Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2837: Master Chu

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This great teacher, who is flush with the emperor Zhi, is called the Chu Tianren. He is part of the bloodline of the human race and the first emperor.

Although he is mainly composed of the first tribe among the first tribe, but because of the blood of the other tribe, this Taishi used the name form of the tribe.

But among the first tribe, there were very few people who knew his real name, and he counted with one hand.

When ordinary people see him, they will honor Master Chu.

The first emperor Lian Chi was also called Master Chu in front of others.

This great teacher is one of the three great sacred lords of the first tribe, the pillar of the country.

Even the first emperor Chi, treat him with courtesy.

Chu Taishi has only two apprentices, one is the dragon girl, that is, the princess, and the other is the champion.

When the first emperor Chi was about to start with the dragon girl, it was also thanks to the advice of the teacher Chu.

The emperor Chi is certainly not about killing the dragon girl, but because the dragon girl has turned against her and disrupted her overall plan.

However, when I listen to Master Chu's words, I feel that there is a truth in Master Chu's words.

"If such a smart eye can stay in the first family, it is naturally the best."

Although the first tribe and the war demon tribe have begun to reconcile, the grudges accumulated by these two races over the years cannot be resolved overnight.

The first emperor Chi is naturally unwilling to fall into the hands of his old enemies and demons.

In the eyes of Emperor Zhi, the dragon girl's greatest value is her eyes.

‘Huiyantong’ has great benefits for him, and even the entire Chishou clan. The Chishou emperor who was singled out for this point is unwilling to marry the dragon girl.

The dragon girl does not marry into the war demons, but there are not many ideas that deserve her too much attention. After all, his children are in groups, and even the first emperor may not be able to remember the names of all children.

What he wants is ‘Huiyantong’, he ca n’t get these eyes, but it is the most important thing to be able to control these eyes firmly.

"Yes, the princess's" eyes "are the most important. Whoever is cheaper can't be cheaper for the War Devil."

"The emperor was in the same state before, but this family matter was already agreed by the emperor. Now it is cancelled, and it seems that there are some irregularities."

The emperor Zhishou was embarrassed. He also had a super emperor above him. He really controlled all the existence of the emperor's family. The emperor Chishou was naturally very afraid.

"Although the Emperor Tai had agreed to the marriage, he did not personally indicate who was married to the War Devil. It was just that we mentioned the princess over the Emperor Tai, and the Emperor Tai agreed."

Upon hearing Master Tai's words, Emperor Chiu's eyes lit up, and immediately clapped his hands, saying: "Yeah, why the emperor did not expect this. From the beginning, there was no indication that Feng'er must marry the War Devil . "

Emperor Zhishou clapped her hands and then sighed softly: "Unfortunately, when Fenger was first proposed, she had not opened the" Huiyantong ", otherwise there would not be so many troubles now."

"It's not too late. Although we and the War Demon Clan are said to be engaged in marriage, they are also verbally agreed that even the engagement ceremony has not been held. Even if they rebelled, they can't help us. Just ..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that War Devil races have just been released with pigeons, and they certainly won't let go."

The emperor Zhishou snorted coldly, the yellow robe on his body flickered, and the chessers on the cloth seemed to come alive, and they began to open their teeth and claws. Since you have n’t been engaged before, you can of course rebuke. "

"The most important thing now is to find a reason to be able to cancel the marriage of the grand princess."

"Mr. Tai meant ..."

"It's very simple. As long as the eldest princess had an **** before her engagement, the temperament of the etheric emperor could naturally figure this out. The most important thing is that the eldest princess rarely sees a man. the most important!"

The emperor Chi nodded incomprehensiblely.

Although his strength is superior, but in terms of calculation and planning, it is still far inferior to this Chu Taishi.

"If we arrange other people to be the princesses of the Grand Princess, the War Devil people will definitely see it at a glance, but if it is the person the Grand Princess chooses, then it will be fine. And the man who can make the Grand Princess look on the eyes , Definitely not a simple character. "

"If the man is willing, he can be let into the first tribe of my lord, which is better than the princess marrying."

The two discussed with each other, and Emperor Zhi also agreed with Master Chu's opinion.

"Then the emperor went to see the junior, let him be the son-in-law of the first tribe, and fell into the palace. It was already a great honor for him to refuse to agree."

After that, the emperor Zhi will leave.

Master Tai Chu quickly said, "Brother Long, be slow."

"Brother Dao still have something?"

"Brother Long, let me handle this matter. After all, Brother Long's identity is unusual. If he comes forward, he will probably be self-defeating."

