Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2823: Burial Tianchi (Part 1)

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The champion Wang was covered with bruises and bruises, covered in blood and embarrassed.

Zulong couldn't help but see a chill when he saw the appearance of Champion King.

You know, this champion didn't chase him so recently.

But at the next moment, he was directly smashed into a twist by Xiao Naihe. This kind of means, this kind of power, makes Zulong incredible.

Even if he recovers to his peak, I am afraid that he is not Xiao Naihe's opponent.

"How? I have said, either you promised or not, I am definitely going to bury Tianchi. Your head is still really mad, and the human territory also comes in casually, really invincible?"

Xiao Nai said lightly.

In the war between the human races and the tribes, the first tribe of warlords were used as strikers to wash countless human race masters. They also snatched the most territory of the human race.

The people who died in the hands of the first tribe are afraid that it is the most among the tribes.

Like the champion in front of him, although his bloodline is good, it is definitely forged with human flesh and blood.

Although I do n’t know where this guy got the blood forging from the blood, the blood of the blood is basically cruel.

The lives of those who died in the hands of this champion are afraid that there will be millions of them.

Such a master, killing more people, will feel that the human race is nothing, come in if you want to come in, and just arrogant on the territory of the human race.

Half Saint is indeed powerful, but it is not invincible. At least among the human race, there are people who can cure this guy.

So Xiao Nai would say that this champion is too crazy.

It's like Xiao Naihe, if he didn't achieve the Lord, he would have to think twice about letting him enter the territory of the clan.

After all, his current identity is part of the human race.

"Kill ... kill this king, you just wait to be buried with this king. My father and emperor is the emperor of Zuo, three thousand years is the holy king. You dare to kill this king, this king wants your entire human race to be buried . "

"I'm still dead after I die. Rest assured, I won't kill you. I said, I'm going to ferry you, and I will ferry you."

"Human tribe, you must not die!"

When the champion king finally resisted, the Buddha image behind Xiao Naihe turned into a fine mans and injected into the champion king's eyebrows.

Finally, a breath of Buddhism spread from the body of the champion king.

Slowly, the champion king's eyes became indifferent, and the whole person looked empty, as if he had been robbed of his soul.

At the next moment, a glimmer of glory flashed in the eyes of the champion king, and he knelt down towards Xiao Naihe: "I have seen the master, thank the master for crossing the villain, so that the villain can be detached."

"A piece of cake."

Xiao Nai waved his hand indifferently.

And Zulong, who was next to him, looked at the scenes before and after.

At this moment, even Zulong's heart was shocked.

Watanabe, he had heard about it a long time ago. It is said to be in charge of the human spirit. Once it is fertile, it will always fall to the other's puppet forever.

Although Buddhism said that crossing the world is to influence the world, these means, in the eyes of others, are no different from Demon Avenue.

After all, controlling everything for one person is simply the control and **** of the stripe, and no one can resist.

Once you are in control, it is life and death, and even your previous subjective is erased together.

"Is this a fertilization? This is a semi-holy strong man, the dragon family exists."

Since Zulong traveled in the longevity world, he felt more and more unfathomable.

After going out of the territory of the human race, he has seen many masters. The monastic civilization here is much more developed than the first plane.

Many strong men are not weaker than themselves.

Even in this longevity world, there are passive peak powerhouses.

At that time, Bai inorganic and Huang Lin, one person held the palm of the nine heavens, controlled an era, and the other had his shadow on the entire plane, holding the palm of the court.

Even Heavenly Path cannot compare with these two.

Those two are also passive peaks.

But the whole first plane is only those two passive peaks.

In comparison, there must be more than two passive peaks in this longevity world.

This longevity world is much larger than the first plane.

Although Zulong did not enter the longevity world for a long time, he also learned something.

He knows the existence of the Chishou tribe, but there are three passive peaks in the Chishou tribe, and among the tribes, it can be described as the existence of the superior clan.

As the prince of the first tribe of champions, the champion king, under Xiao Naihe's fight, had no resistance and even completely controlled his spirit.

This contrast made Zulong a little overwhelmed.

"Holy Son, has this person been transformed in this way, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

Zulong asked cautiously, with respect in his tone.

After all, seeing Xiao Nai He and other means, individuals will have this emotion.

"It doesn't matter, I ferry him, just to let him take me to the funeral pond. The funeral pond of the first tribe, I just recently learned that this can not be missed.

If it weren't for sensing the memory fragments of the longevity goddess, he really didn't know the existence of the buried Tianchi.

"Fun Tianchi? What is that?"

