Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 339 Sentinel Robot

Early morning, outer suburbs.

The sudden explosion suddenly broke the silence of the suburbs. The raging fire and thick smoke rose in the courtyard of a two-story villa. The exploding metal shrapnel sputtered everywhere and sent out a series of sky-piercing screams. It seemed that The momentum was extremely frightening.

This is a warning mine worth 100 Paradise Coins. It can be automatically triggered after detecting an enemy invasion. It relies on violent explosions and subsequent shrapnel scattering to carry out a covering attack, which can cause devastating damage within 50 meters around it.

If the attack target is the human body, then the power of this landmine is absolutely devastating, but when it comes to high-density steel, it is somewhat powerless.

Densely scattered shrapnel hit the thick mechanical legs, but apart from splashing a few sparks and leaving several scratches, they had no use.

His eyes moved upward along the mechanical leg at the center of the explosion, and he saw that the target that triggered the mine explosion was not a human being, but a black robot about three meters tall. Its exaggerated weight caused the ground to tremble slightly every time he took a step.

Although the landmine that suddenly exploded under its feet seemed very powerful, for a robot of this size, it only paused for a moment before continuing to move forward without any care.

Following the first blast, several similar mine explosions soon came from all directions. There were far more than one robot coming to surround the double-story villa.

In the other two directions, there are also two robots of the same shape that are approaching continuously, pressing closer and closer to the double-story villa in the center of the encirclement.

Outside the encirclement, a dozen armed men holding firearms were staring closely at the sentry robot that was slowly advancing in the light of successive explosions of fire, with a look of joy on their faces.

Fortunately, the main force of this attack was the Sentinel robot. Otherwise, with just a dozen or so of them, it would only take one warning mine to explode nearby to kill and injure most of them.

As an armed force that often deals with mutant criminals, they have rich experience in dealing with all kinds of mutants, but this is the first time they have encountered such a guy who would frantically place a mine matrix outside the place of residence.

In less than two minutes, the number of detonated landmines was no less than double digits. With such a large-scale landmine density, if there were no robots to clear the way for demining, if they dared to approach rashly, they would be blown to pieces. fate.

"Captain, it's time to shout."

The reminder from his teammates rang in his ears. The team leader's Adam's apple at the front of the crowd moved slightly. After moistening his dry throat, he picked up the car loudspeaker nearby and spoke loudly.

"Mutant Xinhuo, you are suspected of mass murdering federal citizens, burning public property, endangering social security and many other crimes. Give up resistance immediately and surrender!"

"You have thirty seconds to leave the villa with your head in your hands, otherwise we will carry out a devastating blow to the villa!"

"30, 29, 28..."

Mutants are precious resources, especially mutants with powerful combat capabilities. Unlike the people at the bottom who simply hate and fear them, the upper class can be said to love and fear these mutants.

They are afraid that they can easily disobey the power of the class order, but they are also full of thirst for this power. If they can be captured alive, then these mutants can play a great role whether they are used for anatomical research or control and transformation. .

Therefore, in the face of mutant criminals who do not have the protection of large forces, most of the armed teams responsible for dealing with them will use the method of forcing them to capture them alive. They are happy to give the other party a chance to surrender. After all, living mutants are far more valuable than dead bodies. Much more.

But for that kind of extremely dangerous and stubborn guy, they don't mind just bringing back the opponent's body, and the mutant Xinhuo who is still hiding in the villa is undoubtedly one of the dangerous and stubborn ones. kind.

The sound of mine explosions in the courtyard has stopped. Three sentry robots stopped a few meters away from the villa. Three pairs of scarlet electronic eyes were lowered, staring coldly at the two-story villa in the encirclement. A slow countdown sounded, and an unspeakable stagnant atmosphere was slowly being suppressed.

In the living room of the villa, Xu Yue looked at the Eye of Manifestation floating in front of him with interest, paying no attention to the countdown sound that echoed clearly around him.

[Comparing the intelligence attributes of both sides..., the comparison is completed, our intelligence is 3.69 times the enemy's intelligence, and we have obtained 100% of the enemy's information]

The information is as follows:

Name: Hunting Sentinel

Category: Mechanical Construction

Armor value: 88%

Energy value: 600/600

Strength: 40

Agility: 32

Stamina: 36

Intelligence: 13

Charisma: 5

Skill 1: Advanced Machinery (Passive LV.25): This mechanical structure contains many advanced technological crystallizations such as genes, energy, structures, and machinery. It has strength +10, physical strength +8, armor value +500, and is immune to all mental and soul damage. .

Skill 2: X Gene Detection (Passive LV.23): The Sentinel has an extremely sensitive detection program for the X gene, and can automatically identify and target individuals with dominant X genes within three hundred meters.

