Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 147 The first assassination mission is completed

The blazing eyes in the sky met the cold snake eyes in the valley. Xu Yue flicked his fingertips lightly, and the purple-red light spots fell into the sea of ​​fire below.

The next moment, the wailing of the ancestral python resounded throughout the land, and the harmless purple fire instantly transformed into pure golden-red sun flames. This time, the sun flames were transformed by the essence of hundreds of snake demons, and their number far exceeded Xu Yue used thousands of mana points to activate the red lotus trick before.

Today, the valley has turned into a huge flaming furnace, everything inside is burning, and the void above the valley is distorted by the terrifying temperature.

The wailing sound of the ancestral python has disappeared, but during the struggle, the roar caused by the snake's body being whipped around continued for a moment. The moment the transformation was completed, the flames that had tightly wrapped the ancestral python's body immediately revealed its ferocity. fangs.

The Ancestral Python only had time to let out a wailing cry before the pure Yangyan burned through its eyes and cheeks, pouring into the Ancestral Python's body from the fragile channels of its eye sockets and mouth. In just a few breaths, it had lost all senses and The vocal ability and the violent whipping are nothing more than the instinctive contraction of muscles under severe stimulation.

Red magma continued to flow from the surrounding rock walls, and the upwelling air caused by the violent combustion blew Xu Yue's hair away. He was suspended calmly in mid-air, looking indifferently at the giant thing below that was constantly rolling and struggling in the flames and magma.

Xu Yue watched indifferently as the skin, flesh, and bones of the ancestral python were turned into charcoal bit by bit, until a mechanical paradise prompt sounded in his ears.

[You have killed the blood descendant of the divine beast - Black Scale Snake King (bloodline awakening state)]

[Because the target is in the awakening state, the reward is increased, and you get a treasure chest (purple)]

[The Black Scaled Snake King is the blood descendant of the mythical beast and occupies a certain weight in the world. You obtain 8.6% of the source of the world, and now you obtain a total of 10.7% of the source of the world]

Xu Yue didn't know what the blood descendant of the divine beast was, but luck played a large part in being able to kill the snake demon king Black Scale so smoothly this time.

If it was a one-on-one fight, he would not be afraid even of the Snake Demon King in its prime, but facing the Snake Demon King who was in the center of the group and blessed by demon power, he was no match.

As for the huge ancestral python that appeared after the snake demon king transformed, needless to say, the size difference is too big. The opponent is almost half the size of the black dragon in the Dragon Valley world, and it can crush a small building with just one piece of it. Judging from the strength of the peaks, the opponent's strength is definitely far more than 40 points.

It was precisely because he was aware of this gap that after the ancestral python appeared, Xu Yue avoided any contact with it the whole time.

In such a wide terrain, the damage he can cause to the ancestor python is quite limited.

If it weren't for the fact that the sun was shining brightly today and the snake demon clan was practicing the custom of sunbathing, if it wasn't for the excellent terrain enclosed by the Snake Valley, and if it wasn't for the fact that he had pure Yang Yan that tripled the damage to monsters, it would have been almost impossible for him to reach this point. To the extent of annihilating all the snake monsters.

With the blessing of the three elements of timing, location, and people, he was able to kill a large settlement with a leader creature within three hours, leaving no one behind.

Under normal circumstances, the best way for him to complete this task is to sneak into the snake cave where the snake demon king lives and wait for night to fall.

When the opponent leaves the group to rest, cut off the opponent's head in the shortest possible time, without giving it the chance to gather the snake demon group to gain blessings or transform into an ancestral python.

This is also a common method used by orthodox assassins. Surprise and kill with one blow. If you don't succeed once, then retreat first and wait for the next opportunity.

Rather than like Xu Yue, who first charged up a powerful blow to kill all the snake demons except the snake demon king, and forcibly broke the blessing ability of their tribe, and then faced off and transformed into a successful ancestral python, using pure essence. Yang Yan burned him alive.

His entire process of completing the mission is completely different from the style of the assassin profession. It is no wonder that the bloody figure in the Shadow Palace commented that Xu Yue is more suitable to go to the front line of the army than to join them.

The assassination styles of Xu Yue and the assassin seemed too incompatible. One was stealthy and deadly, while the other was violent and fierce.

