Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 350 The end comes

There was a muffled sound in the alley, and the dung beetle rushed towards Peiran with great momentum. Even if the collision angle above its head was missing, its ferocious momentum was not affected at all.

Faintly glancing at the giant insect that was approaching quickly in front of him, Feng Ying looked indifferent. This kind of summoned beast with brutal power but slow speed might have miraculous effects on dealing with those bulky tank barbarians or weak and fragile mages, but for him, For an assassin with full agility, it's not worth mentioning.

From the beginning to the end, the only thing he was afraid of was the horned beast that could instantly kill Lao Jiao. The other party was the real trouble. Of course, there was also the summoner who had been hiding behind the scenes.

He bent his legs slightly and exerted force. The moment the dung beetle had just approached, Feng Ying had already jumped out lightly, and in a flash, his figure appeared at the top of the collision angle at the front.

He lightly stepped on the corner with his right foot. After borrowing the force for the second time, Feng Ying's speed surged again. He easily jumped over the dung beetle that was rushing towards him. He turned into a black shadow and pounced towards the Taotie at the top of the wall. And go.

A bone-chilling murderous intention came towards him, and the corners of Taotie's mouth cracked open to reveal his thick white teeth. The stone wall on which it stood was crushed by the huge force, and it swooped down at a speed that was even better than its opponent.

A man and a beast were facing each other in mid-air. The former's sword was sharp, while the latter's claws were fierce. When the two sides were about to cross, the black light around Feng Ying's body rose sharply, and then he disappeared instantly on the spot.

After reappearing, he had quietly moved to Taotie's back, and quickly raised the dagger in his hand, pointing the blade directly at the back of the target's neck.

For all spinal creatures, the back of the neck is an absolute weakness. As long as the cervical vertebra can be cut off, the opponent will completely lose all mobility and become a pile of miserable flesh and blood that can be slaughtered.

However, reality is often much more rugged than imagined. Before the blade even touched the opponent's fur, the sound of howling wind came from behind him first. As if he had expected it, a black whip tail was aimed at Feng Ying's head. The back of the head was whipped hard.

Before the tail of the whip arrived, the hurricane had already torn the hair on the back of the head and made it hurt, leaving no doubt about the power of the blow.

Die together with a summoned beast? Feng Ying had no such idea at all, not to mention dying together, he would not be happy to exchange injuries for injuries. This way of death was comparable to Danzo sealing a bridge with his ultimate move.

He retracted the dagger in his hand decisively. At this time, it was already too late to turn around and defend. The black light spread quickly around him, and he jumped and disappeared again the moment before the whip tail came.

This time he appeared in the shadow cast by Taotie's culling, and did not approach rashly again. In the blink of an eye, several black lights flew out of his hands, aiming at the ram-horned beast, including the valley and throat. , many vital points including the abdomen.

The upright animal ears trembled slightly, and Taotie landed on the back of the dung beetle that had stopped charging. Then he quickly turned around and slapped it. His right paw slapped so fast that it left an afterimage like a rolling black flame in the air. , linger for a long time.

The clanking sound of metal was heard one after another, and the incoming black light was shot away one by one, falling everywhere in the alley, revealing its true form. They were matte diamond-shaped darts, with a touch of dangerousness on the edges on both sides. The deep purple color is obviously quenched from the poison.

Although Taotie's reaction could be considered lightning-fast, the process of turning around to defend still took a lot of time, so he did not block all the incoming hidden darts.

A severe pain like sulfuric acid corrosion came from its buttocks. It turned its head and looked back, only to see a dart inserted almost halfway into its rear buttocks. The dart was only hit by a few breaths, but the hair around the dart was already dry and falling off. , the flesh and blood turned purple and rotted, and a faint stench began to spread.

The poison on the dart was far beyond imagination. Just by turning its head, it felt that its entire hind legs had become paralyzed. Without any hesitation, Taotie's sharp teeth opened wide and its neck suddenly stretched out like a python. Long, with a 'click' sound, the sharp teeth closed together, and the dart at the rear hip was directly swallowed by it together with the large area of ​​flesh and blood around it.

In the alley, Feng Ying frowned slightly, and the steps he was about to take the opportunity to attack suddenly stopped. He could see clearly that after the alien beast's flesh and blood was bitten off, the injured area was not the normal blood splatter. Instead, strange wood chips were flying, as if the opponent's entire body was not made of flesh and blood, but a wooden puppet.

What the hell is this?

Feng Ying's face darkened. This guy was by no means a normal summoned beast. If the opponent's whole body could turn into wood, it meant that conventional vital attacks would be of little use against this strange beast. He glanced at Taotie Nabi. The huge body was still a size bigger, and he looked at the deep dagger about half a meter in his hand.


After just thinking for a moment, he gave up his plan to continue fighting. The black light flashed and disappeared directly.

That's right, he was going to run away. His previous proposal to buy his life failed to attract the secret summoner, and now he found that it was impossible to kill the two strange beasts on the opposite side in a short time, so naturally he would I am not prepared to continue to struggle.