"It is a miracle in this longevity world."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

Just like the rivers of time, Taikoo Leichi, and all living things that Xiao Naihe got, they are all miracles.

Well, Xiao Nai's mouth is the same as these three miracles.

"Miracle, what miracle?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head and did not answer.

Zulong also knew what was going on, and no longer asked, Xiao Nai did not say, it must be reluctant to say that he and Xiao Nai had no kinship and no reason, Xiao Nai could not take everything to himself.

Moreover, Xiao Naiho had saved himself just now, and he was already a great benefactor and he could not ask too much.

Naturally, Xiao Naihe will not tell others casually. After all, the existence of 'Buried Tianchi' will not be said by anyone who knows. If it were not for the intelligence of the long-lived heavenly daughter, otherwise Xiao Naihe's life would not necessarily know that he was in the head There is this thing among the clan.

‘Buried Tianchi’ is also called ‘Counting Tianchi’ among the first tribe.

In the "Fun Tianchi" is the evolution, the budget for the future, and each predicted future is 100% correct.

Even Xiao Naihe ’s astronomical astrology chart has the ability to calculate. The past, present, and future calculations are highly correct, and they cannot be said to be 100% correct.

And the most fatal point is the ability of the sky machine star chart, unable to calculate their own future.

Because Xiao Naihe has already broken his life, although the future changes at any time, the celestial star map will not provide the ability to predict the future.

But ‘Fun Tianchi’ is different. That ’s what anyone can predict and can see their own future changes.

More than once, the long-lived celestial girl wanted to enter the first tribe of Chi, and find the buried Tianchi.

However, because of her own special reasons, she cannot leave Qilian Mountain at will, otherwise the will of the longevity world will perceive it.

However, it is not without longevity that she has her own means. She has left her thoughts in the body of a few people inside and outside the Qilian Mountains.

You can borrow the thoughts of these people and come for a short time.

The last time Xiao Nai wanted to capture Xiaohong, it inspired Xiaohong's thoughts, and the long-lived heavenly daughter would appear across the air.

In the human race, there are actually people who have the idea of ​​living forever, one of them is Xiao Naihe who is very familiar with Gong Yueling.

Gongyue Ling had the idea of ​​a long-lived goddess in his body, which was done with the help of the ancestors.

After all, Zhenzu is a member of the Jiugong family. It is too easy to want to leave thoughts in the body of Gongyue Ling without knowing it.

However, it is not the first time that this method of eternal life is used. For so many years in Qilian Mountain, she always used this method to appear in the world, and it will inevitably be discovered by some interested people.

Someone in the five rounds of heaven discovered that the idea of ​​growing a celestial girl within Gongyue Ling is actually under the control of five rounds of heaven.

Since that time, all the actions of Gong Yueling have been under surveillance for five rounds.

For the first time, Xiao Naihe saw Gong Yueling being ambushed by three-eyed demons. It was arranged in five rounds, and he was prepared to draw out the idea of ​​a long-lived goddess in Gong Yueling's body.

Only then did those latter things happen.

Longevity Heavenly Daughter also planned to use Gong Yueling's body to temporarily fall into possession and enter the first tribe to find the "Buried Tianchi", but this idea has not had time to take action, but instead let Xiao Nai take an early step.

"Master, what time do we set off for my family?"

The champion king asked respectfully.

"Do you know where the" Fun Tianchi "of the first tribe of Chi is?"

"Of course I know that the villain once entered the" Fun Tianchi ", learned some of his future vision, and saw himself promoted to the half-sacred. Therefore, cultivation in this direction will make me a half-sacred so quickly."

Speaking of this, the champion Wang said with a tone, "But the father emperor said that the burial Tianchi's ability is special, and everyone can only enter once in his life. If he enters the second time, he will be rejected by the burial Tianchi.

"Has this happened?"

"It's true, when the villain didn't believe in evil, when he wanted to enter the funeral pond for the second time, he was ejected directly from the funeral pond, and even the original source suffered some damage."

Xiao Nai nodded, he didn't doubt this guy's words.

However, there is a special place for all kinds of treasures, especially the ancient wonders.

Such a performance is not impossible.

Burial Tianchi is an ancient miracle in the world of longevity. It is a great fortune for the first tribe to get this funeral pond.

If this burial Tianchi is fully exposed, it is estimated that the first tribe of Chi should face no small crisis.

After all, such a fetish, if it is possessed alone, will definitely cause a huge rebound.

But since knowing that there is a funeral pond, Xiao Naihe must not miss it.

"Master, when are we going?"

"Now, lead the way."

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