Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2861: Just leave

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"what's going on?"

Zhan Tutian was taken aback, and when he looked back, he saw that the elder elder was covered in blood, and it seemed that he was bombarded by a powerful force.

Seeing the tragic situation of the elder elder, Li Tian and Tu Tian could not help but fought a chill.

It was definitely not Xiao Naiho's hands just now. He vaguely saw another shadow. He passed by Xiao Naihe. He started his hands instantly and the speed was so fast that he couldn't even see clearly.

Waiting for the war to kill Tian Tian himself, the whole elder has been blasted out, and now it looks like this.

Since it was not Xiao Nai who did it, who did it? There can be no one here.

In the battle of the holy level, no one below the holy level can get close.

For others, it was already gone.

Or maybe Xiao Nai used his avatars and magical powers.

But it is not possible, after all, the cultivation of the elders is not much different from that of this human race.

"Are you thinking, who did it just now?"

Xiao Nai looked at Zhan Tutian with a smile, and the expression on his face showed what he thought through Zhan Tutian.

"Human tribe, what are you doing?"

"Playing tricks? This is not my strong point. You just said that, you can do anything to achieve your purpose? I am not a saint. I naturally used a little trick, but it is still not as good as the three of you.

"What do you mean?"

"You call someone to deal with me, and I can only call a helper. I haven't been confident enough to play against the three sages alone. And on your site, I'm not as strong as that."

Called a helper?

How can it be?

The large enchantment unfolded by the "Treasure Demon Treasure Map" can surround the surroundings.

The ordinary sage cannot enter at all.

If you want to come in, you must pass through the territory of their War Demon Race, and you just didn't feel any breath coming in from the outside.

There was only one possibility. Xiao Nai was called from the sky, or from the beginning, there was someone in his body.

After all, it ’s too easy to hide people in the inner world of the cultivator.

"After so many years, I finally came out. Mr. Xiao, you should let me out early in the morning. I was already panicking inside."

Soon, a figure appeared next to Xiao Naihe.

This is a man in grey clothes, the original power of the body flows, showing his own powerful strength.

He was the Hengchi God who was rescued by Xiao Nai from the Buddha and the Devil, and later he was also half-coerced, so that the Hengchi God made a contract and let him serve himself for tens of thousands of years.

The Bingchi God is one of his biggest cards. Generally, he will not use it casually.

This Bingchi God's strength is not much worse than his own. Before he fully controlled the Buddha and the devil, he did not want to release the Bingchi God.

But now it is different. Xiao Naihe already has this ability. The Bingchi God has planted a blood contract with himself. It is impossible to violate his orders.

The God of Bingchi has long recognized it, anyway, it is not a shame to trust a saint.

He can see that Xiao Nai has potential, and the potential is greater than himself.

And he only turned to Xiao Nai for 100,000 years. For cultivators like him, tens of thousands of years of retreat was almost gone.

"Really someone? Who are you?"

Zhan Tutian had a meal and saw the God of Bingchi, his face showing a dreadful look.

He noticed an atmosphere no less than his own on the other party. The other party must also be a master of the rank of holy.

"Me, you guess who I am? But after so many years, no one should know who I am."

When Bingchi God spoke, he seemed slightly mocking in his tone.

At first, he did not hesitate to violate the prohibition rules of the Buddha and Demons for the sake of the Buddha and Demons, but in the end he was suppressed.

If it were not for Xiao Naiho to rescue him, Bingchi Shen didn't know how long he would be suppressed.

So to give Xiao Nai his life, it is considered to be human, he is also willing.

Zhan Tutian frowned, and he obviously felt that this was also a human saint, but it was definitely not Bingyugan and Lingfozi, he had seen Bingyugan.

The spiritual Buddha is a man in the burial plateau. The gray man in front of him is not a person who cultivates Buddha at all.

But among the human races, is there a fourth sage?

If anything, I am afraid of the status of the human race, and I will soon be promoted to be able to compete with them.

"If you are not wrong, you should be a warrior **** of human race soldiers, known as the ancestor. When I heard that you entered the money path of the world, it triggered the ban inside, and it was suppressed. walk out."

The person speaking is not Zhan Tutian, but Zhan Feifeng in the sky.

The old woman's eyes seemed to be through the eyes of all things in the world. When she saw the God of Bingchi, she instantly recognized the identity of the God of Bingchi.

"Huh? Does anyone even know me?" Bingchi Shen couldn't help but look at Zhan Feifeng in the sky, suddenly frowned, and seemed to think of something: "You are Fei Feng Feng? You actually stepped Is it the middle of the Lord? "

"Yes, the old body broke through to the middle of the Lord shortly after you entered the money road of heaven and earth."

