Beside the rock wall, after Xu Yue said the words "Stop pretending", the arrogant expression on Yanshan's face slowly became cold and expressionless.

He looked directly at Xu Yue and stopped talking, looking completely different from the maniacally laughing person before.

Yanshan has always been a rational person. The hard training of hard skills, such as practicing Sanjiu in winter and practicing Sanfu in summer, has kept his emotions quite stable.

He couldn't say he had any hatred towards Xu Yue. He took action first, and he was the winner and the loser. His previous posture was just to make the other party angry and humiliate, so that he could die quickly.

Now that Xu Yue has directly pointed him out, he simply stopped pretending. He rarely does useless things. From the fact that he stopped the scholar's threat to survive in the cave and decisively chose to fight to the death, it can be seen that he is a decisive and ruthless person. character.

He could clearly sense Xu Yue's pure murderous intention at the beginning, and now he can also clearly sense Xu Yue's certainty. Although he didn't know where the trick was exposed, he was too lazy to ask again. After looking at each other in silence for a moment, He lowered his eyes.

"Kill me, don't do useless work. Since you have already won, the cause is of little use to you. It's just that you are motivated by wealth, and profit makes you stupid. Why bother to delve into it."

Yanshan's words were calm and relieved, but extremely firm. After removing the disguise of a jealous and unwilling villain before, this appearance now is his true temperament.

However, no matter whether they are villains or heroes, they are just enemies to Xu Yue. He does not care about the character of his enemies. He just wants to know where his metallization caused Yanshan, a martial artist who practices indestructible adamantine. Experts covet it.

On the entire continent, Shi Gengguo, whose members all practice the indestructibility of King Kong, is a very strong national force. He must figure out what is the reason that makes Yanshan, a rational and decisive person, see Xu with his own eyes. After Yue had the power to change the landscape of the entire valley, he was still willing to take huge risks to fight for his life.

Later, as his reputation spread on the mainland, this reason could arouse the covetousness of Yanshan today, and might cause the entire Shi Geng Kingdom to be hunted down tomorrow.

This kind of thing is not impossible, so he must get a definite answer from the rock mouth.

"You should be able to see what kind of person I am. Being harsh is not a good thing for you. If I had told you earlier, you would have been able to behave more respectably."

Yanshan looked into Xu Yue's indifferent eyes, and of course knew that what the other party said was true, but there were some things that should not be revealed even in the face of death.

"Oh, you have never practiced Vajra Indestructibility, so you don't know how much torture you have to endure to reach my level."

"Torture? Pain? It's just a daily occurrence for me."

Having said that, Yanshan ignored Xu Yue and leaned directly against the rock wall and closed his eyes, as if asking you to do whatever you want.

He is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but at such a close distance, facing an enemy who is proficient in fighting like Xu Yue, the movement of each of his muscle bundles will be sensed by the opponent first. Want to commit suicide? nonexistent.

At the moment when he was captured alive, the right of life and death no longer belonged to him, and he could only hope that the other party would give him a happy life. But now it seems that he may not be able to live as easily as the scholar.

As the mana in the body circulated, boiling fire ignited from the palm of Xu Yue's hand. Pieces of white metal ingots flew out of the space, and were gradually melted by the fire into a silver solution the size of a human head.

"Last chance, answer my questions, and you can walk with dignity."

Yanshan remained silent, and the solution ball in Xu Yue's hand began to approach him. Part of the solution dispersed into a network, spreading all over Yanshan.

The solution then solidified into thin metal threads, which sank into the flesh and tied it tightly to the rock wall to prevent him from struggling too violently.

The other part of the solution is quietly suspended at the top of the rock mountain.

"Yanshan, do you know how to peel last grass?"

Hearing this, Yanshan's brows jumped sharply, but he quickly calmed down.

"I'd like to see it."

Xu Yue has no interest in torturing others, but sometimes torture of information often requires some more cruel methods.

As his thoughts turned, the solution ball suspended above the head of the rock mountain began to move. Two metal spikes protruded from the solution ball, and the sharp tips opened a "X" wound on the top of his scalp.

Then the gurgling silver solution was poured into Yanshan's body bit by bit along the wound. A muffled groan came from his throat and was forcibly suppressed. However, the blue veins protruding in his neck and the muscles all over his body became tense. The strings of blood beads drawn out by the metal wires showed how severe the pain he was suffering at this moment.

And this is just the beginning.

As the punishment continued, Yanshan's body began to twitch on the ground like a dying fish. The only thing he could do now was to grit his teeth and suppress the wail that burst out from the depths of his throat. Suppressed into low groans and gasps.

Three minutes later, the torture finally ended. Xu Yue smelted the metal ingot again before he completely completed the torture.

Through the thin layer of wheat-colored skin, you can clearly see the inside, and there is an additional layer of silver skin that is constantly swimming. The whole body is also struggling, and is rubbed with blood by the metal wires.

This is the current Yanshan. Although it looks extremely miserable and seems to be on the verge of death, its blood volume is even maintained at more than 50%. Although the torture just now is painful, in the end it is only a 'flesh wound' at most. Xu Yue's The purpose was never to kill him.

"How? Do you want to continue to be tough?"

"Ho ho..."

A hard gasp came from Yanshan's mouth. After breathing for a few seconds, his pupils slowly focused. Years of practicing hard skills and beating his body made his will surprisingly tenacious. Under Xu Yue's control, the torture just now It was several times more painful than traditional skinning, but even so, he could still maintain his sanity.

"Haha, it's just loose skin and flesh."

Xu Yue took a deep look at Yanshan who was trying to get up and leaned on the rock wall again before starting his next move.

"Guanyuan, Abdominal Knot, Zhangmen, Tanzhong, Axillary Abyss, Yongquan, Jing Point, Shixuan..."

Under Xu Yue's precise control, bloody iron flowers bloomed inside the corresponding acupuncture points and continued to tremble. These acupuncture points are all areas that will cause intense pain after being hit. Now they are experiencing the most extreme kind of pain. way, being constantly stimulated.

When the fifth acupuncture point was penetrated one after another, Yanshan's pupils were completely dilated, his body was tense and trembling, his mouth was drooling, and all his thoughts were overwhelmed by the extreme pain.

Five minutes later, this inhuman torture finally ended. At this time, Yanshan's consciousness was almost destroyed in the pain, and he fell into a state of chaos and stupor. The whole person looked like a fool, and this was also This is exactly the effect Xu Yue wants to achieve.

Since you can't pry his mouth open, then destroy all his psychological defenses.

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