The Shigeng Kingdom is one of the only three remaining countries on the continent on the left. It borders the Jinshi Kingdom to the north and the St Country to the right. It is a country where the entire country practices Vajra Indestructible Martial Arts and crazily advocates muscles and fitness.

As a being who takes martial arts as his national study and is allowed to establish a country by the Kingdom of St, all the secrets lie in the martial arts of Indestructible Vajra.

This is a quite unique external skill, known as the world's first-class defensive martial arts. Its practice not only requires tempering the body and running the true energy, but also requires absorbing a large amount of mineral resources.

Only in this way can the indestructible metallization be formed.

The true energy produced by practicing this technique has a unique extraction effect on substances such as metal minerals.

After extraction, they can greatly improve the quality of the mineral materials and apply the extracted mineral essence to the outer layer of the skin.

Finally, by frantically tempering the body, the essence of these minerals can be slowly integrated into the surface of the skin and the inside of the true energy, thereby achieving metallization of the epidermis when exercising at full strength.

The ultimate defense of Vajra Indestructible, which is known as the best in the world, is accumulated through this bit by bit extraction.

The reason why He Dachun was able to so easily shatter all kinds of weapons that were attacking his golden body was not only due to his own astonishing hardness, but also due to the ability of his true energy to extract and destroy metal substances.

At first glance, this technique is very similar to Xu Yue's "steel chewing" talent, but its inner essence is completely different. Whether it is the absorption efficiency of metal or the degree of strengthening, "steel chewing" is far superior. Beyond this martial arts, let alone the additional ability of eating fire.

But no matter what, there are indeed many similarities between the two. They both swallow metal to achieve metallization. This is why Yanshan was so excited after learning about Xu Yue's abilities.

If he can really dissect Xu Yue, he is very likely to completely evolve the martial arts of Vajra Indestructible.

Thousands of years ago, the superpower who was the source of the Vajra Indestructible Martial Arts might have had a weakened version of his 'chewing steel' ability, devouring metal minerals in the same line.

It is precisely because the practice of martial arts has a huge demand for metal minerals that thousands of years ago, the ancestors of Shi Geng Kingdom traveled thousands of miles to break away from the right continent, the birthplace of martial arts. When they came to settle on this smaller continent on the left, what they wanted was the rich and cheap gold and stone mineral resources in the gold and stone country in the north.

Then came the rise of science and technology in the country of St, and it became the overlord of the left continent. The country of St, which was founded on science and technology, had a demand for material resources that far exceeded that of the Xuanwu Kingdom next door, and even reached a pathological level for a time.

Unlike martial arts, which can be continuously strengthened through dedicated practice, every improvement in the scientific and technological level of the country of St. requires the support of a large amount of material resources.

Without enough material resources, no matter how powerful the technology is, it is just an idea in the mind. The formula lines on the drawing cannot be converted into physical objects and become a power that overpowers everything.

This is also one of the disadvantages of technological civilization compared to martial civilization. They are extremely dependent on external objects and need sufficient resources as a basis to transform into their own strength.

For this reason, the first thing the Sturt country did after becoming the hegemon on the left was to successively destroy other countries on the continent and launch the most bloody and cruel resource plunder.

Therefore, even though the country's land area seems very small, it enjoys the resource supply of an entire continent.

This is why, looking at the world map, there are more than ten countries on the right continent where the Xuanwu Kingdom is located, but there are only three countries and a large no-man's land on the left continent where the Ste Kingdom is located. .

This is not caused by the geographical environment and population scarcity, but by the fact that the State of Sturt has long ago purged all the countries on this continent that would waste its precious resources.

Among them, the Gold and Stone Nation exists because the State of Sturt needs them to provide a large amount of gold and stone mineral resources. This is the best mineral supplier.

The main reason for the existence of Shi Geng Guoneng is the martial arts of Vajra Indestructible, which has the ability to extract and improve metal minerals.

