Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 34 Return and the New World

In a daze, the three-day period in the paradise has passed in an instant. At the sound of the system's prompt, Xu Yue reluctantly returned to the real world.

[The Hunters are about to return to the real world, please remember the regulations of the Reincarnation Paradise. 】

[Do not reveal anything about the Reincarnation Paradise in the real world in any way, otherwise you will be given a warning. If the warning is ineffective, the hunter will be forcibly executed. 】

[Hunters cannot use the abilities obtained in the reincarnation paradise in real life, except for personal attributes and passive skills. 】

[Most of the equipment or items obtained in Samsara Paradise cannot be taken out in the real world and are in a locked state. They will be restored after returning to Samsara Paradise. 】

[Transmission begins, location: real world. 】


The night is dark and the crows weep.

In a desolate woodland, sparse graves are scattered in twos and threes, and from time to time, a few plaintive cries can be heard from the surrounding dark and dense forest.

The cold moonlight passed through the layers of twisted branches and fell on a low grave. From the scattered grass roots and moist new soil above, it could be seen that this was a new resident who had just arrived at the mass grave. .

The rustling sound of digging earth kept coming from behind the grave, breaking the silence of this sleeping place and adding a bit of eerieness to the cold atmosphere.

Looking towards the source of the sound according to the pale light cast by the moonlight, I saw an old dog with mottled fur digging hard into the soil behind the newly erected grave. Half of it was covered with yellow-brown soil. This body makes the old dog look ugly and dirty.

But his own image was obviously not in the old dog's consideration. Its scarlet eyes stared greedily at the deeper and deeper hole in front of him, and its sensitive nose had already allowed him to smell the fragrance of flesh and blood.

Thick saliva is constantly secreted in the mouth, overflowing and dripping from the corners of the mouth, and strands are stuck on the hair. It doesn't know what a mass grave is, but it knows that this place will make him dry and barren every once in a while. The stomach is full for several days.

Suddenly, the grave in front of him seemed to move, and a few grains of soil fell down. The old dog was startled, stopped digging for food, and retreated carefully with a whimper.

Under the moonlight, a big hand with distinct joints burst out of the ground. Bai Sensen looked like a ghost, and the big hand slowly clenched into a fist and shook lightly.

There was a muffled sound, and the grave exploded, releasing large pieces of gravel and soil. The old dog beside him was hit and howled repeatedly.

"Where is this?"

Xu Yue stood up from the grave, shook off the dust from his body, and looked around. It was desolate and deserted.

"The mass grave west of the ring?"

After scanning around, Xu Yue also understood the environment he was in. Although he had never been to this place, he had heard from the staff in the boxing ring that if no one collected the bodies of boxers who were killed in the ring, they would be killed. Being left here.

The boxing ring is not located in the territory of China. In this wild and chaotic area, no one cares about what is buried in these mass graves.

After figuring out the location, Xu Yue, who was looking for a path in the dim moonlight, suddenly felt a slight tingling sensation in his lower body, which was a warning from the beast's intuition.

Looking down, two scarlet lights suddenly lit up in the thick darkness, and an old dog jumped out, its big salivating mouth opened, and its sharp teeth came from Xu Yue's lower body.


He whipped his leg out, and the old dog fell heavily to the ground. His whole body was twisted, and blood gurgled from his mouth. The old dog whimpered a few times and tried to get up, but found that he couldn't feel his arms and legs.

Its spine had been smashed into several pieces.


Xu Yue picked up a piece of gravel from the ground and exerted force on his wrist. The stone was like a locust.

Then he turned around and left. He wanted to kill more than one dog today.

Behind him, a watermelon seemed to have exploded on the ground, with red pulp and white liquid everywhere.


In a small manor on the outskirts of the city, it was brightly lit but silent. The whole manor was eerily silent.


This was the sound of a broken neck. Xu Yue threw the corpse in his hand casually. Under the cold moonlight, seven or eight limp corpses were piled up around the manor.

12 points of agility is like a ghost to these ordinary people.

Walking to the atrium gate in the manor, the heavy door was tightly closed. Xu Yue put his palm close to the door lock. With a strong shake in his hand, the delicate door lock instantly turned into a pile of broken parts.

The door was opened lightly, and as soon as Xu Yue appeared, a tongue of fire rushed towards his face. As he had expected, he exerted force on his calves and jumped sideways, while a black shadow flew out of his hand.

The din of gunfire died down and turned into a howl.

He looked at the man in the room who was holding his bloody right hand and screaming with indifference. There was a gun that was broken into two pieces scattered beside the man.

"You, you are not..."

"Dead, right?" Xu Yue added the second half of the sentence for the stuttering man opposite.

Then he grabbed the man's neck with his right hand and lifted him up from the ground.

"Wait, wait... I have..." The man struggled to speak.

"Don't be afraid, it will be soon!"



One day later, somewhere in a dark room.

"Where to go?"

"China requires a complete set of identities."

"Okay, 200,000."



Three days later.

Xu Yue looked at the sparkling lake in front of him. The bright sunshine cast thousands of golden spots, and several waterbirds soared and fluttered in the distance.

"The environment is good, that's all."


Four days later.

"Boss, your store is quite interesting!"

"Haha, come in and take a look?"

The young man walked into this quaint little shop and after looking around, he couldn't help but marvel.

"Good guy, you have all the swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, boss. You look like a real guy. He has all eighteen kinds of weapons. It's a real punishment."

"Homemade craftsmanship, without Kaifeng, is considered a handicraft."

The young man ran his hand over a halberd on the weapon rack and wanted to pick it up to try, but found that the weight of the halberd was far beyond his imagination. It only moved slightly under the exertion of force. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the shopkeeper on the side.

"Boss, how much does your halberd weigh?"

The shopkeeper who was sitting idle on the armchair aside glanced at the weapon rack pointed by the young man and said lazily.

"The whole 40 kilograms, let's look at other things."

"Tsk, 40 kilograms, who can dance with this thing?"

The young man reluctantly walked around the mighty and domineering halberd, finally chose a Tang Hengdao, paid and left.

After the young man left, the lazy store manager got up, closed the store door, and walked to the backyard.

"If you have nothing to do, let's go forge..."

Soon after, the sound of hammers and hammers began to resound in the backyard, lasting for a while and then suddenly stopping.

[Hey, a new derivative world is about to open, and the hunters will return to the reincarnation paradise. Please make sure there are no witnesses around you. 】

The store manager put away the hammer in his hand. He had been looking forward to it for a long time.

[Transmitting..., transmission completed. 】

Xu Yue felt unconscious and his ears were buzzing. When everything recovered, he had returned to his exclusive room.

Looking at the familiar room, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly. The new derivative world represented more firewood waving to him, and he couldn't wait any longer.

There is also the first hunting mission that is about to start. After staying in the real world for a long time, I always feel a little itchy.

"Paradise, what is the next derivative world?"

[Hunter level: Lv.2, you can receive a notification ten minutes before entering the derived world. The hunter will enter the derived world in one hour. Please wait patiently. 】

Okay, let's keep some expectations.

There was still enough time now, so Xu Yue opened the door and walked to the trading market. Before that, he had to buy some recovery items. The paradise coins he had left behind were reserved for this time.

The first volume is over, and there are indeed more chapters about Paradise in this volume.

It will be adjusted appropriately later and it won't be this long.

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