Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 349: Surrounding and Killing in Alley

In the alley, Feng Ying stared at the golden red flowing fire in the sky, rushing to the battlefield, with hatred in his eyes.

Although due to the distance, he could not really see the specific appearance of the figure inside Flowing Fire, but the two characteristics of pure Yangyan and metal wings were enough to indicate the identity of the visitor.

Thanks to the fermentation of the furnace forging shop and soul-melting equipment, Xu Yue is well-known in Paradise City, and all the information about him is not considered secret, whether it is his powerful forging ability or his commonly used combat methods. , are widely circulated.

Feng Ying, who had made a deal with Xu Yue, deliberately collected detailed information about the other party after the transaction, so after seeing these two extremely obvious characteristics, he immediately knew the specific identity of the person who came. identity.

He was not so naive as to think that Xu Yue rushed to the battlefield to rescue Hogg. If it was not to help, he would have to participate in the interception.

Since he dared to rush into the battlefield when the two sides were fighting, it was self-evident which camp the other party was in. In this attack on all contractors in Cairo, even if Xu Yue was not the mastermind, he was an extremely important cooperator. By.

"Very good. I bought the Dragon Scale Heavy Armor from you, but it was destroyed by you in the end. I will remember you."


The open world is a chaotic battlefield of intrigues and deceptions. Feng Ying often plots against others, so it is normal for others to plot against him now.

But as long as the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes can be known, it is not certain who will gain and who will lose. The world has just begun, and he has enough time to regain his position.

As for the identity of the opponent's forging master, it may be a shock in Paradise City where the use of force is prohibited, but in the derivative world where the jungle is strong, this identity will only arouse greater greed. If the opponent can be completely enslaved through a contract, then not only will this time Instead of losing money, you can actually make a lot of money.

However, the first prerequisite for all this planning is to escape from the meat grinding ground in Cairo. After taking a deep look at the man and the dragon who were already fighting in Tianji, Feng Ying gave a low drink and turned to leave.

Deep darkness overflowed from his body, and the old cellar behind him did the same. After the darkness completely enveloped his body, the black light flashed, and both of them disappeared in the alley.

Both of them use an ability called shadow jumping, which is efficient and invisible, and is most suitable for use in cities with intricate buildings. It is precisely because of this that when the black dragon actively attracted most of the attention, Only then could they quietly escape the encirclement and suppression of the army.

The Deathstroke Adventure Group specializes in intelligence, assassination, exploration and other businesses. Most of the members in the group are assassins, thieves, dark magicians, etc. This method of manipulating shadows is very common in the entire adventure group.

It is precisely because the homogenization is too serious that Feng Ying will cultivate a black dragon Hogg who is excellent in both power attack and tank tanking at all costs. But unfortunately, all the past efforts will be ruined today. This is also the main reason why he is so angry.

In place, the figures of Feng Ying and the two men had just disappeared, and the darkness deep in the alley rippled again. A ferocious beast with horns on its head slowly walked out of the darkness, with two red as carbon-like eyes. The pupils looked towards the place where the shadow fluctuations appeared not long ago, and their eyes were full of greed that chose people to eat.

A scarlet tongue poked out of the black hole in the throat, and it licked the sharp teeth in its mouth. The black fur all over its body trembled for a while, and then disappeared without a trace.

As the carrier of the Taotie, the black-footed cat is born with many passive abilities such as darkness concealment, shadow perception, and night hunting. After being strengthened by the Taotie's split soul, these abilities have become more terrifying.

It is the most terrifying hunter in the jungle, and today's Cairo is a chaotic steel jungle. As a hunter, Taotie is like a fish in water. It enjoys the feeling of hunting and preying.


The sun was setting in the west. Not too long had passed since the outbreak of the war, but the area affected by the war was rapidly expanding.

Contractors with various strange methods emerging one after another are not meat on the chopping board. After all the weak ones died in the first round of bombing raids, the remaining ones are all experienced and difficult guys. They are strong, cautious and cunning. characteristics they share.

Relying on the complex and chaotic environment of the ancient city of Cairo, they moved around to fight back and evade. While inflicting heavy losses on the human army, they also spread the flames of war from more than ten fixed ambush points to the entire Cairo.

So far, nearly half of the tens of thousands of human troops have been lost, and the number of civilians killed and injured by the war is more than ten times. The damage is very tragic, but the results are equally great. As the strangulation continues, there are still people in the city. The number of surviving Contractors is declining at a slow but steady rate.

Especially after Xu Yue took action to block the black dragon, a large number of armed fighters were finally able to get rid of the entanglement and began to devote their main energy to the encirclement and bombing of the fleeing contractors.