On the other side, Taotie, who had physically solved the poisoning problem, quickly returned to his straight body, but looking around, he saw that Feng Ying had long since disappeared in the alley in front of him.

A trace of sarcasm flashed in the beast's eyes. It looked coldly at the large shadow deep in the alley. The black fur around its body squirmed. At the same time, its throat heaved and its sharp teeth opened wide.


The roar echoed continuously in the alley, like real sound waves surging outward. Wherever the waves hit, the surrounding shadows that were supposed to be invisible began to boil and sway like water under the impact of the sound waves. The next second, a figure appeared. Forced out of the shaking shadows.

The figure landed on the ground, staggered a few steps and quickly stood up. He raised his eyes and looked at the goat-horned beast not far away, which was still in a condescending posture, with a somewhat surprised and uncertain expression.

"Shadow manipulation?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several screams suddenly came from behind. The shadows around him were now in a state of agitation, so Feng Ying did not jump to dodge, but immediately turned sideways, and saw four sharp black and white spears coming through the air. .

The dagger in his hand was swung, and in an instant the sword light flashed across the sky, smashing all the incoming spears into pieces. The fragments of the broken spears hit the wall beside him, exploding into clouds of smoke and dust.

Feng Ying looked up in the direction of the attack. A porcupine in the distance that was magnified many times came into view. Beside the porcupine, there was a middle-aged man in a tuxedo.

‘I see you! ’

Nearly the same thoughts appeared in the minds of the two people at the same time. Their eyes met each other. As soon as murderous intent appeared in Feng Ying's eyes, his gaze instantly disappeared, and a beautiful woman's silhouette suddenly occupied all the fields of vision.

"not good!"

[The contractor is affected by the 'Monster Capture' and will undergo dual determinations of charm and will. 】

[Will determination...The determination is successful, you are immune to the mind capture effect. 】

[Charisma judgment is in progress... If the judgment fails, you will fall into a state of mental confusion, which will last for 2 seconds. During this period, the connection between the mind and the body will be forcibly disconnected. 】

[Tip: When the 'Resistance Ring' is in effect, the duration of negative status will be reduced by 50% and the mental confusion time will be shortened to 1 second. 】

[Tip: It is detected that the contractor is in an abnormal state, and the 'Ring of Guardian' takes effect passively, and a physical protective shield will be generated outside the body on its own. 】

A series of paradise prompts rang in his ears, but unfortunately Feng Ying, whose entire mind was occupied by the beautiful figure of the woman, did not respond to them.

Soon, a second flew by, and when his dilated pupils solidified again, a vicious wind hit his face from the right rear, and the pale white protective shield on the body surface had disintegrated into countless fragments and scattered under the bite of sharp teeth.

And in the center of the scattered debris, a black and vicious mouth was shrouding the head and face. The distance between the two sides was so close that he could even clearly smell the pungent wind that kept pouring into his nose.

‘Damn it! ’

Lao Jiao's headless corpse lying in a pool of blood flashed quickly in his mind. Feng Ying's pupils shrank suddenly. He clenched the dagger in his right hand and aimed it at the big black mouth in front of him as fast as he could in his life. At the same time, his body Lean back suddenly and exert force.

At this distance, it was no longer possible to avoid it completely by simply dodging. He could only bet that the brain was still the key point of this strange summoned beast, and then he could use the dagger to pierce it before the opponent closed its jaws. Upper jaw, crush the brain, thereby killing the opponent directly.

So, as if he had fallen into a trap, Feng Ying's right hand carried the shimmering sword blade and pierced Taotie's mouth straight away. However, as the distance went deeper, his complexion became more and more ugly. The right hand that penetrated into the mouth did not feel anything. The feeling of touch was blocked, as if he was penetrating an empty black hole instead of the mouth of a certain creature.


The next moment, Taotie's upper and lower sharp teeth interlocked, and the crisp sound was mixed with Feng Ying's muffled groan. In an instant, blood spattered, and his entire forearm was broken at the elbow.

Obviously, he lost the bet. There seemed to be a black hole in the other party's mouth, which directly blocked the path through the mouth to the brain. However, strictly speaking, Feng Ying was not at a loss. There was a brief pause when Taotie's sharp teeth closed. , he also took the opportunity to jump back and quickly widened the distance between him and the opponent.

Although he lost a hand, he successfully avoided this long-planned death raid.

A large amount of dark blood gurgled down from the cross section of his elbow, and soon formed a small pool of blood at his feet. Feng Ying, who was temporarily out of crisis, twitched at the corners of his eyes, and glanced at the chewing food on the left and right sides with his sinister eyes. Ah Fu, who was gluttonous and his eyes were filled with red light, glanced at the several armed fighters faintly visible in the sky, and then said in a deep voice:

"I remember your name is Alfred, right? That's good, I remember you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an ancient scroll quietly appeared in his hand and was crushed to pieces. The moment the scroll shattered, Feng Ying also turned into dots of starlight and disappeared without a trace.

