Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3516: Free to crack (on)

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"Young Master Xiao, why do you think they can't get in?"

Chu Qing is very puzzled.

The man in front of him is very capable. This is clear at first glance, but the other party is an eight-star array mage, and there are still three. To enter the half-step eight-star array method, I am afraid that it is easy.

But Xiao Nai thought they could not enter, Chu Qing could not help asking.

"Although I have been in your eternal Tianyu soon, but no matter where you are, you have something in common. If you don't believe it, you will know it naturally."

Xiao Nai He smiled, and no longer explained.

Chu Qing nodded and looked at Zhang Chun in front of them.

As soon as these four people approached the phalanx, they immediately attracted many people's attention.

There is a small space separated by a line of flags near the phalanx, which is difficult for even ordinary robbers to approach.

If you want to open the gate, you must enter this small space.

So Zhang Chun and the four people entered the small space and immediately let the people around talk.

"That seems to be Zhang Chun. Does he want to enter? Like me, he is just a Mahayana pinnacle. I'm afraid I won't be able to enter."

"No, isn't he beside him, Master Baifeng Feng? I heard that Feng Baibao was a half-step eight-star array master a long time ago. Isn't Feng Baibao trying to crack the array into it."

"More than that, the two beside Feng Baibo are not the genius array masters known as Xuanyuan Star Kingdom. Is Senior Luo being Senior Wu? The two of them are said to have entered the category of Master Eight Star Array.

"It's amazing, as soon as you enter the Eight Star Array Master, you must enter this half-step Eight Star Array. It must be easy."

"Only such a Master of Eight Star Arrays can go inside. Zhang Chun, the kid, has a good master."

Feeling the envious glances around him, Zhang Chun grew more proud, raising his chest, and his face smiled with a breeze.

He Yu Guang swept to Xiao Naihe, provoking Xiao Naihe with a sneering expression.

A mortal waste can only be played.

It was a pity that Chu Qing was too. She is a disciple of Juyao Garden. If she can have a good relationship with Chuqing, she might be able to embrace the thigh of Juyao Garden.

A seven-star prince can control the general situation of the Xuanyuan Star Kingdom, even an eight-star array master can't do it.

"Master, two seniors, can we go in?" Zhang Chun said respectfully.

Senior Wu laughed: "This half-step eight-star formation ... If I am not mistaken, it should be a chain of strange spirits."

"Tianmen sills, left water and right fire, this is the orthodox four-square series closed formation, if it is only half a step and eight stars, then it is absolutely impossible to enter."

"The formation of the five forces joined forces is naturally not simple, but it still cannot help me."

Feng Baibo proudly said: "It depends on how I open the gate and go inside."

Between the words, Feng Baibo grabbed both hands, as if grabbing the wind in the void.

A series of magic arrays emerged from Feng Baibo's eyebrows, and at the next moment a chain of law was formed, directly surrounding the upper small space.

"Feng Baibo is about to crack the formation." The people around were suddenly nervous.

It's not that nobody has tried to crack the front of the circle, but nobody can do it.

This makes many people desperate.

Now they all hope that Feng Baibo can succeed in cracking and enter the battlefield.

Once successful, the power of the front will inevitably be weakened, and then they will have a chance to enter.

"Click." The chains above directly entangled the small space, and the circle immediately made a brittle noise, as if something had left.

"Is this because the enchantment of the magic circle is split?" Chu Qing said in surprise, he looked subconsciously at Xiao Naihe.

I saw that Xiao Naihe still had a faint smile, which seemed to be unconcerned.

"It's really cracked, and they can go inside."

"The game of chess is in the circle."

The people around you looked at it with envy, but no one dared to step forward casually. After all, it was an eight-star formation mage. This level of formation mage, even the strongman who robbed the robbery, did not dare to play against it, let alone them.

"Everyone, let's take a step first." Zhang Chun laughed and said to others around him.

His stupid show off made other people's brows frown, but everyone couldn't say anything. Who told them to have a good master.

Feng Baibo beckoned to open the gate.

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly emerged.

An ancient power penetrated from all around the gate, as if to break the wind.

A spur of fire suddenly spewed out from inside, poured down from the top, and rushed wildly towards Feng Baibo.

At that moment, it was like a surging river, rushing to swallow and drown Feng Baibo.

"No, this circle is a little weird. Two of you help me."

Senior Wu and Senior Luo did not dare to carelessly, took a step forward, directly blocked the surroundings, and a vast expanse of supernatural power broke out in an instant. Grabbed it, and a law was injected into it, it is necessary to put this fine fire stand up.

However, even if the two of them started working at the same time to help Feng Baibo with the power of the wind and the moon, they still could not shake this circle, but countless fine fires bombarded like wild storms.

"Is this really a half-step eight-star magic circle?" Feng Baibo's face changed.

At the next moment, ancient branches were drilled out of the magic circle, just like the big hands of heaven and earth, rumbling into a waterfall, and the endless fire was instantly covered up.

They are as strong as the wind and they can't resist this blaze.

Feng Baibo is the strongest. He arrived in the late stage of the robbery, while Wu and Luo were in the early stage of the robbery. Zhang Chun was only in the state of Mahayana.

Was swept by this endless fire, several people immediately blasted out, and the clothes on his body were burned to a tremendous chaos.

Looking at Feng Baibo's embarrassed appearance, everyone around him was dumbfounded.

"How is it possible ... can't even get the Master of Eight Star Array?"

"Isn't this just a half-step eight-star formation? What kind of formation did the five forces deploy?"

Some people around were shocked, some regretted, some sneered, and some were gloating.

In particular, Zhang Chun just deliberately put it on display. Now, the power of the small space is blasting out, and a dog comes to eat shit. If there is a crack in the ground at this moment, he is definitely the first to go in.

Chu Qing opened her mouth and she looked at Xiao Naihe. Sure enough, as Xiao Naihe said, it seemed that he had foreseen this situation from the beginning.

"Young Master Xiao knew from the beginning? Is it really impossible to open the front door?" Chu Qing couldn't help asking.

Xiao Nai smiled faintly: "It's not difficult to open the gate? They just find the wrong position, it's a pity."

When Zhang Chun heard this, the cold hatred suddenly appeared in his eyes.

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