Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 205 Memetic Pollution

Xu Yue's mouth twitched slightly as his eyes glanced at the four scarlet words "Mandatory Execution" in the paradise prompt.

The paradise really gave him a sudden surprise, but this also showed from the side that the violator he was about to face was very unusual. He was so special that the paradise would not hesitate to threaten death and he had to complete this hunt.

‘Is it because of the so-called pollution distortion? ’

A brand new term flashed through his mind, and there was no fear in his heart. Instead, the smile on his lips became a little stronger.

Even in this circus atmosphere full of joy, he seemed extra... cheerful.

A clown near the gate, after noticing that a new companion had entered the circus, was about to step forward to give away the balloon in his hand.

But after noticing the smile on Xu Yue's face, his body froze and he suddenly staggered his steps and passed by Xu Yue.

After glancing at the clown who was looking directly over him, Xu Yue suppressed some of the smile on his lips and began to wander around the circus.

The circus was crowded with people and the lights were dim, making it very lively. There were nearly a thousand residents in the Rock Town, and now at least half of them had gathered here to play and play.

And unlike the custom of Shi Geng people who like to bare their upper bodies and show off their muscles, the people Xu Yue saw along the way were all wearing neat and tight clothes.

Except for the head, there is basically no skin exposed. Many people even wear various gloves on their hands. As far as you can see, most of them are like this.

Apart from this, there is nothing unusual about the entire circus. There is the sound of music when the merry-go-round is driving in the distance, the sound of wheels as the floats parade around, the pleasant laughter and whispers coming from the ears, and the occasional chase and fight. The children running happily past his waist reminded him that these were real small town residents.

Stopping a strong man passing by him, Xu Yue asked politely:

"Brother, I don't know why this solid stone town is so lively."

"Solid Town?"

The strong man asked in confusion, then looked up and down at Xu Yue who stopped him, and suddenly realized:

"You are a foreigner, right? This is not a solid stone town. We are a fairy tale town. Today is the annual celebration day. All the residents will gather here to celebrate all night long. It is naturally very lively."

"It will be midnight soon, and the grandest celebratory drama will be performed in the center of the venue. That's when it will be lively."

"Haha, enjoy the fun here! Foreigner."

After saying that, the strong man patted Xu Yue's shoulder with his broad right hand wearing a black leather glove, and made two muffled sounds.

Feeling the strong feedback from his palm, the strong man's eyes lit up and he reflexively began to praise.

"You've practiced well, your muscles..."

Halfway through the compliment, it seemed as if some switch was triggered. The strong man's words stopped for a moment, and the admiration on his face disappeared instantly. He returned to his previous enthusiasm and kindness, and then changed his words:

"Anyway, welcome to Once Upon a Time, have fun."

After leaving the last words, the strong man smiled at Xu Yue, then turned and left.

On the same spot, Xu Yue looked at the strong man's leaving figure with thoughtful eyes. He turned his head to scan the crowds of people passing by, and said calmly:

"The muscles gained in the gym are just dead muscles and of no great use."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several pedestrians around him changed obviously, but the angry expressions just appeared, and then disappeared quickly. After scratching their heads in confusion, these pedestrians who stopped walking took steps again, Mixed into the moving crowd.

If they were orthodox Shigeng country people, when they heard Xu Yue's words, it is estimated that 99% of people would be furious, but these people are not at the moment. They seem to no longer belong to the solid stone town of Shi Geng country. But the so-called Fairy Tale Town residents.

Noticing the changes just now, Xu Yue felt enlightened and became more certain about his originally uncertain guess.

‘Large-scale cognitive tampering? Thought insertion? Or a memetic infection? ’

Several terms quickly came to his mind, but no matter what the cause was, it was obvious that the minds of these residents had been tampered with by the violator, but the degree of tampering had not yet reached a deep-rooted level.

Moreover, when the palm of the strong man slapped his shoulder, the sound it made was very strange. It was not as dull as flesh and blood hitting each other, but more like some kind of hard wood hitting flesh and blood.


