"Black dragon?"

In the ruined battlefield, Xu Yue looked up, his dark eyes glowed faintly. After multiple enhancements, his normal vision has been improved to a rather exaggerated degree. Just by concentrating slightly, the scene in the distance of the sky is constantly enlarged in his vision, as if it is close at hand.

A nearly ten-meter-long black dragon is soaring and circling in the sky. The dragon has a hideous appearance, with bone spurs all over its body, especially the bone spurs on the top of its head, which is faintly like a crown. There is a thick dragon horn on the top of the crown, which is sharp and straight into the sky.

Although its size has shrunk by more than ten times, its appearance is almost the same as that of the world-destroying black dragon Karas in the Dragon Valley world.

Without asking too much, he can guess the specific origin of this black dragon. It is nothing more than the dragon scale heavy armor he sold to the Death Bell Adventure Group before.

This armor allows the user to transform into a dragon beast. Although the strength after the transformation is far less than that of a real black dragon, it is a well-deserved transformation move at a low stage, which can bring extremely terrifying attribute enhancements to the user.

Under the control of Afu, in order to clear all the dangerous mutants in Cairo, the Egyptian military dispatched an entire annihilator regiment for coordinated operations, with a total of 36 armed fighters.

Now at least one-third of the fighters are working together to encircle and suppress the black dragon, but unfortunately the results are not ideal. Relying on its agile flight advantage and strong defense, the black dragon is almost suppressing more than a dozen armed fighters, and from time to time there are broken fighters that have completely lost power and fall straight from the sky.

Since the start of the war, the number of fighters lost under the claws of the black dragon is no less than ten fingers.

"It's much stronger than I expected before. Tsk, I'm a bit of a loss for 120,000."

Looking at the chaotic battlefield in the sky, Xu Yue sighed and murmured in a low voice. The prerequisite for transforming into a dragon beast is to have dragon blood, so he has not experienced the specific power of this equipment after getting it. Now, judging from the performance of the black dragon, the 120,000 yuan that he once thought was a sky-high price is not high, and it can even be considered a bit cheap.

After roughly evaluating the black dragon's combat power, he retracted his sight, condensed a Jiuli battle flag and handed it to Ah Fu beside him, and said.

"I'll deal with the black dragon, you take Taotie to surround and kill the remaining surviving contractors. Even if you can't kill them, you have to drive them out of Cairo."


After speaking, the red prison arm armor on Xu Yue's right arm quietly emerged. He stretched out his hand and a large amount of blood automatically gushed out of the horn carving corpse on the ground. After being refined and condensed, he absorbed it all into the gourd.

After Chiyu returned, the blood of this strong man was very useful to him. It could not only recover from injuries and strengthen attributes, but also continuously improve the quality of Chiyu's armor. He would not waste it.

In fact, in addition to killing enemies to obtain blood, he was also collecting blood from various strong men within the X-Men. With the professor's approval, it was not difficult to use Chiyu's ability to painlessly collect a small amount of blood every once in a while. It was considered as voluntary blood donation. Anyway, a little bit makes a lot. He was very patient about it. The constant characteristics of the Qiankun Gourd allowed the blood to be stored indefinitely.

Putting the gourd back into the space, the metal wings behind him spread out. In the whistling hurricane, Xu Yue had already taken off the ground with the feast fire generated by burning horn carvings, and flew quickly towards the direction of the black dragon in the distance.

On the spot, Ah Fu took out the puppet of the black-footed cat and threw it at the Jiuli battle flag standing on the side. Soon both disappeared, and a ferocious beast with a tiger body, sheep horns, and claws and teeth appeared instead.

This black-footed giant cat given by the queen ant is very suitable to be the material carrier of Taotie, so before leaving the mysterious island, he deliberately asked Ah Fu to puppetize the black-footed cat and take it away from the world. The Taotie after the combination of the two is definitely the strongest among all puppets.

"Master Taotie, it's time to have a big meal."



In the sky above Cairo, the bombardment of aircraft cannons and the high-pitched dragon roars mixed with each other, stirring the entire airspace into an extremely boiling state.

More than a dozen armed fighters were arranged in a trapezoidal distribution, and the aircraft cannons under the fuselage were continuously blazing, forming a dense rain of gunfire, which was constantly attacking the black dragon in the center of the siege.

However, the aircraft cannons that can be invincible even when facing heavy tanks now seem particularly powerless when facing this black dragon. The opponent's ability to fly and turn in the air is too flexible, and the defense is even more exaggerated. After several sieges, there are still few results.

The wide flesh wings tore through the airflow, and the black dragon only slightly deflected the dragon tail at the back, and the whole dragon body drew a thrilling and beautiful arc, perfectly avoiding the metal storm from all sides.

