Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 139 Asking for help

Shortly after Guyu left, Xu Yue was drinking tea and waiting in his room, while the hall on the first floor below was buzzing with discussions because of the appearance of his code name.

On the west side of the hall on the first floor, there is a huge list, which records the list of the top 100 assassins. Now the eighty-fourth blood evil on the list has disappeared, and a strange one has appeared instead. Codename, Xinhuo.

"This Xinhuo is the one who just caused the gong to ring four times and then went straight to the second floor. Why did it become No. 84?"

"Even if you can join the organization directly, shouldn't you do the assassination mission first and then get on the list after you have a resume?"

"Is there any need to think about this? He killed the blood evil before joining the organization."

In the hall, a group of assassins gathered around the list and were talking about this new codename. One of them, a middle-aged man with a long beard, narrowed his eyes and concluded:

"I see, this newcomer's ranking is not limited to eighty-four, but at least fifty and upwards, but I don't know how high it can be."

The middle-aged man with a long beard is the older one among this group of assassins. Although his strength is average, he is famous for being well-informed and having a sharp eye. His speech immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

"Fifty, is that an exaggeration?"

"Haha, do you know who the maid was who led the newcomer upstairs?"

"Brother, please don't be so secretive. Please give me some advice."

Many assassins in the crowd sincerely asked for advice. Seeing everyone staring at them with burning eyes, the middle-aged man with a long beard not only did not feel nervous, but instead stroked his long beard proudly and spoke slowly:

"That maid, her name is Guyu!"

As soon as Gu Yu's name came out, everyone around him was shocked and took a breath of cold air.

"Hiss! Under the five masters of the hall, there are twenty-four attendants."

"So, the owner of the hall personally sent someone to invite this fire?"

"It's not easy."


On the third floor of the Assassin's Tavern, in a study.

The middle-aged library owner was still writing down something in his account book, when a burst of light footsteps suddenly came from behind, breaking the silence in the study.

Guyu, who was wearing a long skirt, stepped forward slowly, holding a round plate in her hand. She removed the tea that had already cooled down on the desk, replaced it with a new set of tea cups, and poured a steaming cup for the owner. After drinking tea, he retreated behind the host and stood quietly.

After a long time, the owner who finally finished handling the accounts put down the brush in his hand, drank the hot tea on the table that was just right for your mouth, and said:

"How about that guy?"

"For the record, Master, this person is codenamed Xinhuo. His specific strength is unknown, but he is extremely dangerous."

"Oh?" After hearing Gu Yu's comments, the owner was slightly surprised.

Grain Rain refers to the transition between spring and summer, when rain produces grains, an opportunity for sowing, and a time when all things flourish.

When it comes to judgment and perception of breath alone, among the twenty-four attendants, Gu Yu is second only to Jing Zhe, but he rarely hears Gu Yu use the word 'extremely dangerous' to evaluate someone's strength.

"How dangerous is it?"

Guyu, who was behind him, thought for a moment and then replied:

"I briefly met Lord Chiya at the capital headquarters the year before last. This Lord Xinhuo gave me a sense of panic that was no less frightening than Lord Chiya."


The owner in front of the desk coughed slightly, as if he had choked on the tea. He put the tea cup back in his hand and turned to look at Gu Yu, who was standing handsomely behind him, with a faint twinkle in his eyes.

"You're sure you got it right."

"I am sure that I have been in contact with him for nearly an hour and there will be no mistake."

"Furthermore, the evil aura in this Lord Xinhuo is even worse than that of Lord Chiya. It's just that he was well contained, but a conservative estimate is that no less than ten thousand people died at the hands of this Lord."

"No less than ten thousand people..." The museum owner repeated Gu Yu's words, but there was a hint of excitement on his face.

"It seems that there is another evil star in our organization. Gu Yu, tell me all the details of your contact with him."


More than ten minutes later, Gu Yu finished telling all the details of his contact with Xu Yue, while the owner listened and recorded something on the rice paper with a brush.

"Which assassination orders did he receive in the end?"

"The snake demon king in the north of the city, the White Bird of Bird Gate, the sacred beast that protects the country of Earth Dragon Kingdom."

"He has accepted the three highest-level bounties currently in the tavern."

After listening, the owner added the last few strokes on the rice paper, then put the brush aside and said seriously:

"If he is really as powerful as Lord Chiya, then he may become the new Shadow Assassin."

"I will report his information to the leader, Guyu. Always pay attention to his movements, especially the completion of the last two tasks. Once completed, report to me immediately."



The next day, the northern suburbs of Xingyang City.

This is a desolate and inaccessible place with a cold climate and scarce vegetation. The most common place is gravel and rocks, and this is where the snake demon lives.

The Xuanwu Kingdom is vast and rich in resources, but its population is scarce. This country only needs people with martial arts talents. If they don't even have the most basic martial arts talents, they will be expelled.

Therefore, in addition to more than a dozen main cities built in sacred lands and a small number of towns attached to the surrounding areas, the entire Xuanwu Kingdom consists of large tracts of uninhabited wasteland. Over the years, these wastelands breed a large number of wild beasts. and monsters.

Among them, snake demons are the most numerous among the monsters. They can be said to be blooming all over Xuanwu. There are several snake demon strongholds gathered outside almost every town. They are naturally powerful, good at changing, and like to feed on humans.

The city lord's mansion conducted several encirclement and suppression campaigns, but the results were often unsatisfactory. Each time a stronghold was destroyed with heavy losses, it would not be long before these snake monsters would gather again. Over time, the task of clearing out the snake monsters was delegated to the city lord. The shadow organization.

Each snake demon head can be exchanged for a lot of gold and silver. Although it cannot eliminate the snake problem, it has successfully curbed the growth rate of the snake demon. At least in recent years, the frequency of snake demon groups plundering towns has increased. dropped a lot.

However, there are many corresponding disadvantages. Frequent assassinations over a long period of time, while leading to a reduction in the number of snake demons, also make the remaining snake demons more and more powerful. The assassins who failed in the assassination also provided this group of snake demons with opportunities. Excellent blood food.

Half a month ago, the three snake demon gathering points that were originally scattered were merged into one. During this period, all the assassins who went to this gathering point to assassinate were killed in the belly of the snake. According to luck, one escaped. The assassin said that a snake demon king was born in that snake valley.

At this point, the assassination order to hunt down the Snake Demon King was at the top of the tavern's bounty list. However, after more than ten consecutive assassins failed and died, and even the top 100 assassins suffered one death and one serious injury, the assassination order was Was completely put on the shelf.

It wasn't until last night that this job that had been idle for a long time was taken over again.

At this time, Xu Yue, who had accepted the bounty mission, was on his way to the snake demon gathering point.

Compared with the other assassins who were cautious when assassinating the Snake Demon King, they were afraid of being discovered by a large number of snake demons and being surrounded and killed.

However, he was walking on the road with a swagger, and he kept playing with a delicate square token in his hand. His whole state was more like going for an outing than killing monsters.

"Help, is there anyone? Help!!"

Suddenly, Xu Yue's forward steps stopped, and a woman's cry for help suddenly came from the direction to his right front, which sounded pitiful.

"Finally it showed up."

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