Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 163 Return to the city

This warrior who created a new technique spent three years secretly spreading the entire technique to most of the warrior community after the technique was completed.

He also announced the entire process of creating martial arts through studying superpowers, and all the warriors were excited. They saw a brand new future, a future where Qi had unlimited possibilities.

The high-altitude superpowers did not notice the storm surging under their feet. Under this undercurrent, secret assassinations and captures continued for a full year.

When the superpowers finally realized something was wrong, hundreds of their members had been killed, and the warriors had initially accumulated a lot of power.

At this point, the era of great hunting began, and the bloodiest fight began between the two groups of superpowers and warriors. This was a battle between the hunter and the prey.

At the very beginning of the war, the warriors were almost slaughtered overwhelmingly. The lack of high-end power forced them to flee in all directions in the face of the massacre by high-level superpowers. However, there were too many warrior groups. As long as they could not be killed at once, they would always Can keep popping up and growing at an astonishing rate.

The bloody fighting brought a large number of corpses of superpowers to the warriors, and the cruel war also promoted the rapid development of warriors' skills.

However, the group of psychics is constantly being weakened, and the war cannot bring any benefits or improvements except for sharply reducing their already small number.

However, in just two years, the situation between warriors and superpowers has undergone an astonishing reversal. At this point, offense and defense have changed.

In the end, in order to escape capture, the defeated superpowers withdrew from the vastest continent and settled on an island, which is now the territory of the superpower country.

The victorious group of warriors had no intention of causing trouble to those escaping superpowers. For the warriors, the most important thing now was to digest the huge profits brought by this hunting war.

Through this large-scale war, there was an explosion in the number of warriors' skills. It could be said that a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended.

The group of warriors trampled on the broken corpses of the group of superpowers, developing the originally ordinary ability of 'Qi' to an exaggerated level.

Through the simulation and operation of 'qi', they gradually involved martial arts in elements, flight, healing, etc., and even in many areas such as emotions and souls.

Shortly after the war, sects and families emerged one after another in every corner of the continent. With the various unique skills created during the war as the core, warriors gathered together to establish organizations called sects, and jointly developed and improved These preliminary creation techniques.

During this period, the power system of martial arts is the most vigorous and dynamic stage.

Warriors developed martial arts, which could only strengthen the body at first, into a power that could be controlled through practice. It completely surpassed the system of superpowers and became the mainstream of the era.

The large number of corpses of superpowers have become a series of steps for warriors to reach the top. After completing the bloody primitive accumulation of martial arts capital, the greatly enriched and expanded martial arts system gradually got rid of the need for superpowers.

They no longer need to analyze the corpses of superpowers. They can develop unlimited possibilities and developments in martial arts by constantly exploring the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body.

At this point, the two deeply entangled systems of martial arts and supernatural powers have been completely separated, and the era of mass hunting has officially ended.

Warriors are developing in full swing on the mainland, while superpowers are recuperating and licking their wounds on the islands.

This is the long history that happened thousands of years ago. It has long been submerged in the dust of history. Except for it being spread among the aristocratic sects that have been passed down to this day, few people know about it.

Yanshan also accidentally learned it from his master, and told him not to tell it to anyone else. If this bloody period of history spreads, it will be a big blow to the mystery and prestige of martial arts.

The martial arts of King Kong Indestructibility also took shape in that era and was gradually improved step by step. The most important part of it comes from a person with a superpower who has metallization all over his body. Therefore, Yanshan may have also discovered Xu Yue's metallization. Only after developing supernatural powers did he appear to be so careless about his life.

He has been trapped in front of the bottleneck of Dzogchen for too long. Vajra is indestructible and its defense is the best in martial arts. Otherwise, it would not be the foundation of a country. However, he has a fatal weakness, which is the door.

Before breaking through to Dzogchen, there is a fatal barrier to the indestructible Vajra, which will break if touched, and this is not just a defense flaw, it represents the shortcomings and imperfections of this martial arts.

Compared with the indestructible Vajra in the Dzogchen realm and the Vajra indestructible below perfection, they are completely two levels of existence, with huge differences in power and defense.

For warriors like Yanshan who are stuck in the bottleneck period, possessing the metallized Xu Yue is the best breakthrough elixir. As long as it can be broken down inch by inch, it will not only speed up the breakthrough process, but may even make up for the indestructibility of the Vajra. The shortcomings of martial arts skills.

