"Brother, you have practiced well!"

"Exquisite protein powder, new flavor, let this tough guy know about it."

“The gym is opening with a huge bonus, including free personal training, and you’ll get 1,000 for every 1,000 you spend!”

Walking on the streets of Shi Gengguo, Xu Yue heard various greetings from time to time, but the same thing is that these topics are often related to fitness.

Looking around, although there are a variety of shops on both sides of the street, they are basically sports shops such as gyms, sporting goods stores, and protein powder stores.

The residents seen along the way are all tall and muscular. Many people even start corresponding exercise programs on the street, such as dumbbells, Pilates, finger push-ups, etc.

The air is filled with the strong smell of male hormones. Under the golden sunshine, there are sweat everywhere and large and shiny muscles.

The information I learned from Qingfeng is absolutely correct. This country's obsession with fitness has reached a morbid level. Even the aesthetics have become so fixed and unified. This is by no means caused by nature. The country of Sturt must have played a role in it. No small amount of strength.

Withdrawing his gaze from looking around, Xu Yue began to walk on his way, perhaps for the purpose of showing off his muscles. Most of the people in this country like to go shirtless, and most of the passers-by are muscular men, although his figure does not fit in among them. It will look inferior, but after watching this scene too much, I always feel it is a bit eye-catching and the atmosphere is slightly anxious.

"Qianjun? That's right."

More than ten minutes later, Xu Yue used the map in his hand to guide him and stopped in front of a small shop located in a remote corner of the street. He looked up at the signboard above. After making sure that he had found the right place, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Due to its location, the store seemed very deserted. There was only a bored young man sitting behind the counter, waving a huge black dumbbell in his hand.

After seeing a customer come in, the young store manager's face brightened with excitement. He quickly put down the dumbbells in his hands and greeted enthusiastically:

"What does this guest need? I have all kinds of discus, weight-bearing bracelets, and clothing. They are of high quality and low price!"

After briefly glancing at the furnishings in the store, Xu Yue didn't reply. He just turned over his hand and took out his assassin's token and handed it to the store manager beside him.

The moment he saw the token, the store manager's originally flattering smile quickly dissipated and became solemn and formal. He briefly looked through the token in his hand. After confirming that it was correct, he handed the token back to Xu Yue with both hands. Respectfully:

"Lord Xinhuo, we already have a definite suspicion of the target you are looking for. We are currently monitoring it remotely and have not left Shi Geng Country yet..."


Twenty minutes later, the closed door of the shop opened again. Xu Yue, who had already learned the information he needed, walked out of the door, and then walked quickly out of the city.

The remote "Qianjun" shop just now is one of the intelligence points of the Shadow Organization. If you want to engage in the profession of assassin, the importance of intelligence is self-evident. Whether the intelligence is true and complete can completely determine an assassination. The success or failure of the mission.

Therefore, the Shadow Organization's intelligence network is quite developed in various countries around the world, especially in countries with strong national power. There are many intelligence points scattered throughout the country, including the pawnshop in the Earth Dragon Kingdom and the 'Qianjun' shop in the Shi Geng Kingdom. one.

These developed intelligence networks are one of the reasons why Xu Yue is sure to find the violators. Before leaving the Earth Dragon Kingdom, he had handed over the characteristics of the violators obtained through tarot divination to the intelligence point there and asked for them. They passed it to Shi Geng Country as soon as possible and searched for targets matching the characteristics within the country.

He is not a native of the country, his methods are strange, and he manipulates corpses. It may be related to the undead. A large number of residents disappear or die for no reason...

The characteristics of these violators are already comprehensive. With the intelligence capabilities of the Shadow Organization, it is not difficult to find the corresponding targets in this country with special customs.

Recalling the information obtained from the intelligence point in his mind, after leaving this large city in Shigengguo near the coast, Xu Yue spread his wings and flew quickly towards a small town in the northwest.

Jianshi Town is a remote town close to the border of Jinshi Country, but far away from St Country.

Although it is located in a remote location, due to its proximity to the Kingdom of Gold and Stone, the mineral resources here are extremely rich. The overall force value of the town is quite good. There are many residents who have cultivated the Vajra to the fifth floor or above. Throughout the Stone Geng He is well-known throughout the country.

Starting eight days ago, people in this small town began to disappear inexplicably. Some of the residents disappeared and were never seen again. However, some residents reappeared after one or two days of disappearance, but they were completely missing. Became extremely weird.

Four days ago, residents of a small town went to the nearest big city to report a case, saying that a large number of residents had disappeared in the town. However, after the city guard went to investigate, they found nothing unusual, and nothing happened.

From that day on, the contact between Solid Rock Town and the outside world began to gradually disappear. The entire town seemed to have closed itself off, and no residents have ever left the town.

