Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 338 Long time no see, Professor

"Details of the 2003 Lake Alkali dam breach..."

"Did the mysterious phenomenon that spread across the world three years ago, the tingling pain in the brain that nearly destroyed all mankind, really originate from the electromagnetic storm disclosed by the official? Or was it a deliberate attack by a certain mutant on all mankind?"

"The Worthington Group is suspected of developing some kind of drug that can change the current world situation, and will hold a press conference in the near future."

"Trask Industries' new generation of Sentinel robots has been officially included in the city's armed forces. The Sentinels will guard the safety of all mankind and terminate every potential mutant criminal."

"A fire broke out in the Fighter Bar four hours ago. The fire was so fierce that conventional fire-fighting facilities could not extinguish it. It is suspected to be another mutant awakening event. Please see the on-site report below..."


On the shimmering computer screen, Xu Yue called up various news reports one by one. By carefully examining these reports involving various aspects of society, he quickly determined the current time point.

"X-Men 3: Last Stand."

Whispering the specific name of the current point in time, a large number of plot memories began to swirl in his mind. After a long time, Xu Yue's somewhat empty eyes gradually solidified, and soon became dull.

The so-called plot can only be used as a reference. Compared with this real and vast world, the perspective revealed by the plot is inevitably much more limited.

You can learn from it, but you must not believe too much, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable. The massacre in the imperial capital that was caused in the world of Dragon Nest is the best example.

His thoughts returned from his memory, and he looked at the computer screen in front of him again. After determining the specific timeline, and combining it with the plot memory in his mind, he had a clearer understanding of the information hidden behind these news reports.

The ‘Arkali Lake dam burst’ and the ‘mysterious phenomenon that spread around the world’ mentioned in the first two articles of the report all originated from a conspiracy against Professor X many years ago.

In 2003, Colonel Stryker, who was affiliated with the military, interrogated Magneto, who was still imprisoned by the government, and learned about the terrifying power that Professor X had always hidden.

Soon after, taking advantage of the professor's opportunity to visit Magneto, Stryker planned an ambush and successfully captured the professor safely.

At the same time, a large number of troops raided X Academy at night. Because the main force of the X-Men went out to perform tasks, the academy's guard force was seriously lacking, resulting in the entire raid being extremely smooth.

Although most of the students escaped capture through secret passages, the army also got what they wanted most, a brainwave amplifier that can greatly enhance their psychic powers.

At this point, Stryker completed all preparations. In the secret base located at the Lake Alkali Dam, he completely manipulated Professor of mutants to solve the mutant problem once and for all.

This is the so-called bipolar power of mutants. With the blessing of a brainwave amplifier, the professor's psychic power can even easily kill all intelligent life on the planet.

Stryker's plan was perfect, but it was a pity that the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole was behind. As soon as the extermination plan was implemented halfway, Magneto, who had escaped from prison, quietly appeared.

But he did not come to save Professor

Hence the mysterious phenomenon that spread across the world three years ago, and the lives of all human beings were in danger due to the power of a mutant.

At the critical moment, the X-Men finally arrived. They forcibly destroyed the brainwave amplifier and restored the professor's consciousness. However, the battle during the rescue process also caused serious damage to the dam body, and the collapse was imminent.

In the end, before the dam was about to be completely collapsed, they led the professor to escape successfully, and a crisis that affected the world was eliminated.

The only price was that in order to cover everyone's escape, an X-Men was completely swallowed by the raging flood.

Although the crisis has been resolved, the subsequent impact of this incident is more far-reaching. Ordinary people may not know the specific cause of the mysterious phenomenon, but the government is fully aware of it.

Although Stryker is a colonel, whether it is using Magneto who is imprisoned by the government to lure out Professor

The power of one person can directly wipe out all human beings. This power far exceeds that of nuclear weapons, which is enough to arouse deep fear in any ruler.

In fact, after the psychic storm ended, the government quickly made preparations for all-out war and death.

Just when the president was about to issue an announcement to the world and prepare to completely break with the mutant community, the professor who had just escaped from the dam had led the X-Men to the scene without stopping.

By obtaining documents from Stryker's office and using force to intimidate him, the professor conveyed a message to the top brass of the government.

The entire incident was a private action by Colonel Stryker. Since the government had no knowledge of it, both humans and mutants were victims of the incident, so there was a basis for cooperation.

Cooperation will benefit both sides. Instead of an all-out war, it is better for both sides to shake hands and make peace before the situation develops out of control. After all, once a war breaks out, both sides will lose.

Shifting the blame + secret threats + good words to persuade, the whole process was smooth and smooth.

