Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3589: Archbishop

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Sooner or later, with the ability of the Shenlong religion, he will investigate things in Xuanyuan Star Kingdom, so Xiao Naihe's words are half true and half false.

To confuse the truth, true and false, and confuse your eyes, when the Shenlong Sect goes to investigate, it will find nothing.

As for Zhou Tianzi, Xiao Nai happily threw the pot on him. Anyway, Zhou Tianzi lost his flesh and blood, and he absolutely hid sternly.

"A seven-star Taiyu actually has such a strong man, I am afraid that he also went down from the fairy land. At least it is the existence of the three immortals. But now the most important thing is the news of Zhou Tianzi, this matter is important, Big Brother must be notified. "Long Aodi took a deep breath.

"Yes, if you are right, Zhou Tianzi should be the legendary Nine Sons of Heavenly Dao. He must have a big secret about Eternal Heavenly Dao in his body. He must find him and get this big secret from him. Old Six, you and I went to see them. "

The archbishop of the **** dragon?

Xiao Nai found some information in his memory. This **** dragon master is an immortal three-segment strongman who penetrates into the heavenly dragon heaven and holds the heaven and earth.

Placed in the ancient kingdom of Holy Heaven, it is also a top strongman.

There are seven major leaders in the Shenlong Sect, which are the seven brothers of the Dragon Sword Emperor.

The Shenlong religion lasted for millions of years and had a great relationship with the seven of them.

In addition to the Seven Great Archbishops, there are 12 other princes and four Elders, all of which are immortal.

And to the following kinds of lords, rudders and the like, it is the realm under immortality.

The Shenlong religion should be regarded as an eight-star ancestor in the fairy land, and there is a certain gap from the nine-star power like the ancient heaven.

However, no matter who mentions the Shenlong religion, the ancient kingdom of the Holy Heaven will smell the color change, precisely because of the existence of the Archbishop, this mysterious master.

In the memory of the Dragon Sword Emperor, Xiao Naihe found that it seemed that the Dragon Sword Emperor saw the Archbishop infrequently.

At this time, Xiao Nai was a little curious about going to see the great leader of the Shenlong religion.

In the southern part of the Shenlong religion, there is a celestial blessing. This celestial blessing is surrounded by a world surrounded by mountains and rivers, birds and flowers, and the air is full of spirits.

A magnificent vitality pervades the air, and powerful vitality radiates from the ground.

Xiao Nai moved slightly, he knew there was a huge vitality beneath the ground.

This vital pulse is definitely much larger than that of the Giant Medicine Garden.

"If I can absorb this vital pulse, I am afraid that my body and physique can be immediately completed!"

Xiao Nai said secretly.

His eternal Taoist body training requires huge energy to nourish his body, otherwise he would not have taken the vitality of the Giant Medicine Garden at first.

Even if the vitality is as strong as the giant medicine garden, after being absorbed by Xiao Naihe, it is not enough for infinite destiny and physique.

Although his Taoist body and physique has been somewhat successful, it has not yet been truly full.

It's not that Xiao Nai did not have enough insight into his own Taoism, but that he lacked pure energy.

"Forget it, this vital pulse is still not a mess of ideas." Xiao Nai suppressed his idea of ​​trying to find out.

There are many masters in the **** dragon religion. Several leaders and princes are one-on-one immortal. They are absolutely suppressed in number. Once a conflict occurs, it is definitely more difficult than dealing with several immortals in the giant medicine garden.

Not to mention the great Archbishop, his strength is not just under the Zhou Tianzi that day.

No matter how confident Xiao Nai is, he doesn't feel invincible to this extent.

When Xiao Naihe saw the Archbishop, the Archbishop had walked out of the world and seemed to be waiting for the arrival of Xiao Naihe and others.

The Archbishop has a calm expression, and the whole body is filled with a violent breath, like the flames of fire and flames in the sky, gathered and scattered, integrated into the void, can penetrate the stars and shine in all directions.

Between every move and every move, the power is extremely powerful.

But when he sat down, the violent breath that originally flowed around him suddenly disappeared, as if the wind was annihilating.

It is replaced by a very peaceful atmosphere, which seems to be a collection of wisdom, wishfulness, and other righteous forces, merged in the air, and seems to be a generation of great virtue.

Emperor Long Ao and Long Chentian moved slightly: "It's awesome, Brother Xiu has further improved his strength. I don't know where he has gone. Has it begun to enter the four immortals?"

Xiao Naihe didn't say anything. He glanced at it to know the depth of the Archbishop's cultivation.

This archbishop is indeed good, but it is far from the step of the four immortals.

The other party's destiny is full, and the flesh and blood are vaguely separated from reality. It seems to be returning to the pure origin in the soul. This is a step forward in the immortal three paragraphs, but it is definitely not in the scope of the immortal four paragraphs.

Xiao Naihe's strength is almost in the middle of the three to four stages of immortality.

Although there is no memory in the Dragon Sword Emperor's memory, the more powerful Xiao Nai is, the more he feels immortal. Every level has many small realms.

In particular, Xiao Nai took the step of three immortal stages. He felt that in the three stages of immortality, there were at least six or seven small realms, or even more.

Otherwise why is the immortal six paragraphs, the immortal one or two paragraphs are called the next two paragraphs, only the immortal three paragraphs, will become the middle two paragraphs, there is a huge gap between them.

This great leader should stay in one of the small realms of the three immortals.

"If it is against each other, it is estimated to be equivalent to Zhou Tianzi."

Xiao Nai secretly speculated about the gap between Archbishop Zhou and Tianzi.

Because Zhou Tianzi is the strongest person that Xiao Nai has ever seen, the will of the champion emperor of that day has not yet reached the three stages of immortality, it is not as good as Zhou Tianzi.

If it is really hands-on, Xiao Naihe also has a certain degree of confidence to defeat the Archbishop, but may have to pay a certain price.

"Sixth, I heard you are dead."

As soon as the Archbishop opened his mouth, the faces of Long Aodi and Long Chentian became strange.

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly: "Thank you Big Brother for worrying that the younger brother encountered a strong enemy that day. If he had not deceived the other party with a fake death, I was afraid he would die in a different place."

"Your longevity card is shattered. I originally thought you were dead, and I deliberately counted it, but found that your vitality has not been cut off, so they asked the second and third sons to check it."

The Dragon Sword Emperor is of course dead, but Xiao Nai originally trapped the Dragon Sword Emperor in his own space and cut off a piece of time and space, so the Longevity Sword of the Dragon Sword Emperor will be broken.

However, the Emperor Dragon Sword Emperor was not dead at that time, and the Archbishop would have considered that the Dragon Sword Emperor's vitality had not been cut off.

"Brother, the sixth elder made great achievements this time, and he brought back a great news." Long Chentian said quickly.

He said everything before and after, the Archbishop's expression remained unchanged, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After a while, the Archbishop suddenly looked at Xiao Naihe and said, "I want to see your memory."

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