Due to its remote location, the strange situation in the town has not attracted the attention of the upper echelons of Shi Gengguo for the time being. However, the Shadow Intelligence Organization was keenly aware of the anomalies here and launched a series of information collection.

After investigating that a magician from another country had moved into the town ten days ago, they quickly zeroed in on this foreigner. This person was most likely the target that Mr. Xinhuo was looking for.

One day ago, three intelligence officers went deep into the town to collect specific information about the magician. However, five hours later, all three intelligence officers lost contact. The only information sent back was only two words - puppet.

In the following period, the organization did not blindly send personnel to investigate, but remotely monitored every corner outside the town to ensure that the magician never left the town, and then silently waited for Master Xinhuo's arrival. arrival.

At this time, Xu Yue finally arrived near the town of Jianshi after several hours of flying.

"Magician, puppet..."

Reciting the only information about the violator from high in the sky, Xu Yue did not choose to enter the town on foot, but directly lowered his altitude and began to circle around the town like a soaring giant eagle to observe.

It is now midnight, the sky has faded, the moonlight is dim, the whole town is basically shrouded in darkness, silent and gloomy, not even the street lights on the street shine at all, and the doors and windows of the shops and houses on both sides are closed. No lights.

This border town that was supposed to be quite lively seemed to have turned into an empty death place at this moment. It was so quiet that it made people feel numb. Looking down, there were only people left in the midnight town under the cold moonlight. Deep shadow.

The shadows of twisted and spreading tree branches, the shadows of narrow and skinny street lamps, and the shadows of bloated and fat houses are all interlaced on the cold ground. Looking down from the sky from Xu Yue's perspective, these shadows of different shapes are like individual objects. The corpse of the monster was squirming faintly, giving off an extremely weird feeling.

‘It seems that the violator this time is not a simple person, and the collateral effects have begun to affect the entire town. ’

Withdrawing his downward glance, Xu Yue looked up at the center of the town, which was the only bright place in the entire town. The wings behind his back fluttered, and he did not continue to wander around the edge of the town, but accelerated towards the center. Go, if not unexpected, the magician should be there.

As the distance got closer, the bright scene began to slowly come into Xu Yue's eyes. This was actually a brightly lit circus.

The circus occupies a large area, with several tents scattered on the flat grass. There are also a large number of amusement facilities scattered among them, parade cars of different shapes, exquisite and elegant carousels, open-air stages with singing and dancing, and other entertainment facilities scattered throughout. Characteristic colored lights in the corner……

Between these amusement facilities, a large number of people flowed through them, with endless laughter and excitement. The strong festive atmosphere and the magnificent and dreamy scenery gave the entire circus a cheerful atmosphere unique to the fairy tale world. .

But paired with the lonely and dark town outside the circus, the more cheerful the atmosphere here, the stronger the sense of weirdness created by the extreme separation between the two.

Xu Yue did not rush directly into the circus blindly, but fell from the sky at the edge and retracted the wings behind him. He looked at the circus in front of him with a particularly solemn look.

He didn't feel any sense of crisis from it. Instead, a faint joyful emotion grew from his heart, urging him to quickly join in this grand carnival like a fairy tale.

And the moment this emotion emerged from the bottom of his heart, the isolating effect of the spiritual barrier also appeared simultaneously. Just like what he had felt in the dark corridor of Shadow Mountain before, his reason quickly rose, and he looked down coldly at the boiling joy at his feet, without any trace of emotion. fluctuation.

[You are affected by ‘happy pollution’ and are being judged rationally...]

[Because of the protection of the soul barrier, if the judgment is successful, you will ignore the 'happy pollution' effect. 】

Xu Yue's eyes flashed, and all the vigilance in his eyes dissipated, and what appeared instead was an extremely pure and faint look of joy, but deep in his eyes that could not be detected, there was still a coldness.

With a relaxed smile on his lips, his eyes swept across the circus outer wall surrounded by small colored lights. After pausing for a few seconds on the flashing light sign with the five characters "Fairy Fairy Circus" written on it, he stepped forward With brisk steps, we stepped into the only bright place in the center of the town.

The moment he stepped through the door, a warm breath hit his face, his ears were filled with the sound of sweet music, all kinds of laughter, and the subtle sound of the paradise prompts.

[Warning: Violator No. 12476 is within 500 meters, hunters must be cautious when dealing with it. 】

【warn! The pollution distortion of violator No. 12476 was detected, his strength was greatly improved, and the hunting reward was increased! ! 】

[The penalty for failed hunting is changed to: forced execution! 】

‘Haha, paradise is really yours. ’

Something's going on today, there's only one chapter left.

I’m giving you all a big hug. I’ll update tomorrow’s post three times to make up for today’s post.

Finally, everyone has a happy New Year. I hope all readers will have everything go well in the new year and get rich legally! !

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