With one hand flexing their muscles and the other hand passing the steps, the human government, which was not ready for all-out war, finally agreed to the professor's suggestion. They took the initiative to cover up the truth of this mysterious incident and minimized its impact on society to the greatest extent possible. .

The reason why the mutant group can always exist under the oppression of mainstream society has never been the so-called human rights and human goodwill, but the real deterrence of force.

Compromising blindly will never gain respect, but will only lead to more serious oppression. The professor knows this very well. As someone who awakened his ability at a young age and can see through people's hearts, he has a deep enough understanding of the darkness of human nature.

He is a moderate, yes, but he has never been an appeaser. Otherwise, he would not have established the X-Men as an independent armed force at the same time as he founded the X Academy.

The mutant bipolar is not just a name, but two swords of Damocles that actually hang above human heads.

Human beings have the power to destroy or enslave the entire mutant population, but once they take action, they must be prepared to be wildly retaliated by the mutants' top combat power, and both sides will be destroyed, and both sides will be destroyed.

This is the fundamental reason why Magneto has been arrested many times and still remains unharmed. It is also the reason why this mysterious incident that nearly destroyed all mankind will be covered up by the top management of both parties, and will eventually be quietly eliminated on the invisible basis of reality.

However, although the major issues have become trivial on the surface, secretly the human government's research on mutants has invariably accelerated its pace.

After the short period of fear, a deep uneasiness came to mind. Although this crisis was resolved at a critical moment, what about next time?

No ruler is willing to put the wealth and lives of all mankind above Professor X's so-called moral principles.

Power that cannot be controlled is an absolute threat, which has nothing to do with morality or reason. This has been true since ancient times. The strong desire for control rooted deep in the blood of the human species will not change depending on region and race.

The reports on the computer screen about the Worthington Group and Trask Industries represent the two main methods used by humans against the mutant population. The former is a milder step-by-step encroachment, while the latter is the most cruel. bloody massacre.

The only thing that is the same is that behind these two methods, there is hidden humankind's deep malice towards mutants.

His eyes swept over Trask Industries' reports. The Sentinel robot, which symbolizes force, will evolve into a world-destroying mechanical craze in the future. However, at this stage, there is still at least ten years of research and development between the final product, so there is no need to worry about it in the short term. .

Xu Yue's main attention was focused on the third report about Worthington Group. The news that a press conference will be held soon means that the "antidote" developed by the group has become mature. And be ready to flow into the market.

This is a huge whirlpool that is about to trigger a violent conflict between humans and mutants. The antidote can suppress mutants' abilities for a long time, creating the illusion of almost permanent elimination of genetic mutations.

For humans, this is an effective antidote that can completely eradicate the cancer of mutants and ease the conflict between the two camps, but for mutants, this thing will undoubtedly cut off their foundation.

Once the antidote is fully controlled by humans, the mutant camp will inevitably become rootless duckweeds within a few years. They will also gradually degenerate from an independent racial camp into pathological excrescences dependent on human society, and eventually It was treated as a serious disease and completely cured.

Whether it is the radical Brotherhood of Mutants or the moderate X-Men, they will never allow this ending to happen. The 'antidote' must and can only be controlled by the mutant camp. This is an antidote. A chronic poison to the entire mutant race.

In short, no matter which force he joins next, the next mission will most likely be related to the antidote in the hands of the Worthington Group. What he needs to consider most now is which party he can join to gain the greatest benefits. That’s all.

While he was thinking, a steady sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind Xu Yue. Ah Fu approached from behind with a map in his hand. He flattened the map in his hand on the table beside him. He pointed at a small red dot on the map and said:

"Master, we found the location of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. It's about half a day's drive from us."

"Are we joining the X-Men?"

Hearing this, Xu Yue lowered his eyes and looked at the address of the college marked on the map, and nodded in affirmation to Ah Fu's question.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is also known as X Academy. In fact, with his style of doing things and his talent for hunting strong men to ignite the flames, whether it is the Brotherhood of Mutants or the human side's Trask Industries, It is a better choice than the X-Men camp.

However, he owes Professor The kind that even the battle flag cannot save.

Without the protection of the spiritual barrier, the more fire he absorbs, the more uncontrolled souls of alien beasts will automatically emerge. By then, he may become stronger, but it will be difficult to maintain himself.

Even self-awareness has the possibility of being completely swallowed up and submerged. Power that cannot be controlled can only be a burden.

So he must return this favor. Even though the derivative world is fleeting and all changes will be overturned after he leaves, but now that he has come to this world, he has to sit back and do nothing, even if he just wants peace of mind.

And as long as he works well, he can reap many benefits in the X-Men.

