Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 229 Sylvester’s Fate Mark

Chapter 229 Silvis Fate Mark

In the shop, Xu Yue looked at the two items on the long table. The function of the aura crystal ball was slightly similar to that of an item called the Divination Mirror that he had obtained before.

However, the crystal ball is more advanced and can be left behind only by contact with breath, while the divination mirror requires blood as a medium.

But the divination magic mirror is not without its benefits. The locking of the magic mirror will be more accurate, and there are no restrictions on its use. At least for Xu Yue, the former is enough to meet the needs of tracking, so this aura crystal ball can be given up.

As for the other fortune-telling card box, this thing is an upgraded version of the previous destiny tarot card. The function of automatically calculating the card array makes the information obtained by divination more comprehensive. This is exactly what Xu Yue needs. As long as If he could lock down the general area, he would be able to find the violator.

[Peeping Life Card Box]

Place of Origin: Quiet Divination House, the Fortune-Seeing Witch

Quality: green

Type: divination tool

Effect: When you hesitate to move forward, open it and fate will guide you in the direction of progress.

Tips: The current number of uses is 3/3

Rating: 25 (Note: Green equipment is rated from 11 to 30.)

Introduction: Destiny is an endless river, and I am on the upper reaches of the river, peeping at the direction of all living beings.


'A witch who sees life...'

Silently reciting the name marked on the place where the equipment was produced, Xu Yue's eyes flashed a little. This life-seeing witch was by no means an employee, but a powerful contractor, at least better than the one he encountered when he auctioned the Dragon Scale Heavy Armor last time. The two adventure group leaders who arrived were much stronger.

In his perception, this person is like an illusory illusion, unable to detect any aura or threat, but the more so, the more extraordinary the strength of this witch is.

But no matter how strong you are, in this paradise, you still have to bargain when it’s time to bargain.

"The crystal ball will not be used for the time being, and the life-seeing card box is a consumable item that can only be used three times. The price of five thousand is a bit too high. How about three thousand."

"Guest, you should also know the rarity of destiny items, and the shop won't bargain on price, that's all."

As she spoke, the shopkeeper leaned forward, her small nose twitching slightly, as if she was sniffing something. After a few breaths, blood flashed in her eyes, she sat back and whispered softly:

"You carry the smell of pure blood, which can offset some of the paradise coins."

After hearing this, Xu Yue raised his eyebrows. The Manzhushahua blood essence he extracted in the previous world does still remain, but can it be smelled in the storage space?

Seemingly noticing the confusion in Xu Yue's eyes, the shop owner waved his hand and continued.

"Don't worry, I don't have the ability to see through your savings space, but I smell the entanglement of fate."

Xu Yue nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he directly took out the thermos cup from the space and placed it on the table. There was about 20 ml of blood essence in the cup.

Chi Yu can only be returned to his hands after the next world. Without Chi Yu, the bloodthirsty recovery ability cannot be used, so the blood is of little use to him. Now it is not a loss to use it to offset some of the paradise coins.

Looking at the ordinary thermos cup on the table, the shop owner took out an exquisite glass goblet and poured the warm blood in the thermos cup into the glass cup. After noticing the freshness of the blood, the shop owner was stunned. He looked carefully at the thermos cup in his hand, his eyes shining slightly.

"This thing is good. How about I exchange it with you for a flower elf."

Exchanging a flower elf worth 10,000 paradise coins for a piece of white equipment is a profit in any case. However, the special abilities of some equipment are not only determined by quality, so after hearing the conditions, Xu Yue , without any emotion, just shook his head lightly.

"All right."

Seeing Xu Yue shaking his head in refusal, the shop owner didn't bother too much, but simply put the thermos cup back in front of Xu Yue, and then slowly shook the blood in the glass cup.

With gentle shaking, some viscous red liquid rolled across the crystal clear cup wall, and gradually began to become clear and translucent, and slowly exuded wisps of mellow wine aroma.

The clear wine flowed through the mouth of the cup, and fell between the red lips. After being swallowed carefully, the jade-carved and ice-carved cheeks became slightly tipsy, and the silver-gray pupils turned crimson in an instant.

The shopkeeper's original intellectual and lazy temperament quickly changed, and his eyes were full of flattery, which was breathtaking, but gave Xu Yue an extremely familiar feeling, which was a common expression of Manzhushahua.

Taking back the empty wine glass in his hand, the shop owner looked at his right hand, which was as white as jade. A few wisps of purple-red energy were running between the fingers, which looked quite coquettish.