But there is no way. It is difficult to change the fighting style for a while. Compared with Xu Yue, the method of sneaking into the cave to assassinate secretly is more suitable for Bai Ye who gave him the spiritual bomb in the paradise before, but not for him.

If he were allowed to sneak into the cave, the first thing he might do would be to blow up the entire cave first to ensure that no one outside could get in and no one inside could get out. Then he would fight to the death with the Snake Demon King in the collapsed mountain cave. Who would Whoever survives can get out, or fall into eternal sleep together.

When it came to a duel, he was still somewhat sure. As for the other party's transformation into the ancestral python, let alone whether the small cave could accommodate the behemoth ancestral python. Even if it could, Xu Yue was not in vain.

In such a narrow and restricted terrain, Xu Yue, who has metalized defenses, can completely let the ancestral python swallow him into his abdomen. As long as the stomach acid cannot dissolve his metalized skin for a while, he can roast the ancestral python alive from the inside. Cut into a section of cooked meat sausage.


In the Snake Valley, which is a scorched earth and full of magma, Xu Yue is standing on the edge of the criss-crossing magma rivers. While absorbing the remaining flames that have turned back into purple fire, he is imagining how he will assassinate the Snake Demon King if he loses the right time and place. This mission goal.

After sorting out the gains and losses of this mission, and confirming that even without such good luck, he was still certain to kill the mission target, Xu Yuecai nodded with satisfaction and collected his thoughts that were constantly diverging.

Luck does not last long. He has never believed in this thing. Therefore, after realizing that luck played a very important role in the success of this mission, his first reaction was not to be complacent or to be thankful for his good luck.

Rather, it is simulating whether he has enough ability and means to complete the task if he loses this luck. If he finds that he cannot, then find the reasons for his own shortcomings and reflect on the aspects that need to be improved.

The turbulent thoughts in his mind slowly calmed down, and the last trace of fire floating in the valley happened to be absorbed by him.

Rubbing his somewhat swollen head, he could already imagine how intense the battle would be in the octagonal arena on the second floor of his spiritual space.

It shouldn't be a big problem for Taotie to kill those ordinary snake demon spirits, but it would probably be a bit difficult to defeat the ancestral python. Xu Yue wouldn't be surprised if he was killed in reverse.

After the last black dragon battle, the opponent's weak state has not yet recovered.

‘Just wait until the matter here is dealt with and then go to the spiritual space to take a look. It just so happens that the snake’s mental body should be tough enough to support him in conducting an experiment he has wanted to do for a long time. ’

With thoughts in his eyes, Xu Yue put down his right hand that was rubbing his forehead and looked around.

It can be seen that compared to its original appearance, the current Snake Valley has undergone earth-shaking changes three times. First, it changed from a green and green valley, to a charred wasteland and ruins, and finally to the current purgatory and death place where magma is crisscrossed.

At this time, there was a huge magma lake in the center of the valley, which was also the place where the ancestor python died.

The original prototype of the magma lake was a huge pit created by the python when it jumped from the top of the mountain. After it was beaten wildly before its death, it continued to expand and was eventually filled with magma, forming this magma pool.

On the periphery of the magma pool, there are criss-crossing magma rivers all over the valley floor. The source of these rivers is the rock walls surrounding the valley. After a few minutes of burning and baking by massive amounts of pure Yangyan, the surface of the rock walls All the rocks were melted into boiling magma.

Now the four walls of the valley are covered by vertical downward red-red magma waterfalls. These magma waterfalls pour to the ground, forming dense and scattered rivers, which eventually converge on the magma pool in the center, causing it to continuously expand.

Standing next to the majestic magma waterfall, a tiny silver figure scanned the surrounding exaggerated scenery that was comparable to underground purgatory. It had an inexplicable heroic spirit like a mythical epic.

After Xu Yue looked around, his eyes slightly lowered, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly. Who would have thought that this scene was actually caused by an assassination mission.

Such a massive and grandiose assassination made him, the instigator, feel a little ashamed.

"It's okay. This is the first mission. It's normal for the fighting style to be difficult to change for a while. There will be two more missions after that."

"You must adjust your strategy. Now that you have become an assassin, your style cannot be too different. Otherwise, if the shadow leader does not recruit him and becomes a shadow assassin because of this, it would be ridiculous."

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