The light in his eyes flashed away, and he turned his head to look at Ah Fu beside him. He condensed a mirror from his hand and threw it to him, and said slowly:

"Yes, you join the X-Men, but it's not us, it's me."

"You have a more important task. Go to Cairo, find Apocalypse's sleeping place, and inform me as soon as possible."

Apocalypse, known as the oldest mutant, belongs to the second combat force in the world after Phoenix. He can destroy and rebuild an entire city with a raise of his hands.

In the new timeline of the restarted X-Men, the opponent will wake up from his slumber in 1983. Within a few hours after waking up, he will learn all the historical developments in these thousands of years through the Internet, and at the same time destroy all human beings. Nuclear weapons, these excessive combat capabilities are enough to subvert the entire world situation.

In the current old timeline, the opponent should still be sleeping deep underground in Cairo. Although the camp forces marked in the paradise do not include Apocalypse, there will definitely be contractors who choose to take risks to find his whereabouts.

Once Tianqi is successfully awakened, the benefits he can get are definitely worth the money, but this is not in Xu Yue's interests.

Apocalypse can be awakened, but not now, so he needs Ah Fu as his eyes to go to Cairo in advance to investigate the situation.

As for the specific information about Apocalypse, Afu also knew it well after doing his homework in advance, and did not need to explain too much. After hearing the name of Cairo, he quickly understood the specific purpose of his master sending him there.

Taking the thrown magic mirror, he said in a deep voice:

"I will rush to Cairo immediately."

"Well, when you arrive, pay attention to check for signs of contractor activities. Once you find any, don't rush in, just contact me through the magic mirror immediately."


With his charming charm and puppet appearance, Ah Fu's combat effectiveness is slightly inferior, but his detection and search capabilities are far stronger than him. As long as Apocalypse is still sleeping underground in Cairo, he will definitely not be able to escape Ah Fu's search. Xu Yue Quite reassuring.

But he had to move quickly, and he was not the only one who wanted to find Tianqi, so after receiving the order, Afudang left in a hurry, preparing to rush to Cairo as quickly as possible.

The footsteps behind him gradually faded away. Xu Yue put the map beside him into the space and raised his eyes to look at the last report on the computer screen.

"A fire broke out in the Fighter Bar four hours ago. The fire was so fierce that conventional fire-fighting facilities could not extinguish it. It is suspected to be another incident of mutants awakening their abilities. Please see the on-site report below..."

This fighter bar was an external building used to cover the underground boxing ring. Before leaving, he deliberately burned it completely with pure Yang Yan.

Now that the destruction of the bar is related to the awakening of mutant abilities, it may not be long before the X-Men take the initiative to find him.

The so-called awakening of mutant abilities generally means that in childhood or adolescence, after a mutant's genetic mutation reaches a threshold, the mutant abilities in the body will awaken for the first time and begin to explode outward uncontrollably.

Ordinary mutant abilities are okay, but those that are powerful and have a wide range of effects will often cause great damage to the outside world during the awakening process.

There are also vicious incidents such as blowing up an entire city block and even killing hundreds of people in an instant.

Every year, people die and facilities are damaged due to the awakening of mutant abilities. Most of the people who die are the relatives and friends of mutants who are most familiar with them.

This aspect also plays a huge role in why human society hates and persecutes the mutant community so much. Hatred is never without reason.

A large part of the mutant students accepted by X Academy have caused considerable damage to the surrounding environment during the awakening process. On the one hand, these young mutants will inevitably be feared by their relatives and friends because of the damage they cause. , even hostile, the academy can protect them well.

On the other hand, any child who can cause great damage when awakening shows that they have extremely high potential and belong to the elite class of mutants. Being admitted to the academy can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Therefore, College The forces coming from the wind are definitely not limited to the X-Men.

Even though he has slaughtered everyone in the underground arena, in this world full of black technology, it is not so simple to completely eliminate the traces.

Recalling the specific information of the various forces in his mind again, Xu Yue thought for a moment, then turned off the computer in front of him, then got up and walked towards the bedroom.

The place where he was at this time was a property belonging to the owner of the boxing ring. Ah Fu obtained it when he searched the second floor of the boxing ring. After leaving the boxing ring, they went straight to the property to search for information on the Internet.

It was getting late now, and there were still five days left for the main mission of the first ring, so there was no need to rush. He was going to rest here for a night and wait for the reaction of all the forces.

If there is no news tomorrow, then he will rush directly to the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters where the professor is. In the process of searching for information just now, he has already roughly made a rough plan. If it can be realized smoothly, then the benefits this time will be It must be expensive.


On the second day, the sky had just dawned, and the misty morning light shone through the glass window into the bedroom on the second floor of the European-style villa.

