Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 340 I can save Qin!

In the sky above, a black dot emerged from the edge of the sky and quickly expanded into a streamlined black jet fighter.

The huge fuselage hovered over the ruins of the battlefield, and the turbulent airflow stirred up the remaining smoke and flames into more chaos. In the cockpit, Scott, as the pilot, looked down through the portholes at the mess below.

Black smoke still drifted from the ruins of large tracts of houses, and wisps of flames ignited by grenade bombings entangled and spread on the ruins like gangrene on the bones.

Outside the ruins, there was a chaotic courtyard that was damaged by the self-explosion of landmines. The neatly arranged black pits looked shocking. There were also a large number of metal shrapnel mixed in, as well as two torn metal skeletons.

Looking around, just from the various traces left behind, it is not difficult to imagine how fierce the battle was not long ago.


His eyes focused on the two metal skeletons on the ground. Although the skeletons were in dilapidated condition, as an X-Men who had dealt with Sentinel many times, Scott recognized the specific identity of the skeletons at a glance.

Being able to kill two fully armed Sentinel robots in a short period of time, and the degree of damage was so high, it seemed that the mutant the professor asked him to pick up was quite capable, but he didn't know if he was injured.

His gaze shifted from the metal frame. After a quick glance, he quickly locked onto a tall figure outside the ruins. Purple fire lingered around the figure, and several silver diamond-shaped metal bodies were suspended out of thin air, which was quite eye-catching.

‘Fire, metal, composite mutant abilities? ’


In the midst of his thoughts, a deep male voice suddenly sounded in his mind. Scott was immediately stunned. The pupils of the figure below him were slightly dilated. Even through the vermilion goggles, his slightly surprised mood could be clearly seen. .

"Psychic ability?"

Psychic abilities are not commonplace, and are rare and dangerous among the entire mutant community, not to mention having other mutant abilities.

"It's just a simple mental skill. It's limited to communication. It can't invade the mind like the professor does. Don't worry."

"No need to land, just open the hatch. Trouble will come soon. We need to leave as soon as possible."

The voice in his mind sounded again. Scott pursed his lips and did not respond. He just silently hovered the jet fighter in mid-air, and then opened the rear elevator door.

Below the fighter plane, Xu Yue waved his hand and put several diamond-shaped metal objects in front of him into the space. He then glanced sideways at the black car in the distance that was rushing towards the ruins. Without paying much attention, the metal wings behind him suddenly opened. Then it took off into the sky.

Soon, the figure with flapping wings directly entered the jet fighter hovering in the air. The hatch was closed, and the fighter jet quickly rose up and flew away amidst the roar of the engine, leaving only two slowly disappearing white lines in the sky. Clouds.

The fighter jet disappeared without a trace, and the speeding car below also came to a standstill. The car window rolled down, revealing a strange mutant with blue skin in the driver's seat.

Mystique—Riven Darkholm, possesses the mutant ability to transform into anyone at will. She is an unavoidable legendary figure in the entire history of mutants.

She was taken in by Professor

She is skilled in assassination, disguise, and intelligence gathering. She is one of the best assassins in the world and has assassinated high-level humans many times.

At the same time, she is also the key reason why Sentinel can grow into a world-destroying Scourge. The genetic source of the Sentinel robot's special ability to absorb simulations is Mystique's deformed skin.

It can be said that without Mystique, there would be no hopeless future in which the Sentinels destroy the world.

Of course, these are all things for later. She came here today just to recruit combat power for the Brotherhood of Mutants. However, judging from the current situation, she is obviously a step too late, and her target has been taken away by the X-Men in advance. .


Staring at the two wisps of cloud remaining in the sky, Mystique whispered the professor's name with a somewhat complicated look in her eyes.

After being stunned for a few breaths, she withdrew her gaze and turned her head to look at the messy battlefield not far away.

After seeing clearly the metal skeleton lying on the ruins, Mystique's eyes narrowed, and the softness in her eyes turned into fierceness. Of course she recognized the remains of what this thing was.

In 1973, Bolivar Traisco, the founder of the Sentinel robot, was assassinated by her. However, the death of the founder did not prevent the birth of the Sentinel, but accelerated its emergence. During this period, she was also assassinated. After being captured, he managed to escape after a long period of research and torture.

Her gaze paused on the pile of metal debris for a long time. Mystique slowly retracted her gaze, then rolled up the car window and drove the car away quickly.

She didn't care about the failure of recruiting this time. Many powerful mutants suddenly appeared in the past two days. Xu Yue was not her only choice, and she had a more important task than recruiting strong people. —A new drug to be launched by Worthington Group.

From the information she learned, this drug seemed to be closely related to mutants. She needed to get detailed information about the drug in advance before it was completely disclosed to the public.