In the alley, Taotie watched the prey disappear in front of his eyes with great interest. On the one hand, this kind of space teleportation prop was difficult to interrupt, so there was no need to waste efforts. On the other hand, it liked the process of chasing the prey very much, as long as it As long as the opponent is still within the range of Cairo, it cannot escape its pursuit. Moreover, the more intense the activity, the more delicious the flesh and blood will be.

After swallowing the last mouthful of flesh and blood, it roared at Ah Fu who was not far away, and disappeared into the shadows.

In the alley, Ah Fu took back the porcupine puppet beside him, walked slowly to the headless body in the old cellar, leaned over and picked up the scarlet card from the pool of blood. After doing all this, he turned the lying dung beetle into a He returned to put the puppet away, then turned and left.

The escaping Feng Ying has his own Taotie to hunt, and he has to rush to other battlefields. The chaos in this city should also come to an end.


In the sky above Cairo, when the siege in the alleys was over, the fight between one man and one dragon in the sky was still in full swing.


The violent roar of the dragon was mixed with the hot dragon flames, but as soon as a little bit of it came out, a huge Fangtian painted halberd hit the black dragon's jaw hard from bottom to top, causing it to absorb the remaining dragon flames. He swallowed it back alive.

Under the heavy blow, the dragon scales that could not be broken by the storm of depleted uranium bullets immediately fell apart. The violent roar turned into a mournful whimper, and the black dragon was whipped away by the halberd in the void.

After somersaulting in embarrassment, it regained its balance, shook its slightly dizzy head as if nothing had happened, roared again, flapped its broad dragon wings and pounced fiercely at Xu Yue, and then was caught again. Keep pumping away.

At a high altitude, Xu Yue looked helplessly at the black dragon below that had been repeatedly defeated. As the battle continued, the erosion gradually deepened and it began to get closer and closer to a brainless beast. Although its attributes continued to improve, The reaction is also more sensitive, but the attack becomes more and more unorganized, and the attack intention and attack route are easy to predict.

So a strange scene appeared. The black dragon's intimidation continued to increase, but Xu Yue dealt with it more and more easily. Often the opponent's killing action had just appeared, and he could predict the accurate route and dodge and counterattack in advance. It seemed that It was like the black dragon took the initiative to bump into his halberd and was whipped in turn.

The only problem now is that the opponent's defense is too hard, and as a dragon that uses dragon flames as its main attack method, its fire resistance is directly maxed out.

Therefore, whether it was whipping with Fang Tian's painted halberd or burning with pure Yang Yan, it would have little effect on the thick-skinned black dragon, and the damage caused would automatically recover after a few minutes.

As for attacking key points such as his eyes, back court, and chest defects, he had tried it during the battle. However, the black dragon's reaction was very sensitive and he was extremely vigilant about the key points of the body. After several attempts, he still failed. can work successfully.

So so far, delaying time has become the most effective way to deal with the black dragon. The energy consumption of transforming into the black dragon does not come from thin air, but comes from the contractor wrapped inside the dragon's body.

Although the current black dragon is very powerful, it is just like burning oil and flowers. It will not last long. When the energy of the internal contractor is exhausted, it will die instantly.

The strong wind howled, and the metal wings behind Xu Yue's back flashed hard, and he easily avoided the black dragon claw caught in front of him. At the same time, he swung the giant Fangtian painted halberd diagonally downwards that had been enlarged several times. , the end of the halberd wrapped in blazing flames just hit another claw that was grabbing brazenly.

The two collided, and it was like a substantial air wave spread outward from the collision point. The dragon's claws that were beaten to pieces retracted, and Xu Yue, who was slightly less powerful, was also thrown backwards by the huge force.

In a head-on confrontation, his strength is indeed inferior to that of the Black Dragon, but the advantage in weapons makes up for this flaw. After many confrontations, he only has some soreness in his arms, while the Black Dragon is covered in bruises, all thanks to his strong recovery power. Resist hard.

His body couldn't help but retreat in the air. After the force was almost exhausted, Xu Yue's back was filled with golden and red flames. He used the force of the recoil to stabilize his body instantly. He quickly raised his eyes and looked up, only to see a tree in front of him that was as big as the sky. The giant pillar-like dragon tail is coming towards us.

'good chance! ’

Seeing this, Xu Yue was not surprised but overjoyed. He retracted the halberd in his right hand and raised his left arm horizontally. A large amount of silver solution gushed out, forming a three-meter tower shield covered with negative Yue inscriptions in front of his left arm. , of course, from this height, it is not an exaggeration to say it is a high metal wall.

The tower shield was formed, and he did not wait for the dragon's tail to hit him. Instead, he flapped his wings and charged at the dragon's tail in front of him.

The distance between the two was quickly approaching as they clashed with each other. Black scales stood up on the dragon's tail, and a phantom of a mountain appeared out of thin air above the tower shield.


The violent roar caused by the impact stopped the clouds, and the dragon's tail and the mountain collided head-on in the center of the collapsed clouds, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

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