Skill 3: Information Network (Passive LV.24): All sentry robots share the same information network. When fighting together, their cooperation will be greatly improved. Combat experience and variant information uploaded to the information center by individual individuals will be synchronized with each sentinel. Robot.

Skill 4: Jet Flight (Active LV.23): Each part of the sentry robot's body contains multiple energy jet ports. By continuously consuming energy values, it can fly in the air and freely control the flight direction in the air.

Skill 5: Fire Arms (Passive LV.25): Sentry carriers have Gatling miniguns, 40 mm caliber grenade launchers, rocket launchers, optical instruments and other fire arm systems.

Skill 6: Energy Absorption (Passive LV.24): Sentinel's unique mechanical armor can absorb extraordinary energy from various elements, spirits, impacts, etc., and convert it into built-in energy. Resistance to such extraordinary energy +20%, magnetic manipulation 60% reduction.


Retracting the Eye of Manifestation in front of him, Xu Yue's eyes flashed with a solemn look. These three sentry robots did not pose a high threat to him, but their abilities were somewhat unexpected.

In particular, the energy absorption of skill 6 has some of the characteristics of the world-destroying sentinels. The reason why the sentinel craze swept the world more than 20 years later is that, in addition to its huge numerical advantage, the most important feature is that the sentinels can absorb all mutant energy and fully simulated.

In other words, with the help of its ability to absorb simulation, each Sentinel can become a powerful mutant with multiple composite abilities. The overwhelming number coupled with the powerful and almighty individual force makes the Sentinel quickly become A genuine mechanical natural disaster, which also renders mutants and even the entire human civilization unable to resist.

Only in this desperate situation will the mutant camp use a gambling method like restarting the timeline to save the fate of being endangered. However, this method is nothing more than drinking poison to quench thirst. The group of speedsters next door have used it many times. A sad attempt to prove a truth.

Those who fool time will also be fooled by time.

So in the new timeline, the mutant finally ushered in the more bleak ending of "Wolverine 3: The Last Stand" that he experienced during the hunting trial.

His mind quickly broke free from memories, Xu Yue raised his eyes to look at the tall sentry outside the window, his eyes narrowed slightly. The sentry robot he was facing now was by no means the most advanced model of Trask Industries.

If the backward versions flowing into the market reached this level, then the progress of Sentinel's research and development would definitely be faster than he imagined. Coupled with the various contractors active in the current world, perhaps he needs to re-adjust Trask Industries. proportion in his future plans.

Otherwise, if the Sentinel Disaster is suddenly triggered by this industry in advance, the direction of this world's mission will be unpredictable.


Outside, the countdown of the team leader gradually came to an end, and the tense atmosphere surrounding him became more solemn.

"……three two."

"call out!"

Before the last number fell, a subtle sound of breaking through the air sounded first, and then a beam of golden light suddenly burst out of the villa.


The team leader's pupils shrank suddenly. Although he didn't know what the golden light was, the strong aura of death instantly filled his heart. His lips opened quickly, but he only had time to spit out the word "attack" before the golden light came out. The armed squad arrived at the center of the group at a terrifying speed that exceeded the limit of vision.

Then there was a roar far greater than the previous landmine explosion. A sea of ​​golden-red flames suddenly exploded among the crowd, swallowing up all seven armed members including the captain. Several rapid screams rang out from the sea of ​​fire. , and then there was no more sound.

In an instant, half of the armed team was killed. This outcome caused the remaining armed team members who survived because they were far away to fall into a state of panic. This level of mutants was simply not something they could handle.

Without any hesitation, everyone turned around and ran away, but just as they turned around, several more golden lights flashed from behind, burning them into several charred corpses one by one.

Outside the villa, the three sentry robots did not pay attention to the carnage behind them. The system of the hunter-killing sentinels did not include instructions to protect humans. They were only born for killing. The moment golden light burst out in the villa, the unlimited counterattack instructions also began. activation.

The sound of mechanical operation was heard one after another, and the mechanical armor on the sentry's body began to unfold layer by layer. Soon, several grenade launchers and multi-barreled machine guns protruded from the sentry's body, and they opened fire without any hesitation.

The roar of the minigun, accompanied by the roar of grenade launches, enveloped the entire foreign teacher in an instant. The next moment, the continuous roar of grenade explosions covered up all the noise in the field.

Large swaths of fireworks shot into the sky along with smoke and dust. Under the firepower of three sentries, the two-story villa in the encirclement seemed so vulnerable that it was completely torn apart and collapsed in less than ten seconds.