A clicking sound came from below, which also broke the thoughts in his mind. A little boy ran past him quickly, his two short legs flew very fast, Xu Yue's earwheels moved slightly, and there was a subtle wooden sound. The friction sound was hidden in the sound of running footsteps and was clearly recognized by him.

These seemingly normal residents in front of them seem to be undergoing irreversible distortions in their minds and bodies under the influence of the offenders.

After the helix returned to calm, Xu Yue's gaze swept across the crowd and towards the huge red-topped tent in the center of the venue. The celebration drama mentioned by the strong man may be the source of all these distortions.

It's just that there are still about twenty minutes before zero o'clock, so the tent is still closed on all sides and no one is entering or exiting. The violator is still hiding in the tent and has not shown up.

Xu Yue still had enough patience to wait for twenty minutes. He had no plans to break into the tent and kill the offenders directly yet. The brand-new term pollution distortion aroused his great vigilance.

He didn't mind watching carefully for a while to see what this so-called celebratory drama would actually perform.

Withdrawing his gaze, he continued to wander around the circus venue. As he played, tiny spots of golden and red light spread out from around him, drifting among the numerous colored lights around him, and gradually disappeared. traces.

At the same time, a small metal ball rolled down from his cuff into his palm, and was held tightly. Transparent light ripples spread out, and the Eye of Manifestation began to quietly investigate the surroundings. A series of data were It was constantly refreshing before his eyes.

[Comparing the intelligence attributes of both sides..., the comparison is completed. Our intelligence is 2.8 times that of the enemy. Due to the special nature of the enemy, some information cannot be analyzed, and 80% of the enemy's information will be obtained]

The information is as follows:

Name: Chen Juyue (Puppetization 69%)

Race: Human/Semi-weird life form

Health: 100%

Chi value: 193/200 points

Strength: 17

Agility: 12

Stamina: 20

Intelligence: 10

Charisma: 5

Skill 1: Internal Skill Accomplishment (Passive LV.5): HP increased by 100 points, strength +5, stamina +5.

Skill 2: Puppetization (Passive LV.7): As the puppetization progresses, the target will gradually lose all weaknesses except the head.

Skill 3: Indestructible Vajra (Active LV.5): Consumes 10 points of infuriating energy per minute to transform the body into a golden body. The physical defense is increased by 200%, with a metal corrosion effect.

Skill 4: Melee Combat Mastery (Passive LV.6): Increase melee attack power by 12%, and melee combat skills.

Skill 5: Memetic Infection (Unformed):? ? ?


The information of a random passerby appeared next to him. After Xu Yue briefly scanned it, he was about to change the target and continue the investigation. At this time, the sound of a large park sounded in his ears again.

[Warning: Memetic infection found! According to Article 38476 of the park regulations, the park needs to maintain the relative stability of the derivative world, and has the right to effectively intervene in 162 events such as belief invasion, alien plunder, and memetic infection that will cause permanent interference and devastating blows to the will of the world. 】

[Tip: The goal of this hunting mission has been expanded and will be converted into a cleanup mission. It is detected that this memetic infection is in its initial stage and has not yet broken out on a large scale. There is no need to carry out area elimination processing. The hunter has automatically accepted the mission. 】

[Clear mission: Solve the ‘memetic infection incident. ’]

Difficulty level: LV.11

Mission introduction: Find the source of memetic infection and completely destroy it, clearing all existing and potential memetic infections.

Mission information: Kill! Kill all the creatures in Storybrooke.

Task deadline: within 12 hours.

Task rewards: Depends on task completion and completion time.

Mission penalty: None.


The prompt sound disappeared in his ears. Xu Yue looked at the plain word "None" on the mission punishment, and his eyes narrowed slightly. The absence of mission punishment does not mean that the paradise has finally been tolerant. Even if the mission fails, it will not punish you.

The message it represents is that if the mission fails, then you will never wait for the chance of punishment in paradise. After all, what meaning does punishment have to a dead person?

From the mission information, it can be seen that from the moment he stepped into this town, he was destined to have only one ending, either the town was destroyed by him, or he accompanied the town to destruction.

