Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 103 Divine power is being extracted

[You kill the guardian golden dragon-Geraint. 】

[Geraint is a key character in the plot. You get 10.8% of the source of the world, and now you get 20.2% of the source of the world in total. 】

[You get a treasure chest (blue). 】

[You have obtained the Golden Dragon Baoyu and have met the requirements of the main mission. Submit yes/no. After submission, you will be eligible to return. 】

The paradise prompt that you can complete the main mission by submitting the Golden Dragon Baoyu appeared in front of you, but Xu Yue just glanced at it and ignored it. He had spent so much effort and made so many preparations, and he was not here just for the Golden Dragon Baoyu. of.

"I reject."

After decisively rejecting the park's application, he looked down at the black dragon that was chasing the Dragon Slayers, with a hint of eagerness flashing in his eyes. This big lizard was the main dish. In this cruel paradise, he had to grasp every change. Strong opportunity.

Geraint in front of him had turned into a ball of ashes after being dug out of the jade. The dragon clan in Dragon Valley relied on the jade on his chest to exist. Once the jade was lost, his soul would be scattered and his bones would be gone.

In the floating golden smoke, Xu Yue took out the Tears of the Goddess in the space and crushed it into pieces.

At the moment when the gem shattered, a huge beam of milky-white light rose from the deck of the Sun Chaser and shot straight into the sky. The swirling clouds covering the dome collapsed the moment it came into contact with the light beam, revealing the bright sky behind the clouds.

The bright golden sunlight poured down from the holes in the clouds, coating the large airship suspended in mid-air with a bright golden light.

In the gloomy dark valley, such a sacred and glorious scene suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present and focused their attention on the position of the airship.

The black dragon that was chasing everyone in the Dragon Slaying Group suddenly turned its head and stared at the bright milky white pillar in the distance. An uncontrollable feeling of jealousy surged out of its heart. It roared angrily and raised a storm with its dragon wings. Then he soared into the sky and flew towards the Sun Chaser.

When the airship captured the golden dragon, the black dragon noticed it. It wanted to burn those annoying ants on the ground to death first, and then slowly deal with the airship. But after the milky white light pillar appeared, it only had one thought now. That is destruction.

After the black dragon left the ground, the members of the Dragon Slaying Group who were hiding everywhere also came out of their hiding places and looked up at the scene in the sky that looked like a true god coming to the world.

"What is that? A god?"

Karaqiu held her staff and looked up at the sky, her tone full of disbelief. As a mage, she had always scorned belief in gods.

In her opinion, gods are just more powerful humans, not unreachable, but the scene in front of her overturned her understanding, and the vast and sacred aura made her even worship them.

Telamai's face was excited, and her eyes were full of devout faith.

"It's the power of the goddess. I know what Xin Huo wants to do. He wants to use the power of dragon crystal and the goddess to unite his profession, but how can the tears of the goddess have such an exaggerated effect."


"Unless what?" Bescord asked anxiously from the side. He now felt that everything was out of control.

"Unless the goddess's will has been paying attention to this battle, the tears of the goddess crushed by Xinhuo at this time have become the best carrier of will, so that the goddess's loose will can be completely manifested with the help of this majestic power of faith. .”

"This may be the opportunity that Xinhuo has been waiting for to join the dragon-slaying team. He chose to kidnap Geraint, on the one hand, to seize the dragon crystal as an energy source, and on the other hand, to make our dragon-slaying plan fail. That obviously In order to destroy the black dragon in front of me, the transformed will of the goddess will spare no effort to strengthen the fire."

"After all, the sleeping goddess's will does not have much subjective wisdom, and it cannot directly interfere with the world. The professional cohesion medal in Xinhuo's hands is the only means of intervention."

"How dare this heretic use God!"

After listening to Tramayi's explanation, Beskod gritted his teeth and slowly spit out the word "fire". All his plans were completely disrupted after this guy appeared.

Barna was also secretly stunned after understanding the beginning and end, and looked at the Sun Chaser with a little more fear.

"It's such a big move. He created such a big battle just to unite one profession. If he really succeeds, how strong will he be?"

Not to mention the whispers of everyone on the ground, on the deck of the Sun Chaser, after Xu Yue crushed the Tears of the Goddess in his hand, a vast will came here, and the fire in his body began to shake crazily, and he only felt a gaze Falling from the sky, his body and even soul were seen through.

