Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2862: Instant kill

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The elders' fist intentions have been shrouded in the shadows of the elders.

With a sense of killing and a sense of anger in his fist, it seemed that he would burn this piece to the ground.

The God of Bingchi just attacked himself just a moment ago, causing him considerable harm. This is a shame for the elders.

He must now tear the Bingchi God into pieces, otherwise his Dao heart can't be passed over, which has a big impact on his cultivation.

"Go die to the old man."

"Magic cage kill!"

At the next moment, the elder's fist was already bombarded, and the magical energy around him gathered on the fist, showing the powerful power of the elder's fist.

However, Xiao Naihe looked at the punch, but raised his hand slightly in the void: "Buddha gate, call!"

Suddenly, a magnificent golden light was released from Xiao Naihe's body.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth seemed to form a golden ocean. A force of Buddhism and Taoism erupted from Xiao Naihe's body, and the blood, blood and smoke burst into the sky.

The elder elder just banged it down with a punch, but was shocked by the change and froze for a moment.

And at this moment, an extremely dangerous thought flashed in the mind of the elder.

"Not good, retreat."

This extremely dangerous idea was born for the first time in the history of the elders.

He has practiced for so many years, to the level of the Lord, and it is really remarkable in the sense of danger.

As long as you feel dangerous, there can be no mistake.

At this moment, the elder elder withdrew and retreated, as if the streamer had sprung out, taking back his fist.

The punching out of the punch, but did not have time to withdraw, and still bombarded towards Xiao Naihe.

"Vajra free mirror."

Suddenly, in a golden light, a white light flashed, refracted above the fist.

"That's ... a mirror?"

The white mang seen by the elders in the golden light is obviously a mirror. This mirror is not real, but formed by a divine power.

And when his punching intention hit the mirror, the next moment, all the punching intentions were refracted back instead, and hit him with a more powerful momentum.

"Oops, the original body protection."

Seeing that his boxing intention was not only bounced back inexplicably, but also the strength became stronger, the elder quickly exhibited the original body protection.

But his speed was still full after all.

The enhanced boxing intention has already hit the elders.

This time, the force is not much stronger than the attack of the Bingchi God.

The big elder was slammed down.

"Great elder."

The Battle of Tutu was also unexpected, and all these changes occurred in an instant.

And Zhan Feifeng also saw the changes. When she wanted to save the elders, it was too late.

The whole elder was smashed down, and the body and soul were smashed directly.

He is not Xiao Naihe. After the smashing of the soul, he will definitely die.

Ten thousand elders did not expect that they would die under their magical powers.

"All counterattack, this is a great magical power of the ancient Buddha family. I didn't expect the power to be so powerful. It seems that I have to give time to learn it."

After seeing this supernatural power, Xiao Nai couldn't help but sigh.

Zhan Tutian hurried over, and the elders could not keep their bodies at this time, and their fortified fists were shattered into pieces.

This is-instant kill!

It was able to instantly kill a holy strong.

Even if it is only the early stage of the Lord, but to kill such an existence instantly, I am afraid that the strength of the other party is ten times stronger.


Zhan Feifeng's face also showed unprecedented suspicion.

Just that moment, even she felt a trembling of souls.

People like them who practice the magic path are very keen on the breath of Buddhism, and they will also be restrained.

"Amitabha, sin and sin."

At this moment, another man appeared from Xiao Naihe.

This is a monk dressed in golden cassocks, palms together, golden light blooming, there is a round aperture behind his head, with a holy but powerful aura.

"Great monk, the counterattack was really strong just now. I have the opportunity to ask you for advice."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

"Dr. Xiao should not be polite. As long as the donor is willing, the poor monk can refer to it at any time."

This great monk is exactly the ancient Buddha among the Buddhas and Demons.

When the ancient Buddha initially set Xiao Naihe's assessment, later Xiao Nai not only passed the assessment, but also took control of the Buddha, the devil, and the opposition.

Let the ancient Buddha believe that Xiao Naihe is the heir of their kingdom of devil, so the ancient Buddha is to stay and want to help Xiao Naihe.

In ancient times, the Buddha's strength was far above the God of Bingchi, even above Zhanfeifeng.

It can be said that this big monk is Xiao Naihe's biggest card except for chaotic sky stones and karma trees.

"The breath of Buddhism and Taoism is exactly the same as the spirit of Buddhism in the Jiuyuan of the Money Road of Heaven and Earth."

Bingchi God looked at the ancient Buddha, and seemed to think of something, his body trembling slightly.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said: "It seems that you should have guessed something. The ancient Buddha came from the place you thought, but he lived from many years ago."


This time the body of Bingchi Shen could not help shaking.

He has suppressed under Jiuyuan for so long, and is very familiar with the breath in Jiuyuan.

That Jiuyuan was created by the masters of the kingdom of Buddha and Demon, and the breath of this monk's body was actually the same as that of Jiuyuan.

Then there is only one possibility. This person should be the one in the world of money.


"Have seen the master."

The God of Bingchi quickly made a ritual toward the ancient Buddha, he could feel that the power of the big monk in front of him was the most powerful one he had seen since his cultivation.

The other side was just a moment ago, and he instantly killed a war demon sage who was similar to himself.

This monk's cultivation practice is only afraid of reaching a very high level, which is definitely not worse than that of Venerable Feifeng.

"Monk, there is something for you to help, stop me these two people, I will break this space and leave."

"Okay, the poor monk does his best."

"Also try your best, if you want to kill someone, you are afraid that at least two of them will die. But you have already killed one and let you kill someone. I am embarrassed. Help me to take some time. Now. "

Between his speeches, Xiao Naihe reached out and emerged a shrunken palace, which was the ancient palace.


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