"I didn't expect to see the Venerable here. If you see the Venerable here, it is unlikely that this is the territory of the War Devil."

Between speeches, Bingchi God looked at Xiao Naihe.

"This is indeed the territory of the War Demon Race. I was besieged by the three of them just now and I have to call you out."

Xiao Nai waved his hand and said helplessly.

"Really ..."

Bingchi God's eyes shrank slightly, and there was a helpless smile on his face.

"Why? Can't you know this old woman?"

"In the beginning, I met with Venerable. At that time, Venerable also directed me once. Later, I also knew about the money road to heaven and earth."

"It turned out to be the case, but now is not the time to reminisce, but she is going to kill me."

Looking at Zhan Feifeng, Bingchi God couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that the person I wanted to be the enemy for the first time came out.

"Bingchi God, although you are not dead, your old body is very unexpected, but do you think that you have dealt with your old body? Your old body has entered the middle of the holy sage, you should still stay in the middle of the sage, do you think you are an old body opponent?

"I am indeed not an opponent of the Venerable, I still have self-knowledge about this."

"In this case, the old body can give you a clear path, kill this child Mingzhi, the old body is willing to absorb you to my war demon, and give you the identity of the elder of the palace, how?"

The elders in the palace are the same level as the elders.

Zhan Tutian hurriedly said: "My war devil is willing to wait for the joining of soldiers and friends."

The God of Bingchi is a holy sage, although it is a human race, but this is nothing.

With the joining of the Bingchi Gods, the power of their war demons can be promoted. Not only can make up for the losses after War Devil's death, but a huge benefit.

"Sovereign's heart is under leadership, but under Xia and Mr. Xiao have already formed a blood contract and will not give up Mr. Xiao."

"Really? That's a pity. Since you have to be an enemy with the old body, the old body can only kill you together."

Between the words, Zhan Feifeng reached out his hand, and there was a magic energy in the sky. The one enveloped by this magic energy seemed to be a demon head, devouring towards Xiao Naihe and Bingchi God .

"Shen Wenling Magic."

At this time, the Bingchi God had an extra golden brush in his hand sometime. The golden light radiated by the brush contained a lot of Daoyun, which was obviously an amazing thing.

I saw that the God of Bingchi waved a bit in the sky, slashing wildly, and turned into a demon.

But instead of being a demon, it is like a demon with a saint's breath. There is magic, but it is more of a wisdom.

Bang Bang Bang.

The two golems collided with each other in mid-air, producing a terrifying explosion, as if the world and the earth would be turned upside down, the momentum spread all over the sky.

"Magic energy? Human race repairer?"

Zhan Tutian was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that as a human race cultivator, the Bingchi God actually cultivated demons.

Just that moment, the whole force of Bingchi God was forced to the back.

Seeing that the corners of Bingchi God's mouth had oozed blood, it seemed very painful.

"It's so strong! This woman is much more powerful than before. My current strength has not yet fully recovered. I'm afraid it's really not this woman's opponent."

Bingchi God smiled bitterly, and he had suffered a lot of injuries just now.

Xiao Nai nodded. He also knew that it was not enough to rely on the Bingchi God alone. The cultivation practice of the Bingchi God was equivalent to his own. At most, he dealt with the elders and the war.

To deal with this battle with Feifeng, it is still somewhat reluctant.

"How are you?"

"Thank you for your help."

It was at this time that a man came out of the stone traps, and it was the elders who had been attacked and blasted out by the **** of war.

Zhan Feifeng has been quietly treating the elders in the air, Xiao Nai knows, but he has not shot.

No matter how big this elder is or how little he is, the situation will not change.

"Mr. Xiao, I didn't expect that I would face such a crisis as soon as I came out. You can really cause trouble. Today, I am afraid that neither of us will be able to leave. Or, if Mr. Xiao summoned the thing, we might be saved.

Xiao Naihe knew that the God of Bingchi was referring to the Buddha and the Demon Chaoye. The Buddha and Demon Chaoye are now controlled by himself.

If such a small world is summoned by Xiao Naihe, there may be a chance to escape from here.

"No need, I have my own way to deal with them. I want to leave. You are not enough alone."

"What are you still whispering? Just now that the old man could feel so uncomfortable, it would be hard to dispel the hatred of the old man without tearing you apart."

The elder elder showed a fierce expression, and raised his hand, just like a stream of light, hitting with a punch.

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