Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2702: Create life

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Xiao Nai does not know how many years have passed. In the starry sky world, there is no time limit.

Moonlight warships have a hundred times reversal time because of the blessing of the river of time.

The starry sky world is different. Even in this world, there is no concept of time.

Xiao Naihe didn't know how many years he stayed here. The true meaning of life from the causal tree is indeed very huge.

Any system that creates life can be comparable to any system of monasticism.

Xiao Nai wanted to fully understand this ability, and it was really difficult to estimate the time it would take.

Just like Wu Tongtian said before, Xiao Nai lost the symbol of life in a state of no-self and no-mind. Obviously everything went into a state of no-self and no thought.

Under this limit state, there is only one possibility, that is, comprehension of something very averse.

In this state, it is impossible to infer the time of awakening.

Fortunately, in the starry sky world, there is no concept of time, otherwise Xiao Nai's retreat began to understand the true meaning of life, then it is not under his control.

Maybe after ten million years outside, the human race has disappeared, and Xiao Nai has not yet awakened.

Moreover, Xiao Naihe's physical body is outside. Once it is affected, Xiao Naihe's achievements may be abandoned, or even become extremely dangerous.

It's just that now Xiao Nai has no control.

Time is still flowing.

The cause-effect tree is still growing silently, assigning every position in the starry sky world.

It takes many years for the causal tree to create a plane similar to the eternal world in the starry sky.

But for the causal tree, it also has no concept of time.

The starry sky world is slowly changing, vaguely becoming more like a qualified Taiyu prototype.


On this day, there was suddenly a loud noise in the starry sky world. A figure under the causal tree released a faint green light, and huge vitality filled the causal tree.

"Life, life! This is the avenue of life, I am afraid it is the most mysterious avenue among Taiyu."

Xiao Naiho at this time finally woke up.

He does not know how many years he has spent in immersion. In his immersive consciousness, he has experienced countless births and deaths, countless times to create self and life, and countless failures.

Ordinary people, even the holy sages, could not withstand this kind of countless life and death cycles.

But Xiao Naihe does not. His Dao heart is rock-solid, and nothing can shake his Dao heart.

He didn't know how many years had passed, and finally at the end, he successfully created himself and created life out of thin air.

"The Avenue of Life is probably the most mysterious avenue in Taiyu under chaos. No humane, Buddhist, demon, or avenue of stars can be compared to this. Even the avenues of time and space are Slightly inferior. "

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

The Avenue of Life can be said to be accessible to everyone. It seems the most common way, but it is extremely difficult to understand the true essence, not even the Lord.

Xingzu, Wang Yi, Cangwolf and other peerless saints can't do it.

"The Avenue of Life, I don't know what kind of life I can create now?"

Xiao Naihe thought about it, and saw Xiao Naihe grabbed the air, and suddenly the airflow around him merged into Xiao Naihe's palm.

It was as if the Taoist ideas became mysterious. Under Xiao Naihe's original operation, there was a trace of anger.

That's right, just angry.

There is no Taikoo Leichi or all living things or even all kinds of Taoist treasures. Xiao Naihe created a burst of anger directly with his own thoughts and thoughts.

"Life, is this life?"

Xiao Nai was excited in his heart, even more so than when he practiced to the Lord.

In his palm, there is a white fuzzy gas, but Xiao Naihe can feel that there is life in this white gas.

Although Xiao Nai did not know what kind of life this white gas was, Xiao Naihe clearly felt the wisdom, will, and a flesh-like emotion in it.

"You go."

Although it is a very small life, for Xiao Naihe at this time, that important meaning is indeed self-evident.

Xiao Naihe let it go, and this white gas life floated to other places. I didn't know where to go. It fell on the causal tree, and seemed to rest on it.

This is completely different from Xiao Naihe's creation of Xue Luo before.

Xiao Naihe created Xue Luo before, using a strong person's personality directly.

That is completely a condition of equality.

Now, Xiao Naihe doesn't use anything, any personality, just a thought, and life is created out of thin air.

Of course, now that Xiao Naihe wants to create complex lives, such as demons, humans, etc., Xiao Naihe is still far from this phenomenon.

Don't say you can't, even the causal tree at this stage can't do it.

What kind of life can Xiao Nai create? I'm afraid to see what stage the causal tree can go to and what type of life it can create.

His avenue of life is united with the karma of the causal tree.

"By the way, since I now have the power of this avenue of life, wouldn't that blood monument be able to penetrate?"

At this time, Xiao Nai suddenly thought of his knowledge of the sea, and also stored a blood monument

That blood monument was obtained from the blood tribe when Xiao Nai was in the Peacock Holy Land.

At that time, in order to help Gu Shengzi create the physical body of life, Xiao Nai had to obtain a blood monument and gain insight into the realm of life.

However, with Xiao Naihe's ability, he is not very good at the field of life, so even if he got the blood monument, he can't see the mystery.

However, Xiao Nai and He Wanwan didn't think that they actually realized the true meaning of creating life out of thin air from the cause and effect tree.

"The origin of the blood monument is very mysterious. It seems to have a close relationship with the" Yuan "that was seen in the ancient war in the second plane. it works."

Xiao Nai He thought, his body was like a ray of blue smoke, fused in the starry sky world, and drilled out.

After a while, he flew into his own sea.

The blood stele suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

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