Xu Yue, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt a vast spiritual power slowly seeping into his brain. Although the movements were very gentle, just the touch triggered the spiritual barrier. Faintly shaking.

"Good morning, Professor, you arrived earlier than I expected."

The plain words spat out of Xu Yue's mouth caused the spiritual power surrounding him to fluctuate slightly. It was not until a few breaths later that a particularly familiar gentle voice sounded in Xu Yue's mind.

"Good morning, Xinhuo, I hope I didn't disturb your rest."

Standing up from sitting cross-legged, Xu Yue casually put on the wolf hair cloak placed aside and said slowly:

"Fortunately, I miss hearing your voice again, so are you nearby now, or in X Academy?"

After he finished speaking, the voice in his mind was silent again for a moment before starting again.

"You seem to be very familiar with me, but in your memory, we don't know each other?"


On the other side, in the brainwave amplification room located underground at Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters, surrounded by a large amount of light and shadow, a trace of surprise flashed in Professor

He could sense that the nostalgia expressed in Xin Huo's words was not false, but when he counted down his long memory of more than seventy years, he really had no impression of it.

As for directly querying the other person's memory, maybe he would do this when he was young, but at this age, if it is not necessary, he will not rashly read other people's memories and thoughts without permission. This is the most basic respect, even if the other person is involved in the process. Don't know.

It is easy to deceive others, but it is difficult to deceive yourself. He has always taught students not to abuse their mutant abilities, and the prerequisite for educating people is to lead by example. By the age of seventy, he has been able to restrain his curiosity and inquiry. Heart.

But the next second, after sensing the specific situation on the other side, the professor's originally calm mood suddenly surged. He felt an aura that should not appear in the hands of others.

"Is this... a spiritual barrier?"


In the bedroom on the second floor, a milky white translucent chain flew out of Xu Yue's hand and kept circling in his palm.

The moment the chain appeared, the peaceful spiritual power around it instantly became turbulent, and a large number of them gathered around the chain.

Although the breath and image have changed a lot, the professor can be sure that the essence of this chain definitely comes from the psychic barrier he created, and he is extremely familiar with the internal psychic energy structure.

But how could the spiritual barrier appear in the hands of others?

Listening to the surprise in his mind, Xu Yue took the spiritual chain in his palm back into his body and raised the corners of his lips slightly. This was his biggest reliance on joining the X-Men quickly.

All forces in this world cannot join casually. Except for the Brotherhood of Mutants, which is not taboo on meat and vegetables, other forces have more or less conditions and requirements.

Especially the X-Men, in addition to having strong combat power, they must also pass Professor

But he is different. The unique mental barrier is the best pass. He can gain the professor's trust in the most direct way. After all, no one can take this thing from the professor's mind except for voluntary gift.

"Yes, this is your spiritual barrier. I don't know the professor in this timeline, but I know you a long time later."

"In a sense, I am your future student. Long time no see, Professor."

The slightly respectful words slowly echoed in the empty room. It was quiet for a long time before he heard the professor's somewhat complicated voice again.

"It seems like a lot of things are going to happen in the future. Maybe we need to meet each other."

"Scott has already gone to pick you up. I'll wait for you at the academy, Xinhuo."

"See you later, Professor."


As soon as the words fell, the spiritual power that filled the whole room began to dissipate, and soon completely disappeared. Xu Yue was not surprised by the professor's reaction.

The abilities of mutants are all kinds of strange. In the professor’s decades of teaching career, he has seen too many mysterious and unique mutant abilities. Crossing the timeline may be a fantasy to ordinary people, but to the professor It's not unacceptable.

After all, psychic barriers cannot lie, and perceiving lies is common for people with psychic powers.

Curbing his divergent thoughts, Xu Yue glanced at the empty bedroom and walked towards the door. There was still some time before Scott's arrival. He planned to go to the first floor to solve the problem of food and clothing, and then wait for the X-Men. Private plane transfer service.

But as soon as he walked down the stairs on the second floor, his step suddenly stopped, and a violent explosion resounded from outside the villa. It was the warning mine he had buried in the courtyard.

His footsteps stopped, Xu Yue quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of the explosion. As he stepped lightly with his right foot, his perception instantly expanded along with the vibration, and the three-dimensional image of the exterior of the villa immediately appeared clearly in his mind.

Three sentry robots several meters high were approaching the villa from all directions, surrounded by four or five police cars and a dozen armed personnel holding various equipment.

Along with the roaring explosion, an obviously amplified warning sounded simultaneously into the villa.

"Mutant Xinhuo, you are suspected of mass murdering federal citizens, burning public property, endangering social security and many other crimes. Give up resistance immediately and surrender!"

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