The huge amount of rising smoke soon enveloped all the wreckage of the villa, but the fire coverage of the sentries did not stop. Instead, it became more fierce. Dozens and hundreds of rounds of ammunition per second were thrown into the smoke as if they were free. In an instant, the smoke was torn into pieces.

Under the optical inspection of the sentry, the target's vital signs have not disappeared. Since the enemy is not dead, it must continue to bombard it until it is completely destroyed.

There was a new wave of grenade volleys. In the raging sea of ​​​​fire exploded by the shells, a silver shadow rose from the center of the sea of ​​​​fire. After rising into the air, the silver shadow suddenly stopped and continued to rise. The exaggerated metal behind it The wings spread out, revealing Xu Yue holding the Xiaoyun Longbow inside.

Below, sensing the target's position rising into the sky, the sentries whose right forearm had completely transformed into a minigun also raised their muzzles. With this movement, the dense metal frenzy quickly approached the target again, but the gun Just as he raised his mouth, three beams of golden light came quietly from above.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three consecutive explosions were heard almost at the same time. The light arrow exploded instantly when it touched the sentry's right arm. Although the entire arm was not completely blown off, only the incomplete half-cut arm was left hanging on the side. The criss-crossed, broken and exposed lines and arcs popping up from time to time all indicate the fact that the Sentinel's right arm is disabled.

The main long-range means was destroyed, but the Sentinels still did not give up their plan to annihilate the target. A long black knife popped out from the left arm, and the energy jet port behind it shimmered. Three knife-wielding Sentinels took off simultaneously, starting from three They attacked from different directions towards the target above their heads.


In the sky above, Xu Yue grinned in a white arc. The long bow in his hand quietly transformed into a Fangtian painted halberd. He flapped the metal wings behind his back. He turned around and actively charged towards the three robots under him. .


This is the sweet sound of the long knife roaring, but behind it is a murderous intention. The distance between the two sides that are hedging each other begins to shrink rapidly, and the roaring hurricane surrounds and roars, carrying a rich The smell of gunpowder smoke flooded into his nose, but instead of feeling pungent, he felt even more excited.

When the distance between the two parties finally closed to less than a few meters, the fine stinging pain caused by the beast's intuition had already spread throughout his body. The cold light from the three long blades pierced his eyes, sealing all the spaces he could dodge from all directions. .

As the blade approached, Xu Yue's eyes glowed with golden-red flames. His right hand holding the tail of the halberd suddenly tightened. The bright golden-red fire pattern spread from his arm to the whole body of the halberd in an instant, and then he swung it vigorously around his body.


There are no techniques, just the purest violent catharsis, but the effect is shocking enough.

It was as if a muffled thunder had burst out on a sunny day, and the overbearing roar was mixed with the crisp sound of metal shattering. A bright and grand golden red fire wheel was violently swung out by a halberd in mid-air. On the edge of the fire wheel, there were countless long knife fragments reflecting the light. .

With just one halberd, he used the most intuitive power to smash the three metal knives of the sentries at the same time.

The obstacles in front of him were swept away. Xu Yue did not pause at all. He raised the halberd in his hand forward and used the tip of the halberd as a spear. He turned into a flaming spear and pierced a sentry robot under him. .

The two sides staggered in mid-air, with flames rising and scattered parts. Xu Yue's black combat boots fell to the ground. He raised his head and looked back, only to see that a huge cavity had appeared from the beginning to the end of the sentry robot directly above him, and the remaining body was also It was even covered with cracks and seemed to be about to disintegrate into countless parts.


The indifferent word "Explosion" came out of Xu Yue's mouth, and the next second, the boiling fire gradually spread to half of the sky. The sentry that he had drilled through exploded, and every metal fragment seemed to have turned into a solid. Explosives, the roaring sound is endless.

Even the other two Sentinel robots, whose arms were destroyed, lost their flying power under the influence of the series of explosions and fell straight from mid-air.

Glancing at the black shadow falling from the sky, Xu Yue reached out and made a move. More than a dozen charred corpses not far away immediately set themselves on fire, igniting raging purple fire and rising up. Under his control, they moved towards the two fallen sentries. Pounced fiercely.

After a moment, two broken metal skeletons fell to the ground and were smashed into pieces, and a large ball of surging silver molten liquid appeared in front of Xu Yue.

Under the dual restraints of the Fire and the 'Crossing Mountains', these metal robots were fragile in his hands and could be kneaded and flattened at will.

His eyes swept over the messy battlefield around him. He simply didn't bother to change places and sat on the ground where he was, manipulating the silver molten liquid in front of him to condense into rhombus-shaped metal bodies the size of heads, while waiting for the arrival of the X-Men plane.

After a long time, a roar gradually sounded from the horizon.

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