Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 230 Store Benefits

Walking out of the dark green wooden door of the Quiet Divination House, Xu Yue raised his head and glanced at the two crow statues standing above him. After finding that there was no movement, he turned and left.

After this visit to the store, he suddenly became interested in opening a store, which would be of great help to him in earning resources in the future.

After having your own shop, although precious items such as dragon scale armor and ancestral python bloodline, it is more beneficial to go to the trading market to bid and sell them.

However, equipment and props that can be produced stably, such as enchanted scrolls and forged weapons, can be placed in the store and slowly sold.

Moreover, the flesh puppet skills he learned from the drama fantasy can also solve the manpower problem of the store, so that he does not have to stay in the store all the time.

Even if the flesh puppet lacks intelligence, he can still hire a worker or sign a servant as a store manager in a derivative world. Anyway, there are many ways.

In short, once the store is opened, it can save a lot of time, and it can also continuously absorb resources for him. Even if he invests more in the early stage, it is completely worth it, and the surprise that Silvis said at the end also makes him feel a little bit. curious.

After you go back, you can ask the park what conditions the contractor needs to meet if he wants to open a store.

After thinking about what he wanted to do next, Xu Yue left the street where the Quiet Divination House was located and headed straight for Forging Street.

The forging materials in his space have been almost consumed, and he needs to go to replenish them. Moreover, the useless biological materials obtained from the world of Assassin Wu Liuqi can also be processed there.

Twenty minutes later, after consuming more than three thousand paradise coins and some materials, Xu Yue purchased a large amount of white and green quality metals in Forging Street.

These are consumables used to forge weapons and disassemble them. Now, his enchantment science has been upgraded to the point where he can make green scrolls.

After the purchase was completed, there was no further delay. He teleported directly from Forge Street back to the exclusive room. This is an ability unique to the exclusive room. As long as he is within the scope of Paradise City, he can teleport home at any time. It is somewhat similar to the return in the game. City skills are quite practical.

In the exclusive room, a figure slowly emerged in the living room. It was Xu Yue who was teleported home.

After running around for a long time, he didn't rush to start refining the weapon immediately when he came back. Instead, he made a pot of tea and sat down in the living room. After resting for a few minutes to catch his breath, he started asking about the paradise.

"Paradise, check whether I have the qualifications to open a store."

[It is detected that the hunter has the intention to open a store. Setting up a store requires the hunter to have a very high sub-professional level and corresponding growth potential. Yes/no review. 】


[Hunter qualifications under review...]

When the paradise prompt ended, Xu Yue felt a trance in front of his eyes, and all the past memories about forging came back bit by bit.

When I was young, I slipped into my father's forging room for the first time. In my ears I could hear the ringing sound of hammering, and in front of my eyes I could see sparks splashing brightly like fireworks.

Later, when his body grew up, under the guidance of his father, he began to hold a hammer for the first time and learned how to use various tools.

Learn relevant knowledge of materials science and thermodynamics, learn forging, annealing, steel cladding, lamination, soil covering, quenching, grinding, edge cutting, connection...

Commonly used iron farm tools, various bladed weapons, and large pieces of armor and armor, it took him his entire youth to learn and practice step by step, repeatedly master them, and then master and integrate them.

In addition to the necessary reading and study, he spent most of his time in the steaming, sparkling forging room, wielding the hammer day after day, creating various metal products from scratch, even Learning how to use various weapons is also to better understand their performance.

Only by knowing the advantages of each component, the role of each arc, and how to make it more efficient can we forge the most extreme work.

His talent is very high, so he has become the most outstanding blacksmith in the family when he reaches adulthood. Whether it is his elders, father, uncle, or brothers of the same generation, he has surpassed them one by one.

After that, he spent three years traveling around, learning the forging techniques and techniques of various schools. He also visited all over the world. As long as it was related to forging, he was full of interest.

In the end, he returned to his hometown, inherited the family business, and forged everything into life and work.

Then comes the sudden time travel, arrest, and stepping onto the ring. In that place, forging is useless. They only believe in fists and guns. Violence and profit are the only main themes. No one cares about your unique skills.

Then came Paradise. The emergence of the fire allowed his forging techniques to gradually break away from the constraints of tools. He could control the metal to change and shape freely using only flames.

The dwarf master in the world of Dragon Nest finally took his forging path to an otherworldly path. The knowledge of magical inscriptions, the integration of extraordinary characteristics, and the inlay of magic crystal gems made forging even more magical.

Finally, there is the soul-melting technique of Assassin Wu Liuqi's world, which makes the tools that are supposed to be dead begin to have spirituality, and even souls. Forging has also moved from simply creating tools to the process of creating life.

Until he forged the first soul-melting weapon in the Shen Forging Kingdom in a hundred years in the eyes of millions of people, wrapped in a massive amount of faith, and he was called a divine craftsman by countless people.

At this point, the picture is frozen and shattered inch by inch.

Xu Yue also woke up from his memories. He was still sitting on the sofa in his exclusive space, with a series of notification sounds from the park in his ears.

[After the review, the hunter has a forging-related title: Master Craftsman, a forging-related occupation: Soldier Master, and the corresponding growth potential is excellent! 】

[Hunters are eligible for store opening. 】

[By spending corresponding paradise coins, hunters can have independent shops in the paradise city. 】

[Small shop: 10,000 paradise coins. 】

[Medium-sized store: 100,000 paradise coins. 】

[Large store: 1 million paradise coins. 】

[After the store selection is completed, there will be corresponding transaction volume requirements every month. Those who fail to meet the requirements for three consecutive months will be disqualified from opening a store. 】

[After the store is opened, you will receive the following corresponding benefits. 】

[1. The time limit for staying in the park is doubled. 】

[2. Unlimited access to Class B forging furnaces. 】

[3. Permission to purchase forging basic materials. 】


"What a big surprise."

In the exclusive room, Xu Yue looked at the various benefits displayed on the panel, with a look of excitement on his face. The surprise that Silvis said was not only huge, it made him unable to control his excitement. Degree.

The benefits and benefits above are extremely practical. Just doubling the stay time can greatly increase his growth rate.

After all, in the real world, apart from relaxing and replenishing one's energy, even extraordinary abilities will be sealed, and there is no way to improve one's strength.

But it's different in the paradise. Whether it's earning resources or various unique buildings, it can help him go further.

The second item, the B-level forging furnace, is even more of a gift. The official price of this thing is 1.6 million. He once wanted to buy it, but he was short of money and could only put it aside. Unexpectedly, the park will give it away for free now. This will take his forging ability to the next level.

In addition to the two most important ones above, there are also a series of benefits such as the right to purchase basic blacksmithing materials, which can save him a lot of trouble and make the development of blacksmithing more smooth.

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