Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3588: Suspicious

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"Hope you don't eat your words."

"Shall I go with you now?"

The Seventh Princess frowned slightly and said, "When the time comes, this palace will notify you naturally. Let's go!"

Hongyi followed behind Princess Qi, glared at Xiao Naihe, the murderousness in his eyes made no secret.

Xiao Naihe didn't care, his eyes were on Long Aodi and Long Chentian.

As the four leaders and the five leaders of the Shenlong religion, these two are naturally immortal.

Emperor Long Ao won the Emperor's name many years ago, and got the Emperor's name of 'Ao'.

However, Longchentian has not yet won the Emperor's name. The Longchentian talent is the worst of the seven brothers of the Shenlong religion, and it is only an immortal segment until now, and there is no qualification to emperor.

"Lao Liu, where did you go before? The big guard who guarded Zongtang not long ago said, your longevity card shattered and said you were dead. We still don't believe that the boss specially sent the second son to find your trail. "Emperor Long Ao suddenly said.

If it were n’t for Xiao Naihe ’s immortal bones, he was a mold with the Dragon Sword Emperor, I ’m afraid it would have been exposed for a long time.

Xiao Naihe sighed deliberately and said, "I left Xiantu and went to Xuanyuan Taiyu. One of my descendants who stayed in Xuanyuan Taiyu died, and I wanted to see who killed it."

"Your descendant, the sixth is not what I said about you. We cultivated the Eternal Avenue and got a glimpse of longevity. If the descendants have any length, we have to deal with it, and we have been busy dying."

"The fourth old man is right, I said the sixth old man should focus on cultivation."

Before the Emperor Dragon Sword Emperor became enlightened, he did not enter immortality, and he did indeed leave a heir.

Only later, when it becomes immortal, it will no longer leave any blood, because the immortal strong will leave its own blood, which will inevitably weaken its accumulation and heritage.

So the basic immortal strong will not deliberately leave offspring.

Dragon Sword Emperor is no exception.

As the years moved, the descendants of the Dragon Sword Emperor almost died.

The one who stayed in Xuanyuan Xingguo can be said to be the last descendant of Shenlong Sword Emperor, so he would leave his mark in the underworld.

Long Chentian glanced at Xiao Nai He, suspiciously said: "No, then how could your longevity card be broken? Over the years, I have never heard that our longevity card will be broken, what the **** is going on?"

The seven brothers of the Shenlong religion also have some powerful **, elders and the like, who will leave their own cards for longevity and put them in Zongtang.

Each longevity card records its own life stamp. Once someone dies, the longevity card will shatter.

When the longevity card of the Dragon Sword Emperor shattered, it caused a lot of turmoil in the Dragon Dragon Sect.

Now Long Aodi and Long Chentian are also doubtful about Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai had anticipated this situation long ago, and was ready to explain: "I met two strong men in Xuanyuan Taiyu, and I was ashamed. At that time, if I had done something, I faked and deceived each other, I was afraid I would die early. It's over there. "

"How is it possible? That Qixing Taiyu, how could someone kill you?" Long Aotian was the first to disbelieve.

Long Chentian said: "I remember your old rival Xuanyuan Emperor, it seems that he is in Xuanyuan Taiyu."

"Does the boy of the Xuanyuan family? I remember him. He seems to have inherited the memories of generations of Xuanyuan emperor. But I heard that the boy had some conflicts with his family before, so he left the Xuanyuan family. The old enemy, but the kid wants to kill the sixth, just afraid it is impossible. "

"Xuanyuan Taiyu, that's a Taiyu under the name of the Xuanyuan family. Heard that the Xuanyuan family had a genius before, Xuanyuan Waner! Is it her?"

Xuanyuan Wan'er?

Xiao Nai did not expect that she would hear her name here, which was somewhat unexpected.

But he is not surprised, the Xuanyuan family is also well-known in the fairy land.

Xuanyuan Wan'er was assigned to Xuanyuan Taiyu by the family to hold the heavenly way. When the time is ripe, he will go to Xiantu.

The genius children of each Xuanyuan family will actually be assigned to Taiyu controlled by the name of the Xuanyuan family, holding one side of the heavenly path and experiencing them.

The Xuanyuan family is a famous family of fame in Xiantu. There are dozens of small and medium-sized Taiyu kingdoms, and one of them is Xuanyuan Taiyu.

"Not from the Xuanyuan family, but from another strong man, you should have heard of this person too." Xiao Nai looked calm.

"Not from the Xuanyuan family? Who is that in the end? That kind of seven-star Taiyu sits on those immortal ones, who can kill you?" Long Chentian shook his head and looked at Xiao Nai suspiciously.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said: "Do you know the Golden Dynasty?"

"Of course, the Golden Dynasty has heard that the ancestors of the Golden Dynasty in the ancient times were once sealed by one of the" Eternal Four Emperors ", and they were glorious for a long time. They forced many times, but unfortunately they were destroyed. Dozens of Taiyu under the name were all divided It ’s just that Xuanyuan Taiyu should not be Taiyu before the Golden Dynasty. "

The two men were puzzled by how Xiao Nai suddenly mentioned the 'Golden Dynasty'.

"Because the strong man I met was the man of the Golden Dynasty."

"The remnants of the Golden Dynasty are still alive? Who is it?"

Xiao Naihe slowly spit out three words: "Zhou Tianzi."

"What? Is he? Zhou Tianzi! The genius who claimed to be the golden dynasty, the youngest immortal strongman in the history of the golden dynasty. How could he not die?" Long Aodi was shocked, his face changed greatly, "the golden dynasty is the least It might be him who was alive. The champion emperor of Xianmen College personally shot, and the immortal four-stage suppression was behind him. The entire golden dynasty was extinct, and Zhou Tianzi was removed by the champion emperor. "

When Long Aodi mentioned the champion emperor, although he directly mentioned the taboo, there was a lot of fear in his words.

"He really did not die, and the other party seems to have honed a very strong physical body, cultivated above me. He also showed the true meaning of the Eternal Avenue, it seems that it is directly to the heart of heaven." Xiao Naihe directly The pot was thrown on Zhou Tianzi.

If other people use the intelligence ability of the Shenlong religion, I am afraid it is easy to investigate the traces.

However, as long as Zhou Tianzi had existed in Xuanyuan Xingguo, the Shenlong religion would surely be able to detect clues.

"This is a big event. Zhou Tianzi is still not dead. It seems that the legend is true. Tiandao Jiuzi, Zhou Tianzi is one of them, otherwise he cannot escape from the champion emperor." Long Aodi and Long Chentian's tone changed Very deep.

Then Long Chentian asked again: "You said two strong men, what about the other one?"

"Another one?" Xiao Nai He looked at the other person and sighed deliberately: "Ashamed to say, the other one I really don't know, the other party is a young man, cultivated extremely high. It was he who killed my descendants, I found When he was on board, he found that the opponent was stronger than me. At that time, I joined forces with Emperor Xuanyuan and almost died in his hands. "

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