The first generation of X-Men were basically raised by professors, and Qin was no exception. The sudden change in racial alignment caused a deep and irreparable rift between them and their original families.

From the time they awakened their abilities, the academy became the place where they stayed the longest. For Qin, who occupies the main consciousness, the professor was both a teacher and a father. However, for the Phoenix personality who had been sealed in the cage of the soul, the professor was undoubtedly Her most hated enemy.

The hatred was mixed with a subtle fear. She didn't want to go back to the dark cage.

It was precisely because of this fear that Jean disappeared under Lake Alkali for three years.

When the Phoenix Force broke through the dam and completely merged with Jean in the face of a life-and-death crisis, the so-called flood no longer posed any threat to her. She could have calmly isolated the flood and left, but she did not do so and deliberately controlled She trapped her fellow mutants with the ability to teleport to prevent them from saving her at the critical moment.

In this way, all the X-Men escaped from death three years ago, but she was completely swallowed by the flood.

During the past three years, she used her spiritual power to actively block the professor's perception, while working hard to promote the deep integration of the Phoenix Power with the body. During this period, the Phoenix personality was also constantly infecting and covering the main consciousness, with the intention of completely controlling the body. .

But now, she is close to success, and Qin is about to become a real Phoenix.

In the subsequent plot, Phoenix, who completed the personality covering, used telepathy to induce Scott to come to the shore of Lake Alkali where she was sleeping again, and took the opportunity to devour her directly.

The essence of the Phoenix Power is very high, but after being sealed for twenty years before breaking free again, she was very weak and hungry.

The Phoenix in this state cannot fight against the professor. She needs to replenish energy, and Scott, whose eyes have almost infinite energy, has become the most suitable energy source at the moment.

So Cyclops Scott became the first sacrifice when the Phoenix was born, and the second one was Professor

That was the real sense that the body was completely destroyed. Only the consciousness barely escaped through the powerful spiritual power. After being offline for a long time, it was resurrected through the method of seizing the body to become a vegetative state.

On the other side, after killing the professor, Phoenix, who had lost all restraints, even had the crazy idea of ​​​​destroying the world. An island was slowly annihilated by her ability to manipulate molecules, and countless humans and mutants were forcibly turned into powder in the impact. .

At the last moment, it was Wolverine who relied on his powerful self-healing ability and, under the deliberate release of his main consciousness Qin, successfully carried the raging Phoenix Force and inserted his steel claw into Qin's heart with his own hands, killing the opponent's life.

At this point, the strength of the X-Men has been greatly reduced, almost half-wasted, the leader Professor has been physically annihilated, and the next generation successor Scott and the strongest fighter have both passed away. This blow can be described as huge, if it were not for the beginning of the new generation of elite members of the academy. has grown, otherwise the continued existence of the X-Men, an organization that is equivalent to a mutant platoon, will be questionable.

Of course, the above are just plots that have not happened yet. Since Xu Yue has decided to join the X-Men force, this miserable ending must be ended in advance. Only the X-Men whose strength is intact are the well-deserved heroes of this world. First-rate force.

In order to curb Jean's mass killing, the first step is to prevent Scott from becoming the opponent's meal. Without Cyclops's endless energy supplement, Phoenix, who has been sealed for twenty years and is still in a weak stage, temporarily It's not yet unparalleled.

Therefore, persuading Scott is the current primary goal. He is already halfway successful. The next focus is on the professor.

A large amount of information and plans were constantly tumbling in my mind, and finally they were sorted out neatly one by one, and connected to each other to form a clear chain of steps. It was not complicated, but at least it was coherent.

He is not outstanding in terms of resourcefulness, but with the support of sufficient intelligence, it is not difficult to sort out the most advantageous path.

Opening his slightly closed eyelids, Xu Yue glanced at Scott, who was in the driver's seat with his lips pursed tightly. Although the other person's expression was indifferent, the faintly white fingers on the joystick clearly revealed the other person's extra eagerness. Feeling.

The scene outside the porthole window is constantly changing. Facing the extreme speed, these scenes are often fleeting. Only the magnificent castle with a huge area directly in front begins to zoom in quickly within the field of vision.

Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters, the birthplace of the X-Men, has arrived.


Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters, founded in 1962, has a history of more than 40 years. It is the only comprehensive academy in the world that focuses on cultivating young mutants. It is also a rare formal mutant recognized by the national government. people organization.

It does not have profit as its fundamental purpose. The reason for its creation is just to cultivate the future of the mutant community.

