Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3517: Free to crack (below)

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"Let's go." Xiao Naihe ignored Zhang Chun's resentful look. This kind of person who angered others because of embarrassment, Xiao Naihe has seen more.

Upon hearing it, Chu Qing could not help but froze for a moment, subconsciously asked: "Where to go? Do you want to leave?"

"Don't you want to go inside?"

"Young Master Xiao has a way to get inside?"

Early Qing looked stagnant, she knew that Xiao Naihe's cultivation was powerful, but in front of him was a half-step eight-star array, even an eight-star array master like Feng Baibo could not crack.

This strange and mysterious magic circle can be arbitrarily broken if it is not stronger.

Is it possible that Xiao Nai is still good at the formation?

But Xiao Naihe said so, and Chu Qing did not say anything. She really wanted to see the world chess game.

Xiao Naiho is also very interested in all the world chess games.

Xiao Nai He smiled and didn't explain anything. Chu Qing followed him and went into the small space in front of the magic circle.

"Does anyone try to open the goal again?"

"It's useless. I couldn't even open the eight-star array master just now. I'm afraid that only the nine-star array master can open the gate."

"Nine Star Array Master? When did Seven Star Taiyu have such a powerful Array Master? Nine Star Array Master could be comparable to the existence of general immortal legends."

"Isn't this a half-step eight-star magic circle? Why do you need a nine-star magic master to open it?"

"The five forces are really extraordinary, and it is not easy to join forces to display the magic circle."

Seeing Xiao Naihe and Chuqing enter the small space, the people around them didn't take them very well.

Especially seeing Xiao Naihe is just a physique, although Chu Qing is good, but she is only a Mahayana state, far worse than Feng Baibo just now.

Feng Baibo snorted coldly: "I don't know if the sky is high and the ground is thick. This formation is definitely not a half-step eight-star level. I'm afraid that it has already surpassed the eight-star and even reached the nine-star. Just want these two little hairs to enter?

Just now Feng Baibo vowed to be able to go inside, open the gate, and then was blasted out in the next moment. In the face of so many people, Feng Baibo also felt ashamed.

Now when I saw Xiao Nai, he actually had to challenge to open the gate, and could not help but snorted coldly.

"Master, let them go, anyway, they are also asking for bitter food." Zhang Chun said indifferently.

"There are always such ignorant people in this world."

"The disciples of Juyao Garden followed this mortal waste, only to be disgraced."

Senior Wu and Senior Luo were also bitter in their speeches.

Chu Qing felt the eyes of everyone around her and felt uncomfortable. She looked at Xiao Naihe, only to see that Xiao Naihe looked calm, as if everything in the world didn't matter.

Suddenly, Chu Qing also admired Xiao Naihe. Under such a trend, he could still insist on his heart as a rock and be unmoved. Such a Daoxin did not know how powerful it was.

Rao is Chuqing who has been practising hard for many years, and her mind has been purified.

But only a person with a strong sense of mind, such as Xiao Naiho, can maintain such a demeanor.

"Young Master Xiao, how do we get in? Can this gate be opened?" Although Chu Qing is not a mage, he also has some research on the formation.

Xiao Nai said with a smile: "It's not difficult to open the gate, you must first find the position of the gate."

"It seems that Master Xiao is also extremely proficient in the formation."

"Proficient in formation? I laughed. To be honest, I haven't studied formation in very many years." Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Haven't studied the formation method in years?

At first, Qing Qing froze for a while, and then a bad hunch came into her heart.

Even if the eight-star array mage can't crack the array, can't open the array gate, why is Xiao Nai not the array mage, dare to be so supportive?

Xiao Naiho also seemed to see Chu Qing's thoughts, but he smiled and didn't explain anything, because in his realm, in fact, even if he didn't delve into the formation method.

He has a clever mind and a unified road. He is already an immortal level. No matter what he learns, he can point to the essence.

Even the most powerful formation, even if he hasn't studied it, he can understand the essence of it just by looking at it, whether it's strengths or weaknesses.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Xiao Nai's eyebrows opened, and the gleams of light were like a magnificent glory. They were suddenly released, as if they were the most mysterious avenue laws between heaven and earth, and then weaved together.

The wind scrolled, and then weaving up the laws of supremacy, fell on Xiao Naihe's side.

"Huh? What is that?"

There are many strong players in the field who are proficient in playing against the law, but when they see the laws in Xiao Naihe, they can't help but be stunned. They don't know anything at all.

Xiao Naihe smiled, he grabbed it, and countless brilliances spewed out in an instant. These avenue textures and laws were intertwined, and then spread all over the small space.

In front of this huge magic circle rumbling, the whole earth vibrated suddenly at the next moment, as if it was shaking the ground, swaying swaying.

Endless rays of light erupted from all four sides of the circle, the drums were sensational, and the divine power was filled. The huge circle immediately stopped at the next moment, and a light door appeared in front of him.

Seeing that light gate, even those who can't form a formation know that it is the formation of this formation.

"No ... isn't it? It really shows that the door came out, how did he do it?"

"The gate that could not be opened by the Master of Eight Star Array, just let him find it? Who is he?"

"He seems to be just the cultivation of the body, what's wrong with this world?"

Seeing Xiao Nai He really found out the goal, everyone at the scene was stunned, and all the face convulsions, I couldn't believe it.

Xiao Naihe really found out the goal, and Chu Qing was also surprised.

Zhang Chun, who hadn't looked down on Xiao Naihe, changed his face even more. It was unbelievable. The position that even his master couldn't find was easily found by the other party.

"Still dumbfounded, we went in."

Xiao Nai greeted Chu Qing, and turned around to go in.

"Slow down."

But at this moment, suddenly a thunderous sound resounded throughout the valley.

Feng Baibo waved his hand, and the breath of the formation avenue on his body suddenly filled the whole world, as if holding the sky of the sun and the moon, he could sweep the world.

Under this general trend, many people around could not help but retreat.

"Baxing Master, in the later stage of the robbery, Feng Baibo's strength is actually strong." Some people marveled.

Xiao Nai smiled faintly, "What do you want to do again?"

"You can't open this gate, you are just opportunistic, you are not qualified to enter." Feng Baibo snorted coldly, his voice very cold.

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