The change in the main attack direction of the fighter planes has increased the pressure on the remaining contractors, and even the idea of ​​​​escape from the ancient city of Cairo is changing.

Relying on numerous bunkers and people in the city, it is still possible to fight against guerrillas, but once you reach the desert plains outside the city, it is really impossible to survive.

On the west side of Cairo, three armed fighter planes were approaching a high-rise building in the city below in an encirclement and suppression manner. After blocking the predetermined distance, without any hesitation, three air-to-ground missiles struck directly through the air.

A few seconds later, the entire high-rise building collapsed in a violent explosion, like a small earthquake. The surrounding ground shook endlessly as the huge building fell. Boiling smoke and flames enveloped countless despair in the ruins. The dying cries formed a huge black and red mushroom cloud rising into the sky.

The mighty shock wave spread outwards. Wherever the air wave hit, cars neighed, people screamed, broken glass fragments fell, and soon the crowds of people around them dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, a rather embarrassed contractor suddenly jumped out of the smoke, but as soon as he emerged, he was greeted by a metal storm formed by the cross firing of three aircraft cannons. Densely packed depleted uranium bombs poured down like a heavy rain, sealing the area. With all the space available for dodge, after struggling for more than ten breaths, the contractor finally turned into a puddle of indiscernible flesh and blood in the rain of death.

The scene was so tragic that Feng Ying and the two men hiding in the shadows were frightened when they saw it in the distance. In order to strangle a contractor, the army directly ignored hundreds of civilians in the high-rise building, turning them all into targets in the annihilation plan. Burial objects, this cruel method made the two of them frightened.

What really frightened them was not the tragic scene when the contractor died, but the desperate and decisive attitude of the army. If nuclear bombs could be mobilized, Feng Ying had no doubt that the military would directly launch nuclear bombs and destroy the entire ancient city of Cairo together with the contracts inside. They were destroyed together.

Of course, this situation is basically impossible to happen, but the army responsible for the annihilation plan is indeed on the verge of madness. No matter what the reason for the war is, when the losses are so tragic, the military has no way out. The casualties of tens of thousands of civilians are irreparable. Now they can only go all the way to the dark side, annihilate all the unstable elements in Cairo as quickly as possible, and finally put the blame on these irrefutable dead people.

As for the losses, there are too many lice but it doesn't itch. To put it bluntly, whether there are 50,000 casualties or 100,000 casualties, it makes no difference to the current military. It is nothing more than a mistake or a more wrong one.

But as long as the annihilation plan can be successfully completed, these dead civilians and soldiers will become heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the just war of completely destroying the mutant terrorist organization, and the military can also rely on public opinion to calmly transfer hatred and reduce losses. All transformed into merit.

The logic of the military's behavior is not difficult to guess. At least for someone like Feng Ying, who has been wandering in the dark areas all year round, his attitude alone is enough to figure out the opponent's ultimate goal. Anyone who participates in this war of annihilation will , the military will not let anyone go.

Looking at the ruins of high-rise buildings with bloodstains and raging fire not far away, Feng Ying looked gloomy and uncertain. Under the current situation, the Egyptian military would definitely strictly control the outer edges of the ancient city. Anyone who tried to escape from the ancient city of Cairo would suffer. to the most devastating blow.

"Captain, do we still want to retreat towards the edge of Cairo?"

It was obvious that Laojiao in the rear now understood the current situation and was a little hesitant.

Hearing this, Feng Ying closed his eyes slightly, a hint of physical pain flashed in his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said:

"Staying in Cairo means waiting for death. There is no other choice. Don't worry, I have a long-distance teleportation item in my hand. As long as we can successfully reach the edge of Cairo, we can teleport away directly."

After a few words of conversation, darkness spread around the two of them and disappeared again. In a corner that they did not observe, a pair of scarlet beast eyes had quietly locked onto the direction in which they were flickering away.

A moment later, the two Feng Ying, who flashed several times in a row, suddenly appeared in the shadow of a dilapidated alley. The ability of shadow jumping is very strong, but the corresponding mana consumption is also very high. Today's Cairo city is full of dangers, and they must always Make sure your mana is in a full state, so even if you want to speed up, you have to stop for a few minutes every once in a while to restore your mana.

The first task after emerging from the shadows was to explore the surrounding environment and look around. After confirming that the terrain was remote and there were no enemies nearby, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief and settled down.

The current army is a hornet's nest in a state of frenzy. As long as they attract the attention of any one of them, they will be bombarded by countless ammunition and artillery fire. The puddle of minced meat not long ago can still be vividly remembered, even if If it were them, they would have no choice but to run away in confusion in the face of a metal storm that covered an extremely wide area.

"Laojiao, how long until we reach the edge of the city?"