The cars on the ground were getting farther and farther away, while the jet fighters in the sky were rapidly approaching Xavier Academy for Geniuses. The journey by car took about half a day, but at the speed of this black-tech fighter plane, it might not take more than half a day. It can be reached in thirty minutes.

In the cabin, Scott was focused on flying the fighter plane, while Xu Yue was quietly overlooking the outside scenery through the porthole window. The overall atmosphere seemed a bit dull.

Neither of them has a warm and cheerful temperament, so after Xu Yue entered the cabin, except for a few brief words about his identity at the beginning, both parties were speechless.

Especially for Scott, even through the pair of vermilion goggles, Xu Yue could really feel the lingering deep sadness of the other person.

During the process of rescuing the professor three years ago, the sudden collapse of the dam caused a huge amount of water to rush down. The exaggerated amount of water that could not be resisted by humans even threatened the lives of all the X-Men. In times of crisis, it was Jean Gray, Scott's girlfriend, came forward.

She used her surging mental power to temporarily withstand the impact of the flood, allowing the jet fighter carrying everyone to take off smoothly, and finally escaped.

However, after Qin escaped from the fighter plane, she was completely swallowed by the raging flood and disappeared under the vast lake, becoming the only X-Men to die in that incident.

Even though three years have passed, Scott is still immersed in extreme grief and cannot extricate himself. Recently, he has even begun to experience auditory hallucinations, which are becoming more frequent, and his mental condition is very pessimistic.

In the past, he was calm and determined, and also had strong combat power. He was the well-deserved second number among the X-Men, and he was also the successor that the professor had been carefully cultivating.

But now he is miserable, melancholy, unkempt, and can no longer show the slightest bearing of a mutant elite. This is why the professor specially sent Scott to pick up Xu Yue.

If he doesn't go out to do some tasks, the professor is very worried that his student will torture himself in self-isolation until he has a mental breakdown.

Time passed minute by minute in silence. Xu Yue withdrew his gaze and looked sideways at Scott beside him.

Scott's external title is also called Cyclops, which comes from his mutant ability. He can release nearly endless energy beams through his eyes. The lethality is astonishing, somewhat similar to Superman's heat vision.

But Superman's abilities can be controlled freely, but Scott cannot. Ever since he awakened his mutant abilities as a teenager, his eyes have been permanently changed. As long as he opens his eyes, he will automatically emit powerful energy beams. In a physical sense, he can see Someone dies.

Therefore, in order not to affect his normal life, the other party always wears a pair of special goggles. Only lenses made of red quartz can effectively suppress his uncontrolled mutant ability, allowing him to see freely.

His eyes paused for a moment on the rather eye-catching goggles, and then moved down. It has to be said that in addition to his strong combat power, Scott's external image is also particularly capable, with sharp edges and corners, a straight bridge of his nose, and his lower jaw. The sparse and messy stubble here and there ruined some of the beauty and made him look a little decadent.

Even if he couldn't see the fine bloodshot eyes spreading, Xu Yue could guess that the other party had not had a good sleep for a long time. Through the spiritual communication skills he learned from the ant queen, he could clearly perceive the other party. Those chaotic and sad thoughts.

"Although I can't access my memory like the professor, it's not a problem to simply perceive emotions. I can sense that your heart is in pain."

The deep male voice slowly echoed in the cabin. With the evil spirit restrained, Xu Yue's overall temperament was quite gentle, so these words coming from his mouth were not offensive, but rather a bit unique to a psychological counselor. temperament.

But it's obvious that Scott doesn't like this. In his current state, his psychological defense mechanism is always tense and resists any rash approach.

"Professor will not invade other people's brains casually, and I don't need help, so... please keep your telepathy away from my thoughts."

Xu Yue didn't care about the aggression shown in Scott's words. The professor had not comforted him in three years. He was not so arrogant that he thought he could succeed. Compared to verbal persuasion, he was better at physics. .

Besides, he wasn't going to be a physical therapist who healed people's wounds. He was just bringing up the topic to bring out another X-Men.

"So what is the reason that causes you such pain? The dam incident three years ago? Your girlfriend who was swallowed up by the flood - Qin?"

"I said...get out of my head!"

Qin's death in the flood was not a secret, but it was only spread within the academy, so when Xu Yue took the initiative to bring it up, Scott obviously misunderstood something.

He turned his head sharply to look at the figure sitting in the passenger seat, and his goggles even lit up with a dazzling red light, showing a clearly threatening attitude.

This is also the reason why psychic mutant abilities are so special. In front of such people, your soul seems to be naked.

The moment he was locked by the dazzling red light, a strong aura of death suddenly surged into his heart. It was a strong sense of crisis that none of the three sentry robots had given him.

