Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 146 The second round of fierce battle

In the Snake Valley, an exaggerated ancestral python is entrenched in the valley, its cold vertical pupils unique to snakes staring closely at the silver figure on the rock wall.

Although all its sanity was washed away, its killing intention for Xu Yue was even more pure. It was the hunting instinct of a wild beast.

As the ancestral python's body exerts force, its unique body structure causes its muscles all over its body to flow like water waves. More than 600 vertebrae transmit together, and the strength is integrated into one, shaking the surrounding areas.

There was a rumbling sound in the valley. As the ancestor python twisted its body, its head was raised high. Xu Yue's whole body tensed up on the rock wall, and the faint tingling sensation of the beast's intuition spread throughout his body.

After the upper body of the ancestral python stretched to a certain extent, there was a roar in the void, the ground of Snake Valley cracked open, the ancestral python flew out like an arrow from the string, and the evil wind surged in the face.

At this time, Xu Yue was no longer where he was. The moment the roar sounded, he crushed the metal platform under his feet, and his body jumped on several metal plates suspended in the surrounding void.

In the void, in front of Xu Yue was the head of the ancestral python that was gradually enlarging. A huge snake kiss the size of a truck opened, and there were squirming blood-red flesh walls everywhere. The smelly wind hit his face first, followed by a strong suction force.

The ancestral python opened its snout wide as it pounced, intending to swallow the human directly. Standing on the metal plate in the void, Xu Yue took out a small ball of white solid matter from the space.

This is the intermediate spirit bomb that he got from Bai Ye before. Each bomb has 90 points of explosion damage, and the ball in his hand contains 5 bombs.

Just before the Snake Kiss was about to close, he threw the Spirit Bomb deep into its throat. At the same time, he crushed the metal plate under his feet and flew out of the gap in the Snake Kiss that had begun to close.


The sound wave spread from behind, which was the muffled sound caused by the collision of the upper and lower jaws of the ancestor python. Two more metal plates appeared under Xu Yue's feet, driving his body to turn backward.

Looking closely, he saw that the ancestral python was about to forcefully stop the leaping snake after losing sight of the human being in front of him, then swing its head and strike at it.


But the python just stopped, a violent explosion sounded from its throat, and fireworks spurted out from the seam of its mouth.

The spiritual bomb can be controlled by thoughts. After throwing it into the mouth of the ancestral python, Xu Yue controlled it to automatically stick to the depth of the throat near the skull.

A powerful explosion occurred close to the depths of the brain. Even a behemoth like the ancestral python lost consciousness in an instant. It just stopped and trembled violently, and its cold snake eyes turned white. The trend of collapse.

The heavy head hit the rock wall in front of him uncontrollably, with gravel flying. The thick snake body several meters wide fell to the ground. A series of roars sounded in the valley, as the python's body fell piece by piece. caused by.

Although the ancestral python transformed from the snake demon king still has no scales, its skin defense is also extremely strong. After hitting the rock wall hard, a large number of hard rocks were smashed until it was crushed under the weight of the snake body. The lower body turned into powder, but the tough black skin of the ancestral python was still intact.

Now half of the ancestor's body was leaning on the rock wall, with his head resting between the gaps between the two mountains on the outer edge of the valley, and he fell into a brief coma.

Xu Yue did not take the opportunity to attack. His current conventional attack methods could do very limited damage to this large insect that was tens of meters long. Instead, it would wake up the ancestral python in advance.

The metal plate under his feet fell rapidly. After it dropped halfway, the metal plate was taken back by Xu Yue. He landed heavily in the center of the valley, splashing up a large amount of black smoke.

In the smoke and dust, Xu Yue stood up from a half-crouched state, closing his eyes and feeling the black mist surrounding the sky formed by the broken corpses of hundreds of snake demons.

At the moment when these snake monsters were burned into cokes by pure Yang Yan, each coke contained a large amount of fire ingredients. However, due to lack of mana, he never tried to activate them.

But now the amount of mana in the body has recovered to a level that can barely drive these fires.

