Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 191 Water Vapor Transportation

In the pawn shop, the old man recognized his identity and hurriedly bent down and held the token in his hand and handed it back to Xu Yue. After seeing him nodding and taking it, he rushed out from the small door beside the counter and trotted all the way to Xu Yue.

"Sir, please come inside. How about we talk in the inner room?"


Xu Yue took back the token and, under the leadership of the old man, walked to the gate behind the pawn shop.

Not long after, in an elegantly decorated tea room, Xu Yue was sitting in the main seat. On the tea table next to him were several plates of exquisite refreshments, as well as a cup of tea with the lingering fragrance. At the bottom was a man holding a dozen people. old man with scroll

"Lord Xinhuo, these are all the assassination orders issued from the headquarters recently."

With that said, the old man neatly stacked the scrolls in his arms on the soft mahogany couch beside Xu Yue. After doing all this, the old man took a half step back and stood aside, quietly waiting for the pager.

"Thank you." With a simple reply, Xu Yue picked up the scrolls stacked beside him and looked at them. During the review, he would occasionally ask the old man some specific information about the Earth Dragon Kingdom.

"Is there any news about the Sturt man who was discovered before?"

"Your Excellency, there has been no news since the Sturt man entered the palace a week ago, but I can guarantee that he is still in this Wujiu City."

"Well, how strong is the strongest military organization in Wujiu City?"

"It should be the Dragon Guard Army guarding the Qianlong Garden. They rarely show up and are only responsible for guarding the sacred beasts that protect the country. However, the individual strength of this Dragon Guard Army is not strong. What is special is that they have a secret method of forming an army and gathering people to attack and suppress together. There was quite a bit of trouble there. Five days ago, the 42nd-ranked assassin sneaked into the garden to check whether the mythical beast was real or not, but in the end he couldn't get in or get out."

"Dragon Guard Army?"


In the tea room, time passed very quickly as the two of them asked and answered each other, and the scrolls stacked on the soft couch continued to circulate in his hands. When he checked the tenth assassination order, Xu Yue made a move. A series of familiar names were seen on the assassination order.

'Wang Feng, He Dachun, Jiang Huilian, Ji Dabao..."

The emergence of this assassination order means that the plot will soon reach its climax. The former chief assassin 'Qi' is about to return to the Xuanwu Kingdom. There are not many days left for him to hang out outside. He wants to become the most powerful figure in the shadow organization. Strong, he must seize this opportunity.

And he was also very interested in this so-called strongest shadow assassin, and the thousand-blade magic sword forged by the first-generation master craftsman.

"What issued this assassination order?"

"Your Majesty, three days ago."

After receiving the answer, Xu Yue put the scroll back in his hand, then stood up, took out two ingots of gold, threw them to the old man beside him, and said:

"Replace all of these with a lot of salt and Glauber's salt. I'll come and get them at sunset."

The old man steadily caught the thrown gold and bowed his head respectfully.

"Yes, Lord Xinhuo."

After the explanation, Xu Yue went straight out of the city. He had only two purposes in finding the contact point in the city. One was to understand the progress of the world plot, and the other was to purchase a large amount of Glauber's salt and salt grains.

Dry ice and potassium iodide were unavailable, so he could only use lower-grade Glauber's salt and salt particles as substitutes. Although the effect was definitely not as good as the former, it should be enough to cope with the rising smoke from the fire.

After leaving Wujiu City, Xu Yue found a remote corner, spread his wings and took off into the sky, flying towards the Sun Chaser in the clouds. Now that most of the other matters have been taken care of, the only thing left is to solve the lack of water vapor accumulation. The problem.


A purple line of fire fell from the sky to the deck. The fire was gone. Xu Yue's figure walked out of the flames and walked quickly to the bow of the ship. He looked down at the landforms below. After identifying the direction, he took control. The Sun Chaser headed towards a lake on the west side of Wujiu City.

Ten minutes later, the Sun Chaser arrived at its destination and landed from the clouds. A huge shadow covered the light blue lake below, and the faint hum of the Inscription engine caused ripples on the lake.

At the same time, a series of footsteps sounded at the edge of the lake. Xu Yue turned his head and looked around, only to see that the beasts who were drinking water were now frightened by the behemoth of the Sun Chaser and fled in all directions.