The surrounding atmosphere instantly became tense, but Xu Yue seemed not to notice, and his expression remained calm. After shrugging slightly, he continued:

"Relax, I don't have the ability to access your memory. I have another source of information about Qin."

"Also, if you still want to save her, you'd better calm down."

"Save Qin?"

Scott laughed miserably and spoke coldly.

"I don't know where you got the news, but Qin was completely swallowed by Lake Alkali three years ago. What is your purpose in approaching the professor?"

"Being swallowed by the flood does not mean death. You should have seen the scene where Qin finally resisted the flood alone. Such a majestic spiritual power will not die in the flood so easily. Besides, you have recovered Qin's body. ?"

"As for the purpose of getting close to the professor, with the professor's psychic ability, he can naturally tell whether I have any malicious intentions. Since he will send you to pick me up, it has shown that I am at least trustworthy."

"I can save Jean!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the stagnant atmosphere in the cabin suddenly stiffened. The anger on Scott's face slowly faded, and the red light in the goggles also disappeared.

He obviously believed in the professor's affirmation more than his own judgment, and although Scott didn't believe it rationally, emotionally he had great expectations for Xu Yue's last words.

When a person is drowning, he will instinctively grasp at any straw that can save him, even if he knows that it is probably just a lie.

But maybe?

At least in the past three years, he had gone back and forth to Lake Alkali countless times, but he had never recovered Qin's body.

Although the professor had definitely told him that Qin's brain activity could no longer be sensed; although the body was more likely to have been washed downstream by the flood and disappeared.

But Scott still subconsciously ignored these possibilities. He only had one thought in his mind now, maybe? Maybe what this Xinhuo said is true?

"What evidence do you have that proves Qin is still alive?"

"I teach future students. Regarding this, you can ask the professor in person after arriving at the college, and he will give you a definite answer."


Whispering the word "future" softly, although Xu Yue did not say it clearly, its specific meaning was self-evident. If the other party really comes from the future, then the argument that Qin is not dead is no longer empty and false, but true. possible.

After staring at Xu Yue for a long time, Scott nodded heavily and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, I will ask the professor when I get back. If I can save Qin, I am willing to do anything!"

When the words fell, Scott did not speak, but silently turned around and continued to fly the fighter. However, its flight speed was instantly increased to the extreme. The recoil caused by the rapid increase made Xu Yue lean back.

On the other side, feeling the restless thoughts beside him, a trace of satisfaction flashed in Xu Yue's eyes, and then he closed his eyes and began to perfect his plan and what he would say when he met the professor later.

Using the advantage of knowing the plot to pretend to be a prophet is a very old-fashioned method, but it is quite practical.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you must have equal strength and the means to win the trust of others, otherwise the results will be difficult to predict.

The reason why Scott initially believed his words was that he had seen the ruins of the battlefield not long ago, so Xu Yue had the qualifications to talk to him on an equal footing, and also because of the professor's affirmation.

Gaining the professor's trust through a unique mental barrier was the biggest reason why Xu Yue was able to convince Scott, and he did not tell even a single lie during the conversation.

There is no doubt that he is the future professor's student. As for how the other party imagined it, it has nothing to do with him.

And Qin is indeed not dead.

The opponent's body contains one of the world's top powers, the Phoenix Force. This power can destroy everything and distort reality. A mere flood can't do anything to the host of the Phoenix Force.

But the power of the phoenix is ​​too powerful, not to mention that Qin can't control it at all. The phoenix will even reversely influence her thoughts and amplify her bestiality.

When Jean's Phoenix Power first broke out, she accidentally killed her mother. When the professor discovered her, the other party's power had become increasingly uncontrollable.

The power that can destroy the world is controlled by a little girl. It is like giving the trigger button of a nuclear bomb to an adolescent middle school boy. What a terrible thing.

Therefore, in order that this power would not be abused wantonly, and that Qin would not completely turn into a beast under the influence of the Phoenix, the professor at that time decisively used the power of the Phoenix together with Qin's memory of killing her mother, and used his spiritual power to build a The cage located deep in the brain, sealing it tightly.

But blindly containing the problem will not solve the problem, it will only amplify the problem. Just like Dayu's father Gun controlled the flood, the ever-higher dams cannot solve the flooding. Once the dams are washed away by the floods, the final consequences will be It will only get more serious.

Three years ago, not only the physical dam in Lake Alkali collapsed, but also the spiritual dam that blocked the Phoenix Force.

And under the constraints of the blockade day after day, the unbearable memory has transformed into a brand new personality.

This personality is integrated with the Phoenix Force. She advocates desire, is keen on destruction, and hates everything, especially Professor X, who sealed her personally - Charles Francis Xavier.

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