"With at most two consecutive jumps, we should be able to reach it."

Looking at the holographic map of Cairo projected by the machine in his hand, Lao Jiao roughly evaluated the distance that each shadow jump could cover, and finally came up with a more accurate answer.

Hearing this, Feng Ying, who was looking up, nodded lightly.

"Well, let's take a three-minute break, let's..."

Before they could finish their words, the ground beneath their feet suddenly shattered, and a thick black horn broke out of the ground, with the sharp tip pointed directly at Feng Ying's heart.

As early as the moment when the strange movement came from the ground, the two of them noticed it and jumped away to the left and right. However, the thrust of the thick horn was too fast. Feng Ying had just jumped into the air and had not yet landed. The tip of the horn was far away from the ground. The skirt of the clothes on his chest was already close at hand, and the air flow caused by it hit the skin of his heart first, causing fine goosebumps to appear immediately.

The fatal crisis came quietly, but Feng Ying showed no panic at all. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes. At the same time, a deep dagger quietly appeared in his right hand. Just when the tip of the horn was about to touch the skirt of his clothes, the dagger in his hand was already It came from behind and collided with the side of the collision angle, causing sparks to fly.

The sparks disappeared fleetingly in mid-air, and as the dagger passed straight across, the half-cut horn flew out, and Feng Ying was able to use the force to jump far away, out of the attack range of the collision horn.

On the other side, although the main target of the collision angle attack was Feng Ying, the dung beetles following the collision angle attacked indiscriminately. The huge giant insects suddenly jumped out of the ground, which caused the surrounding ground to be destroyed for several meters. They all disintegrated, and a large amount of rubble was thrown up and scattered outward like bullets. The affected Laojiao took several steps back before he was able to escape from the danger range.

Just as his feet stood still, before he could take a breath, there was another subtle noise from behind. Although the sound was slight, a sense of fatal crisis that seemed to kill him in the next second exploded in his heart.

His pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhead, and he quickly turned his head sideways, and what he saw in front of him was a hole in the darkness.


The upper and lower sharp teeth closed together and made a crisp sound, and Laojiao's good head fell into endless darkness.


Opposite the dung beetle that had completely protruded from the ground, the half-cut corner was firmly inserted into the wall beside the alley. A dull sound echoed, and Feng Ying, who had easily avoided the attack, finally landed on his feet.

Looking past the giant dung beetle in front of him that almost filled the entire alley, through the gaps between the insect's feet, he saw the very familiar headless corpse in a pool of blood. Feng Ying was stunned for a moment, and then stared. Bloody color permeates the middle.

Eyes overflowing with murderous intent rose up, and he looked towards the right side of the alley to the ram-shaped, glutton-like beast squatting on the stone wall. The creature looked leisurely, and as its jaws continued to move, a terrifying chewing sound began in the alley. Spreading, a pair of animal eyes as red as carbon looked down condescendingly.

With their eyes facing each other, Feng Ying could clearly see the strong appetite in those beast eyes, which was aimed at his appetite.

"summon monster……"

Even without taking action, he could clearly feel the strong sense of threat coming from this strange beast. He suppressed the surging murderous intention in his heart, Feng Ying lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Friend, how about paying for your life? Five hundred thousand paradise coins let me go! I can sign a contract and guarantee that there will be no retaliation."

"I am the leader of the Deathstroke Adventure Group. If I take action, I will transfer all the property in the savings space to the adventure group space as quickly as possible. Even if you get my bloody card, you will not gain any benefit."

"Besides, I am a subordinate team of the Blood Sect. Killing me will not do any good, and it will inevitably arouse the hostility of the Blood Sect. The gain outweighs the loss, isn't it?"

After calmly stating the pros and cons, Feng Ying made no move, just quietly waiting for the reply from the man in the dark.

He is not afraid of these two summoned beasts, but rashly starting a war will do him no good. Failure to end the battle in a short period of time will inevitably lead to an army encirclement and suppression. Even if he kills these two summoned beasts quickly, he will not be able to hide it. As far as the summoner behind it is concerned, it does not pose any threat.

So even if he knew there was little hope, he would still try to buy his life in the safest way.

Unfortunately, when his words gradually faded away, there was still no response from the other party. Instead, the ferocious giant insect in front of him stepped on the ground with six legs, assuming a posture that was obviously about to start an attack.

He sighed softly in his heart, but his eyes flickered fiercely. If he wasn't ready to negotiate, then he would kill!


The ground in front of him was trampled to pieces by a huge force, and the dung beetle rolled over like a heavy-duty steamroller. Its huge size was put into perfect use in this narrow alley, directly blocking all Feng Ying's dodge space.

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