Although compared to the huge population of the entire mutant population of more than 10 million, the enrollment quota of this college can only be said to be a drop in the bucket, but its social significance is very significant.

It is hope, a benchmark, and the only remaining beacon. Regardless of the actual situation in mainstream society, the existence of the academy means that mutants are not completely separated from society. They still have the right to education and to speak out to society. channels.

Compared to the Mutant Administration, which is affiliated to the Ministry of Defense, Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters is only a private organization, but its social prestige and social credibility far exceed the former.

Professor Charles has basically contributed all his efforts in this comprehensive college to this comprehensive college. As for the college’s funding sources, a small part comes from long-lasting social donations, while the bulk comes from the professor’s free expenditures.

As a member of the upper class with an orthodox aristocratic background and good intelligence, the professor's apparent assets are upwards of US$3 billion. The college was built on the site of his family's ancestral home, a large classical castle.

Although he had visited this Scottish classical castle in detail before in the professor's mind space, compared with the real castle now, the difference between the two was still very obvious.

In terms of scale and bearing, both are equally solemn and elegant, but the castle in the spiritual space is dead and gloomy, like an exquisite tombstone.

But the castle in front of me is lively and warm. The mutant students walking through the lawns and corridors are like flowing blood, making the huge and cold castle particularly lively.

At this time, the jet fighter was quietly suspended outside the castle. As the basketball court below automatically flipped and retracted, a wide underground passage soon appeared on the surface.

In the cabin, Scott was controlling the fighter plane to sink smoothly, while Xu Yue was quietly looking at the brand new X Academy in front of him through the porthole, the nostalgia in his eyes clearly visible.

Beside him, while Scott was flying the fighter plane, he was also secretly observing Xu Yue's expression with the rest of the light. After noticing the emotions revealed in the other person's eyes, although he did not speak, he couldn't help but feel that the other person came from the future. I feel a little more convinced,

The fighter plane slowly sank into the passage, and the castle scenery in front of it was gradually covered with monotonous metallic silver. After more than ten breaths, the fighter plane shook slightly, and the hum of the engine in the ears finally calmed down.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the professor now. I hope what you say is true."

After saying this, Scott unbuckled the seat belt on his seat, stood up and walked quickly towards the cabin door, followed closely by Xu Yue.

Walking out of the hatch, a semi-circular underground space immediately comes into view. The space is made of metal on all sides and is a dull silver color. It looks quite monotonous. The only eye-catching part is a stone leaning against the exit. A female mutant, she is the most eye-catching bright spot in the room.

The silver-white ear-length short hair and wheat-colored skin form a very obvious contrast, but it is not abrupt. The strong aura surrounding the other party enables her to perfectly control this combination. Compared with her beauty and ugliness, her appearance is The surging elemental fluctuations that faintly spread out of the body are even more worthy of Xu Yue's attention.

Seeing the two people walking out of the cabin one after another, the female mutant not far away quickly came over to greet them.

"Scott, I'm glad you're finally stepping out of the room."

As she spoke, she first warmly hugged Scott, who was in the front, and then looked at Xu Yue in the rear. With a well-placed smile on her face, she stretched out her right hand and introduced herself:

"Ororo Monroe."

Ororo Monroe, nicknamed Storm, has the ability to manipulate the weather. Some tribes in Africa even believe in her as a god. She can summon and control extreme natural forces such as heavy rain, thunder, tornadoes, etc. at will. In the X-Men It may not be said that he has the strongest combat power, but he must have the greatest appearance, and his potential is not even weaker than that of the professor.

Faced with Storm's overtures, Xu Yue behaved quite gently, stretched out his hand to shake her hand, and responded in the same deep voice:


After the two introduced each other, the ordinary Scott continued:

"Ororo, the professor is waiting for us, it's time to go."

The tone was very calm, but the urgency in her words was not concealed. Storm gave Scott a strange look. From the moment she stepped off the fighter plane, she noticed the change in her companion, and the sadness in her eyebrows disappeared. Quite often, what emerges is a faint feeling of excitement.

‘Is it because of this fire? ’

Her eyes were once again placed on Xu Yue in front of her. She was quite curious about the origin of this mutant who was specially invited by the professor, so after seeing the fighter plane landing, she came to greet him as soon as possible.

But since Scott was eager to take him to meet the professor, she didn't ask too much. Anyway, the day was long, so there was no need to rush. She gave Xu Yue a hearty smile, and Storm turned around to lead the way.

"Then let's go. The professor should be teaching on the second floor at this time. I will take you there."