With the activation of the talent, a wisp of purple intention appeared in the black mist that filled the valley, and then quickly began to fade away. Within a few breaths, the black mist in the valley had turned into a thick purple mist.

Moreover, there are a steady stream of purple light spots emerging from the broken and scorched corpses all over the valley, making the diffuse purple mist become more and more viscous. After mastering the Burning Technique, he began to have more and more control over the innate fire. Detailed and in-depth.

Just when Xu Yue activated his talent, the ancestral python lying on the rock wall also woke up from a brief coma, shook its somewhat groggy head, and vomited a large amount of dark blood and minced meat from its throat.

The strong pain in its throat made its eyes faintly red. If the previous attack on Xu Yue was due to the hunting instinct of the beast, now it has turned into a strong hatred for revenge.

The muffled sound of rumbling sounded again, and the huge snake body of the ancestral python was wrapped around a peak on the edge of the valley. Fine crushed stone powder formed by squeezing began to fall from all sides of the rock wall, and the ancestral python was spinning in circles. The earth spirals upward.

Soon, the entire snake body of the ancestral python was hovering above the peaks. Its huge head hung low on the top of the mountain. Looking down at the purple mist flowing freely like water waves, a trace of doubt flashed in the snake's eyes.

It clearly remembers that the smoke and dust in the valley were black before, but now it has changed its color.

If it were the snake demon king before, he would definitely be wary of the abnormal situation in front of him, but for the snake demon king who had lost all his mind at this time and only had the instinct of the beast, he simply wondered for two seconds and then put it away. Put it behind you, don't care anymore.

It just changed the color, and it didn't feel much threat from it.

The scarlet snake letter was spat out from the snake's kiss. After sensing that the scent of the human being was still in the valley, the ancestral python did not hesitate any longer. The coiled snake body tightened and straightened, and the cracking sound of the mountain breaking into pieces was heard. Several meters in size were heard. The huge boulder rolled down from the gap between the snake bodies at both ends.

Against this exaggerated background of landslides and earth-shattering, the ancestral python pounced down with overwhelming power.

The purple mist was disturbed by the fierce wind pressure, and as the smoke wave circulated, Xu Yue, who had long moved to a far corner of the valley, raised his head and looked calmly at the majestic snake shadow pressing down in mid-air, with a coquettish purple meaning in his eyes.


A shocking loud noise was heard in the center of the valley, and the ancestral python's weight of dozens of tons fell from the air. It was as if a small earthquake had occurred in the entire valley. The surrounding mountains shook slightly, and the ground in the center shattered into a net.

The ground beneath his feet was rippling like water, but Xu Yue remained as steady as Mount Tai. After confirming that the ancestor python was completely enveloped in the purple mist, the corners of his mouth cracked and his tone was cold.

"Fire, start!"

As soon as the words fell, the thick purple mist that filled the valley boiled and ignited. In the blink of an eye, the raging purple flames filled all the space in the valley and also surrounded the huge body of the ancestor python.


The fear of fire is the instinct of all beasts, and the ancestral python is no exception. Everything it sees is covered in flames. After letting out a frightened roar, it prepares to escape from the valley. Having just been enveloped by the fire, it is in this fashion. There is a chance of escape.

But its keen beast instinct stopped it from escaping, and it strangely did not detect any danger from the purple flames around it.

During the moment of hesitation, the fire gathered around it from all sides, wrapping around it tightly. However, apart from somewhat blocking the vision, it did not cause any burning pain, and it did not even feel the slightest increase in the temperature nearby.

After waiting for two seconds to confirm that the flames were genuine, the instinctive Ancestor Python simply let the purple fire rage and continued to search for traces of the human in the valley. The keen Snake Xin was not disturbed by the purple fire. Quickly locking Xu Yue's position, the thick snake tail whipped away amidst the whistling sound.

Smoke, dust and gravel rose up below. Xu Yue stepped on a metal plate and rose rapidly. A purple-red light point was suspended in front of his fingertips. This was an undetectable trace extracted from the fire of Fen Jue, but it was this trace. , but it can transform the food fire in the valley below into pure sun flames to attack monsters.

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