Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 101 Aim at the golden dragon

Among the clouds in the sky, Xu Yue looked at the black dragon wreaking havoc among the fleet below, his expression slightly stiff.

This guy was stronger than he expected. He destroyed a large armed airship in ten seconds, and physically resisted the magic main gun but suffered only minor injuries. This kind of strength was too much.

And just looking at the previous scene where the black dragon used its flesh wings to wipe out all long-range attacks, it was hard for him to imagine how Lambert used a small arrow to directly cut a dragon wing into rags. It was a bit too nonsense. .

The biggest possibility he could think of was the involvement of other forces, such as the sleeping goddess who covered the entire continent of Altria with dreams. Otherwise, there was no way to explain the black dragon's strange defeat.

"Is it the dark will of the goddess Althea..."

While Xu Yue was lost in thought, the battle below the clouds had come to an end. After the black dragon's massacre, the airship fleet was almost wiped out, and all the coalition forces in the valley also fled. Without the restraint of high-end combat power, simply Numbers mean nothing to the black dragon.

Faced with a situation where one dragon's breath could burn most of the coalition forces to death, Cook had no intention of leading everyone to launch a suicide attack. Taking advantage of the black dragon's pursuit of the airship, he ordered everyone to disperse and retreat, preserving their remaining strength first. .

Above the valley, the black dragon looked at a large airship that was gradually escaping in the distance. When it was about to continue to catch up, it suddenly paused and turned its head to look in the direction of the back mountain. It felt the same kind of aura there. Rival.

Glancing disdainfully at the scurrying ants on the ground, the black dragon's wings stirred up a storm, and its huge body brought up billowing black and purple smoke, roaring away towards the back mountain, leaving only the remains of the airship scattered all over the valley.

"Captain Xinhuo, we..."

On the Sun Chaser, First Officer Barron looked at the billowing smoke disappearing at the end of his field of vision with lingering fear, and asked Xu Yue hesitantly.

Although he knew that the black dragon would be very powerful, after facing the power of the black dragon, he realized how lacking his previous imagination was. He was not an opponent of the same class. Can Lord Beskod and the others really destroy this monster?

"Raise the flying ship and catch up."

Xu Yue's cold words echoed in his ears. Barron was stunned for a second, but he quickly reacted and left the deck and went to the cabin to convey the order.

After a while, the airship launched and began to climb up in the clouds. The Black Mountain Mountains were extremely high. The speed of the large airship climbing up in the clouds could not be compared to the previous Black Dragon. Therefore, it would take a while to cross the mountains to reach the next battlefield. time.

But it's not a big problem. Black Dragon and the Dragon Slaying Group still have to fight for a while, and it should be just fine by the time he arrives.


On the back of the Black Mountain, two dragon shadows, one black and one gold, were intertwined in the sky, with gold-red and dark purple dragon breaths breathing out at each other.

From time to time, large pieces of gravel on the mountain were smashed by the dragon wings and rolled to the ground, causing everyone in the Dragon Slaying Group on the ground to dodge.

"It's flying too high and can't be hit!"

After smashing a fallen rock, Barna looked at the two dragon shadows entangled in the sky with a depressed expression. He wanted to help, but he was completely unable to intervene. Except for Geraint, who could transform into a dragon, there was no one in the dragon-slaying group. People can fly, but now they can only worry below.

That's right, the golden dragon fighting the black dragon in the sky now is the transformation of the ranger Geraint. Geraint and his sister Argenta are both transformations of ancient dragons who fell in the War of Three Dragons. Since their birth, , in the infinitely long years, has been traveling to every corner of the continent, guarding this world created by the goddess.

The story of the Three Dragons War is not complicated. In ancient times, after the goddess Altea was poisoned and fell into a deep sleep, the important task of protecting the continent of Altria was handed over to the ancient dragons and chaos dragons created by the goddess herself.

As a powerful and long-lived dragon clan, they completed this task very well, allowing the continent to maintain peace and prosperity for a long time. There were few killings and wars were eliminated. All races lived and worked in peace and contentment and coexisted peacefully.

But the days of peace did not last long. Althea fell into a deep sleep, but the culprit Vestine was still unscathed. He, who was hiding in the Mysterious Continent, was always looking at the man she hated so much with malicious eyes. The world, he wants to destroy everything Altatea holds dear.

So, under the control of Vesteene, another dragon descended from the sky to the continent of Altria. It was a giant dragon that spread darkness and death everywhere. It was called the Shadow Dragon and came for destruction.