After saying that, the three of them, with Storm as the leader, quickly walked towards the exit, leaving the room where the jet fighter was parked. Outside, there were metal corridors extending in all directions. On both sides of the corridor, there were neatly arranged rows of 'X' shapes engraved on the surface. Decorated round door.

The location they are currently in is the underground space of the academy, which is also the main area used by the X-Men for training, research, and parking equipment. Even the professor's brainwave enhancement device is placed in this space.

If the castle on the surface is a warm academy for all mutant students, then the metal space underground is the X-Men's war-ready arsenal. The former represents the hope of a vibrant future, while the latter represents the cold and harsh current situation.

Therefore, the overall decoration style of the underground space is cold metallic silver-gray, which is so incompatible with the elegant and artistic castle on the surface.

Along the way, Scott remained taciturn and frowned, but Storm would chat with Xu Yue from time to time and briefly introduce the entire layout of X Academy.

Soon, the three of them took the elevator and arrived inside the castle. The cold silvery gray disappeared, and instead the warm wooden luster emerged. Compared to the cold underground space, this classical castle was undoubtedly more ornamental.

But now was obviously not the time to visit, so without too much delay, they went straight to the professor's location on the second floor.

Soon, as a mahogany door was gently pushed open by Storm, the sound of teaching inside stopped abruptly, and Xu Yue also saw Professor Charles again after a long absence.

He still has the familiar bald look, but he is obviously much younger. The lonely and old atmosphere around him no longer exists. Instead, he reveals a rich gentle and elegant temperament, which makes it easy for people to get close to him.

The professor in "Wolverine 3" was 97 years old, and he was suffering from illness and tragic fate, so he would naturally look very old. However, the current professor is only 74 years old. Although he is already considered to be in his seventies, he is still energetic. Strong and full of energy.

Compared with humans, mutants are indeed much better in all aspects. Even if all kinds of extraordinary abilities are removed, their physique, life span, and even intelligence are generally superior to humans. This is an indisputable fact.

In the room, seven or eight mutant students were seated casually, while the professor was sitting behind a heavy desk. He noticed Xu Yue's careful gaze. He smiled gently at Xu Yue, then closed the black book on the desk and spoke loudly. road:

"That's it for today. Remember the biology report next Monday. We can dismiss now."

"Goodbye, Professor!"

"Goodbye, Professor!"

In saying goodbye one after another, all the mutant students in the room began to pack up their belongings and leave in an orderly manner. When passing Storm and Scott at the door, they also greeted them politely. As for Xu Yue, what he got There are only pairs of eyes full of curiosity and meaning.

After a while, the originally noisy room returned to calm. The professor's eyes swept over the three people at the door, and finally landed on Xu Yue, who was in the center of the three people. The look in his eyes was particularly deep.

"Scott, Ororo, you should go out first, Mr. Xinhuo and I have something important to discuss."

"Okay, Professor."

Storm agreed very simply, but after Scott hesitated for a moment, he was forcibly dragged away by Storm. Soon, only the professor and Xu Yue were left in the huge room.

"Sit down, be casual. Are you Chinese? Do you want a cup of tea? I have black tea from the East. It may not be authentic, but it tastes good."

"Thanks, Professor, but it won't be necessary for now."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Xu Yue, who knew the professor's nature well, was not polite. Instead, he stepped forward and sat down opposite the professor unceremoniously.

Their eyes met, the professor blinked, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point. Can you show me that strange chain again?"


As soon as he finished speaking, a milky white translucent chain flew out from Xu Yue's fingers and landed obediently in front of the professor.

However, the spiritual chain that was supposed to be inaccessible to the physical body was directly grasped by the professor in the next second. He rubbed the chain in his hand, and a faint white luster appeared in his eyes.

"The essence is indeed my mental barrier, but to this extent, it has broken away from the limitations of the barrier."

While speaking, the professor raised his eyes to look at Xu Yue in front of him, with a somewhat gratified look on his face.

"If you are indeed my future student, then it is obvious that you have blazed your own path and done a great job."

Sincere praises rang out in the room, and Xu Yue felt a little dazed. The professor sitting behind the desk seemed to be rapidly overlapping with the professor in his memory who was lying on the bed with blood flowing from his chest.

Twitching the corner of his mouth slightly, he said softly:

"The mind space and barrier helped me a lot, so...thank you!"

"The purpose of establishing an academy is to enable a new generation of mutants to move towards a brighter future."

"Then Xinhuo, why did you come here from the future timeline?"

"To save, save you, and the entire mutant race."

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