Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2824: Burial Tianchi (Part 2)

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Chishou tribe is also a kind of dragon tribe.

On the first plane, dragons are very rare, and they are symbols of strength.

In the longevity world, dragons are not so rare. On the contrary, there are some races that are a kind of dragon.

Chishou tribe is just one of the dragon tribes.

The first tribe of Zhe is separated from the territories of human races by about 30 continents.

But in the eyes of the half saint, the distance of thirty continents is nothing more than a day's work.

In Xiao Naihe's eyes, he flew the shuttle at full strength, which was just one or two hours.

The continent where the Chishou tribe is located is called by their ancestor name, and is called the Chishou continent.

A continent of Chishou continent can hold most of the human territory, not to mention that the Chishou tribe had taken a lot of territory from the human race.

When Xiao Naihe entered this continent, he entered the Imperial City directly.

When he entered, he directly saw the huge palace standing in the sky.

The royal palace in the sky is magnificent, with an unparalleled majesty, like the world of the sky.

In the middle of the huge royal palace, it seems to be a smallpox mouth smashed out manually, and the sunlight is directly reflected from this smallpox mouth.

Even Xiao Naiho could not help but sigh when he saw the palace.

At least on the first plane, there must be no such skill.

Nine Heavens can't do it, nor can Dan Ting.

Because to build such a palace on the sky, it requires huge resources and huge manpower to support it.

The first plane does not have so many resources.

"It is worthy of the first tribe of Zhe, the great tribe among all the tribes, and the three great deities of your first tribe, right in this palace."

Xiao Naihe stood in the distance and felt that the palace seemed to be just a foot away from him, showing how big the palace was.


"Your first tribe has three sacred lords, what is the specific situation?"

"Return to the master, the three sacred venerables of the first ancestral tribe, my father, the first prince of the first prince, and the second prince, the second prince. There is also the master of the villain, Long Hengtian is the third. Among them, the prince prince is the most powerful. It is to enter the middle stage of the passive, only a trace can be stepped into the later stage. "

Champion Wang answered honestly.

Although there are many saints and strong men in the longevity world, most of them are still in the middle and early stages, and they are similar to Xiao Naihe, while the masters in the middle and late stages are still very few.

As for the pinnacle of the Lord, there are too few too few.

Xiao Naihe estimated that the existence of that level was only one or two.

You have to know that even the longevity Tiannv has been practicing for so many years, and the retreat has been involved in the longevity of the real life. It is only the late period of the passive, and the difference is the peak of the passive.

If it reaches the peak of passiveness, it is no different from the existence of the level of Xingzu, and then even the ontological will of the longevity world can't help it.

"However, the Emperor Tai has been retreating, and has not walked out for 600 years. It is said that he seems to be in the burial Tianchi, anticipating some future variables, and wants to avoid retreat."

"A variable that even the holy Venerable must retreat in the middle? That should not be a variable, but a robbery."

Xiao Nai thought suddenly.

Fortunately, only two sages can move in the palace.

Since those two people are comparable to their cultivation bases, as far as Xiao Nai is concerned, at least they can remain invincible.

Even if he can't beat him, he can go at any time.

"Son son, there is nothing strange about the old man, but the son is a human race. You just come in this grand and walk on the street, I'm afraid it's a bit wrong."

-Zulong also followed Xiao Naihe.

He had already broken the idea of ​​strength in the longevity world, and he had encountered so many difficulties long before he entered the longevity world, and he was almost caught by the champion.

After seeing Xiao Naihe's true strength, Zulong was already desperate to follow Xiao Naihe, so as to at least ensure his own safety, maybe he could get some benefits.

Xiao Nai and He naturally knew this old dragon's idea, but there was no comment.

After all, this ancestral dragon is now following himself, and there is no difference with serving himself.

This ancestral dragon is a wise man, and naturally knows that in order to benefit himself, he definitely needs to work hard.

"Lao Long, are you the first time you have entered the main continent of the first tribe?" Xiao Naihe glanced at Zulong and laughed.

"Ashamed, the old man entered this main continent for the first time. Although he has been here before, he only swims on the edge of the border. Because the old man is also a dragon, so they have no performance. But you ... … "

"You mean, I am a human race, and the first tribe is now a hostile relationship to the human race. Once entered, could it be attacked?"


"It seems that you still don't understand the structure of this longevity world, nor do you understand the longevity world for so many years, even though the human race has experienced countless disasters, it still lives on this land."

Zulong froze for a moment, not understanding.

Xiao Nai He smiled: "Let the champion king lead the way, you will know."

Although I don't know what this means, Zulong followed them into Huangcheng Street.

Zhishou tribe is in its heyday, and has experienced tens of thousands of years of development, and has reached a grand civilization.

High-rise buildings, various shops circulate.

Compared to the situation of the Terran Territory, it is actually much stronger.

"Is this the first tribe of Chi? How do I feel as if I have entered the territory of the human race." Zulong stunned.

"What kind of wild dragon do you think the first ancestors of the Chi are living in primitive times? They are also wise and know how to run a race. Otherwise, such a large race, wouldn't they go out to eat every day and live a life of ru Mao drinking blood? "

Xiao Nai is a little funny.

"It turns out that it's old and stupid. But you look like Son ..."

Zulong said halfway, and suddenly his eyes flashed, and he didn't go on, because he saw a person.

To be precise, they are people of several races.

Those people actually walked on the street, dressed in grey clothes, and looked a little low, but they were indeed human race people.

"What's the matter? Isn't this first tribe and the human race a big enemy? Why are there members of the human race walking here?"

Zulong couldn't figure it out.

"Don't you understand? The human race has experienced so many years of development. Since its inception in the era, it is still alive and has long been integrated into any corner of the longevity world. And the current territory of the human race is only the human race in the longevity world. It ’s just a small part of it, and most of the real human members exist everywhere. "

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