"Zhenqi is a pretty good power system. It strengthens the body, connects with nature, and can even involve the soul. It is very universal and is very similar to Tiger Balm's chakra, but this thing focuses more on strengthening the body."

"The essence is good, but the blood master's development is a bit poor. It can probably offset two thousand paradise coins."

With that said, the shopkeeper pushed the life-telling card box on the table in front of Xu Yue.

"Three thousand paradise coins, how about this being yours?"

Facing the crimson eyes of the shop owner, Xu Yue's eyes were a little solemn. After the shop owner drank the blood, although the overall aura became somewhat similar to that of Manzhu Shahua, a coquettish sense of crisis like a poppy was slowly spreading. And it constantly stimulated his nerves. This was a breath that was born out of Manzhu Shahua, but was a hundred times better than it.

"no problem."

After pondering for a few breaths, Xu Yue nodded and agreed to the transaction. After completing the transfer, he took back the thermos cup in front of him and the life-defying card box.

Opposite Xu Yue, the receipt of three thousand yuan did not cause the shop owner's mood swings. At her level, three thousand yuan was not enough for her to strengthen her first-level skills. She opened this small shop not entirely to earn paradise coins, but also for other reasons. .

"My name is Silvis Fate Mark. If you have high-quality blood in the future, you can come to me. The shop will buy it in unlimited quantities."

"It's extremely precious and can be exchanged for things. There are a lot of good things in my small shop. Of course, if you are willing to sell your blood, I will give you a higher reward. For example, the flower elf is All it takes is an ounce of blood.”

One ounce, which is close to 30 milliliters, is indeed very affordable. Unfortunately, Xu Yue is not interested at all, especially after seeing Silvis's performance after drinking the blood, he is even less likely to agree.

After the other party tasted the blood, he seemed to have absorbed part of Manzhushahua's breath, ability, and even memory. This ability was somewhat horrifying.

His breath and ability are just that, but his memory must never be known to the second person.

"I have a good reputation. If there is high-quality blood in the future, I will consider it as a shop owner. Farewell."

There was no intention of selling his own blood in Xu Yue's words, and Silvis Weiss was not surprised. It was just mentioned casually, and she did not expect the other party to agree.

In fact, in this paradise city, there are really not many people who are willing to take the initiative to sell their blood. She doesn't look down on people who are too low-end, such as workers and street contractors.

As for the high-level group, except for those undead types who are so poor that they can hardly afford to eat, there is basically no one else who would sell their blood.

But the blood of the undead was filled with the smell of dark elements and death. Although it was powerful, it was bitter and astringent. After drinking it once, she was no longer interested in it.

But the person in front of him is different. His main card of destiny is a chariot. In the growth process of this kind of person, he must be conquering and killing continuously. As long as he is on the line with him, there will be a continuous flow of high-quality blood in the future.

Thinking of this, Silvis Weiss' eyebrows slightly curved, the crimson in her eyes faded, and the mysterious silver-gray reappeared.

"Guest, take your time and look forward to seeing you next time."

Behind him, the shopkeeper's lazy voice returned to normal. Xu Yue, who had already reached the door, suddenly paused, as if he remembered something. He turned around and asked:

"Shop owners and contractors can also open shops in the paradise?"

Xu Yue's question was not a random one, but he was actually a little confused. From entering the paradise to now, this Silvis Weiss was the first contractor shopkeeper he had ever met. Before meeting her, he had always thought that Opening a shop and running a business are privileges only for workers.

After all, all shops in Paradise City are under the unified jurisdiction of Samsara Paradise. They cannot be opened casually. They must meet certain conditions and be beneficial to the development of Paradise City before they can be qualified to open a store.

As for the contractors, who only have a short stay of a few days and are in a hurry to improve themselves, they still have no time to run a store, and they don't look like they can meet the qualifications.

On the other side, after listening to Xu Yue's question, Silvius Weiss organized her language and explained to him in detail:

"Of course. Opening a store is not just a privilege for employees. Contractors can also meet certain conditions."

"It's just that for contractors, the conditions are relatively harsh. Coupled with the scarcity of time, most contractors will not have the idea of ​​​​opening a store, which requires a lot of time to run, so it is relatively rare. "

"However, if the conditions are met and the store is successfully opened, there will be quite a surprise. If you have a high-level sub-profession, you may be able to give it a try."

"Thank you!"

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