In the sky, the black dragon fluttered its wings and kept approaching the airship, and the light beam above the airship was also quietly changing. A shadow of a god filled with heaven and earth appeared under the sea of ​​clouds. He wore a crown and a mysterious golden circle hung behind his head. Huan, with swaying long hair, holy white robes, and a vast body that even exceeds the entire Montenegro Mountains, but his face is shrouded in a layer of white light, making it difficult to see his face clearly.

The phantom stands between the sky and the earth, with his hands in the shape of a bouquet, supporting the Sun Chaser in mid-air. His head is lowered. Although his face is invisible, you can still feel his eyes staring at the palms of his hands.

However, among the people present, it seemed that only Xu Yue and Hei Long could see his image clearly. The rest, including Tramayi, could only see the light pillar disappearing in the distance and the sea of ​​clouds stirring on the horizon.

The moment the god's shadow appeared, the figure of the black dragon flying in the air suddenly froze, and an endless sense of panic swept through its body in an instant. It instinctively wanted to turn around and run away.

But soon the resentment welling up in its heart overwhelmed all reason. It waved its dragon wings fiercely, and after speeding up again, it galloped towards the Sun Chaser, which was held in the chest by the phantom of the god. There was already a dark purple stain on its throat. Long Yan is ready to go.

Xu Yue looked down at the approaching black dragon below, with no fear on his face but a slight excitement. He took out the blank medal that he had obtained for a long time and combined it with the golden dragon crystal in his hand.

As a drop of blood fell, the blank medal immediately melted into a ball of white light after touching the blood and penetrated into the golden dragon crystal. Then the golden dragon crystal began to emit wisps of golden light, floated up, and blended into the center of Xu Yue's eyebrows.

The next moment, under everyone's shocked eyes, a golden sun exploded in the sky. The black dragon that had just approached was thrown away by the golden glow before it could eject the dragon flames that had been brewing in its mouth for a long time.

"He actually succeeded, such pure power of the goddess!"

On the mountainside, Telamai stared at the golden sun in the sky with feverish eyes, murmuring constantly, and the others also opened their mouths slightly, looking shocked.

"It turns out that this is the power of gods..."


In the deepest part of the Altria continent, in the center of the thick darkness, there was a beautiful woman wearing a white robe and a crown. Her eyes were closed and her brows were slightly furrowed, as if she was trapped in a nightmare and could not wake up.

This is the legendary creation god Althea. After being poisoned by the corruption, he was placed in this small world by the King of Gods. He suppressed the terrifying toxins in his body by sleeping, waiting for the King of Gods to find him. to find a way to rescue her.

But countless years have passed without any reply from the King of Gods, and He has been sleeping continuously in this small world, suffering from the erosion of poison. The thick darkness outside the body is exactly the entity that overflows from the body under the influence of poison. Transform nightmares.

Time has lost its meaning in this small world. Until Xu Yue crushed the tears of the goddess on the mainland, Althea, who had been sleeping with his eyes closed, reacted at this moment. His beautiful eyebrows were slightly raised, and his closed eyelids were slightly It trembled, but in the end it didn't open.


The goddess's lips and teeth did not move, but a cold tone spread in this small world, causing the surrounding darkness to boil.

"You want power, I'll give it to you."

After saying this, Althea's body bloomed with bright golden divine light. The divine light surged out of his body, and then quickly disappeared along with some mysterious connection.

After a while, the golden divine power emerged faster and faster, and half of the small world was illuminated by the golden glow. Correspondingly, Althea's face had begun to become a little pale, and he drew out a large amount of it in a short period of time. The divine power had a great influence on her.

"How could it be that it's not over yet? We can't continue. Stop!"

Althea's voice sounded again, this time with a bit of confusion. The continuous flow of divine power also stopped at this moment. After the golden divine light stopped flowing out, the goddess just breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a sudden sound in the small world. There was a mechanical sound.

[The provision of divine power is suspended, judgment is in progress...]

[The Blank Medal holder’s current potential has not been expanded to its highest value, and the goddess Althea forcibly cuts off the divine power, which is a violation of the contract. 】

[According to Article 1732 of the park regulations, the park can carry out compulsory intervention, and the divine power is being drawn...]

After the mechanical sound fell, golden divine power poured out of Althea's body like a torrent, almost turning the entire small world into pure gold.


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