Even if a small amount of depleted uranium ammunition hit the scales on the back or the flesh membrane of the dragon wings, it could only leave a few black spots, and even the dragon scales could not be broken.

After transforming into a black dragon, the biggest improvement it has gained is this extreme dragon scale defense. Except for a small piece of flesh on the chest without protection, the densely arranged dragon scales are almost all over the body.

This special scale not only has a high amount of physical resistance, but also has a very high reduction effect on various elements. It is the biggest reliance of the black dragon to dare to fight more than ten fighters alone.

Every minute and every second of the transformation, it has an unparalleled sense of pleasure, but at the same time, the violent and destructive desire to destroy everything in its heart is also accumulating rapidly, and constantly eroding its reason.

The huge dragon's eyes were filled with ferocious light. The black dragon let out a long groan and suddenly raised its body. While dodging the bullets, the dragon's body also quickly drew an approximate 'Ω'-shaped flying arc, intending to avoid it. To launch an attack from behind the fighter plane, for the proud dragon clan, blindly escaping is an absolute shame. Only cruel destruction is the best response to the enemy.

Seeing the chased black dragon change direction, the fighter plane formation behind also changed its flight path simultaneously. They must always ensure that the target is within their locking range.

Unfortunately, in terms of pure flight speed, the two sides may be almost the same, but compared to their agility in flight, the relatively bulky fighter planes cannot defeat the Dragon Clan as the overlord of the sky.

A few seconds later, the Black Dragon left the range of the fighter aircraft's cannon, detoured behind and above the column of fighters, and aimed at an armed fighter plane lagging behind and pounced fiercely.

In terms of size alone, the armed fighter is almost twice as large as the Black Dragon, but its combat power is not determined by its size alone. This behemoth, which is made entirely of steel, can be as powerful as a sharp claw as long as the Black Dragon can get close to it smoothly. A large, delicate and fragile toy.

There is no need to cause too much damage at all. The Black Dragon only needs to aim at one wing of the fighter plane and grab it with all his strength. As one wing is torn to pieces by it like brittle paper, the unbalanced fighter plane can only roll powerlessly from high altitude. come down.

With only one wing, even a safe landing is a luxury. Emergency parachuting is the only option. As for how many casualties the fighter will cause after it crashes into the city below, that is not a question that the pilot still has the energy to think about. .

Easily disposing of a fighter plane, Black Dragon's movements did not stop. He finally got close, and he would not let go of this great opportunity. Purple mist filled the gap between his sharp teeth, and he turned his head towards another fighter plane not far away. Just spray out with a breath of dragon flame.

The raging purple dragon flames surged, and the armed fighter that was hit from the front had no resistance. First, the metal shell on the body dissolved instantly, and then several air-to-ground missiles hanging under the wings on both sides were directly detonated by the high temperature. The entire aircraft The fighter jet exploded on the spot.

Deafening explosions resounded throughout the sky. The power produced by the explosion of multiple missiles together with the fighter planes was quite exaggerated. The surging sea of ​​fire enveloped hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, completely engulfing the Black Dragon Company and an approaching fighter plane. .

Not long after, another fireball exploded in the sky. In just a few seconds, three fighter planes fell one after another. However, their sacrifices also bought precious breathing time. The remaining intact fighters began to disperse quickly and adjust their directions. Aiming at the sea of ​​​​fire that has not dissipated in the sky.

When the remaining flames were torn apart by the hurricane set off by the dragon wings, the somewhat embarrassed black dragon had just flown out of the sea of ​​​​fire. What caught its eyes was no longer the metal storm of the aircraft cannon, but a dozen or so waves attacking from all directions. Various missiles, large and small.

‘Gan! ’

Having experienced the power of missiles, the black dragon's breath was stagnant, and even the pupils occupied by the desire for destruction briefly regained their clarity. If it was really hit by these twelve missiles at the same time, even if it did not die, it would be seriously injured and out of the dragon state. end.

Must be avoided!

Without hesitation, the black dragon opened its sharp teeth and spit out a large amount of dragon flames in an attempt to detonate the missile in advance, while quickly diving downwards to avoid the main damage.

The next second, a continuous roar spread throughout Cairo, and the spreading flames caused countless residents in the city to look out in panic, and then ran away in fear, looking for bunkers to escape.

After a long time, the black dragon with tattered dragon wings flew out of the sea of ​​fire again. Most of the missile bombardment just now was avoided by it. Although it still failed to defeat the dragon scale defense, the ferocious impact of the explosion center still caused serious injuries to its internal organs. At the same time, The corrosiveness of the Dragon Scale Armor to itself has also shot up to over 70.

