The Assassin's Tavern occupies a large area, and the first floor is the most densely populated area. It provides many services such as wine, food and banquets, task reception, and intelligence communication.

This place is open to all assassins, so it is the busiest. After following Gu Yu into the tavern, what Xu Yue saw was a scene of bustling people and people drinking and drinking.

The magnificent hall is densely covered with neatly arranged mahogany tables and chairs. A large number of assassins of different shapes are scattered everywhere, chatting, laughing and making noises.

Looking around, the huge hall does not look like a gathering point for an assassin organization, but instead looks like an ordinary lively tavern.

The only difference is that the places selling wine and food are located on both sides of the hall, and directly opposite the door is a large task wall with densely packed assassination orders posted on it.

Under the mission wall, there was a huge semi-circular reception desk. Four maids dressed very similar to Gu Yu were standing in all directions, receiving the assassins coming and going.

"Sir, the first floor is where ordinary assassins live, but the top 100 assassins can go directly to the second floor."

After entering the tavern, Guyu didn't stay long on the first floor. After giving Xu Yue a brief introduction, he walked straight towards the stair entrance at the edge of the hall, with Xu Yue naturally following closely behind.

There was a guard standing on the left and right of the stairs. When they saw Gu Yu walking in, they both stepped back respectfully, revealing the wooden ladder behind them.

Guyu and Xu Yue climbed up the steps, and what came from behind were blazing sights. Only the top 100 in the assassin rankings can be considered as official members of the Shadow Organization, and their treatment will naturally be different. As for those outside the 100th, it is said that To sound worse, they are just a group of cannon fodder that can be replaced at any time.

They envy and even hate the members who can climb to the second floor, but no one is stupid enough to provoke.

Regardless of status in the assassin rankings, the only thing that matters is strength and performance. As the few hundred who have reached the top among the tens of thousands of members, each of them has the ability to kill them easily.

The more they trade other people's lives for fame and fortune, the more these assassins know how to cherish their hard-won fragile lives.

"Sir, there are only a dozen or so assassins resident in this Xingyang City. Each of them can have an independent room on the second floor."

"The museum owner told me that if you join the organization, from now on, you will be number 84 on the ranking list."

Climbing the wooden stairs, the environment on the second floor becomes much quieter. The noise downstairs is completely isolated after entering the second floor.

Compared with the rich and luxurious style of decoration on the first floor, the second floor is particularly elegant. The first half is an antique hall with seven or eight small boxes divided by exquisite screens. Two or three people can be vaguely seen drinking and drinking tea behind the screens.

From time to time, a few probing eyes shot out from all over the hall, focusing on Xu Yuezhou and looking up and down.

Xu Yue turned a deaf ear and seemed not to notice. He just followed Gu Yu quietly and listened to her explain the layout and various services on the second floor of the Assassin Tavern.

Soon the two of them were walking through the hall one after the other and heading to the corridor behind.

In a box in the corner of the hall, a man dressed in white, who looked like a scholar, looked back and turned his gaze to the opposite side. There was sitting a man in black who was drinking heavily. Even though his strong muscles could be seen through The outline of the clothes can also be clearly seen.

"Brother Shan, what do you think of this newcomer? I heard that he could kill the blood evil spirit neatly in just a few moves."

"What do you think? I'm just sitting here and watching. I'm just killing a bastard about fifty people away. What's there to care about?"

The man answered nonchalantly, and after drinking a large bowl of strong wine, he tore off a leg of lamb on the table, gnawed the tender lamb several times, and then stuffed the entire bone stick into his mouth. .

As his upper and lower teeth interlocked, a numbing sound of bone shattering spread in the box. After being finely ground in his mouth, the hard bone rod turned into bone powder, and finally mixed with saliva and slipped into the esophagus. .

The corners of the scholarly man's eyes twitched slightly. Every time he watched the strong man eating, he had a feeling of doubting whether he was a human being. That gesture was too intrusive.

