Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 192 Killing Long Yuan

At night, at the south gate of Wujiu City, on top of the city tower.

A high-spirited man wearing armor held his hand on the horse's face on the city wall and looked toward the Qianlong Garden from a distance, looking a little worried.

"Is there anything unusual at Qianlong Garden today?"

Hearing the general's question in front of him, the adjutant behind him took half a step forward, and as he moved, the skirt armor on his lower body made a sound of metal friction.

"General, when night falls, the Dragon Guard Army sent someone to report that everything is normal today and there is nothing unusual. The dragon abyss beast has returned to the underground to rest as the sun sets."

"General, please don't worry."

The big man, who was known as the general who ruled the country, listened to the report from the adjutant at the rear. His brows were slightly furrowed but showed no signs of relaxing. He stroked the rough and cold stone wall in front of him and said doubtfully:

"I don't know why, starting from the afternoon, I felt a dull sense of oppression in my heart, and it got heavier and heavier. I was always uneasy."

"Is the general worried about the assassin who secretly broke into Qianlong Garden a few days ago? Although the Dragon Guard Army suffered many casualties that time, it was successfully captured after all."

As he spoke, the adjutant seemed to remember the previous scene of killing ten with one person, with blood and flesh flying everywhere. A trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he quickly suppressed it and continued to comfort him.

"Besides, at night, the Dragon Abyss beasts sleep a hundred meters deep underground. No human being can reach that depth. General, just be relieved."

When he heard the word "underground", the seriousness on the general's face relaxed a little. He just recalled the assassin a few days ago, but his palms unconsciously exerted force and dug out a piece of stone powder from the stone wall.

"The Shadow Organization will not give up. That assassin is just the beginning. There will definitely be more actions in the near future. Now arrange for a scout to go to Qianlong Garden to issue my order."

"Recently, we must strengthen the guard against the mythical beasts and stay close to them. Even at night, we must not let up in the park. We must not let the same thing happen again that the enemy discovered only after sneaking in."


The footsteps behind him gradually faded away. The general scattered the stone powder in his hand, raised his head and sighed.

"My lord, why are you always so impatient?"

The image of a Sturt man in white robes appeared in his mind. The general on the tower had a worried look on his face. As he sighed, he suddenly stopped.

Although the night felt dark tonight, it was the first time that he looked up at the sky so intuitively. He saw dark clouds above the sky, no stars visible, the clouds were deep and bloated, and it was so dark that it seemed as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

"Such a celestial phenomenon..."

While muttering in a low voice, an idea flashed through his mind. Just when he was about to think of something, a loud shout came from a distance, interrupting his thoughts.

"General, the hunting ground in the western suburbs has been compromised!"

Hearing the shout, the general suddenly turned his head and looked to the west side of the city. The hunting ground in the western suburbs was close to the fertile fields of golden autumn. Once the fire spread, the consequences would be disastrous.

Looking out into the field, the end of the field of vision is already filled with golden red fire, which is spreading rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The only thing to be thankful for is that it has not yet reached the fertile field.

Thinking of the oppressive feeling that had been lingering in his heart today, a touch of panic emerged deep in his heart. He had a premonition that something big might happen tonight.

But the more fear in his chest, the calmer and solemn his face becomes. The way to be a general is to heal the heart first. If the Taishan collapses in front but the color remains unchanged, the elk thrives on the left but does not blink, then one can control the advantages and disadvantages and wait for the enemy. .

At a critical moment, everyone can panic, but he can't, and the fire in the hunting ground is no accident.

"Notify the entire army, seal the four gates, put the entire city on alert, the imperial guards guard the imperial city, and eight hundred Yulin cavalry and fire commanders will follow me out of the city to put out the fire."

The general's orders, bolstered by inner strength, resounded at the south gate, and chants rang out from everywhere. Numerous troops rushed from the tower to various gates in the city. The originally silent Wujiu City gradually boiled with the spread of the orders. .

Not long after, the west gate of Wujiu City burst open, and a cavalry force of nearly a thousand people rushed towards the place where the fire was rising with the sound of rumbling horse hooves. The leader was the general who gave the order. The iron-clad soldiers were rushing towards the night in the dark. It was freezing cold, and the cloak behind him was fluttered by the strong wind.