This has turned the entire Shigeng Kingdom into a large-scale raw material processing factory. They will further process the original mineral materials from the Jinshi Kingdom to obtain higher-quality metals, and then continuously transport them to the Sturt Kingdom.

Therefore, Shi Gengguo has formed this strange custom in which all citizens practice the practice of indestructibility and crazily advocate fitness. On the one hand, this is to enhance the strength of the country, so as to maintain its weak autonomy and not completely become a star. country’s processing slaves.

On the other hand, it was probably due to the secret guidance of the St country. After all, every indestructible strong man was a master of metal processing and the best senior worker in the St country.

"This country of Sturt has such ruthless methods."

"Abandon all meaningless emotions and only pursue efficient and cold mechanical thinking. No wonder it can become a hegemonic country alongside the Xuanwu Kingdom."

In the captain's room of the Zhuri, Xu Yue sat in front of the desk, looking at the world map on the desk while recalling the hidden information about Shi Gengguo that he learned from Qingfeng before leaving Xiaoji Island.

Looking at the small country of St on the map, he couldn't help but sigh, and he had a deeper understanding of the cruelty of this world.

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, the weak prey on the strong, and the assassin organization operates openly and openly. There is no understanding of law and human rights at all.

The country of Sturt is extremely cold, overriding everything, arbitrarily plundering all needed resources and people, and there is absolutely no soil for morality and emotion to take root.

It’s no wonder that a remote island like Xiaoji Island, far away from the mainland, attracts so many powerful people to live and retire here, and are willing to protect the existence of this island with their lives.

Compared to the mainland, which is dominated by wild martial arts civilization and cold mechanical civilization, Xiaoji Island has something different - human touch.

"In short, this is a deformed world that was born because the developed extraordinary system grew wantonly and the powerful individual power could not be contained."

"However, all this has nothing to do with me. I'm just a passerby."

After writing the case, combined with a series of experiences after entering the world, Xu Yue gradually saw clearly some of the essence of the world of Assassin Wu Liuqi.

After a few words of emotion, he stopped his thoughts that were diverging everywhere and focused his attention on Shi Geng Country shown on the map.

It was already the afternoon of the second day after killing Chiya. After settling the matter on Xiaoji Island and discussing the subsequent plan with Qingfeng, Xu Yue rushed to Shi Geng Country without stopping.

When he got some fragmentary information about Shi Gengguo through Yanshan before, he had some thoughts on the martial arts of King Kong's indestructibility, but after learning the detailed information about King Kong's indestructibility from Qingfeng a few hours ago, he had no idea about it. This weakened version of 'Chewing Steel' no longer holds much interest.

He came to Shi Geng Country now for only one thing, and that was to get rid of the violators shown in the tarot divination.

"The destination, the edge of Shigeng Country, has been reached."

While he was thinking about where the violator would be hiding, Xu Yue suddenly heard a clear mechanical female voice in his ears. He turned around and saw a virtual projection of a continent floating on the metal instrument in the corner of the captain's cabin.

This is a small artificial intelligence equipped inside the radar system. Although its intelligence is not high, it is still no problem to meet daily tasks such as positioning, projection, and autonomous driving.

Putting the map on the desk back into space, Xu Yue stood up and walked to the deck. If you go to Shi Geng Kingdom, you can't drive the Chaser. The target of the Chaser is too big.

Previously, because the Earth Dragon Kingdom had no technology, he was able to drive the airship directly over the capital, and it was only shielded by high-altitude clouds.

But for Shi Geng Kingdom, which is adjacent to the St Country and can even be vaguely regarded as a subordinate of the St Country, such an approach cannot be adopted.

Xu Yue can guarantee that as long as his airship dares to enter the mainland airspace on the left, it will be immediately discovered by the defense system of the country. It is estimated that a bunch of aircraft or anti-air missiles will arrive in a few seconds.

So he could only drive to the edge of the continent first, and then go alone.

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