Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 35 Entering the World

The Exchange Square became more lively, with a large number of people passing through various stalls.

Compared with the previous stalls, which were mostly selling various equipment, now there are many more recovery products of various types. After shopping for a few minutes, Xu Yue stopped at a stall. Most of the recovery products in this stall were small and small.

【Crispy Chicken Nuggets】

Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise, Shengzhi Food Shop

Quality: white

Type: Restoration

Effect: After consumption, 15% of health can be slowly restored.

Rating: 4 (Note: White items are rated on a scale of 1 to 10.)

Introduction: Delicious and healthy, it can also restore blood. Why don’t you have a piece?

【Beggar's Chicken】

Place of Origin: Divine Chef Xiaofugui

Quality: white

Type: Restoration

Effect: After consumption, 50% of health can be slowly restored. (This item takes a long time to consume, and the health value will be restored according to the amount of consumption, with a minimum value of 1% and a maximum value of 50%.)

Rating: 6 (Note: White items are rated on a scale of 1 to 10.)

Introduction: Each bite contains not only the aroma of meat, but also the taste of active life.

【Resuscitation Potion】

Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise, Life Pharmacy

Quality: white

Type: Restoration

Effect: After consumption, 15% of health can be quickly restored.

Rating: 6 (Note: White items are rated on a scale of 1 to 10.)

Introduction: The medicine is endless, and life is endless.

Among various recovery products, most of the effects of food are slow recovery, which is more suitable for use when recovering from injuries after a battle.

Potion-type recovery products can quickly replenish blood volume. These items are suitable for battery life during combat.

Both have their own merits, and it’s best to supplement a portion of each before entering the world.

"How can I buy these three items?"

The stall owner behind the stall said with a smile. Every time the derivative world opens, it is an opportunity for workers like them to make a lot of money. Recovery products are a necessity.

"[Chicken Nuggets] 120 Paradise Coins, [Beggar Chicken] 220 Paradise Coins, [Life Potion] 800 Paradise Coins, Chenghui 1150."

Xu Yue still has 2670 Paradise Coin points in his hand, which is enough. At least buying these recovery items won't be a problem.

"It's a little more expensive. 4 chicken nuggets, 3 beggar's chickens, and 1 life potion. A total of 1,800. How about it."

The stall owner thought for a moment and nodded in agreement. At this price, he could still make a lot of money, and not many people bought such a large amount at one time.

"Okay, let's just make a friend. I'll call you a diner. If you come to visit more often, I'll basically set up a stall here."

"Okay, let's go."

After paying the money, Xu Yue said hello and turned to leave.

"Good luck to you, friend." The diner's high voice came from behind.

Xu Yue did not look back, but waved his hand back.

"See you in the next derivative world."

Not long after leaving the stall, Xu Yue, who was still wandering around, stopped.

[Hunter will enter the derivative world: Dragon Nest in ten minutes. 】

When the beep fell, the surrounding atmosphere was quiet for a moment, and then quickly boiled into excitement.

Although it is a unified transmission, each contractor or employee goes to a different world, and the mission notification before each derivative world is like opening a blind box.

Those who encounter a simple world will naturally be happy, while those who encounter a high-risk world will cry and cry. This is a drama that must be played every time before the world opens.

"Gan, how could it be such a bad place as the God of Death?" This was an angry curse.

"The world is destroyed by ghosts. Workers are asking for 2,000 paradise coins." This is what the workers are asking for protection. Their strength is basically dispensable, but they earn a lot of money through Paradise City. It is a big deal to exchange resources for protection. The way of survival for some workers.

"A temporary group has been formed in Naruto World, Master Tantan has priority!" A loud shout came from behind. The sound made people wonder if this guy had practiced the Lion's Roar Kung Fu. Xu Yue patted his ears and turned around to look.

The speaker from behind was a tall and proud man who was almost 2 meters tall. He was still shouting at the top of his lungs. After seeing that many people around him started to look at him unkindly, he gradually lowered his voice.