The Western Suburbs Hunting Ground, as a hunting ground exclusively for the royal family, is naturally extremely vast, with lush vegetation. It can be said that the shadows of trees stand in the sky, and the thousands of miles of purple green reflect the clouds. However, tonight, this hundred-acre forest garden has completely It has become a hell on earth where flames are rolling everywhere and fire is raging into the sky.

Looking from a distance, the hunting ground is filled with black smoke rising into the sky and blowing in the wind. Red flames are forming along the road. Golden-red flames are shining brightly around the fields. All kinds of animals are running hastily around the edge of the garden.

When the Yulin cavalry arrived near the hunting ground, what they saw in front of them were all herds of wild beasts, running away like crazy. Among them were tigers and leopards, as well as cattle and sheep. In the center of the beast tide, there were even more than ten heads three meters tall. How tall the elephants were, they lined up and ran away to form a high wall of flesh and blood, rushing in with a rumble.

At the edge of the hunting ground, the sound of horse hooves and roars of beasts came one after another, and even the earth trembled slightly under the trampling of two waves of tide.

"Blade out!"

"Qiang...Qiang Qiang Qiang..."

The general's roar was accompanied by the clanging sound of the long sword being unsheathed, and the flames flowed on the bright silver ring-shou sword, reflecting a dazzling red.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave advance and the timid perish. The tide of beasts and cavalry rush towards each other and collide brazenly.


The killings on the ground gradually began, and the evil spirit soared into the sky. The only spectator outside the fighting was a dark shadow above the battlefield that perfectly blended into the night.

Gazing across the bloody wave blooming on the ground, Xu Yue turned his gaze indifferently and looked at the sea of ​​​​fire directly ahead. After roughly assessing the scale, he took back the Xiaoyun Bow in his hand.

In the past ten minutes or so, he had thrown dozens of flaming arrows into the hunting ground. With numerous fire points and the terrifying temperature of the pure Yangyan that burned everything, the sea of ​​​​fire had now spread to the point where it could not be contained. Even if the cavalry below were allowed to rush to the hunting grounds, they would only be disappointed.

Before this vast forest farm is engulfed in flames, the sea of ​​​​fire will continue until the heavy rain hits.

Looking up at the cumulonimbus clouds above that were as thick as mountains, the metal wings behind Xu Yue stirred up wind and waves, driving him to fly directly above the sea of ​​fire.

Above the sea of ​​​​fire, because the air in the hunting ground is heated by the blazing flames, under the intense temperature difference between hot and cold, the less dense hot air below begins to rise rapidly, and a turbulent updraft appears.

The air flow carried a large amount of smoke and dust produced when the trees were burned, and finally formed a majestic smoke column that reached all over the sky and penetrated directly into the clouds in the sky.

Following the rising smoke column, Xu Yue also flew into the black sea of ​​clouds. During the flight, countless fine sand-like salt grains and mirabilite powder fell from the storage space, mixing with the rising smoke and dust and blending into this sea of ​​cumulonimbus clouds. .


Below, the fire was raging in the hunting ground in the western suburbs, and the Imperial Palace of the Earth Dragon Kingdom was also boiling at this time. The fire dragons composed of the Imperial Guards were patrolling the palace walls intensively, with the cold light of the swords in their hands. At this juncture, If anyone is found suspicious, they will be killed!

In the corner of the palace garden, a middle-aged man wearing a white mechanical robe with the national emblem of St. Petersburg printed on his chest quietly appeared on the eaves of the palace.

The eyes under the glass hood looked across the palace wall to the distant smoke column, then raised his head and paused for a few seconds on the clouds with faint electric light flashing above, and finally turned to look at the Qianlong Garden to the south.

"This style of conduct is not like those barbarians in Xuanwu Kingdom who only have martial arts in mind."


At the edge of the hunting ground, after fighting against the tide of beasts, the eight hundred Yulin Cavalry finally arrived near the sea of ​​fire.

But after getting closer, facing the endless sea of ​​​​fire, a deep sense of despair arose in the hearts of every cavalryman.

In the face of this natural disaster of flames that eroded thousands of meters, their mere 800 people were like ants. Even if they were all filled in, it would only be a drop in the bucket, and they seemed so small and powerless.

The general in front of the crowd clenched his teeth, and the rage in his eyes seemed to be louder than the flames ahead.

The whole process from discovering the fire to rushing to the hunting ground took less than thirty minutes. In such a short period of time, it is impossible for a naturally occurring fire to deteriorate to this extent. It can only be caused by man.