This is a very dangerous signal. Once the corrosion degree reaches 100, it will never be able to take off the armor and can only live with an ugly half-dragon image. There may even be the world-destroying black dragon Kara hidden in the armor. The risk of losing his body and the possibility of life worse than death came to mind, irritating it until its eyes turned red.

We must fight quickly, destroy these annoying bugs as quickly as possible, and then find a place to sleep and repair the injuries. No, take off the armor, damn it! The erosion is getting deeper and deeper.


Pain and pleasure were mixed in the dragon's roar. The dragon wings on its back flapped vigorously, and the black dragon shot out at a speed several times faster than before. As the degree of erosion increased, its flight speed and flexibility also became stronger, almost After an irregular turn and dodge, he broke away from the fighter's lock and got close to him quite smoothly.

The successive failures of the two deadly weapons, aircraft cannon and missiles, turned the fighter planes that were behind them almost completely into lambs to be slaughtered.

Breathing dragon flames, tearing with sharp claws, lashing with whip tail... the black dragon attacks in various ways, and every time it can easily destroy an armed fighter plane that cannot dodge.

Every time a thunder exploded in the sky, a large number of complete or scattered fighter plane wreckage fell down, exploding into balls of fireballs in the city below, causing serious casualties and chaos in these battles. Gradually, it began to spread outward, until most of Cairo was dragged into the flames of war.

In the city below, two figures were hiding in the shadows of the alleys, looking up from afar at the black dragon that was constantly chasing the fighter planes in the sky.

The current situation has turned into a one-sided massacre. Even if the armed fighter planes have a huge numerical advantage, facing the Black Dragon that has increased in speed, they can only disperse and escape, and it is difficult to even escape.

It was clear that the Black Dragon had the absolute upper hand, but the expressions of the two people in the shadows of the alley became increasingly gloomy.

"Hogg is hopeless. The dragon's erosion has reached an advanced stage, and it is impossible for him to escape from the battle in a short period of time. Even if he survives in the end, he will become a madman who only knows destruction."

Some words of regret came from the mouth of the figure at the back. His eyes were not only on the black dragon raging in the sky, but also on the other armed fighters from all over Cairo that were approaching the black dragon one after another.

Even if the Black Dragon destroys this batch in the sky, there are still more armed fighters in Cairo City that can continue to join the battlefield, and they can survive or die by just refueling tactics.

In front of the figure, Feng Ying, whose face was hidden in the darkness and could not be seen clearly, did not speak, but his clenched fists expressed his emotions well.

As the leader of the Deathstroke Adventure Group, he can naturally see the current situation clearly, but the clearer he becomes, the angrier he becomes.

Hogg is the true form of the black dragon in the sky. In order to cultivate this monster, he invested millions of paradise coins in resources, not to mention various precious passive skills, just the dragon scale battle as the core A, after spending 120,000 paradise coins to buy it, he added a number of enhancements to it, and enhanced it to a +12 level in the equipment enhancement hall.

But after paying so much price one after another, it was now inexplicably destroyed in the city of Cairo, which should have been without any threat. This made his anger almost burn through his reason.

Although he didn't know why the Egyptian military would dispatch such an exaggerated lineup to kill them accurately, even if he thought about it, Feng Ying could guess that there must be a contractor behind this.

Thinking of this, his eyes became even more angry.

"Don't let me know who you are, otherwise I will use all my strength to kill you!"

Feng Ying said this with gritted teeth and chills in his bones. This time he came to Cairo to look for Tianqi and only brought four members with him. The rest of the large army was looking for forces in the Americas to join.

It was originally an additional exploration attempt, and it was said that the danger was not great, but they never expected that the sudden attack would cause them such heavy damage.

Two auxiliary members responsible for communication and exploration died on the spot in the first wave of bombings. In order to tear apart the encirclement, Hogg had no choice but to transform into a black dragon to distract the main force of the army, and ultimately ended up both dead and crazy.

Now the only ones who have a chance to survive are him and another member codenamed Laojiao.

"Captain, while the main force of the fighters is now attracted to Hogg, we must leave Cairo immediately. The mastermind behind the attack can only be for Apocalypse. As long as we escape the siege and join the main force of the team, we will always have a chance to take revenge."

Laojiao's voice of admonishment came from behind. Feng Ying heard the words and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart. He was about to nod and leave, but the movement of lowering his eyes suddenly stopped, and he saw a bunch of golden and red fire flying straight towards the sky. The black dragon is still killing the fighter planes.

If you look carefully, you can clearly see a figure with metal wings on his back in the firelight.

"Oh it's you!"

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