"Killing the blood evil is naturally not a big deal, but what if the opponent is the Vajra Indestructible Dzogchen?"


There was a crisp sound in the air, and the half-bone rod in the strong man's hand was crushed into a pile of waste, with bone fragments flying everywhere.

Part of it penetrated deeply into the wooden screen beside him, and the other part hit the strong man's skin, causing a few golden sparks to splash.

"At his age, it is impossible for him to reach the Great Perfection state!"

After the inner turmoil calmed down, the strong man patted the fine white bone powder on his hand and said decisively.

The scholar opposite took back the unfolded folding fan in his hand. He had just used this folding fan to block the flying bone fragments. He put the folded fan aside and said with a chuckle:

"According to the precise information sent back by the spies, the opponent can instantly metalize his whole body, and nothing can break his defense. Moreover, after the blood poisonous stinger of the blood evil stabbed his navel Shenque point, it broke every inch, but the opponent remained unscathed. .”

"Brother Shan is also from Shigeng country, so you know what this means."


"It's absolutely true." The scholar nodded, and then seemed to think of something again, with a look of doubt on his face: "But what's worth paying attention to is that the color of the other party's metallization is silver, not the usual gold. I don't know why. Brother, have you ever heard of any variant of the indestructible Vajra?"

"Having reached perfection at this age, with silver skin, could it be..."

After muttering a few words to himself, the strong man suddenly turned his head and looked back at the empty corridor where Xu Yue had long disappeared. After a few seconds, he turned back, grabbed another leg of lamb on the table and started chewing it. There was a hint of excited appetite in his pupils.

"Interesting, interesting..."


"Sir, this room will belong to you from now on. You can come over at any time. The food and accommodation in the tavern are free for all top 100 assassins, as long as you do not leave the organization."

In the quiet corridor, Gu Yu and Xu Yue paused in front of a door with the word "Tian Chang" engraved on it.

Pushing open the thick wooden door, there is a bright and tidy room behind the door. Although there is still no trace of modern electrical appliances, the entire room is spacious and bright, with all kinds of furniture and decorative ornaments. It also looks quite comfortable.

"Sir, let's see if you are satisfied?"

Xu Yue glanced around briefly and nodded lightly. He didn't have many requirements for food and accommodation.

After Gu Yu saw that he was satisfied, he felt relieved. Although this gentleman had a brutal and decisive fighting style from the intelligence, he was not difficult to get along with. He was just a bit cold-tempered, but he was considered normal and could be an assassin. Rarely enthusiastic.

The only problem is that the deep evil aura hidden in the other party often makes her shudder.

"Sir, after joining an organization, you often have to take a code name. I wonder if you..."


"Okay, Lord Xinhuo, I will deliver your assassin token tomorrow morning. With it, you will truly join the organization. With the token, you can travel to various organization gathering points on the mainland without any hindrance. "

"Thank you."

Hearing this, Gu Yu smiled slightly, pointed to a small ornament in the corner of the room and continued:

"In this tavern, Master Xinhuo can call the little girl if he has any needs. He just needs to turn the wooden sculpture."

"Oh, anything?"


Gu Yu's expression remained unchanged, and she still smiled gently, but her head slightly drooped, bringing out a different kind of charm.

"First go and give me the assassination bounty with the highest bounty in the museum."

"My lord, please wait a moment."

Guyu Yingying bowed and walked out the door. Xu Yue's eyes paused on her waist, which was like a weak willow supporting the wind, and then moved down to look at her skirt.

He didn't look back until the door closed. There was no trace of covetousness in his eyes, only as quiet and deep as a cold pool.

'The lower body is stable, the waist and hips are strong and transparent, the skirt does not move at all when walking, and the skill level is at least LV.6 or above. ’

After briefly judging Guyu's strength in his mind, Xu Yue sat down on the round stool in the center of the room, picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of hot tea, and took a sip. The temperature was just right.

"The strongest assassin organization on the mainland is indeed rich in capital."

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