With a loud sound, the long sword soaked in animal blood in his hand was sheathed. He looked at the pale Huo Si Gongzheng beside him. The other person was a senior official in Wujiu City who was responsible for fire prevention and extinguishing.

"Gong Zheng, there is still a way to put out this fire."

Gong Zheng, who had just experienced a fight with the army, his fierce heartbeat had not yet calmed down, and then faced such an exaggerated sea of ​​​​fire. At this time, his fingertips were trembling slightly. Scanning the fire scene in front, he reluctantly calmed down. After calming down, he slowly shook his head and pointed to the Jinqiu Woye Road on the right.

"General, the hunting ground cannot be saved. The top priority now is to build a large isolation zone on the right side to prevent the flames from spreading to the golden autumn fertile fields. Once the fertile fields catch fire, the losses will be immeasurable."

"Such natural disasters are no longer something we can put out manually, unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless the rain happens to fall from the sky, how can it be so timely? In the past..."

Gong Zheng's words continued, but the general had no intention of listening anymore. When the word "ganlin" came into his ears, he seemed to remember something and looked up to the sky.

I saw black clouds covering thousands of miles in the sky. There were faint thunderous sounds among the rolling clouds, and there were wisps of electric light flashing. Suddenly, a large raindrop fell from above and landed just between his eyebrows, giving him a chill. In an instant, a chill spread from the center of his eyebrows to his tailbone.


A thunder exploded in the sky, and the lightning danced like a silver snake, illuminating the general's constricted pupils below.

"The target is...the mythical beast Long Yuan."

Difficult words came out of the general's mouth. He jerked the reins of the horse, and the horse turned around amidst the neighing sound, and then galloped away in the direction of Qianlong Garden without delay.

In the stunned eyes of all the Yulin riders, their general no longer cared about the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him after a thunder, but turned around and drove his horse back. Only the sound of the wind carried back the general's next order.

"You will assist Gong Zheng in establishing an isolation zone to prevent the flames from spreading to the fertile fields, come on!"


In the rear, all the soldiers saluted the retreating back of their general, while Gong Zheng in the crowd looked up at the flashing clouds in the sky, his expression a little dull.

"How could it be such a coincidence? It shouldn't be."


"Da da da da..."

The horse's hooves hurriedly trampled the water on the ground, pulling out a white line in the rain curtain, and galloping forward. From the previous drop of water, in just a few minutes, the rain has turned into a sky-heavy pour. potential.

There were thunderous rumbles above the head, and from time to time there were thunderbolts, the sound shook for hundreds of miles. There was a curtain of rain beside him, the wind and rain were dim, and the space between the sky and the earth seemed to have been filled by a curtain of water, leaving no space.

Even though his vision was blocked and he could only rely on the flash of lightning to identify the road, the speed of the general's horse never slowed down, but became faster and faster.

The iron armor broke through the wind and rain, the scabbard kept beating the horse's buttocks, the galloping horse's hooves and the drum-like heartbeat echoed in his ears, and everything that happened tonight came to mind again.

First, the raging flames diverted everyone's attention, and then the torrential rain separated the connection between Wujiu City and Qianlong Garden. Finally, the rainwater poured back and forced out the mythical beast Long Yuan sleeping underground.

The plans are intertwined. He doesn't know how the other party did it, nor what other methods are behind it, but what is certain is that the other party's target must be the mythical beast Long Yuan, so now he rushes to the submarine as fast as possible. In Longyuan, evacuating the mythical beast from the underground is the safest choice.

‘It’s close! Close! ’

The outer wall of Qianlong Garden can be vaguely seen ahead, and the destination is very close at hand. But at this moment, the night suddenly becomes as bright as day.


A bright white giant pillar fell from the sky, and a huge white ball of light bloomed in the Qianlong Garden. The infinite light scattered and stung the eyes of the general on horseback. For the first time, a flash of light appeared on his face. He looked helpless.

The ball of light dissipated, and then a deafening roar resounded. The ground began to tremble violently, and a mushroom smoke cloud tens of meters high rose directly in front. The air waves mixed with the smoke and dust formed a ring visible to the naked eye that rapidly expanded outward.

The ring passed over the cavalry not far away. The war horse was torn apart by the incoming air waves. The general's breastplate was dented and flew out upside down. Dark blood spurted out from his mouth, but it was washed away without a trace by the rain in an instant.

