Under the rock wall, looking at the limp rock in front of him, Xu Yue took out an injection from the space, took a few steps forward, and injected the injection into Yanshan's body through the blood vessels in his neck.

This is a commonly used truth serum, the main ingredient of which is sodium thiopental. After being injected into the human body, it will inhibit the vitality of part of the brain, thereby causing the target to fall into a special sedative and hypnotic state, and will involuntarily answer what they hear. any problem.

This kind of medicine Xu Yue has is a supplemented version. There are many such medicines in a small store started by a worker in Paradise City. Each pill costs 100 Paradise coins, and buy one and get one free. The raw materials for this thing are not difficult to obtain.

If it is an ordinary person, this branch is enough to do whatever they want, but for a martial arts expert like Yanshan, Xu Yue must destroy all his psychological defenses to ensure that it is effective.

Not long after the truth serum was injected, the effect of the medicine began to take effect, and a clear stupidity gradually appeared in his blank eyes. He did not know what specific ingredients the employee had added to the medicine, and the effect after use was extremely significant.

"What's the root cause of trouble with Xinhuo?"

Xu Yue asked the previous question again. This time Yanshan, who had fallen into a calm state, did not resist anymore, but began to respond to Xu Yue's doubts in a dull tone. However, because of his damaged mind, his answers were always confusing. .

Xu Yue asked over and over again for a long time, and after using another veritaserum, he finally figured out the reason. This is why he still hoped that Yanshan would take the initiative to explain, relying on this thing even though he had veritaserum in his hand. The answers he got often seemed confusing and incomplete, requiring him to constantly restore and discern.

"I see, does it have something to do with the country of superpowers? The martial arts in this world actually still has this layer of secrets."

"It seems that the conflict with Shi Gengguo is inevitable."

At the edge of the rock wall, Xu Yue was sorting out the information he had just received. Next to him was Yanshan's corpse, which started to light up with purple fire. After knowing the answer he wanted, he gave the other party a happy surprise.

According to Yanshan, after knowing the relevant information about Xu Yue, he could be sure that what Xu Yue used was by no means indestructible.

As an orthodox Shi Geng countryman, his understanding and research on this technique is naturally very deep, and there is no so-called silver variant at all.

His biggest purpose in coming to Xu Yue was to determine whether Xu Yue's metallization was a kind of indestructible martial arts, or an innate ability from a country with supernatural powers.

If it's the former, then the result will be a competition and exchange of skills, but if it's the latter, then what he needs is Xu Yue.

The specific reason involves the origin of the martial arts of Indestructible King Kong, and even the entire martial arts system in the world of Assassin Wu Liuqi.

In this world, there are three mainstream power systems, namely martial arts, technology, and supernatural powers. Among them, martial arts and technology are the most powerful, occupying the left and right continents respectively, and in the gap between these two systems , the position of the superpower seems extremely awkward.

Compared with the two paths of martial arts and technology, which are universal, comprehensive, and growth-oriented, it can be said that superpowers basically depend on appearance. The method of awakening and future potential depend on illusory luck, and once awakened successfully, it is equivalent to The upper limit is locked, and the only thing worthy of praise is the mystery and variety of abilities.

It is precisely because of this trait that they have aroused the covetousness and scrutiny of the St country. In the country of supernatural powers, thousands of people are kidnapped by the St country every year and used as experimental subjects.

If it weren't for the Ruowuowu protection of the Xuanwu Kingdom and the few powerful old immortals still remaining in the Superpower Kingdom, it is estimated that this country would have ceased to exist and become a testing ground for the Ste Kingdom.

But even if the country's borders were temporarily protected, all the citizens of the Ability Kingdom had moved to the underground cities to survive, in order to avoid the growing appetite of the Sturt Kingdom.

The various strange and strange abilities of their people have at least helped the country of St break through more than 30% of its technical barriers. It can be said that a large part of the glory of the country today is based on the blood and tears of the country with super powers.

But today's miserable and declining small country, this system of supernatural powers that was wantonly plundered, was actually the most powerful and only extraordinary force in the world thousands of years ago. They were the original beginning.

Later, a superpower who awakened the special energy of 'Qi' was born. By constantly studying the trajectory of his own 'Qi', he created the world's first martial arts technique.

After accidentally discovering that this technique can be mastered and learned by others, the second power system after superpowers was born, and they called themselves warriors.

Two martial artists are born, and two are born four. They multiplied and multiplied at an astonishing speed, and soon spread all over the continent. Although you want to master martial arts, you also need a certain amount of martial arts talent, but this prerequisite is compared to the unique superpowers. In terms of the probability of awakening, its universality is much stronger.

In less than ten years, the number of warriors who practice Qi has blossomed everywhere, and has reached a thousand or even ten thousand times the number of superpowers. However, even such an exaggerated numerical comparison does not threaten the superpowers. They are in a dominant position.

At that time, the energy of 'Qi' was still quite limited in its power and could only play some role in strengthening physical fitness. Even a strong man who had practiced 'Qi' for several years often had no more combat power than a person who had just awakened to a high-level... Children with special abilities.

After all, once people awaken, they can fly to the sky, escape from the earth, control water and fire; but you can only strengthen your body through hard training for several years, and can only build bricks and gravel; the difference between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud.

Therefore, the group of warriors has not attracted the attention and vigilance of high-level superpower users. It is just a low-level physical strengthening power that can be learned. In the entire classification of superpower levels, this so-called 'qi' is just the lowest level. Later, he couldn't even release the slightest vision, and he was not much different from those lowly mortals.

In the very beginning, the superior superpowers despised the warrior group. Until one day, a warrior's whims completely changed the status gap between the two groups.

It was the thirtieth year after the birth of the warrior. The person with the superpower who originally created the technique had passed away. All the latecomers were still moving forward along the path opened by the forerunner, but they gradually discovered that no matter how hard it was, With such arduous training, the energy of 'qi' can only increase the body's numerical value.

Even if the most powerful man at that time could leap several feet and break trees and open mountains with the palm of his hand, this kind of power might easily surpass those of ordinary civilians, but he could never compete with those aliens who seemed to be omnipotent. Compared with the capable ones, they warriors seemed to be just a group of incomplete and low-end versions of superpowers.

While this atmosphere of pessimism and suspicion was rampant among the warrior community, an unruly warrior was unwilling to believe that the path of 'Qi', which he had persisted on for more than twenty years, was inferior to others.

So he made a bold guess while thinking hard. Since the original source of "Qi" was a superpower, he would definitely be able to find the power to make "Qi" go further from a more powerful superpower.

In the next two years, he did not hesitate to use various means such as sneak attacks, assassinations, traps, and poisoning to capture and kill more than ten people with various special powers who could release energy, protect the body, and protect objects. The superpowers who are waiting for their methods.

The superpower characteristics of these superpowers are closest to 'qi', and therefore they have become his targets.

In the past two years, he has dissected and studied the captured superpowers inch by inch, trying to understand the principle of how superpowers can do all this, and simulate it through the energy of 'qi' and learning.

After two years of hunting, eight years of research, and ten years, he succeeded.

He discovered that the greatest characteristic of 'qi', a neutral and peaceful energy, is its inclusiveness and its ability to simulate all things.

After ten years of development, he finally created the second skill in the history of martial arts, which allowed the 'qi' that could only run within the body to strengthen the body. After polishing and practicing a unique way of operation, it had the ability to release, Various powerful abilities such as impact, protection, and object control.

At this point, the era of warriors has arrived, and the originally aloof superpowers are about to usher in their first bloody era.

The previous chapter was blocked, it will take time to unblock, please forgive me dT-Tb

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