Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 102 Let my sister go

In the Black Mountain Mountains, thick gloomy clouds gathered at the dome, forming a vortex that covered the entire sky. Dark purple magic energy and blue thunder light loomed in the vortex.

At the bottom of the swirling clouds, the black dragon waved its wings gently, suspended in mid-air, and its sharp claws were tightly grasping the golden dragon transformed by Geraint.

The ferocious head of the black dragon reaches down, and its huge mouth full of sharp teeth is facing the golden dragon in its claws. The dark purple dragon's breath boiling in its throat is boiling, ready to attack.

The golden dragon struggled hard in the black dragon's claws, but with his whole body being caught, it was difficult for him to even exert his normal strength.

It can be foreseen that if the dragon's breath is really received head-on, the golden dragon will not die but will be disabled.


At the time of crisis, Algerta's mournful cry sounded on the ground, and then a dazzling white light bloomed below. In the white light, Algerta transformed into a slender four-winged white dragon, soaring into the sky. Before the purple dragon's breath spurted out, She hit the black dragon's angry mouth with her body.

The dragon's breath exploded in the black dragon's mouth, and the white dragon that Aljeta transformed into was filled with purple flames and fell from the air. The black dragon's head was thrown back by the exploding dragon's breath, and it fell backwards.

The golden dragon took the opportunity to escape from the black dragon's claws, but as soon as it took off, a bright beam of light flew quickly from the sky and hit the golden dragon's head steadily.


The magic energy main cannon exploded against the head of the golden dragon. In the roar, scales flew and dragon blood spurted out. The golden dragon transformed by Geraint did not have the terrifying defense power of the black dragon.

Although he was not killed by the heavy blow, the entire dragon fell into a temporary coma, hovering and falling from mid-air.

Before it landed, another scream came from the sky, and a crossbow arrow with a chain rope was shot from a distance. After the crossbow arrow approached the golden dragon, it did not hit it directly, but changed its direction strangely. After circling the golden dragon for several times, the metal chain rope at the end of the crossbow also tied the golden dragon tightly.

Then the chain rope quickly straightened, and the golden dragon that was supposed to fall flew upwards instead under the pull of the chain rope.

"What's going on?"

On the ground, Barna stared dumbfounded at the dramatic scene in the sky. The golden dragon that had just been desperately rescued by Argenta was knocked unconscious by a sudden attack in an instant, and was then tied up in the air like a fisherman.

Barna looked along the direction where the metal chain rope extended, and saw a large armed airship produced by the empire emerging from the clouds on the horizon. The chain rope binding the golden dragon was also rapidly shrinking, dragging The golden dragon flew towards the spaceship.

After seeing that it was indeed an imperial spaceship, Barna turned his angry eyes to Beskod and said in a deep voice:

"Bescord, what's going on?"

"Who is that person above? Instead of attacking the black dragon, he is preparing to capture Geraint alive. What on earth do you want to do!"

Barna is just honest, not stupid. He has been a mercenary for so many years, and he has encountered many times the intrigues and tricks among mercenaries.

So when he saw the armed airship that suddenly appeared, he quickly reacted and pointed the finger at Beskod in the crowd.

There are no traces of battle on the surface of the airship. Coupled with the clever timing of the attack just now and the hidden position when it appears now, it is easy to guess that it was hidden on the edge of the battlefield early in the morning. Among the people, Beskod was the only one who commanded such a large armed airship.

At this time, Beskod was staring at the spaceship on the horizon with an ugly expression, his eyes uncertain.

"The one on the airship is Xinhuo. I did order him to come to the rear of the battlefield to provide support after the war started, but I didn't give him any other orders."

"Could it be that Brother Xinhuo made a mistake? He doesn't know that Brother Geraint of Golden Dragon has changed."

Noticing the tense atmosphere between the two, Lambert quickly smoothed things over. He had a good impression of Xu Yue, so he excused Xu Yue's attack just now. Deep down in his heart, he didn't want to believe that Brother Xinhuo is a bad guy.

Seeing that the two of them did not react after hearing his words, Lambert was about to speak, but Liya beside him tugged on his sleeve and whispered:

"That airship has obviously been lurking for a long time, otherwise the timing would not have been so accurate. Therefore, even if Xinhuo on the airship didn't know that the golden dragon was Geraint, he should have been able to tell that the golden dragon was from our side. What he did just now Something is very wrong.”

After hearing what his little girlfriend said, Lambert hesitated for a moment and stopped speaking. Instead, Barna continued to question Bescord.

"Support? Haha, it's an ambush!"

Everyone on the ground began to suspect each other, and on the airship, Xu Yue had already dragged the golden dragon to the deck.

This large crossbow is a piece of equipment he made in advance. The design of the chain rope is based on the first piece of equipment he obtained in the Wolverine world - the spear gun, and the turning crossbow uses the 'Arrow Control' he just obtained. inscription.

Jin Long woke up from his coma when he was halfway dragged, but he was severely injured at this time and he didn't even have the strength to break free from the chains, so he could only be dragged onto the airship deck while struggling.

Until it saw Xu Yue, the struggling golden dragon suddenly became calm, and then its body shrank rapidly. In the flash of golden light, the huge golden dragon turned into a golden humanoid with its back and two wings. Although the change was huge, it was still possible. See what Geraint looks like.

"The fire, it's me, Geraint."

The dragon turned into a human form, and the chains on his body were naturally loosened. Geraint lay down on the silver deck, looking anxiously at Xu Yue in front of him.

"I know it's you, Geraint."

As soon as Xu Yue finished speaking, something unexpected happened. The silver floor under Geraint instantly turned into water waves, and tentacles made of silver liquid spread rapidly along his skin.

Feeling the strong sense of confinement coming from his body, Geraint's pupils shrank, and golden light emerged from his body again.

Xu Yue wants to kill him! This biting murderous intention made him just want to transform into the dragon form as soon as possible.


But the change was interrupted just as it unfolded. Countless blood flowers bloomed all over Geraint, the largest of which came from his chest. Now he is covered with spikes, which were spread all over his body before. Made of silver liquid.

Although the sharp thorns did not penetrate deeply into the flesh in the face of the powerful dragon skin defense, it was enough to stop Geraint's transformation into a dragon for a moment. If he forced the transformation, he didn't know if he would be turned into a hedgehog by these sharp thorns.

At this moment of hesitation, a square-shaped painted halberd came through the air and penetrated deeply into his heart. Feeling the slow passage of life, Geraint stared sadly at the unfamiliar Xu Yue in front of him.

"Please, let my sister go..."

Xu Yue's silver claws stretched out from his fingertips and grabbed the golden dragon and jade on Geraint's chest. His eyes were cold the whole time.

"Don't worry, I just need you, I will kill that black dragon."

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