Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2836: son in law?

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Upon hearing Xiao Naihe, the dragon girl's thoughts were taken back again, and she sighed softly: "This is my father and emperor, and those who follow me and prosper against me will die. Whoever dares to disobey him among this tribe's first family, Even if he is the closest person, he can be ruthless. The reason why he did n’t do it to me is because he thinks things are going to be saved. ”

The dragon girl sighed softly. As a royal princess, she was very clear about her father and emperor's thoughts.

In the hearts of her father and emperor, even her own children and sons and daughters are only of value.

His relationship with his children is to measure how high their value is.

It's like being in the father and emperor's mind, which has a very high value for use, so I love myself more.

After all, there are hundreds of children in the emperor Zhi, and his daughter is just a tool for him.

Among all the princes and princes, the only one who can get the true favor of the first emperor is the third brother, the champion!

Because when the champion and the emperor were young, all the conditions of temperament, appearance and so on were almost the same.

Let King Zhi feel that he saw when he was young, so King Zhi would love the champion king most, and even set the position of the prince on the champion king.

"I don't know what the father emperor said? Now I can only wait."

"Actually, your father and emperor were really angry. Maybe they were going to deal with you, but someone stopped him."

"Someone stopped him?" The dragon girl stunned slightly and couldn't help asking: "But I can't feel anyone."

"That person's strength is far above you. Although it is slightly inferior to the emperor Zhi, it is not much worse, also because of the Lord."

The dragon girl suddenly shocked and said: "Is it Master? Yes, according to you, it must be Master. Otherwise, according to the character of the Father and Emperor, the kind of thing just now, I am afraid that he may not be so The relationship between the Master and the Emperor ’s Emperor is relatively good, and the Emperor and Emperor will only temporarily stop when he comes forward. ”

"We don't need to take care of this matter now. Although I promise you to go to the War Demon Clan and try to help cancel this marriage, the current initiative is not in my hands."

The identity of the dragon girl is different. Xiao Nai wants to force the dragon girl to solve this family matter. Or, as the dragon girl said, let the war demons give up this family matter directly.

In fact, there is another way, that is, Xiao Naihe fights against the Demon Race and kills the Devil, so that no family affairs are established.

However, Xiao Nai did not have such an impulse. Although he was already a strong man at the level of the Lord, Ping Bai innocent offended a large family. With his current strength, it was too irrational.

Unless he can accumulate in the "Buried Tianchi", in this longevity world, no race is afraid, even if it is five rounds of hard resistance, it is not afraid.

But Xiao Naihe at this time obviously did not have such conditions.

"It can only be so."

The dragon girl sighed softly.

That ’s right to say to Xiao Naihe. When the emperor Chiu was about to start the fight against the dragon girl, there was indeed a voice in the void that stopped the emperor. This man was the master of the champion king and dragon girl.

It is also the prince of the first tribe of Chi, in the dynasty, it belongs to the existence of more than 10,000 people under one person.

There are three great sages in the whole tribe.

One is Emperor Taishang, the other is Emperor Zhishou, and the last is Emperor Zhishou.

"Brother Long, you were so impulsive just now."

The teacher appeared in a certain space, and at this time the two of them entered a certain study room in the space.

The prince of the first tribe, dressed in a robe of Tsing Yi and wearing a green crown, was upright.

"Brother Dao jokes."

Logically speaking, the relationship between these two men is a monarch, but as a saint, the strength of the two is almost equal.

In the practice world, the words are based on the strength. Although the teacher and the emperor are the relations between the king and the minister, they are also friends.

So when there is no one, these two people are called by their peers.

"Although the Grand Princess just said something wrong, don't forget Brother Long. She is your daughter. The most important thing is that she inherited a pair of eyes."

"Wise eyes?"

Emperor Zhishou's face sighed, and he exhaled gently.

In fact, as the dragon emperor's father and emperor, he also used the idea of ​​those eyes, but he knew that Huiyan could not forcibly **** the past.

That is why the emperor Zhi finally broke this mind.

Huiyantong only appeared twice in the history of the first tribe, and both appeared on important people.

One is their ancestors, and the other is the ancestors who have left the longevity world.

Even the emperor Chi, felt longing and greed for this bright eye.

However, the special place of Huiyan can only be manipulated by a natural person. Even if he snatches the dragon girl's eyes, it can't be used at all.

As the dragon girl said, in the eyes of the emperor Zhi, the children are just tools for him to measure value.

"However, the family affairs of the War Demon Clan can't be broken. This is what the clan has decided. In case the emperor violates, I am afraid that there will be great trouble for the first clan."

Emperor Chi is also very afraid of the Presbyterian Church.

The reason why the current era can be called the era of the clans is because the clansmen formed a presbyterian association between them, and there is basically no big conflict between the clans.

The Presbyterian Church of the various races is formed by the most powerful people among the various races.

It is the largest decision-making body of all ethnic groups.

They are the most powerful people in the first tribe, which is too emperor.

Although the emperor Zhi has the supreme power among the chief tribes.

But once you encounter a major event beyond your control, you must ask the emperor.

For Emperor Taishang, the father of Emperor Chi, Emperor Chi is still very afraid.

The deeds of the War Demon Race were the opinions of the Presbyterian Church and agreed by the Emperor.

"Brother Dao, if the emperor's daughter has actually performed the Yin Yang ritual with other men, you said, will they admit Feng'er to the war demons?"

"will not."

Shou Shou Huang frowned, "Isn't it true?"

"In fact, Brother Long doesn't have to worry. The family matter between us and the War Demon Clan is not only one, but another."

"You mean San'er?"

"Yes, Brother Long, I don't know what to say, not to speak properly."

"It's okay, Brother Dao, please."

Taishi nodded: "Brother Long, you know, the princess is a person with natural eyesight. Do you think it would be better for the princess to marry the war demon, and let the war demon get a pair of eyes, or let the princess stay in the first family , Let her Taoist companion enter the first ancestral tribe, and leave the princess with the eye-witness in the first ancestral tribe? "

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