Once the news that Xu Yue has the power of metallization is spread, it will trigger a crazy pursuit by everyone in Shi Gengguo who knows the origin of martial arts.

"Ha, so to speak, I have become the Tang Monk in the eyes of the entire Shi Geng country."

Under the rock wall, after digesting all the information obtained from the Yanshan Pass, Xu Yue smiled softly. Although the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes were cold.

"Very well, if you covet it, then come. It just so happens that I need a lot of firewood."

Glancing at the pile of ashes on the ground, Xu Yue didn't pay much attention to the treasure chest after killing Yanshan. It is foreseeable that in the days to come, there will be no shortage of Shigeng people like Yanshan. To cause trouble for him.

There will definitely be no shortage of treasure chests by then. Speaking of which, he did have some interest in the Indestructible King Kong, but he didn't know if it would be possible to explode. The explosion rate of the skill scroll was too low.

Withdrawing his gaze from the ground, Xu Yue roughly identified the direction and then strode towards the direction of Xingyang City. The setting sun was already going out on the horizon. Since the Snake Valley had been destroyed and there was no habitat for the time being, he would not Prepare to continue staying in the wilderness and return to Hidden Street first.

An hour later, the golden crows returned to their nests in the sky, and the jade rabbits rose high. Under the cold moonlight, Xu Yue stepped into Xingyang City.

Tonight, Xingyang City was different from the deserted one yesterday. Instead, it seemed much more lively. Even though it was already night, the streets were still brightly lit and crowded with people. A famous warrior shuttled between the city gate and the residence, carrying a There was a strong smell of blood.

The source of these bloody smells is not the warriors, but the corpses of various beasts carried on the shoulders of the warriors.

Xu Yue mingled among the group of warriors, and from time to time he could hear excited chatter in his ears.

"I haven't encountered such a good thing as a beast tide in many years, and most of the attacks are ordinary beasts."

"Haha, yes, with these meats, we can eat meat every day for the next few months. It just so happens that my son has recently started to practice Buddhism. It is when he needs to take supplements. The attack of this beast tide is really clever."

"I don't know why these wild beasts went crazy and dared to attack the city without choosing a path."

"According to the big shots above, it seems to be caused by the earthquake in the northern suburbs, which frightened the beasts."

"By the way, Lao Wang, what did your son choose to learn martial arts?"


Listening to the cheerful conversations around him, Xu Yue couldn't help but feel a little complicated when he thought of the scene of corpses scattered around near the city gate a few minutes ago. If he guessed correctly, the beast tide these warriors were talking about was caused by him. .

The successive collapse of the peaks around Snake Valley has had a wide impact, even affecting Xingyang City in the distance. However, this impact is not a bad thing. For a city full of warriors, the attacks of these ordinary beasts are completely equivalent to Takeaway delivered to your door.

In less than twenty minutes, a group of warriors killed the incoming beasts. As for those intelligent and powerful monsters, they would not be stupid enough to attack a human city. That would be a complete death penalty.

When Xu Yue returned to Xingyang City, the beast tide had just been slaughtered. When the warriors transported them into the city in batches, Xu Yue walked quickly through the bustling crowd to the entrance of the dark alley.

When we arrived at this place, there were far fewer warriors coming and going. The dark alley was in a remote place, and except for assassins, there were very few people wandering around.

Stepping into the dark alley, there was still the same darkness, but it no longer had the weird sticky feeling when we first came. The old man did not appear, but after walking a few meters, the small door connecting the hidden street appeared. In front of Xu Yue.

Opening the door, bright lights along the street poured into Xu Yue's body. Hidden Street will become particularly lively after nightfall. This gathering place where a large number of cold assassins gather has a strong fireworks. gas.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Hidden Street can attract a large number of assassins to stay there. It accommodates the ordinary side of assassins. In the final analysis, assassins are just a profession, and their inner essence is still human.

As soon as he stepped into Hidden Street and was about to head towards the tavern, the familiar woman's cold voice sounded in his ears again.

"Lord Xinhuo, welcome back to Hidden Street."

Xu Yue turned his head and looked, it was Gu Yu who was wearing a long skirt and was graceful.

"Well, the snake demon king has been killed. Let's go back to the tavern and give me the details of the Bird Gate."

"Okay, this way, sir."

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