The emperor Zhi thought for a moment and nodded slowly.

"Forget it, this matter is handed over to Dao brother."

As soon as the words fell, the body of the emperor Zhi disappeared like a ray of blue smoke.

But Master Chu's expression moved, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he also disappeared in place.

All these calculations, two people feel seamless.

But Xiao Naihe is already a unity of heaven and man in calculus.

He felt a calculated idea in his mind, he guessed it, and used the celestial star cluster to perform calculations. It seems that it is related to the emperor Zhi and the mysterious master who prevented the emperor.

"These two people don't know what they are calculating, and it actually counts on me. But it must be related to the dragon girl, to the dragon girl, and to me, then there is only one possibility, it must be the marriage of the dragon girl."

Although Xiao Naihe didn't hear the secret talk between the two emperors, but with Naihe's ability, he could naturally infer the truth.

In the Tianji Star Map, I was moistened by the power of time of the "Fun Tianchi", which has now evolved.

In the past, the calculation of things related to oneself using the celestial star chart was very vague, but now it is obviously different.

Nowadays, Xiao Naihe really counts one step at a time, counts himself, and counts himself!

"What is Master Xiao thinking?"

The Dragon Girl also followed Xiao Naihe. She felt some changes in Xiao Naihe's thoughts and could not help asking.

"Just thinking of something, I guess someone will come to me soon. It is probably your master-."

"Really? How did Master Xiao know?"

Xiao Naihe smiled: "You have good eyes, you can see through the essence of the matter, but the process, can't you infer it?"


The Dragon Girl froze for a moment, and Xiao Nai had something to say.

The two of them entered the Nangong, this is the champion's small courtyard.

Champions Wang and Zulong are also in the courtyard at this time.

But Xiao Naihe and the Dragon Girl just got close to the courtyard, and Xiao Naihe stopped.

The subtle movement was still discovered by the dragon girl.

Before waiting for the Dragon Girl to speak, Xiao Nai said instead: "There are people in it, I'm afraid it's your master."

"Master is here?"

The look of the dragon changed slightly.

It was not surprising how Xiao Nai could feel it, but it was obviously not that the Master came here to simply look at the champion.

She had a feeling that Master Zun came here not to find the champion, but to find herself, or even Xiao Naihe.

Subconsciously glanced at Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe's face appeared very calm, and seemed to have no worries at all.

In the face of a saint, the man beside him didn't feel anything at all.

Either Xiao Naihe forcibly disguised his emotions, or this man's Dao Xin really reached an impeccable level.

Even the dragon girl, in the face of her master, will have an instinctive feeling of trembling.

This is the suppression between cultivation bases and is an instinctive reaction.

"Why is this Xiao Nai, what is the sacred place? There are people like him in the human race, but he has never been on the longevity list?"

The dragon girl couldn't see Xiao Nai more and more.

At this moment, when the dragon girl's thoughts were floating, a sudden voice came out of the depths of the small courtyard, "Feng'er, since you are here, come in."

Sure enough, it was Master's voice.

The dragon girl took a deep breath.

It was Xiao Naihe, with a natural look and calm waves, and slowly walked deep into the courtyard.

At the moment, two people stood in front of a stone table in the garden.

One is Zulong, and the other is the champion.

Zulong's face was pale, and he obviously felt a little fear of the middle-aged man in front.

And the champion king stood at the same place tremblingly, and he dared not act rashly.

Although the champion king was transformed by Xiao Naihe, it was only forced to change a soul character by Xiao Naihe. His previous memory, behavior and behavior have not changed.

So on the surface, even the Lord could not detect the changes in the champion.

When the middle-aged man saw Xiao Naihe, his eyes were like a flash of lightning, and the flash of electricity flashed instantly. Like a sword, his eyes pierced into Xiao Naihe's pupil like fire.

Xiao Nai did not neglect, the starlight flashed in his pupils, and a star figure appeared, constantly turning.

Vaguely, one could feel in the void, and there seemed to be two invisible forces striking each other, emitting something like sparks.

Dragon Girl they also felt a little wrong.

At this time, it was the Dragon Girl who first broke the deadlock: "I have seen Master."

"Well, the princess doesn't need to be too polite."

Although Chu Taishi orally referred to the dragon girl as the grand princess, in terms of identity, Chu Taishi and the dragon girl were originally one level apart.

But in terms of cultivation, the dragon girl is far inferior to Master Tai.

Therefore, the champion king and the dragon girl were standing, while Chu Taishi was sitting.

In front of him, Master Chu was able to keep pace with their father and emperor.

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