His body fell to the ground, and the raindrops hit his cheeks like pebbles, causing pain. He managed to open his eyes, only to see a golden-red line of fire falling straight from the depths of the clouds.

"It turns out to be the country of St..."


Qianlong Garden, in the huge pit in the southwest corner, a line of fire passed through the mushroom cloud above and fell into the pit.

The smoke and dust were torn apart by the whirlwind, revealing Xu Yue with golden-red wings in the middle. As he stepped forward, the wings behind him flapped again. The turbulent whirlwind roared outward from the center of Xu Yue, sweeping the smoke and dust in the entire pit. It was quickly dispersed.

His sight fell on the corner of the pit, where there was still a ferocious earth dragon head. When he was aiming at the mythical beast Long Yuan emerging from the ground in the sea of ​​clouds, he deliberately shifted the point of impact downwards by an inch.

Unexpectedly, this long worm could actually survive with only one head left, and the broken wound seemed to be showing signs of self-healing.

"The vitality is really tenacious."

Seeing the disgusting scene where the eschar on Long Yuan's broken neck began to crack open inch by inch, and flesh and blood emerged bit by bit, Xu Yue couldn't help but let out a light tut, and then slowly stepped forward.

Just as it was approaching, the head of the corpse lying on the ground suddenly jumped up. Although it had no pupils, the head could accurately locate Xu Yue's position. A huge mouth that occupied most of the face was opened, with three layers of overlapping sharp teeth. The teeth began to rotate, and the fishy smell accompanied by strong suction moved towards the silver figure.

Xu Yue raised his head calmly. Before his head could fall down completely, a square-shaped painted halberd shot out, pushing his head upwards. Then, two wings inserted into Long Yuan's upper and lower jaws like blades, and the entire The giant mouth opens and lifts.

The next moment, boiling pure Yang Yan gushes out from Xu Yue's body and pours continuously into Long Yuan's mouth. The skin, flesh, bones, and brain are all turned into fly ash. At this point, there is only one living thing left in the pit. .

[You have killed the Earth Dragon Kingdom’s national guardian beast—Long Yuan]

[Longyuan is the totem belief of a country and occupies a certain weight in the world. You get 10.5% of the source of the world, and now you get a total of 31.1% of the source of the world]

[You get a treasure chest (purple). 】

In the midst of the fire entanglement, Xu Yue picked up the purple treasure box on the ground and threw it away with a smile on his face. The creatures killed by the main cannon were not within the scope of the talent's judgment and could not generate fire, so he deliberately aimed Long Yuan was spared for the sake of the fire and the souls of the mythical beasts he produced.

After a moment, the fire around him was absorbed, and a beam of fire rose from the pit and flew towards the clouds in the sky.

In the sea of ​​black clouds, the Sun Chaser was floating quietly inside, with electric light flashing around it, and a beam of fire flying from below. A small hole was exposed in the light blue defensive cover, which quickly closed after the fire light entered.


The lines of fire dispersed on the deck, and Xu Yue, whose hair was a little burnt, coughed and walked out of the flames. The cumulonimbus clouds were now filled with electric charges, and the tiny electric lights were densely packed. It was inevitable that he would be electrocuted a few times when he flew back, not only to this extent. Apart from making him a little embarrassed, the electric light didn't cause much damage.

Now that the affairs of the Earth Dragon Kingdom are over, it’s time to leave this country. The next target is Xiaoji Island, where the former chief assassin of the Xuanwu Kingdom, ‘Qi’, was located.

"Set off."

The inscription engines on both sides of the ship's hull started, and the Sun Chaser quickly rose to the surface. Only after it broke away from the electric cumulonimbus clouds and revealed a brilliant sea of ​​stars on the sky, did the airship turn around and head towards the southern sea at full speed.

Not long after the Sun Chaser left, another spherical metal aircraft appeared in the clouds below. Inside the aircraft, the middle-aged Sturt man who had appeared in the Imperial Palace of the Earth Dragon Kingdom was sitting in the cockpit, looking at A red dot flashed on the screen in front of him, and he was playing with an earth-yellow potion in his hand, with a slight flush on his face.

"It's not easy for an assassin from the Xuanwu Kingdom to have such a spaceship and that kind of energy focusing technology."

"Oh, interesting. I would like to see who you are."

Once the wave is over, there will be no chapters.

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