In this way, the War of Three Dragons broke out. After a fierce battle, the Shadow Dragon was killed, but before his death, the Shadow Dragon used the power of Vestine to pollute the Chaos Dragon, one of the guardians. As a last resort, the Ancient Dragon He and the Chaos Dragon once again started a desperate fight, and both sides died together in the end.

At this point, the War of Three Dragons came to an end, and all three dragons participating in the battle fell. The dragon crystal of the ancient dragon split into two dragons, one gold and one silver, who later became Geraint and Aljeta, while the dragon crystal of the chaos dragon It was broken into many fragments, giving birth to the dragon clan that was most prosperous on the continent. The birth of the black dragon was also foreshadowed at this time.

Now it is precisely because of his identity as a dragon that Geraint can feel the signal that the black dragon is about to awaken, and he also knows the biggest weakness of the dragon. As the guardian of the new generation, he must destroy this black dragon. The opponent is full of strong The taste of shadow dragon is undoubtedly the work of a certain goddess.

It's a pity that in terms of pure hard power, Geraint is far from the Black Dragon's opponent.

When Xu Yue's Sun Chaser finally crossed the mountains, what he saw was a picture of a golden dragon being beaten by a black dragon.

Compared with a real giant dragon, Geraint, who only inherited part of the power of the ancient dragon, is more like a golden lion with wings. With a size of more than ten meters, it is undoubtedly a behemoth for humans and elves, and can be compared with hundreds of dragons. The meter-long black dragon looks particularly petite in comparison.

At the top of the mountain, the battle situation at this time was like an eagle catching a chicken. The golden dragon relied on its agile speed and relatively small size to toss and turn in the air. The black dragon was chasing after it, and dark purple dragon breath spurted out from time to time, but they were all The golden dragon flashed past them one by one.


Barna's shouts came from below, and the golden dragon in the air understood. It rolled and flew to the ground, and the black dragon behind him also dived downwards.

As the two dragons flew close to the ground and chased each other, everyone in the dragon-slaying group also seized the opportunity. Barna held a broad sword and stabbed it hard into the black dragon's leg, but was kicked away in the blink of an eye. Compared to the size of the black dragon, , the heavy sword is like a toothpick, the damage caused cannot be said to be dispensable, it can only be said to be comparable to a pedicure.

On the other side, Beskod jumped down from the rock. His long black sword plunged straight into the gap between the black dragon's scales, and then he and his sword flew up together with the black dragon.

In the air, he held the black sword embedded in the dragon's scale with one hand, and with the other hand he pulled out a short dagger from behind, and tried hard to pry the jade on the black dragon's chest. Unfortunately, he found nothing after trying for more than ten seconds.

Even the exposed weaknesses cannot be peeled off so easily.

The black dragon jade failed to be dug out, and Bescord ended up falling from the air because the black sword slipped. If the golden dragon hadn't flown back in time to catch it, he would have died on the spot.

Seeing that the two of them failed one after another, long-range attacks from the rest of the dragon-slaying group also attacked the black dragon. Arrows from Nelvin and Liya, and spells from Tramayi and Karaqiu came one after another. However, after a series of bombardments, in addition to letting the black dragon Apart from roaring in pain a few times, it didn't have much impact.

"Huh? Liya is not dead."

On the Sun Chaser in the clouds, Xu Yue, who was watching the battle, whispered softly. Then he squinted his eyes and carefully inspected the battlefield below, and sure enough he saw Lambert running anxiously towards Barna.

If Liya is not dead, in the original plot, the anger jumps on the back of the black dragon, and the protagonist who fights for his life will probably find it difficult to have such courage again.

"Sure enough, it's unreliable to expect the plot to kill."

Although he didn't know the reason why Liya didn't die trying to save Lambert, Xu Yue didn't feel too surprised.

After the contractor entered this world, it was destined that the plot would not develop as before, and Xu Yue would not be surprised at how much it collapsed.

But without Lambert's key arrow that pierced the dragon's wing, the possibility of the dragon-slaying group below being able to defeat the black dragon became even slimmer.

"Ha, as expected, you have to rely on yourself for everything."

"Barron, notify the magic energy main gun to prepare and increase the power of the inscription to the maximum."


The front end of the Sun Chaser was slowly unfolding, and at this time, the golden dragon below was also in a desperate situation. In order to divert the attention of the black dragon who was breathing dragon breath on the dragon-slaying group, the golden dragon frequently harassed it, although it successfully killed the black dragon. He was led off the ground, but without noticing, he was firmly grasped by a black dragon claw.

"Captain Xinhuo, the main gun has been calibrated, targeting the black dragon."

"No, aim at that golden dragon."

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