Withdrawing his gaze, he scanned the surrounding environment on the bow of the ship and nodded with satisfaction. At this time, he was located hundreds of kilometers away from Wujiu City, and there were few people around him.

The lake at his feet covers an extremely large area and can easily support the nearly 100-meter-long Sun Chaser. There is no doubt about its depth. The water storage capacity here perfectly meets his needs.

Following Xu Yue's thoughts, a light blue protective cover emerged from the sky above the Sun Chaser, and then slowly unfolded until the protective cover touched the water around the ship and went tens of meters deep. Only after Xu Yue called out the unfolding of the protective cover. Stop, looking from a distance, a huge light blue ball suddenly appeared in the center of the lake, like a large upside-down bowl, completely covering the lake surface with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

A pair of golden-red wings appeared behind Xu Yue. He broke away from the bow of the ship and floated on the lake. Fine golden-red lines spread on his silver skin. The terrifying high temperature of thousands of degrees spread outward from his whole body. Although he had not yet touched the lake, But white water vapor began to emerge from below.

The mana in his body poured into the fire in his dantian crazily, and countless turbulent pure sun flames roared out from the whole body. The several-meter-long wings behind his back folded forward, wrapping him perfectly. Then, Xu Yue, suspended on the lake, disappeared. , and what appeared instead was a small blazing sun fireball.

Countless flames circled and danced around the fireball, and the immeasurable golden red flame dyed everything in the protective shield golden and red. The next moment, the blazing sun suddenly fell into the lake below.

But in a moment, the lake surface more than 100 meters wide below the protective cover boiled and turned into a pot of boiling water. A large number of bubbles continued to rise, and white water vapor began to fill every inch of space on the lake surface like a substance.

More than ten minutes later, the light blue bowl on the lake had turned into pure white. The rich white covered all the space, and it was no longer possible to see anything inside. On the lake not far from the white bowl Suddenly a splash of water bloomed, and Xu Yue burst out of the water with purple wings spread. Looking at the upside-down white bowl not far away, he took a few big breaths, then flew to the top of the bowl and sat down.

"Set off!"

As the order was given, a milky-white ball rose from the lake. At the moment of separation, the lake dropped faintly for a distance. The inside of the ball was full of rich water vapor. In order to achieve this effect, he almost exhausted himself. All the mana has swallowed up an unknown amount of lake water.

Amidst the whistling sound, the ball carried Xu Yue into the sky, flying quickly towards the sky above Wujiu City. Xu Yue sat cross-legged on the ball, looking at the clouds of different shapes around him, while rapidly increasing his health. Convert towards mana.

Although his mana recovery speed is extremely slow, with the blessing of 20 points of life recovery per minute from the Glory of Life, his health can be restored to full once in about forty minutes. In other words, through the passive transformation of the combination of spirit and flesh, His mana can also be replenished once every forty minutes.

With this guarantee, he was confident that he could convert most of the lake water into water vapor within a dozen hours and make multiple trips back and forth, and then transport it to the top of Wujiu City via the Zhuri. Such an exaggeration of the water vapor could cause The heavy rain is so violent that it is difficult to predict.

Ten minutes later, the white sphere, which could reach hundreds of meters in diameter, finally arrived in the clouds above Wujiu City. Xu Yue flew up from the sphere. With a thought, the protective shield around the ship collapsed and disappeared, and a huge amount of pounds Water vapor spurts out from inside the sphere and merges into the surrounding clouds.

The clouds in the sky begin to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. The clouds gradually become taller and thicker, and even a faint black color appears in the clouds. This is a phenomenon caused by the accumulation of water vapor and the rapid transformation of cumulus clouds into cumulonimbus clouds.


After witnessing the changes in the clouds, Xu Yue's lips curled up slightly. It was just after noon, and he had enough time to transport water vapor, eventually creating a heavy rain like the Milky Way pouring out.

With his wings folded behind him, he landed on the wet deck of the Sun Chaser. As the engine started, the Sun Chaser set off again. Under the clouds, Wujiu City was still prosperous and stable. They had no idea what was happening in the sky that was related to their future destiny. changes.

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