When facing a more dangerous world, individual contractors who do not have a formal team will form temporary adventure groups to join each other for warmth.

Of course, compared to a formal adventure group with team skills and various guarantees, this kind of temporary group can be called a three-no product, but it is still bound by the contract of the park, and there will be more or less worries when the team turns against each other, which is better than Oral agreement.

Amidst all the noise, ten minutes passed quickly.

[The time is up, the derivative world: Dragon Nest is opened. There are no abnormalities in this world, the spatial coordinates are stable, and it consumes 0.015 ounces of space-time power. 】

[Based on the power of time and space consumed, the minimum comprehensive evaluation of the contractor in this world must reach D level. 】

When the beep ends, a familiar sense of crisis comes from the back of your head. This is a unique teleportation method in the park. It is similar to knocking you out with a stick and then starting the teleportation. The method is quite rough.

Xu Yue reflexively turned the back of his head to silver. This was completely an instinctive reaction trained in the actual combat mode of the proving ground.

The teleportation in space paused, and then suddenly intensified, and the sense of crisis in the back of Xu Yue's head suddenly soared. His breathing was stagnant, but he had no time to react.


The majestic sound like the bells of an ancient temple spread throughout the surroundings, and the contractors who had not yet been teleported all around paid attention, dumbfounded as they watched the silver figure disappear in front of them.



His brain was buzzing, and waves of numbness came from the back of his head. After shaking his head hard, Xu Yue shook away the snowflakes in his eyes and regained consciousness.

His attempt to die just now was completely an instinctive reaction. After regaining consciousness, the numbness in the back of his head was quickly dissipating, and a thick and sweet smell began to flow into his nasal cavity.

Xu Yue covered his head and looked forward, his eyes suddenly shrank.

I saw dense rows of soldiers all around, all wearing armor and holding spears. Looking forward through the dense forest of spears, I saw a black tide of monsters in the distance. Monsters of large and small sizes were mixed together. The shape is scattered, but the huge number brings great intimidation.

Sharp screams kept coming from the direction of the monster tide. This came from the largest group of elves in the monster tide. They were more like a combination of goblins and kobolds. They were short in stature but had a ferocious face. Its huge mouth, with yellowish saliva constantly overflowing from the gaps between its jagged teeth, its small eyes staring greedily at the human army ahead.

In their impression, humans are the best food after elves. As long as you open the iron can, you can taste the freshest flesh and blood.

On the tawny plain, the noisy waves of monsters and the solemn human army faced each other. The fierce wind swept across the plain, sweeping away the evil spirit that filled the sky.

【Enter the World; Dragon Nest】

World difficulty: LV.6. Difficulty (This world has entered a large number of contractors.)

Source of the world: 0% (The hunter’s exploration or communication with the characters in the current world will increase. When settling the world, it will be calculated with the task difficulty to form the final score)

Introduction to the world: On the ancient continent of Altria, humans, elves, monsters and black dragons each occupied their own side. Decades ago, the black dragon led an army of monsters in an attempt to annex the continent. Humans and elves joined forces at the critical moment to crush the black dragon's ambitions and were defeated. The black dragon fell into a deep sleep deep in the dark valley, but the peace was short-lived. After the black dragon's defeat, humans and elves fell into an endless war for territory. Humanity was also divided because of the battle between priests and magicians, but they As everyone knows, a greater crisis is brewing. The black dragon in the dark valley is about to awaken, and a wave of terrifying monsters is about to sweep across the entire continent again.

Main mission: Obtain the Dragon Jewel.

Hunting mission: Clean up the violator Contractor No. 14673. When the hunter enters within one kilometer of Contractor No. 14673, the hunting function will automatically turn on.

Warning: Please do not mention anything about "Paradise" in this world. If the warning is invalid, you will be forcibly executed!

Tip: It is detected that the hunter does not master the language of this world. You can automatically master the language of this world by spending 100 paradise coins.

World, begin!

There is one more chapter, it will be a little later

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