three generations of cause and effect, and the cycle is not lost. This is cause and effect.

"Essence of life, under the cause and effect. I did not expect that the true meaning of life that countless holy and powerful people cannot penetrate, can be perfectly reflected in the cause and effect."

Xiao Naiho finally understood at this time why each plane's will has the ability to create life.

Because of their appearance, they are in line with the interests of Chaos, Taiyu, and Origin.

The longevity world will grasp the true meaning of life, so it can create life out of thin air.

The causal tree is similar to this will. Once it grows up, it can also be the same as the will of the eternal life. Therefore, at this stage, the causal tree also has the ability to create life.

Create life directly without any cost and without any conditions.

What the Lord ca n’t do is seen on the causal tree.

Xiao Naihe withdrew from the world of causality.

He knew that the causal tree had to do this kind of thing, but he was afraid it would take a very long time.

Even the birth to destruction of a plane, the causal tree may not be able to do this step.

But for the causal tree, time is the least valuable.

It can afford to wait, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years, ten million years, even hundreds of millions of years, more and more, causal trees can afford.

Xiao Nai closed his eyes, and suddenly he seemed to see the source of his life, and it seemed to be traced back to the way he practiced while still in the first plane.

"Life is both great and weak. Who would have thought that the power of my unrestrained chicken was only a small existence in the first plane. But one day, he could become the true meaning of life and stand at the top of the highest level The presence."

At this time, Xiao Naihe also had to lament the growth and changes of life, which is really mysterious.

Slowly, Xiao Nai closed his eyes, as if re-entering the state of no-self and no-mind, and the time in his body passed year by year.

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