After sorting out his thoughts, he circled the entire circus venue in detail, and went in to observe every open tent for a while. As expected, after all the detected tents, Resident information is labeled as puppet and memetic infected.

It's just that the degree of puppetization varies, and the more important memetic infection shows that it has not yet taken shape.

In this field, except for Xu Yue, all creatures have fallen into the process of puppetization. Even the various animals in the animal taming tent are not immune, but their degree of puppetization is low.

Time passed minute by minute under observation, and soon zero o'clock arrived. When the second hand jumped to the exact position, a loud bell rang from the center of the circus.


The long ringing of the bell echoed throughout the countryside. The moment the bell rang, the originally noisy circus fell into silence as if the pause button had been pressed.

The rotating and jumping wooden horse stopped suddenly, and the dynamic music disappeared. However, the pupils of the wooden horse, which was supposed to be a dead thing, glowed with red light.

The floating floats came to a standstill, the colorful lights flickered on and off, and the roaring sounds of birds and beasts in the animal taming tent were no longer heard.

Everything that could make a sound was suspended by the reverberating bells. Even the endless flow of people remained completely frozen in the same posture as the previous second, turning into lifelike wax figures.

The sounds of footsteps, conversations, and laughter all turned into deathly silence. The transition from extreme movement to extreme silence only occurred when the bell rang.

When the bells subsided, the circus was still the same as before, with bright lights and a steady flow of people. But if it was a lively image before, it is now a solid and clear photo.

Xu Yue is also mixed in this photo, maintaining a stiff fixed posture. He is now more and more interested in the celebratory drama that will be staged next. The source of the memetic infection mentioned in the mission resume, he should You'll see it soon.

The next moment, several lines of fire rose from the center of the venue, and several bright fireworks exploded in the sky. Under the flames, the largest red-roofed tent in the venue slowly unfolded.

The outer covering fabrics fell down one after another, revealing a huge stage covered by a scarlet curtain.

The curtain opened a crack, and a man wearing a black tuxedo, a few black lines on his cheeks, and a puppet costume walked out from behind the curtain and walked to the front of the stage before stopping.

After looking at the dense crowd below, the man reached out and took off the black hat from his head, placed it on his chest, and bowed deeply to the audience.

The moment the man walked out of the curtain, the warning sound of the paradise that he had heard many times today sounded in his ears again.

[Warning: Violator No. 12476 is within 100 meters. Hunters must be cautious when dealing with it. 】

This man with puppet makeup should be the violator No. 12476, and the person who caused this memetic infection incident. Although the target is right in front of him, Xu Yue has no intention of taking action and is still confused in the crowd and maintains a frozen posture.

The source of the memetic infection has not yet appeared, so now is not a good time to alert the snake. After the elimination task was issued, the offender's level has now automatically dropped one level.

On the stage, the offender puppet straightened its waist and put on its top hat again. Even though its mouth was not open, a man's gentle voice spread throughout the venue.

"Welcome all the villagers of Fairy Tale Town to participate in the annual celebration on time. Please look in the direction of the stage."

"The next drama to be performed is, Queen Nydia!!"

After the words fell, the puppet bowed again, and then slowly retreated behind the curtain, and under the stage, there was a delicate clicking sound like a wave.

The puppet's announcement was like a switch, instantly breaking the frozen crowd in the venue and transforming the photo into the previous image.

But unlike before, the residents who had been released from the frozen state had turned into an inhuman posture. Their bodies remained stiff and motionless, but their necks were cracking inch by inch. Move towards the stage.

It's just okay for those who are facing the stage sideways. They only need to turn their heads 90° and place them on their shoulders. Although the posture is a bit scary, it is still within the scope of human beings.

But those residents whose backs were completely turned to the stage turned their heads 180°, their necks twisted into twists, and their faces and backs were completely parallel.

The overall image is so distorted, but there is a fervent desire on their faces. At a glance, you can tell that they have basically broken away from the human species.

This chapter is two in one, and there will be another chapter later.

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